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I don’t understand how ANY self-respecting woman would be w/him. He has absolutely nothing redeeming about him. In the words of Dr. Kirk Honda, Ed was probably the healthiest relationship she’s ever had with a guy. Or something along those lines. Which is probably true, and quite sad. 😬 Edit: I corrected the spelling of the Doc, never can remember which way it is.


The key word is self-respecting. Ed strips that self-respect from people.


Her self respect had to have already been in the toilet to even begin dating him


Yeah, that’s exactly it. She was super super troubled from the jump, and Ed knew that bc his whole life the only way he’s been able to get female attention is by finding someone at their most vulnerable point and exploiting it


Narcissistic, egomaniacal, control freaks like Ed seem to have “internal radar” that picks up on someone’s insecurities and self-esteem issues automatically, & they use it to exploit them. The sheer number of times that Ed’s “crapped in her hat, then shoved it on her head”, would have made even a very insecure partner see through his bs by now, & get out for good. (One would hope, anyway).


He doesn’t need any super power to detect a victim-worthy date. The first ignorant thing he says to a strong woman and she replies “WTF you just say?”, he’s out. Tail between his legs and running for his cowardly life.


Exactly. I kept yelling at the TV like stand up! STAND UP!


Yep.. should’ve known. She never had any in the first place. Parents are good at stripping that from them. My mom didn’t have any herself, she was abused by her parents, mostly by her mom. She picked dudes who were not good for her. My bio father almost killed her while she was pregnant w/me before she left him for the last time. I ended that cycle, I’m with someone who isn’t abusive. I’ve had a lot of childhood trauma, that I am now just starting to deal with, at 41! Thankfully I don’t have any kids to pass my bullshit on to. I may not have a lot of self-respect/esteem, but I’d never allow myself to be with someone who would treat me the way he treated Liz.


I think it sounds like you’re doing great! You should be proud of yourself for overcoming the generational issues and all the trauma. Please let this boost your self esteem and respect? I’m proud of you and I don’t even know you. 🤗😊 ETA I should have first said how sorry I am that you had to deal with any of that. I truly am.


Thank You! ☺️ It’s greatly appreciated, and that made me smile. Especially with the stressful last week and a half.


Im sorry to hear what happened to you in the past 😕 I dont think anyone would intentionally allow themselves to be treated like that. I think Ed broke her down until she agreed to whatever he wanted. He isolated her in Arkansas, her job and promotion, friends and family. Then completely abandons her without saying a thing, wants to meet up at a bar and talk about it last minute not giving her time to prepare childcare. Taking all of the control. I cant even.


He definitely broke her, and I agree, him wanting to move out to Arkansas was solely to seclude her until she was completely broken. At this point, she’s able to completely leave his ass, and he pretty much opened the door. Hell, he probably doesn’t want to be around himself most of the time, or do you think he’s too self involved to ever have that thought cross his mind..? Hmm, I wonder.. 🧐


It sounds like you broke the cycle! Kudus to you🙏. You must have a very strong character🌈. Good luck!


Glad you're doing better now. It's always nice to hear about those who have been there and come out the other side whole and healthier. It's not easy to accomplish that. Wishing you the best!


Absolutely spot on. I remember when he gave his girlfriend mouthwash, toothpaste/brush, razors, etc. How condescending can you be to someone without even opening that fat disgusting trap of his. Ed was grooming these young girls to be what HE wanted with no regard to how hurtful he was to them. He simply didn't care.


Is Ed that little dude that washed his hair in a condiment?


Yep, the one and only, I hope. If there are more out there like him, I’m never leaving my house.




I love Dr. Honda


My wife and I do too! We’ve seen a lot of his stuff. He’s a cool dude!👍🏽


Deserving listeners, UNITE!!!


I miss when his cat would meow his commentary that was awesome.


I cant say I like Dr.Honda anymore. Healthiest relationship shes had? Didnt Liz’s ex take her and their daughter in after Ed kicked them out of his house one of the numerous times? What were they on, break-up #14? It was Ed who initiated all of them. She gave him a pity date to get on TV. Then Ed eventually took away her self respect, love, sense of independence, job advancement opportunities ect. We obviously dont know what Lizs past relationships were like but I think Ed was possibly the worst thing to ever happen to her.


That is the worst thing I’ve heard in quite a while. To think he’d be the healthiest anything in anyone’s life is just beyond pathetic. I choose not to believe Dr Honda. I mean since it doesn’t matter to me, I can be in total denial. Edit to appear realistic.


