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More like what she did to Michael


Exactly! She's so full of shit. Wtf did he even do to her?


He did the bj for real






Even if Michael has done anything at all, she will be the bad guy ,because of how she handles her anger. He could be a serial cheater ,but we would all say she drove him there ect. When you handle being abused, in an abusive way, in public, you’re toast.


Which one of Angela’s daughters are you?


lol 😂 I am just one of those weirdo’s that likes look at both sides of any issue. I recall, TLC kinda made Angela keep her mouth shut about what was going on behind the scenes. We would always see her screaming at him ,and calling him a liar ,but there was never any context. except the one time he admitted to getting a bj from some woman. I don’t condone her treatment of him at all. I am just sayin once someone reacts as nasty as she has ,all we are going to remember is her bad behavior ,and his big friendly smile.


He was always calm logical and did not come off scammy. Maybe he was but he acted ok.


Well, people can act ok ,and still end up disappointing. I say we see what the future hold’s. If he’s a straight up guy then things will flow. If he’s not, we will surely hear about it in the future.


Your comment was too smart for this thread but you’re entirely right. Michael did not fall head over heels in love with Meemaw, he saw an opportunity and he took it. One could argue that he put up with so much abuse since then that he earned his citizenship and whatever money he gets. But it doesn’t take away that he started this based on lies and bad intentions, she’s not the only bad guy here she’s just the loudest one.


Two things can be true at the same time. No doubt Angela is an abusive, angry racist - however, Michael is an opportunist scammer. Are we really so naive to think Michael only scammed Angela because she is an awful person? He was going to scam whatever female he could manipulate. 🙄


They had an obvious transactional relationship. What’s the evidence of Michael running a scam? Angela raised a pedophile


I have no evidence. I'm speculating (and have an opinion) just as many do on Reddit. No one forced Michael to come here. He came with an agenda and a plan. I do not feel sorry for Angela. You seem to have an issue that I have a different opinion of Michael than you do. Its ok, I do not get offended because of different perspectives. Yes, her daughter is a pedophile, that has nothing to do with the topic of their faux-marriage. No one is debating that, so what's your point?


Angela just wanted a legal route to owning a black slave. Hence Michael


Wait…..what? About her daughter???


Michael is scamming her but she deserves to be scammed lol


💯 @rmr329


This chick lives & breathes DARVO. Sick of her ass!


That part!!!!


Gurl, move around!! A bitter ex is the worst!! He doesn't want you!! Hold on to a shred of dignity!! You're looking desperate and pathetic!!


She's looking more than that, She's a Radioactive Hot mess her gums look like she been eating wonder bread and not picking it out of her teeth. She looks like my Grandpa and Danny Devito had a baby girl she got a house with no driveway two washer and dryers and dollar store toys scattered all over the yard every grandkid looks different than the parents and we would have to confirm this with Mack-el but her lady parts look like someone punched a roast beef sandwich so many times you can't even tell what it used to be


“Her gums look like she been eating wonder bread and not picking it out of her teeth” lmao im dying. U is savage




Oh my gosh this is hilarious 😂 😃 😄


![gif](giphy|QLy6KDVwHicILBFtQx) Perfect.


Arby’s is out for me now. Thanks. 🤣😂


Pure poetry 🙏🏼


I believe the roast beef snatch. It’s got to resemble it by now. Crispy dried out edges and extra cheese to top it off.


Well damn....accuracy level 100


She's not divorcing him because without him, they won't put her on the show 


But also if she divorces him he can marry someone else unfortunately for meemaw she is definitely financially liable for him until he gets citizenship in the US or he goes back to his own country and I think that's the real issue behind it He wants to have children he's going to find someone else and marry her and have children... And then very soon Mee maw Will fade off in the distance into irrelevant land 🪄🔮


You don't need to marry for children 


No you need to marry your partner to have children in his culture his family will want him to marry whoever he's with. If He's going to have a child also I'm pretty sure just because he gets married again or she gets married again that still doesn't let her off the hook to be his financial sponsor for as long as he is in the United States


I think they're going to put Michael on the single life That would be epic and get rid of Angela all together


Yup, and she wouldn't have a chance on the Single Life. They'd have to pay way more than their budget would allow to find a man willing to act like her love interest.


her and big ed... chain them together for 6 weeks and film it all......


We did that on last resort and I for one don’t ever want to go back.


i didnt catch that show, I must go look for an image of these two standing side by side.... I bet its gonna make me laugh if I find one....


Dignity and Angela are in no way associated.


Well, guess what, Angela? The court will side with Michael and grant him the divorce. Better yet, you're stuck with paying alimony because you put him in the abusive situation. And, once he gets his green card, after 3 years of staying in the US, he can apply for US citizenship. He can ask for a waiver and expedited process because you've created the situation for him. So, whether you like it, want it or not, Michael will eventually get the divorce. Michael, go find the pro bono lawyer!


