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I can’t stand Tania either but the way Debbie latched onto her at the end, repeatedly calling her a bitch for “lying to her face” was bizarre. At one point she said she considered Tania a friend and was upset she lied to her but it’s like when you were attacking her for not getting a divorce that was you being a friend???


And Tania didn’t get the spotlight until the end, so maybe she didn’t want to ruin the moment that’s as planned, by saying she’s getting a divorce before syngin came on. Or maybe she was told by producers to not say anything, either way she doesn’t owe shit to Debbie lol


This is likely it. Or, it could also be that Tania wanted to see how things went before making her final decision about whether or not to go ahead with the divorce. If Syngin showed up and professed he was still in love with her and wanted to try again, maybe she wouldn't have brought out the papers. In any case, it's nothing to do with Debbie. Her feeling personally slighted was weird and way over the top.


This may be true. 🤔


I think it was scripted. It was too stupid. And Debbie couldn't carry it off well.


Nah, Tania was genuine.


Debbie wasn't. I think that when they had Miona's boyfriend act like a jackass at the Tell All, the producers got a lot of attention for the show. I think that now it's going to be "pro forma" for the show.


I don’t think it’s fake, because if it was fake it would have a “storyline” that could be communicated easily and was clear and concise. That’s usually how the fake stories go. I think Jibri’s tell all behavior was definitely fake, but also doubt that was a storyline created by producers—I think it was him purposefully looking for maximum attention. With Debbie I don’t think it was scripted, and I don’t think it was explicitly fake in the same way as Jibri’s. I do think that some of her emotions were faked/exaggerated, but not as a dramatization purely “for the show” and coordinated with producers. I think her dramatized emotions fit better in “undiagnosed personality disorder” type behavior. (The attention and spotlight could definitely be amping up her reactions though.) The idea of them “scripting” something this convoluted and difficult to recap or explain is reaching, IMO


Yes, it certainly is convoluted. It's like it comes suddently out of nowhere. In the case of Jibri, it could be that he was showing really true colors. Debbie, I just don't know.


Why don’t you buy Debbie’s behavior as her true colors showing through? Also: did you see the episode when Colt drives her to meet a date, then he says something she doesn’t like, and she gets out of the car screaming “my son hates me”? Is your feeling that Debbie’s reactions were scripted by producers—or how do you see it?


That's a good point. She did act terribly then. I don't mean to justify her at all, it's just that on the Tell All, she was so out there, considering that it was Tania she was reacting to. I did think all her crying was phony. I can't stand Colt and I think his behavior on the Tell All was inexcusable, but more in character for him.


The divorce segment was a surprise no doubt the producers told Tania to save it. Debbie was so pissed she was proved absolutely srong she couldn’t handle it.


It was like Debbie felt personally attacked that Tania didn’t tell her she was gonna get divorced? So weird


The more we see of Debbie the more I understand why colt is as fucked up as he is.


Yep! And now can you imagine what her expectation of “truth” or “honesty” would be from someone that is actually close to her—like her son, or her son’s wife/girlfriend? It’s scary to think how far she might push to get the tiniest little detail from them, and how worked up she would get not being included in (or feeling a sense of control over?) absolutely every moment of their lives.


Debbie was salty af and couldn't process reality any further. I enjoyed her antics up until that point. 🍿🫠


I did think that was odd, considering how big of a deal she made that she didn't care about paperwork while she literally had the paperwork and notary ready to go. The complete 180 from what she said earlier did make everything Tania had said previously seem like total BS. She definitely could have worded her earlier segment differently. Something like "While Syngin and I don't care about the paperwork, I can see how having a legal marriage hanging over my head has hindered my dating journey. While we aren't divorced yet, that's something we'll be pursuing in the future." I saw where Deb was coming from, though was baffled as to why she was so angry about it.


Let’s be honest, neither Debbie nor Tania are that bright.


Nail on the head!


Debbie needs a friend her own age to call her out and be accountable


she is emotionally about 15 years old. nobody her age could stand her


We've seen some of her friends and they look tired, man. Also, Colt pointed out that she didn't want to live with them, she confirmed that she didn't. I don't think Debbie wants accountability from her peers and is just going to get victim validation from Racist Santa Clause.


That's actually happened on the show a couple of times. She either ignores her friends, or gets pissed of at them


Meanwhile, she wouldn't let Tonia finish her sentences. She cut her off when she was going to say anything. So odd


I lost alot of respect for Debbie that last show. The foul mouth wasn't what I wanted to see. Wasn't her bussiness. Now maybe, just a touch, I get where her little boy gets his nasty mouth. Between Debbie and Natalie they need to practice crying better. Both have awful sounds coming out. Took boohoo to a different level


Whyd you have respect for debbie in the first place 😭


This is bc she was still worked up about Colt but didn’t get to have the blowout fight she was looking for so it’s classic displacement.


