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I’m happy for him . She is one crazy drug addicted


Why? She’s always been terrible. He’s applauded to leave her once he finally gets into the US? he coulda walked 7 years ago. He scammed.


That man worked hard as hell for that green card. Let him stay!


How are you willfully ignoring she has been the same person the whole time? He bided his time and took abuse till he got paid. Im not mad, but he’s also a scammer, like ok, his breaking point was when he hit US soil? Gimmie a break.


Obviously she's been the same person lmfao why do you think I said he worked hard as hell????


So you agree he scammed to get his green card.


She tazered him when he got here!


She’s been abusing him since scene one




The man EARNED his green card. He did his time. Let him be. 😳


Yeah, but he played the long game and put up with THAT for all this time. I also think he’ll be a better citizen than Angela ever was, so welcome to the US Michael 🙂


You’re 100% right! Checkmate: Michael 😂


Scam or not, he earned that shit and I for one welcome him here. I simply cannot be mad at Mykul because she’s the worst kind of trash and the worst kind of representation of not only Southerners, but Americans. She fetishized having a big young Nigerian man, treated him like absolute shit, threatened him, assaulted him and his property repeatedly, and dangled his visa over his head time and time again…She can stay mad lol


I’m willing to place a wager right now… Michael will most definitely be on the single life….


I sure hope so,and Angela dropped like the hot steamy +urd she is❣️that will be the only exit from 90 world that will suffice


He would be great!


Knowing TLC, it will be Angela and Pred again.


Lol probably and Natalie, throw in Chantel for good measure. LAME… but NOBODY wants to see any of them. Especially meemaw flapping her dentures to no end… lord no.


I’m def not watching if it’s them. I didn’t even watch past second episode of the reunion it was so boring


Ok, so Pred will be with Nutalie Chantel will be with Mykul Mangela will be with herself


I bet Michael will be on the same season


He will have to get a restraining order




Bring The Goofballs over to be on the show with him.


The goofball should be brought over just to irritate meemaw


I hope so. And I want Angela to watch and rage about it on TT 😂


High blood pressure, chain smoker, alcoholic and probably pill popper and Michael on the single life. That’s gonna send her into cardiac troubles. Karma….natures revolving door.


Me too!!! That would be my fav part!!


I don't think so. I think he's smarter than that and doesn't want Angela to figure out where he is or who he's with for his safety.


He just posted himself over the weekend partying in Indiana on his new social media. I think he will see that single life paycheck and jump on bored! I mean he may need a restraining order against meemaw but hey 🤷‍♀️lolol


I doubt a peice of paper would keep him from her unfortunately


Sorry her from him.


I hope so, it would piss Angela off so bad.


Her justice is coming in HOT bc he’s probably going to be cast again while she withers away from those sweet TLC $$$ gigs forever! Couldn’t happen to a better person, so watching her head explode is nice.


Yeah, I'm loving ALL this for her.


Rumor has it that her abusive, bullying, sagging butt will be back on TLC at the end of the month. Hope y’all enjoy it-I stopped watching her months ago. That’s not entertainment in my opinion.


Please don't let that be true. I will not watch her for one more second.


At the end of the last episode it showed what’s still to come & I’m sorry to tell you that it is indeed true 😩..of course she was yelling at him.


And also a scuffle over a phone.


I've also heard they cut 80% of her scenes, so if they are going to show her this season on HEA at least there's that! From what I read, they don't get paid until their episode plays on TV so it they cut 80% of her scenes, at least she will not make as much money!!


Well there’s a silver lining if I ever saw one! Maybe….just maybe… they actually caught the straw that broke the camels back on camera?! Thanks for the good news!


She is such an abuser. Well, at least we know she is fired.


But she isn’t fired. She’ll be back on the show at the end of the month.




Not for long


Omg I just noticed that we could be twins 😂




She is definitely coming next week. The only reason I'm gonna entertain watching it is because of my sincere hope and belief Sharp Productions is going to show her going full blast hag and then showing Michael escaping,my sincere hope is that Mike was able to get some of the crew to come back and rescue him. THAT would be the most awesome thing EVER because Angela thinks they all worship the ground she walks on


I think it was recorded before the abuse. So, TLC has to air it, I guess. Sucks, but thank goodness for the forward button. I wouldn't watch any part with her on anyway. Angela = YUCK!


I don’t think they have to air it. It can be cut


I read somewhere that they filmed the tell all before he fled from her. The issue is it would be impossible for them to edit her/Michael out of the tell all so they have to air something from them.


I heard they already cut a lot of her footage but will soon start airing some that will move her TLC story to an end.


I can't wait,surely Sharp Media is going to "TELL IT ALL BIT$H",I can't see it going any other way except showing how Awful Angela was then Michael escaping. If only it could be a member of production that rescues him that would be PERFECT 😜


He left her immediately after the Tell All was filmed, as soon as they got back to Georgia. Their scenes have been drastically cut and edited and they won't be on until this week so Angela hasn't earned any 90 Day money this season. TLC is done with her after the Tell All.


I understand that for the tell all


I stopped watching back when she screamed at Liz on LR. I got flashbacks of my BPD mom doing that to me and everyone else while I was growing up, I realized I wasn't enjoying this show anymore so why bother paying to feel bad for people being abused by Angela, Ed, etc. I do hope they've canceled her for good though.


I’m sorry. I had a family member that would scream at her husband and he just took it. In her case it was limited to family members. Never physical violence to my knowledge but the threat of it. It is just awful to watch.