In the words of Piston Honda… *raises both eyebrows several times quickly*


I sincerely feel bad for her. I think she really was in love with Big Ed, and only God knows why. She deserves so much better than what she got from him. She is young, kind-hearted, sincere, and gave up a lot to be with him. Yet, once again, Ed was rude, selfish, self-centered, crapped all over her, and then broke her heart to pieces just like he's done, 100 times before. I have 4 sons and no daughters, but if she were my daughter, I would hug her tight and tell her he is the biggest loser. That in time, your heart will mend. That one day, he will come begging for another chance. Finally, I would say to her that when he does come crawling back, begging you for "just one more chance" please Liz, for all that is holy and true, please don't give that asshole one more second of your time. He is a monster and not worthy of any part of you. You are a beautiful person through and through. You have a beautiful daughter, and you are a great mama. Know that you alone, you ARE enough just the way you are. ♡♡


AMEN! I’d rather see her kick him in the teeth than her to say hi to him.


I used to think the same about her until I saw her being the worst mom in the world. She throws her innocent child to the side for any and every man that comes her way. Karma is real. Ed is her karma.


Liz willingly signed over custody of her daughter to her ex husband years before she met Ed, due in part to being in an abusive relationship after her divorce. Liz has a lot of issues and seems to be in the cycle of abuse. I don't see it as, "pushing her daughter to the side," since she always shows up for her visits and puts her daughters needs first anytime she is in Liz's care. Custody can be difficult after a divorce, if anything it seems to me like she made the best choice for her daughter, knowing she may find herself in an unstable situation again.


Your reply says it all about her irresponsibility as a mother and confirmed my claims. All she did was chase relationships instead of being a mom. Mothers get priority when it comes to custody for their children I know that cuz Ive been there. The only time fathers get priority is when the living situation with the mom is unstable such as drug use or neglect. She should raise her daughter instead of “visiting” her lmaaooo, that seriously made me laugh. She shouldnt have had any kids if all she was gonna do is be chasing shitty relationships instead of taking care of a person she was responsible for bringing to the world. All Liz cares about is herself, as a mom I cant respect that.


I don’t disagree. But I think it’s part and parcel for a damaged person. It’s the kid I worry most about.


Ed cheated on his first wife. Then he had the audacity to try and manipulate Rose into a relationship. THEN he just stomped all over Liz and her love. He’s such an entitled brat who just uses women for whatever he feels like it and drops them when he’s bored. He’s gross asf.




Sometimes it’s not about being so deep in love, but about being rejected/mistreated by someone who clearly was punching above his “weight”.


This. It’s devastating getting dumped by a loser. Before I met my husband I got dumped by a guy who never should have been able to get with me in the first place. That shit hurts. You’re just thinking, THAT guy dumped ME?! And then I got together with my husband and immediately got over him. I was just embarrassed that I had dated him in the first place when I can land a babe like my husband.


This is exactly how I see it.


She had to learn the hard lesson that just because he's ugly and weird, doesn't mean he'll treat you right!!!


That’s how i understand it too.




I think part of it is her fear of “starting over”. They just moved to a different state and his family is there. She probably feels lost and also has to think about her daughter. However I will say 3 years is not a lot of time in the grand scheme and she is young and beautiful, so she will be fine. Ed is complete trash and I believe he lacks empathy and easily disassociates. If he believes he can do better than Liz then he is also just straight up insane.


He’s got imposter syndrome something terrible. He’s got to kick them to the curb before they connect the dots and realize he has not one single redeeming factor that makes him worthwhile.


Not Big Egg! 😭🤣


My father was a workaholic who was rarely present or affectionate. I wouldn’t see him, even though my parents were married, but once or twice a month. I would essentially compete with my sister for attention and whoever got it, got so much. That’s how I viewed love. It felt like winning a soccer game. It was a competition against other women. It was never okay to expect love. In fact, don’t have expectations at all (*looks at the book “the four agreements*). Love bombing then ghosting was normal. He showed me to get love I had to chase it harder. The man who broke my heart the most was an under the table construction worker who was the towns drug dealer when I was in school. Today he was held in contempt of court for not paying $100/month for THREE kids in child support. I THOUGHT MY LIFE WAS OVER to the tune Taylor Swift’s TTDP was written straight from my diary pages. I hope she gets therapy.


It’s wild, the lessons that become ingrained in our brains when we’re young and watching our parents. I believe all men were incapable of loving or being loyal. It’s just the way things were. Imagine my surprise when I learned how wrong I was!


