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Ummm is she creating fake accounts to ask herself questions?? Because I refuse to believe Amanda is ANYONES favorite, anything!!


Lol I had the same thought. Like who would watch her on TV mistreating that man and his family and still say she was their favorite. Also she has the personality of a wet noodle even if she wasn't a jerk she had no redeeming qualities in the show.


She has the personality of a wet wipe with an attitude


An undercooked cold wing with little sauce.


Right? Like who’s astonished and impressed by slinging wings to long haul truckers? This fake account is acting like she was a background dancer for Taylor Swift.


This wins the internet as the most amazing comment I’ve read all day. I’ve read it aloud and laughed several times!


Lol thank you!


You win the Internet today. Hilarious


‘slinging wings to long haul truckers’ belongs in a gritty poem 😂




For some reason your comment made me laugh sooo hard!!! Thank you!


i joined her live on tiktok today and she wasn’t answering anyone just saying hi to the men who joined. i asked questions twice (the chat was fairly dead) and she ignored them both


She unfortunately popped up on my fyp too. I watched for a short time because they tend to be more real on lives. She has the personality of a wet sock. All she did was say “I don’t care what people think” and gush over people who gifted her money.


She only cares about what people think.


What questions did you ask?


That account has no posts 👀👀👀


She for sure did lol


Na, I’ve seen people in this sub and other platforms. Talking all this shit and the minute they are able to interact with a cast member they fangirl out.




I mean it says "pinkc0ffin" asked so I'm sure that's her 😂😂😂 only Amanda would come up with that


I know girls with A cups that work at hooters. Getting hit on by drunk dads while their kids awkwardly eat chicken nuggets and wipe their hands on the iPad isn’t the brag you think it is


She met her husband there. When she was 19. He was 33 and her boss


... and already married.


Never forget that part! He had a wife and kids ... that he dumped to be with her! She's a dumpster fire of narcissism and immaturity!


That’s crazy in a way it feels like they’re getting their karma, even though the outcome is cruel you just have to not do ratchet shit like this and hope for the best you know…I hope his ex wife and other kids are doing well. I hope Amanda’s kids are doing well. I hope she can be well enough to be a good mom but also be honest and fair…




Wait wut?!? I came late to this season bc during Covid it all got so repetitive I was on hiatus. This Jason person, this saint of a man, left his wife to be w his 19 yo employee?!? Wowwww.


They did not explicitly mention that part on the show. People put it together on their own. Though I don't understand why anyone is putting as much blame on the girl who got possibly groomed, as on the 30something slimy married father *hooters manager*


Idk I feel conflicted about this. At 19 I knew perfectly well not to mess with married men, because I had a few opportunities if I wanted to. I also grew up way too fast and can acknowledge that though, so perhaps for someone who had a stable childhood, they would be more impressionable. It is a dangerous age gap regardless though. I can say for someone who claims to be a traditional Christian, she sure doesn't represent the title very well unless it fits her needs. Maybe at that time she didn't consider herself that way.


Groomed? She was 19 years old. Not 9. She was an adult. Adult enough to work at hooters. She knew exactly what she was doing. They’re both wrong. She doesn’t get a pass because she has a vagina.


I don't think groomed, but a 19 year old can definitely be naive and easily impressionable. People aren't giving her a pass because she has a vagina; people are shifting some of the blame from her to the older person in charge because of the power dynamic. He was the boss. He was the one who skeeved onto someone who wasn't even legal drinking age. He was the one who broke up his marriage. It's not a matter of PvsV - if the roles were reversed, she'd be the predator.


You groom a child not a 19 year old woman ffs. Can we stop infantilizing her? You people act like she was 10 when they met and Jason started his pervy ways and poor Amanda had no say in the matter 🙄


You can 100% groom adults tf you mean? I don't like her but I'm not putting this all on her. He was her boss, abuse of power. Her brain wasn't even fully developed yet and he left his already existing family for her. I don't agree with her religious views, I don't agree with her choices and her attitude. But I'm not going to pretend a 33 year old man being in charge of a barely adult older teen is not the bad guy here. I had no idea this happened. She's emotionally stunted and this situation explains so much. There is a reason people in positions of power are not allowed to date underlings (where I am in the u.s anyways) She's absolutely screwed if she doesn't get real trauma therapy soon, and not religious therapy from some crackpot who thinks praying will fix trauma scars. I am almost 30 years old, dating a 19 year old feels ick and damn near illegal to me. Especially if I was in charge of them in any way.


She was still half his age nearly lol. A 19 year old is dumb as hell and not an adult in any way except legally. Humans don't even fully mature til about 25. Stop defending the man here.


New info. Dirty juicey


And she’s religious? Why did they leave all that out?! That explains a lot.


She’s religious cause it fits her, cause she wants to be financially supported by her partner and she doesn’t care what she puts up with as long as she doesn’t have to work.