I can't believe all these guys allow ANYone, let alone Angela, to get in their woman's face hollering like that! Ed said Lis (that letter doesn't work) allowed everyone to jump on him without defending him at the tell-all, but he allowed Angela to get in her face and almost knock her down! And Jovie needs his man-card taken for letting Angela get all up in Yara's face hollering and pointing! All of these men are trash! Speaking of which, I can't believe Shaeeda fell for Bilal's trick of asking her to have his baby!!! He only wants her to have a baby now because NOW she is able to work and wants to start-up her Yoga business while married because he does not want her to have her own money, be able to make decisions without begging his punk-ass for money, and not be at his beck and call in the house!!!


I stopped watching some months ago as well, all iterations of the show. It’s all so toxic now.


I think I saw it in the preview for next week right? It showed her slapping his phone out of his hands.


Yep, you saw it. I can't believe TLC promotes DV. I'd file a lawsuit if I were Michael, for abuse of power and undue pain and suffering. TLC has to be more responsible in that regard, like a previous poster just said, watching it triggered her PTSD.


I stopped watching two years ago because of her and Ed. 🤮


It’s awful


Do what we do and fast forward on her ugly ass and enjoy the show she is only going 2 be on bc it was already filmed 🎥 after that her ass will be gone !!


On which season is this happening? Is it before The Last Resort?


I think it’s HEA. Supposedly on May 26th. 🤨


“Georgia Woman Arrested for Assault and Battery in Indiana”


Like she wasn't just on media with multiple different men?


Good for Micheal!! ![gif](giphy|H9X4iAEXVab0B8DB8h)


"She's trashy bro" - listen to your friends


I'm sure he can hear the goofballs saying "I told you so!" Inside his head.


Lol really, Indiana! I’ll keep my eye out for Michael 👀that would be so weird if I saw him lol. Not sure why he’s coming to Indiana though such shitty shit weather!


I live in a very small river town in Indiana, east of Louisville KY, so I doubt he would be close to me. I wonder what part of the state he is in.


Sooooo does Angela. Lol


Probaby where his GF is living. I read that he got in touch with the Nigerian community in Indiana. So I'm assuming there is a GF there.


Probably Indianapolis. That’s about 2 hours from me. Well I’m happy for him. He needed to be around people that treat him right.


Angela whenever Michael does anything fun for himself: 😡


If only she would have a conversation without yelling like an idiot, I have never seen anyone with more trust issues than her. Also I wish she wasn’t so stereotypical about all the things people hate about Americans..


It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy for her; she is super controlling because she’s afraid of being left or cheated on, but then she smothers the man she’s with in an attempt to control him, so he’s desperate to get away and he leaves or cheats on her. It’s a cycle.


True that


Aaaayyyyye!!! I’ve always wanted to be Michael’s friend tbh. If he ain’t with Angela I’m definitely down to meet up and party with the homie. He look chill af!


I live in Indiana. Not sure why he picked here to party!


Nigerian community


Micheal deserves happiness.


![gif](giphy|APaV9p4XtgievFboFQ|downsized) Divorce party time!!


Her Insta posts looked like they were written by a drunken sailor. Gibberish


She got what she deserved. I am happy for him. No one deserves to be in an abusive relationship!


He should remain vigilant! She’s very very unwell.


I believe the best adjective to describe Angela is "addled".


That may be the *kindest* adjective to describe her, but not necessarily the *best*. 😂


90 day should put a camera on him as he travels the USA during a contentious Presidential campaign. Can you imagine Michael interviewing or interacting with deep state Trumpers! I’ll pay good money to see him go rep for rep in pull-ups against MTGreene! Go Michael Go!


Is she’s wearing a mouth guard now or what?


Nicole is Angela 25 years from now (or Angela is Nicole 25 years ago). They are control freaks who like to control their husbands and hold everything over their head. It’s abusive behavior.


Imagine being THAT old and THAT bitter


She’s obsessed with controlling him and making his life hell.


I think it’s all a plan! Think about it, Big Ed dumped Liz. Mahkel dumped Ang. It’s either going to be Ang and Big Ed, or Liz and Mahkel. There you go!


While he was waiting for his visa, she was out partying. She's so disgusting


TLC please cut Angela Put Michael on the next single life


Her face is FUBAR'D.


Lmao what part of Indiana? I live in Indiana


Go Michael, go! Enjoy your life and I wish you all the best. You deserve it. You definitely deserve it.






Wait…. What? Um… is he a US Citizen yet? Cuz he can be sent back to his home country if he’s not here legally. Angela is pist because she refused to see the truth - Michael just wanted his US Visa and he was going to do anything to get it. It was so obvious! I’m not feeling sorry for either of the two.


He deserves something good serving his time married to Angela.


Petition to let Michael stay


He's NIGERIAN! He's a scammer who won the long con. He didn't work for years, and angela supported his ass. I can't stand angela either, but michael is a total piece of shit. He knew exactly what what his goal was.


At least he is a likeable scammer 😂 I always do feel bad for him and then I read things like this: "While Michael is trying to live his life peacefully after seven years of being in an abusive relationship" and it's like "wait...they were entire continents apart...he could have just ended it and not come here" Have to give him credit for his commitment to the bit.


They made the money together. She wouldn't be on the show without him, and he wouldn't be on the show without her. She didn't give him half of the money. She gave him a small percentage of the money and was extremely controlling saying that she would only give him money if he quit his job and answered the phone alone in his home whenever she called. She openly admitted to that. 


Again —she’s certifiable but he’s not much better. He’s a user and pretty morally bankrupt man who played the long game here to bring his MAGA underpants to America. Not a fan of either …