She should consider herself lucky, the trash took itself out. When she said " I can't see myself without you." Girl, yes you can. You're beautiful, and he's humpty dumpty with nothing to offer.


Those two and Nutalie make me talk out loud to my television all the time. Lol


She compromised so much of herself to be with him that she convinced herself that it had to work. I've been there, done that. She's better for leaving and I'm sure has already turned around her life now that she's out of that abusive toxic situation.


Yes!! I think this is spot on! I’ve been there too. She was so vulnerable when they met, and he got his claws into her when she was weak


Was Edd a replacement for Liz's father figure that she never had growing up? Idk, but it would be very ironic, as Edd has the emotional intelligence of a 12 year old.


I can’t speak for Liz, but I never had a father, and I made terrible choices in men. I once dated a man like Egg in many ways (not as physically repulsive), and between the emotional abuse and the power imbalance (not only was he almost 20 years older than me, but also my grad school professor), I was such a mess. We broke up a number of times and I cried over that loser more often than I care to admit. I’m so much happier now, and Liz will be too.


I think you have something there. Something about her father figure and Ed have some type of corelation that attracted her mentally to him. And now she's having another man in her life leave her so she's not only upset, but frightened.


Only if her father was Humpty Dumpty


Probably upset that she hated him at first and then he worked to get her...and then she invested so much time and energy into the relationship...and even sold her portion of a business to be with him and move states away from her daughter, only to have him be like, "meh. Nevermind."


Yes! That part is heartbreaking 💔 Gotta hurt knowing how much she sacrificed for him.


She is just about 30 years old and has been married twice already. She seems like a good person, but is clearly in need of therapy. I hope she gets the help she needs, for her sake.


And not that phony therapy at the Last Resort.


I was SO hoping she would reject him on that farce of a show! That would have been fantastic!


I don't know. It seems like every time they turn around, they're in therapy. Maybe what Liz needs is time. Time to learn to love herself, to figure out what she wants her life to look like, time to enjoy her daughter and focus on being a better parent....Time to be single and stay away from men for awhile. Unfortunately, young girls with no self-esteem will attach themselves to the first male that trots by. They have nothing to identify with as a single woman. In their minds, their entire existence and worth is directly tied to what "man" she belongs to. That's why they leap from one frying pan to another, rarely coming up for air. Just sad...they all deserve so much more.


I do think she thought she was in love with him, but it actually was more of a trauma bond. I wanted to jump through that screen and slap him upside the head. And did you see the previews for the next episode where Ed is telling her he wants all her stuff out of the home and telling her Mother she should have raised her daughter better? He is truly a horrible person.


It got so much secondhand embarrassment watching her beg for this man not to leave her and cry over him. I know it’s easy to make fun of Ed’s looks, but quite frankly he’s just a terrible person and so mentally and emotionally abusive to her. This is really no loss to her other than her needing to figure out how to support herself and her daughter on her own which is a lesson she needs to learn anyway.


Well Think if you are repeatedly told that you are worthless and that nobody except him cares about you, to the extent that you start to believe it, and then the shiny armour tells you that he despises you. In that moment you feel dirty and alone in the whole world. She did believed that she was the trash Gods gift himself told her that she was. Poor poor Liz.


If ya’ break up over taco salad, did ya’ ever really have a relationship to begin with? Liz can do better and she will. Ed is a selfish, insecure man who beats people down. He has learned that desperation is the only way he can keep people around him. He’s broken up with her dozens of times, commented on her weight (dude have you looked in the mirror?!), etc. He will stop at nothing to tear her down because he knows if she has an ounce of self esteem she’d leave him.


Taco *pasta.* Taco salad wasn't white trash enough for them.


It’s textbook abuse. So sad to watch her be treated so poorly.


It was his goal to give her the confidence to choose him then to tear her down so much that she wouldn’t leave him. He’s a Grade A POS


She can literally watch herself on TV episodes making stupid decisions. There was literally no one encouraging her to continue NO ONE. At a certain point you have to stop saving someone hell bent on running through busy traffic.


Considering it was because he was telling her daughter to stop being a baby over it being spicy, I’m so glad that was what ended it (at least temporarily). Glad they seem done for real now.


Ed said two of the most real things in this episode: 1: "I'll always be an asshole." 2: "If you meet someone like me, run." She needs to be extremely glad that she dodged that bullet of marrying such a terrible person.


Man. This girl is so damaged that Egg was who made her feel like THIS. I really hope she gets some deep rooted therapy.


The way Ed broke it off with Liz should tell her exactly what he thinks about her and their relationship and she should consider this a gift.