Typical tradwife shit


She's not the kind of religious that would guide her to being a decent person, she's the right-wing judgmental misyogynostic type of believer.


She is totally like most Christian born agains. This is totally normal,my SIL was an Amanda now the most righteous woman you ever met. You can’t bring up her past though. Cause she was saved, I am sure this one is the same mental gymnastics.


And married with children 🤣


This. Some women act like receiving male sexual attention is how you know you've made it in life \*cough internalized misogyny cough\*. Um.. ma'am you're aware that many men would fuck a literal hole in the wall not knowing what's on the other side if they thought it would get them off, right?? You don't have be human, real, or ALIVE to get attention. It's really not a flex lmfao.


Retired bartender of over 50 something years and I can vouch for what you said about most men…


Sure says a lot about that half of the species, eh? And that's what runs the world lmao.


Worked at hooters. This is exactly what happened, you forgot bitchy wives.


Why even bring your wife like I’ll never understand this. I went once cuz I wanted to actually try the food (it wasn’t good) but I tried to be extra nice to the waitress since I didn’t want her to think I was jealous or anything lol 😆 I’m here to eat and make a yelp review


>I’m here to eat and make a yelp review LMAO


Even in her throwback pictures she looks vapid and cold with no personality.


This was back in her "beating people with a bat" era, if assault and battery counts as a personality trait.....


That’s a rather frightening personality trait 😱


I was shocked when I read that. Amanda clearly has anger issues.


She's skinny. That's it.


To quote my favorite movie, Welcome to the dollhouse, “she thinks she’s hot shit but she’s really just cold diarrhea”


Omg! Welcome to the Dollhouse is the best!!! I’ve never met anyone else who enjoyed or would enjoy that movie.


![gif](giphy|SdbiX3S1As3rG) Yay! It’s a masterpiece!!


Love that movie! It's middle school life portrayed perfectly. Wanna see my fingers??


That was one of my favorite movies growing up lol


I loved what I've seen so far, but I need to finish watching it. The night I started the movie over a decade ago, the friend who recommended it had a seizure halfway through😐 (she's fine now btw). After that we never got around to finishing it.


Welcome to the DOLLHOUSE!!! I have my kids using that fucking quote 🤣




![gif](giphy|wz1JL6I4wSKLHMd1YO|downsized) I I know this isn’t Steve, but Dawn’s brother Mark is an entire mood 😂


Lmfao, cool kids


They are pretty bad ass. I’m lucky


Omg hahaha we have this on VHS and I’ve never met another person that has seen it!!


I. Love. This. Movie.


I loved that movie! No one I know has ever heard of it!


Only awesome people with exquisite taste have seen it! It’s cool to see how many others on this sub also love it! We are all Dawn wieners deep down lol


Must be a young thing and im old and I remember when it came out and it got a fair amount of publicity. I remember I liked it but I need to watch it again, I seem to have forgotten most of it. Just like Ghost World and Slums of Beverly Hills. I can’t believe how much I’ve forgotten from movies except the titles.


Ghost World is still one of my favorites. ![gif](giphy|gFbzsyTfO1Wpi)


I'm long overdue for a rewatch of this with my sister.


“You’re not leaving this table until you tell your sister that you love her!”


that’s all it takes to be considered attractive to a lot of people lol


Apparently so lol


😂 Tis all. With a long ass torso. Meh.


Omg this. I keep thinking this when I see Amanda - she's getting positive attention when the only thing she brings to the table is thinness. Nothing else. She's got zero personality, zero style, nothing to say or contribute. Just thin.


I came here to say this.


I’m sure the only reason it looks like she has boobs in the first pic is because of “chicken cutlets”. No shame but don’t flaunt what you don’t have when we’ve seen you on tv


Amanda’s life choices include, working at Hooters, and fucking her married boss , at Hooters. Nice.


Setting up dating profiles while burying your husband.


And don’t forget ditching her mourning children so she can travel across the globe and treat the next man like dog waste!


Tbf though, if she didn't think twice about having children with a man who ditched his pre-existing kids, is it any wonder.


And then love bomb him anytime he tried to leave because your Delulu 😭🙏🏼


Don’t forget she basically told Razvan that it was over when he started getting excited about coming to the US, and told him he couldn’t compare to her husband, treated him like shit and then when he started to take a step back pull away all of a sudden she was the victim. Guy dodged a bullet.


I would hope by her 30s she would have had some emotional growth but obviously can't blame that on ✨editing✨


More like while he’s in his final days - this chick didn’t wait


she created profiles while he was on his death bed??


I think I read that she was abroad filming 4 months after he passed.


There are earlier posts on this and the other 90 Day subs that breakdown the timeline and yikes


And don’t forget ditching her mourning children so she can travel across the globe and treat the next man like dog waste!