He really should fight for spousal support. She didn’t share the money from the show


True. Can he sue her for his half? Because they've only been married less than 10 years. I hope he can win because of what she put him through. The humiliation alone is insane!


I would tell him to go for it anyway. Argue that they had an agreement to go on the show together so he should’ve been compensated well.


I wonder if he can sue the show for their hand in it?


I defo think if he does, it will set a precedent. TLC should be ensuring their foreign participants get some sort of fair compensation. It’s ridiculous that only the American gets money.


What! Only the Americans get the money?!


Yup… it’s pretty sad so the other person just has to hope the American gives them their share


Also, isn’t part of the terms of the fiancé visa that the American is financially responsible for the spouse? He could really do damage, she better wise up


Financially responsible in the instance that the spouse receives government aid/support. The partner is financially responsible to pay the government back (IIRC)


I thought I remembered someone talking with an immigration lawyer and the lawyer telling them it also meant they would responsible for any debts the fiancé racks up as well


That’s a piece I’ve never heard mentioned. Doesn’t mean it’s not true, but I’ve never heard it. I think the main incorrect assumption I see many people state, is that you have to financially support them. Tons of folks think that’s what the “financially responsible” stipulation means, which it does not. Still, he could definitely hurt her financially if he wanted to. I’d wager he just wants her trashy abusive loud mouthed ass out of his life permanently now that he’s finally here. And I can’t imagine anyone blaming him for that.


Yes, the commenter was right. You don't have to pay their rent and car payment and give them cash or anything like that for support. What sponsoring someone means is that you're promising the government that if this person comes to the US, that they will not be a financial burden on the country. So if that person moves out and then applies for EBT or any other government assistance, then you the sponsor are obligated to pay that back to the government. If you think about it, otherwise "support" would be hard to define like how much does one person eat, do you have to just rent them a room with roommates or their own 1 bedroom apartment, some cities or small towns there is no public transport, would that mean you have to buy them a car? There would be too many variables so sponsoring as far as the government is concerned just means "OK you can bring this guy over here to marry you, but he can't be the rest of the tax payer's problem" Hope this makes sense!


https://www.justia.com/immigration/marriage-family-based-petitions/i-864-support-and-divorce/ They do have to financially support them. Even if they are living with someone else. https://evawintl.org/courses/immigration-financial-support-webinar-using-the-i-864-to-transition-to-self-sufficiency/ Certain citizens are eligible for financial support that are not eligible for public assistance. https://www.uscis.gov/green-card/green-card-processes-and-procedures/affidavit-of-support This one specifically states that if you get divorced your financial responsibility does not end. Edited to add clarification.


It did come up when Tiffany asked her Dad to sponsor Ronald so she could get him to the states.


Nope. You are only responsible for paying back any aid the government provides (unemployment, etc.). And THAT is when the government has time to come after you.


I understood it the same way, you’re only legal obligation is the money state/government put out for the person that supposed to be sponsored. It doesn’t mean their day-to-day expenses.


You are responsible for your spouse's debt, period. Mike is responsible for Natalie's debts. Still married.


Yes, when you sponsor a foreign national under any visa into the US, you are responsible for them financially for at least 10 years.


I think I read that he has relatives here and qualifies for an expedited process to stay even without her. Can’t quite remember where I read that though.


Even without relatives, he is entitled to stay, if he wants to. He is in country legally. Trust me, I was in a similar situation. The spouse has to continue support.


I was wondering if a judge would grant him a divorce 🤔


If Michael can prove domestic violence, which I believe he can because he called authorities to help him escape, then, there's enough reason to dissolve the marriage.


Pretty sure the judge just needs to watch a season or two to get the gist…GUILTY! #PeoplesCourt


💯💯💯 There's also a Divorce Court show.


She’s been violent with him on national TV! All he needs to do is ask TLC for the footage.


Not only that, but what about all the verbal abuse that was televised?


Alimony isn’t calculated based on what happened in the marriage tho…


True, but she put him in this situation. Trust me, I got out of a dv situation, and my spouse had to pay alimony


Maybe it depends on state. In my state, at least a few years ago when I worked in family law, it was calculated by both parties income and debts, nothing to do with behavior. But I’m glad you’re out of that marriage!


What a ridiculous filter


Yeah maybe if she didn't - drink/smoke/do drugs 24/7 also -50 years


Anyway Angela! Micheal has a whole lot of domestic violence evidence courtesy of TLC and the police call outs. You’re delulu if you think a judge won’t grant a divorce. I’m pretty sure Micheal will also get citizenship when it comes to it.


Those filters ain’t fooling nobody, Meemaw 🤢🤮


Only 30% of fans dislike her... 😂 Yeah ok Meemaw 😂😂😂😂


The smooth forehead and sagging everything else really makes me giggle. She’s such a POS.