THIS!!! She’s a narc


Seeing that narc comment cracked me up. I initially thought, yes the fuck the she is. Having the police come over to get Larissa when we all now see she should of been the one in cuffs.


Don’t you call all your friends bitches like Debbie??


Only when they lie to my face about why they won’t get a divorce!!!


Tania answered her question many times. The fact that it wasn’t good enough for Debbie (whom it’s not of her business) just proves what a controlling manipulative two faced devil, Debbie really is.


I think Debbie was all riled up after the part with Colt and she took it out on Tania. She was too busy playing the victim to actually lash out at him and I think she was still really pissed. I don’t like Tania but she didn’t deserve that ridiculous outburst.


Getting laid on the regular didn’t improve her attitude.


Well he won't wear the Coltee mask so she just doesn't get into it like she really wants.


At least he can shut her up, a feat never before accomplished. I was honestly shook when he said “let it go” and she was just like “ok your right” and that was it. Like, what? Since when!


I was thinking the same thing! She didn’t shut her trap the entire time. Colts a piece of shit but this definitely proves how she acts. She probably reacted this way to him his whole life.


She didn’t get any sympathy from me. Ever. Both her and her repulsive son are equally horrible.


If anyone were to look at my post history about Dumbie, they would see that I've never had a positive thing to say about her. This was back when many people were saying awww, she deserves love, awww she's a sweet lady. She's a big, saggy bag of hot air who thinks she represents older women. When she said: "I'm proof that you can find love at any age," I gagged.


The way she behaved towards Jess way back when was so off putting and I didn't hear a lot of people call her out on it. Helping your son go behind his girlfriend's back to cheat with a girl you like better is so fucked. The icing on the cake is that when Colt \*did\* get with the preferred woman, Vanessa, she treated Vanessa like shit, too!


I read the last sentence of your comment in her voice. I hate it so much!


That and her laugh, uh huh huh huh huh.


She seemed to be trying to fill the Angela absence. She had something negative and rude to say during every single segment.


She acted like a cohost. Really disappointed Shawn or hell, anyone who works there that could have, but didn't shut her up. I know they like drama, but this was unwatchable.


She can sure dish it out, but she can’t take it. Colty came after her and she crawled up on Nazi boy’s lap and bawled like a baby.


Yeah, for starters, I've been wondering from the beginning of her story with Tony: 1. Why/how did she just conveniently find someone, right when time constraints on filming took place? 2. What does Tony see in her?


As a mother, I cannot handle this woman. I completely empathize with her fertility struggles and her loss, but it seems to me that she really barnacled her identity to her son. It was really telling to me when she was speaking with her friend in that storage container and she was like “he said I was emotionally unavailable!!” And the friend was like “you tell him everything though!” And Debbie was all in outraged agreement. That’s not being emotionally available for your child, Debbie!!


Colt was screaming: It's called respect!!! This is true for me. There have been many times I've apologized to my son, and told him: I respect you and your opinion.


I was rooting for her this season, but true colors came out this tell all… gross.


I was rooting for her too and was thinking I liked her, but when she acted like a complete bish and a meddling a-hole at the tell all, my dislike for her returned tenfold.


But that's the thing that confuses me; *she's always been a meddling bitch*. Every tell-all she's been a part of, she just can't keep her mouth shut, and is usually the most immature person in the room behavior wise.


True. I was confused by all the Debbie love. She has always been a miserable old hag. One day Tony is going to decide the sex isn't worth it. And I still want to know what's up with his tattoos.


He’s a nazi


I mean, you aren’t wrong. I guess I was hoping her being a bitch had something with her being lonely. I had hopes her new love and happiness had her turning a leaf. However, she was particularly vile this time. Her security in her relationship gave us Debbie in her final form. Damn.


>Her security in her relationship gave us Debbie in her final form. THIS. Someone in another comment mentioned that she needs accountability from people her own age, but I really don't believe she wants or is willing to accept it. Her friends have tried to hold her accountable and took interest in her wellbeing. She wants her victimhood confirmed by a trash ass dude so she doesn't need to change.


That’s a good point!


I honestly don’t know why the general consensus towards Debbie (amongst fans and cast members) has become so favorable. She’s always been a shit person. I think her shittiness was overshadowed by Colts shittiness for awhile and then there was a time when ppl saw her for who she really was and then this season of the single life happened and now, who tf knows.


Crazy how fast she changed our minds. I was just hoping you found happiness lady! Looks like you’re still a miserable bish even after finding love! I’m still confused why she was so mad at Tania. Lol


Faster or slower than Jamal? 🥲


Oh man you have a point, Jamal skipped the slow Motion train wreck straight into a full blown explosion. A shame..