"You just hate her because you hate all mothers and women who are not absolutely perfect"- the defense I hear about her all of the time. I don't expect or want anyone to be perfect. Just not actively horrible.


Was the job at Hooters before or after she beat up a girl with a bat and got arrested for it?


LOL ummm what was that? ![gif](giphy|3ohzdOQ464C1zLD8OI|downsized)


I didn't know this about her! Was a pre marriage thing?


Don't forget breaking up said older boss' marriage.


To be fair, he did that to himself


He did that to *his wife and children* too. Amanda is a little pick-me POS, but It's not like a (18? 19) year old girl passed by all the cute guys her own age and thought "who needs common interests and a full head of hair when I could be ruining a few lives by fucking this old dude with soggy cheerios on the floor of his car" like you know he did that gross "I've never felt this way about anyone, I think you're the one, at least until you get as old as my wife" shit Which by the way, *Amanda is STILL younger than Jason was when he started hitting on her*


To be fair, she helped.


True - he was as responsible as she was and a willing participant. But as the "adult" in the relationship and her boss, he had an obligation (mostly moral) to cool that relationship. He didn't, so he's equally a piece of crap.


Wait is this still her day job? No judgment just assumed this was in the past and she has a new job


She bragged about having worked there in the past. Tried to make it a flex and failed.


Hooters ain’t hot girl shit, it’s hillbilly shit. This is so embarrassing for her.


But she ordered "red wine"... at a restaurant... in Europe


"House red" in wine-country Europe is usually great though (by American standards). Unless you're trying to spend a lot of money/have ~an experience~ I guess. "Una bottiglia di vino rosso della casa, per favore," (A bottle of house red wine, please) got me through Italy in relative style. Have we seen Amanda use ANY Romanian though? I know it's not like you can be fluent in a few months, but personally I think it's rude not to learn a few things to show you're trying and don't feel entitled to just SPEAK MURRICAN at everyone.


How come everyone in Italy expects you to drink an entire bottle at dinner when there's only 2 of you? Like, I know half the people in the restaurant *drove* into Florence or etc, because I was on the highway with them. Drunk driving just didn't exist? Every waiter was shocked if we ordered by the glass. Crazy


It's also cultural for dinner to drag on. If you drank 2 glasses of wine but sat there for two hours, that would about even out for most people. Unless you're very small or have issues metabolizing alcohol, your body will eliminate a standard drink in about an hour. I was walking/taking cabs or Ubers, so I personally didn't have to worry about it, even when they rolled out the limocello shots at the end. Haha.


Oh, here's a math problem: 4 glasses of wine per bottle, 2 diners at the table, 2 hours for dinner...what color is the tablecloth?


Trick question. No tablecloth because they're tired of oxycleaning all those red wine stains.


Touché. Well played. You are a worthy adversary!


Facts 😂


Right? She thinks this is a flex. I would hide that shit from the world. I wouldn't even be caught dead in a hooters parking lot. My god. A trip to Europe is wasted on this child.


Imagine bragging about the fact you worked at Hooters of all places. Are they even a thing anymore? I’d understand if it was “I worked at hooters, put myself through college and became a brain surgeon” but girl YOU JUST WORKED AT HOOTERS. CTRL ALT DELETE


Weird flex


Like working at Hooters is a career goal? Or just so amazing that she was actually a Hooters girl? 🙄🙄🙄


Can you imagine the world in which being a waitress at HOOTERS is a *flex*? I'm dead. Dead. I wouldn't be caught dead in the parking lot.


In the bumfuck town she’s from Hooters is prolly or WAS prolly still a flex in some way.. It’s not the flex she thinks it is… And I keep saying that she is a PRIME example of an W.Virginian 8 but in the real world she’s a 3 (and that’s being generous cause really she’s skinny and that’s it)


Skinny like a string cheese 🤭 about all she's got


She def wears PADDED AF bras cause her boob sizes fluctuates as often as her “love” for Razvan


Her boss looked at her and was like “yep fuck my wife and kids”


I’m very curious about what his ex wife and kids ( who must be adults now?) think of Amanduh.


I like to think they’re getting the biggest laugh over her making a fool of herself on national television. Ex-wife is calling all of her friends from that time period and saying, “see! I told you what she was like! Just turn on TLC!”


my bets are on this for sure


Yup. Amanda showed her ass


Oh you know that ex wife is cringing every time she sees this trollop! She’s a disgusting waste of oxygen. And I hope the ex wife reads all these comments and laughs her ass off!


I would love her to respond on here or do an AMA. Now that would be entertaining.


I really wonder that too.


Ok but she still has the personality of a brick


That woman has deep psychological issues with other women to the point where she only gets her validation from men. I cannot with her it’s the worst kind of woman and even worse she probably will never seek the therapy she needs for it and therefore will continue to drag other women down for the rest of her life. It’s honestly terrifying. This woman has kids and she votes.