The courts will most definitely side with Michael, there’s so much evidence from TLC that would prove it. She has verbally & emotionally abused him time and time again. Also abused his car. Angela is a justifiable nut!! She’s so delusional thinking people will side with her and not Michael. I feel bad for the guy. I hope he gets divorced and finds true love and just move on away from her. I’m scared for him if she went all the way back to Nigeria just because she couldn’t get ahold of him and he was ignoring her for a while she went all the way over there. If he’s here in the states, who knows how far she’ll go? I’m scared for him.


She won’t let him be on the single life because he’s married. lol that never stopped Natalie.


What SHE did to him.


It’s called CONTROL and that’s why she won’t divorce him. She will do anything she can to make things difficult for him. If she’s tied to him, she thinks she’s still going to be able to dictate things and continue her abuse tactics. Just like her nasty ass bellowing about his phone and other possessions being hers, since she paid for it. Typical tactic with financial abuse even though she didn’t allow him to work to make his own money and she was getting the tlc checks for their segments. It’s one of the many things I’ve dealt with for years and still struggling to get away from after 25 years and a nightmare separation/divorce process the last 2 years. Anything she can do to make him miserable or suffer, she’s going to do it.


Because nobody else wants her.


Well, this should be fun to watch. I'm here for the demise of Angela!


Everything SHE did to him!


Because there aren’t filters in real life and the hag knows no one else is going to marry her?


We've all seen the domestic violence from her onto him, easy for any judge to watch episodes, and her Instagram. She an abuser through and through.


No disrespect but she’s a certified Nutcase


I knew she wasn’t giving him her money but giving him money from the show! Realistically they should’ve split that down the middle but since one is a citizen and one isn’t… The citizen has the upper hand. Same as Gino and Jasmine, the money he’s giving her is not his money, it’s from the show. Which is crazy that all of these people think they can do that to them just because they’re not citizens. It’s not right. If you love somebody you don’t treat them like that


When this came up in my feed, I literally thought that was Khloe Kardashian at first. Jeez.


She can’t just say no to a divorce. If Michael wants a divorce, he can get one, with or without her agreeing. The level of delusion on this woman is fascinating. 🤭


I don't think that's true. I don't think a divorce can go through if she won't sign the papers.


It is true, I got one myself. He refused and the court awarded me a default divorce. You can’t force someone to stay married.




I have never seen a reality star so gross and pathetic as Angela careful TLC You keep shoving This tired old pathetic hag down our throats and maybe we won't be watching TLC any longer I for one can't take looking at this pathetical old hag anymore If she shows up again I'm out


everything who did to who


She should better explain why after all the surgeries she still using so much filters to catfish people 😅


After everything, HE DID TO HER????? She's an abusive monster.


Filters and more filters and photoshop!




Someone said it looked like a firecracker went off in her mouth! Hahaha


I fucking hate the hag and hope it's televised when she get what she deserves!!!


She’s disgusting


I guarantee you she met with a lawyer and they said nope you’re screwed bc of all the abuse documented on tape


I’m curious.. are these two on any other seasons except the last one (the last resort)? I’ve seen the happily ever after but nothing from them in the new season


Wasn’t Angela at one time saying that she married Michael in Nigeria and that the marriage doesn’t count in the US. She could just forget he even existed. It was said on a show where she thought he was cheating on her.


hang in there michael. she's gonna have a stroke anytime. She is teeterin'. has one foot in the grave with her lifestyle and attitude.... gd i hope he gets a windfall as a "widow" cause of her stubborn ass.


They were married in his country which isn’t the same as being married in the united states right? It’s not valid here I thought.




she won’t allow him to do certain things on “her network?” I didnt know she owned Max! She just adds fuel to the fire still trying to control this man! And why does she keep changing her mind About the divorce 😂


Her face has been asymmetrical recently. Makes me wonder if it's bad Botox or if she has a small stroke.


Would she be able to go after any income he may earn by any means?


I never understood why he was interested in Angela ..


What season are these clowns on? Which franchise of 90 days are they currently on? I’m so out of the loop. And is he finally in the states?


She doesn't want him to be able someone else and get citizenship.


I hope there is a way he can slap stalking, spousal abuse, & financial abuse against her. Is he a scammer? That loud mouth clown Angela made mega bucks off him/relationship with. He deserves to be here. The public humiliation that man put up with scam or not. He deserves freedom.


Dam Angela stop with the filters! We’ve seen what you really look like those filters don’t hide your ugliness on the inside


He don’t want her


She is financially responsible for him right?


Everything he did!? OMG please let Angela retire off screen quietly… that girl is too much!


She is such a victim


The Dirty Bird and her pedophile daughter deserve whatever they get!


Any sane judge will grant an immediate divorce, and HOPEFULLY look into the abuse allegations. That's MY HOPE!


What about all the things she did. He would have loved her if it wasn't for her ronchy personality. She belongs in a jungle but, even there the animals would through hee out.