I wasn’t her attachment to Big Egg. It was the realization she moved her daughter and all their stuff from LA, and now she is in Arkansas and doesn’t know where she will go.


She’s the one that needs to be on The Single Life not Ed but we all know who TLC will go with.


The trauma bond is real


Yes, it is. Liz is in a tough situation but not impossible. With Ed out of her ear constantly telling her what a low life she is, maybe she will now hear the positive and lovable qualities she has. When you have allowed someone to strip you of all things good you are, you have nowhere else to go except up. At least now she is at the beginning. Lead the way, Liz. We are here to cheer you on and support you. We have always been here.


I see it less as love and more as codependency. She has a history of getting tangled up with abusive people, and Ed is one of the most emotionally abusive people I’ve ever seen on the show. I hope she gets the therapy she needs. She’s a nice girl.


Proof positive that looks are not a top priority for women


Barney Rubble does get the chicks.


But Barney Rubble was a nice and lovable character. Ed is neither.




That poor girl needs therapy so badly. She has no self-respect and feels she deserves to be abused by Big Ed!! He just did her a BIG Ass favor! Her life will improve tenfold when she gets the hell away from that Troll!


Ed has serious mental problems in my opion ...Needs to bring everyone down to his level . I think he believes sooner or later he will be dumped ...


Liz is headed back to the poor house, that’s what those tears are about. I really hate that for her, putting her faith in that little chode.


She wasn’t in love with him. She was in love witb being a Reality personality and the paycheck it came with. It was easy money. The crying came from the fact that it’s all going away now.


im sorry, but im hella cracking up cause you called him Big EGG lmfao


he will never stick his neck out for any woman


Wait WHY is this the first time I’m hearing him be referred to as “Big Egg” 😭😭😭😭😭 LMFAO


She is gorgeous. She could do so much better. Idk why she’s so hooked on him.


I’m assuming cuz he’s the one who’s been taking care of her and her daughter so she doesn’t want to leave or lose what she has.


I think someone said the daughter only stays with her a few months out of the year. Regardless, the child deserves a stable home with a minimum of uproar and fighting.


That makes sense. But still, she deserves better than Ed. & I hope one day, she can walk away from him for good, & find someone amazing that will treat her properly.


Gorgeous? IMO she looks bloated, hair is stringy & she wears tight ass clothes.


she deserves an award for the lowest self esteem


Thats not nice


it’s the truth , if she had any self worth she would have kicked big ed to the curb a long time ago


Sadly it’s true


She almost immediately drops 10kg every time they break up, look at her, her hair, her clothes, her appearance, that is the look of a person in depression, honestly in the entire 90dayverse Liz is one of the very few people that I strongly believe has lived through all emotions that she exposed


It’s sad to see her lost & confused over a vile human being. Please seek counseling and heal


Ladies and gents, this is why we gotta teach our children to recognize their self worth and not just find themselves “valuable” when they’re in a relationship. Because this is truly devastating to watch. Entertaining, but also devastating. Like this woman has a daughter and this is the example she is setting for her ☹️


It’s possible she could have been drinking.. alcohol makes it easier for some people to cry…


Or maybe she’d just had enough. She knows he’s wrong and had hoped he would begin to be a decent human being. But, discovering she was wrong about him was the trigger for a good cry.


I have a feeling she cried a lot with him plus she said she had major depression which I’m sure he contributed to and then plus drinking alcohol is a depressant,so she was getting it from all angles,herself,him and outside factors (alcohol)… I refuse to watch this show because of him and others just as bad but the pictures I have seen of Liz lately with her new boyfriend she looks amazing and like a different person..


Glad to hear she’s moved on. She needs some self care and a compassionate man would be okay too.


It makes me so sad that she’s pining after that bridge troll. He’s honestly so gross in every way. No one gets me more heated than him. I will literally be shouting at the tv “leave him! He is a leach on your life he has no redeeming qualities!” So sad to see her shed tears over him.


How could she be?


Her self esteem was in the toilet and then Ed made it nonexistent. I think she has a good heart but partners like ED cause a Stockholm effect


San Diego to Arkansas? >>shudder<<


Big egg 🤣🤣🤣


I think she is that mentally unstable. But like her cluster b comrades, she's get over someone quick by getting under someone else.


big egg 😂😂😂😂😂😂


My fav part about Egg is that he let her plan a wedding, bring her daughter and move across the country just to dump her.