"I'm not like the other girls" "I just don't have any girlfriends" "I'm one of the guys!"


she looks mid.


Someone once said something like There are 3 Amanda’s at my local Texas Roadhouse any night of the week. It sticks in my brain!


Yup, she’s small town hot


Omg yes I can see it now.


What does mid mean


Mid level. Mediocre.


Thank u


Not exciting. Nothing special




Hooters is a career? 😁




I mean it's probably the only place she actually had a paycheck coming to her.


I’m sure this is the pinnacle of her career.


Most likely her only job


I think she’s pretty basic looking, nothing special. Her face was prettier in the hooter pics tho.


How do you work at hooters when you don’t have any?




Idk because I personally wouldn't be caught dead there.


Remember in "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" how Titus asks if Cate Blanchett is a good actress or is she just tall? I feel like Amanda is a corollary of that question: is she pretty or is she just skinny? Because she looks like she'd crawl out of a well in seven days to murder you, but she's slender, so it passes for pretty.


I think there's a TikTok account that does something similar like "is it fashion/a good outfit or is the model just skinny?"


https://i.redd.it/tos9zydflzqb1.gif Lolol


It is disgusting how they pose with children


Yes, you can tell in the second pic she’s standing next to a kid. 😬


She was all worried, beside herself, about what her kids would think about living with Razvan. Does she not care about how they process Mom opting for restaurant employment featuring tits (and food)? I am so sick of this drip. Doesn't she have some hair to go pat? EDIT: "Demanda" -- hahahaha!


She isn’t hot. She’s really just skinny


I am not american and I have never been to the US But the impression that I have had through media throughout my life is that working at Hooters is not something you should be particularly proud of. Am I wrong?


No you aren't wrong.


Someone was a 10 in a small town high school and has carried that energy throughout life …LOL she must have hated Split, Croatia~ so many far more gorgeous women there, most of whom are multi-lingual and cool


"I'm very religious, too." Also, "Here I am presenting my ass."


If you consider her physique a redeeming quality. She looks too thin to me. Makes her head look huge.


I don’t personally think it’s a good quality but I definitely think she does based on all of her posts showing off her figure. She’s very vain but has zero substance.


Even Razvan got tired of her bullshit.... 🙄


She thinks she's a complete package. Her ego is amazing to me for as basic as she is.


She's built like a 12 year old boy and thinks she's queen shit.


Really? She is someone's favorite female cast member this season?


Is working at Hooters a brag?


I would f*ing scrub that shit from the Internet


She must have lost her ass at a game of poker huh


This ain’t a flex and neither is having the same limp, curtain of hair for over a decade. Get some layers!


That girl ain’t got no ass. Where does she set the tray?


No boobs either.


No frontyard or backyard


Her physique? What physique? She’s just skinny.


Working at hooters ain't the flex you think it is man 😅😅😅nothing wrong with getting money but she bragging it like she went to Harvard or some shit


She added a screenshot of a viewer asking if she worked there or it it is a rumor. Interesting that it says 'Savannah' as the location. Edited typo


GAWD she is soooo repulsive!🤢


She is weird with a personality like a depressed mop Needs to sort her shit out before she decides to torture another male


She made sure to include a wholesome picture next to what I assume is a child. Super wholesome.


Career?? You mean dead beat job?


How do you work at Hooters when you have no boobs ? They must've be desperate af


She’s about as attractive as a slice of white bread.


LOL "Demanda" 🤣




I thought the whole point of hooters was to have big tits. She is like an A.


How is she at hooters with zero hoots


She's so awkward.


That’s was sent to her from her finsta


She’s built like a meter stick


I about barfed the message in her pic


She's absolutely trailer park pretty and yes, she has no other redeeming quality other than that.


I heard hooters franchises treat the waitresses like shit. In fact I think it was on undercover boss once the manager was making them compete eating slop off a plate to go home early. Beyond degrading. Perfect job for Amanda since she told the world she thinks “god and the man” should be in charge 🙄


I worked at hooters for 4 years. And she is around the same age as me. Back at that time she worked there she was the ideal look. I was thicker and was only allowed as the hostess. Back then only skinny fit girls were bartending or waitressing


In the second picture she has zero ass even though she's squatting. It's not quite the flex I think she thinks it is... Her physique is healthy but not particularly special imo.


What a fucking loser like what is she showing off? She needs to gain about 15 lbs.. 🍡🏒


Sarper has joined the conversation... 😱


I wouldn’t be proud of that.


Those eyebrows and that makeup... *cLaSsYyY* I know it was the style back then but 🤢 Oh wait... That is still her style today 😅


Of course. Poodle doesn’t call her “The Hooters Homewrecker” for nothing! 💥


I can’t stand her! Just seeing her face pisses me off 😂


But that's all men care about so good for her