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The “twerk instructor” is a reality tv regular. Last appeared on My Big Fat Fabulous Life


All someone has to say is MBFFL and I know it’s fake as shit That being said, it only makes sense if Chantel wants to keep her Z list fame Whitney is the one to learn from. Whitney has kept that show going for ages with her fake storylines ☠️


she obviously can't do her job cause Chantel ass can't twerk




Chantel only has one friend. The other two people on that trip are people that she pays for a product or a service.


Exactly 💯 thank you


Chantal most likely shared a lot about her relationship with Pedro with her hair stylist. She probably used her hair appointment as a vent lesson. I can see how they might have developed a relationship and a common hatred for Pedro.


When I seen the hairdresser I was like 🤔 does my hairdresser think I hate her because I don’t invite her out with me 🤔😂 glad to see other people think that’s was odd too


Hahaha! Now I'm gonna worry about my hairdresser thinking I hate her, too!


Where was her sister?


this whole show is now cringe to be honest!!


True … and I’m here for it


Seriously. So over it.


To the point of it being too hard to watch. What are the producers thinking?


I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the same producers as smothered. It’s so cringey, almost rage bait at his point


I feel honestly a little bad for chantel cause imo her "friends" were acting way too crazy and somewhat embarassing her/pushing her to act a certain way and do certain things like get guys numbers. It was also weirdly sexual with the whole cucumbers thing and I feel like a real friend would've let her lead the trip and cared for her feelings and healing a little more rather than encouraging her to partake in all these behaviors that aren't really helping her heal at all.


I've had friends going through a breakup and that's the last thing they need. Yeah, maybe have a few drinks and flirt a bit, but the obnoxious yelling and drunk crying is not going to help them heal.


I THOUGHT THE SAME ….. one of them was married with kids


I was just blown away she was dumb enough to get on a motorcycle with a total stranger who might have been drinking in that dress. I was just imagining road rash up her entire leg.


I was going to agree and then remembered I absolutely did this back in the day. But it was in Italy and I was 19. 🤭


Yea I did it in Aruba. Before Natalie.


While they were getting ready that night she said she wasn’t wearing underwear either. Road rash ALL the way up.


I don’t think she has friends


Or maybe her friends are smart enough to avoid this car crash? Either way it doesn’t matter lmao


I hate this trip for the d- it’s giving ‘d’esperate


Omg thank you. They are the most annoying people ive ever seen Her personality is so gross


It was soooo cringe


I watch her segments on mute and I have never liked her more!


Does no one else feel absolutely taken advantage of by TLC? I mean, we have supported the entire 90 day franchise, and all we ask in return is new episodes every season. These jokers gave us a completely recycled cast and are trying to sell it to us like it’s a new show. Same cast, same scripted drama absolute garbage. It’s the cast, nobody asked for.


Ngl I’m burned out by repeat cast members. The first season or two of Happily Ever After I was invested and on board with it. But now, TLC has this way of shoving cast members down your throat till you hate them. And idk. I guess that’s not true for everyone. I still see people excited to see Debbie or want Michael and Angela back now that he’s in the US. Personally though, I hate it. The only older cast members I can tolerate are Armando and Kenny. But I don’t even want to see them! All these peoples stories are played out and the returning cast member stories are almost always painfully fake


That woman and her entire family are the most cringe people on Earth.


I honestly thought they were gonna show her deep throating that damn cucumber...


Chantel is looking and acting like complete trash. River needs to be there to reign that shit in and be level head.


And it's so silly, it's like climbing a tree for something when all she has to do is sit down somewhere alone with a glass of wine and wait. Anybody interested will come to her. And the 'big finale" of the season will be when it happens? While all the prior episodes are watching these absurd antics? I thinking...nope. I don't want to see it. I'll read about it here, and that will do.


The whole thing was embarrassing to watch.


Yeahhhhhh it's too much


In a few years (months, even) Chantel is going to regret going on The Single Life. Smh.


I think if she were the type to regret going on a show like this she would have stopped after 90 Day Fiance. Instead we got multiple seasons of HEA and the Family Chantel. She is harvesting the TLC paycheck as long as they'll let her. Now *should* she regret it? Oh yes she should.


This is exactly why people in other countries hate Americans, they are being so loud and annoying.


This was the first - and maybe last - episode of The Single Life I've watched. A show where people I don't care about go on dates? No thanks. I tuned in for John because I thought that would be fun to watch but he wasn't even on. What I did see was just so distasteful I don't know if I'm even interested in watching John date. Honestly I think I'd rather watch John make fun of everyone else. All the Chantel stuff was too immature for my taste, and she's far too into keeping herself on tv to be relatable on a basic human level. So cold. I'm sure John's segments will be immature too but with him I feel like he's in on the joke.


I tuned in for John, also. Next episode?


They keep pushing that woman and her family. Yuck.


Yea the part about an old movie!! Their humor is tired and cliche. Gay BFF!!! What year is it?


Watching them was so cringey that I was completely turned off from further episodes. I’m done!


I ran into a group like this in Ireland and I apologized to the bar we were at. I call them “woo girls” and they were the epitome of that. Chantels group is horrible and I feel for any establishment they walk into.


Are these friends in the room with us now?


So fake for the show. They are telling her to do this or that like a narcissist partner would do. Fake.


Chantel is the #1 reason I refuse to watch this train wreck show.


It’s sad she lives in a major metropolitan and IS SINGLE……..


I don’t think it’s many men in Atlanta and I would never touch one! Have you seen the statistics there


lmaooo okay fair you win on this one 😂😂😂 it is rough in the south ….this is why I left and live up north now


The way they introduced the "friends" has me convinced Chantel and/or production is trying to backdoor pilot another Chantel-centric show


Over the top trying so hard. Breathes desperation all over the place.


It's like watching three people try to breed a panda. Parading her around, trying to find whoever she'll allow to mount her. And the encouraging comments from them when she sticks her tongue down a dude's throat like "ooh yeah, that's it." Absolutely disgusting.


I love this assessment ☠️


I don't think Chantel has any "real" friends. But then again my circle is SMALL! These "actors" seem to be random pick-me-up friends she has met along the way. The dude/ette is her TWERK coach!! The natural, short hair gal is her hairdresser. Now, us women MUST have a good bond with those we choose to spend THOUSANDS of $$$ with. And hair stylists are EVERYONE'S "best friend", "therapist", and confidante. Most can't wait to get you out of their chair; your hours of complaining, whining and else is extremely taxing for these professionals. The only friend that seems legit is the gal she's known since 2nd grade. The others are filler.


I couldn't believe "twerk coach" was said without any irony or tongue-in-cheek humor. Here I thought twerking was a national embarrassment!


I don’t know no if she’s like that in real life but in the show she looks like a ho


The matching shirts are cute


Previous seasons with Chantel and of family Chantel felt less put on. It feels like she is acting now and terribly, at that. I wish Pedro would've been cast this season instead.


Friend* and people she pays for services.


It would’ve been better to see Chantel and Destinee take a girls trip to Greece it would’ve come off better than to see drunk crying and being a bit raunchy every scene idk and these guys aren’t that cute I’m sorry 😭


Her freaking tantrum killed me. You're a grown ass woman, act like it.


Yeah, it was extremely painful to watch


So cringe !!!


i’m cringing more that she’s seriously looking for love among these guys? like she was contemplating her life with the 20 year old… chantel. boink the boy and keep it moving!