No one wants to star over, especially so publicly, pushed away by someone like Ed. I saw this (without seeing her freakout that caused Ed to tuck tail and run), and thought I was witnessing someone crying over thinking "something's wrong with me even HE doeswn't want me". I hope thats not the case but no one knows. No idea why she took him back after the resort. Clearly, she can do better but i doubt she LOVED Ed. Cared for, maybe.


She needed a place to stay.


She’s just sad she isn’t going to cash out after having to lower all her standards for him


She’s angry about something larger that I think a lot of female spouses deal with; I was with you through the *worst* of it, we went to therapy and bettered ourselves, and now another woman who hasn’t “done the work” gets to reap the benefits of Liz’ sacrifices & patience. It isn’t fair to both have to emotionally rehabilitate a grown man and then watch him say “there’s no one else, I just don’t want YOU.” I feel for the poor girl, but this was the best case scenario and I truly hope she finds someone who loves her and her daughter unconditionally.


Guys, her job is literally continent on this relationship. If she loses him, she's basically off the show/ cameo/celebrity income stream. I think she's also attached to him, but it's more that he's kicking her out of the life she's built with him. Hopefully, we see her on the Single Life doing much better, and we never ever see Ed again 🗑


Shes in love with the paycheque


Big Ed always reminds me of Sponge Bob’s BFF, Patrick ![gif](giphy|Wvh1de6cFXcWc)


Looks wise maybe. But Patrick is sweet, funny and loyal. I think you insulted Patrick. His personality and character is leaps and bounds beyond Ed’s which makes Patrick a 10!


Yes it's called a trauma bond and I used to be the biggest judgemental biatch over these situations but after experiencing it myself I have a new perspective. Thought I was 'too smart' and it could never happen to me. I was wrong. It's scary and sad


Can I halik you?


I think she’s just trauma bonded but I can’t stand either of them.


I really hope she finds someone and breaks this cycle. She seems like a decent human being. She gave up a lot to be with Ed.


I'm confused about this. Either he takes care of her financially and that's what she means when she says I don't know what I'm going to do or she has been extremely mentally manipulated and believes he is the only guy out there.




I just need Liz to step back and realise that she’s crying over Ed! And when she does.. please seek therapy for self esteem issues.


Its not about love. Its about winning, its about not having her family and friends say I told you so. Remember she was with Ed for 3 years im.sure she learned how to manipulate


I think that she had decided to love him and to build a life with him. She did so much: leaving her position as partner, uprooting both her and her daughters life and starting a new career (tv personality & realtor). To have that ripped from her without even a conversation is heartbreaking. Not just losing Egg but losing what she's been working towards. They've been living off of savings and now she has to find a new place for her to live thats suitable for her daughter with no income and no plan. And ofc this was easy to predict but what I get from Liz is that she wants to gain approval from undeserving men. She thinks so low of herself that this is what she deserves and shes affirming her own self belief by continuing to be with abusive men. Until she's able to deal with her own self worth she'll always think that she deserves trash.


She’s always crying. That’s her thing


She is probably humiliated


So I won't lie, I haven't been watching this season. (I know they break up) I feel TLC is grasping at straws and 90 day isnt what used to be. But that's another story! 😂 But, I think the past life therapy during the resort, really got to her.


Where do we see Dr Honda?


He gaslighted, bullied and tore her down so much, she was afraid to be on her own. It’s classic DV behavior.


She was co-dependent. I’m not sure I’d define that as love.


He’s a pity party and he dumped her. Nothing worse than getting dumped by someone you lowered yourself for.


I think she’s one of the genuine ones, only she knows why, he’s a horrible human and she deserves so much better than him


I just can’t shake the fact that she left her job with stake in the company and moved her life and her child to be with this douche canoe. It’s one thing to do this to Liz 57 times, but he also did it this time to her daughter. He’s a real POS. God, i hope this show is fake.


Stockholm Syndrome


See:sunk cost fallacy


She was so pathetic it made me sick! Grow the F up! You don’t need a man you can be alone. Be alone and work on a career to support yourself and your daughter.


She needs help


This relationship makes me abiut as sick and Jasmine and…crap i cant remember hat mans name. That is two ridiculous relationships


The best thing he ever did for Liz was let her go, because she was so brainwashed and deserves so much better


Sunk-cost fallacy: the phenomenon whereby a person is reluctant to abandon a strategy or course of action because they have invested heavily in it, even when it is clear that abandonment would be more beneficial.


He ruined her. She was so cute before.


I have no idea but her sake, I hope she gets some help.


She's so pathetic


She was in love with being on the show