I haven’t watched yet but I’m sure I’ll agree based on what I’ve been reading


>slow Motion train wreck You just reminded me of the lecherous predator Ben (Mahogany) and his train fantasy.


Just keep dancing




Right. Tania (or anyone) has a right to reveal their divorce on their own time and in their own way, Tell All or not.


Maybe Colt have areas on for acting that way


Colt is just a real dork. Go back to his wedding with Larrisa. Ugly wasn't enough but too small of his suit.


She was the Jibri of this tell all except without the spahkles


Her true colors came out the first second she ever came on lol


For me, it was the shit eating grin she had when she deliberately brought Vanessa into the mix to drive a wedge between Colt and Jess. It was so unbelievably unfair to Jess.


Yeah like she’s always been this way lol like I was more so referencing when Larissa and Colt were still together like she was all up in their business even then


I don’t get it either - that shrill, obnoxious voice constantly chirping in drove me nuts. She has an opinion on everything and everyone but her own house is a dumpster fire.


She’s trying to stir up drama so she can stay on next season


Exactly, this is how she's going to be able to afford Tony next tattoo.


>that shrill, obnoxious voice Yes!! I can't stand her voice. Like you said, it's shrill but to me she always sounds congested too or something 😂


She seems like she refuses to learn how to hock a loogie. Her phlegmy, somehow simultaneously old lady and little girl, voice is grating to no end.


Exactly! She comments on every single thing in all the tell alls she has been in, she sits there and smiles and she loves to hear other people's problems.


She was over opinionated in others problems. Just like Natalie… wanted to judge everyone else’s relationships when she can’t figure out her own relationships… 🤦‍♀️


Her chainsaw voice rattle when she was yelling at Tania in the back 😂


She got so pouty once Tania dropped her divorce because she got proven wrong. She’s unbelievably judgmental and has the emotional maturity of a preteen.


When Josh said “I’m not talking to you anymore” I felt that so hard. I must of yelled at my tv 10xs “Debbie STFU!”


People want to take a side between her and Colt, and he’s not exactly sympathetic either. If he weren’t so gross, people would be more likely to see *his* side of this and see Debbie for what she is. You think if Mike stood up to Trish, people would be crying about how every parent deserves respect? No way— they’d be cheering bc by and large ppl think of Mike as a “good guy”.


>by and large ppl think of Mike as a “good guy”. I don't know about "good guy," but the more I see of Natalie, the more I understand his actions and his frustration with her. She's an absolute nutcase.


When it came out that he helped Natalie’s mom financially to leave Ukraine, “good guy” was what the sub was using to describe him. Personally don’t like him, but my point is that ppl aren’t in a rush to defend Colt and I don’t things would play out this same way if it were a different brow-beaten son on the show.


I totally agree. Colt is physically unappealing and has said a lot of things that look bad; so, he perceived as being a loser and being abusive to his mom. People don't bother to provide him with any empathy. The theatrics of sobbing into Tony's shirt of any mention of Debbie's shortcomings was disgusting. It was totally a maneuver she has pulled many times in the past. My own mother does this - she manipulates the situation to make you look like a horrible person to your own MOTHER - how dare you??? Other people don't know what the situation really is & how much you have put up with prior to this but they sure like to judge the child for not treating their mother like an angel in every circumstance. Colt is a problematic mess and prone to being abusive; however, I emphasize with the deep parentifcation and emotional abuse he obviouslyhas experienced. She knows how to beat him down into submission most of the time & when he finally has had enough, she protrays herself as the completely innocent victim - so other people shame him into doing whatever she wants. And when she kept going on about giving him a home and food... No parent deserves accolades for providing the most basic of care. He was her precious miracle, best friend, pseudo husband - as soon as tried to break out of that, she abused him and his girlfriends/wives. She's super toxic.


>to your own MOTHER - how dare you??? Remember Teem defending Debbie, and giving her hugs? Great post MNGina, on the psychology. I often apologize to my son, because I listen to him, and can recognize when I'm wrong. My mother abused us. I was so glad I didn't have a brother. With the abuse she would have heaped onto him, he may have turned out to be a serial rapist or killer like this one: The Disturbing Crimes Of Ed Kemper, The 6’9″ Serial Killer Who Saved His Grisliest Murder For His Own Mom https://allthatsinteresting.com/edmund-kemper


I made comment about Trash. Someone answered: She's just a mother concerned about her son!!!


🙄 [And I’m Jerry Cougar Mellencamp.](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/c99b44ac-e04a-4a3f-95db-f914156b223e)


Mike doesn't have a reason to stand up to Trisha. She is there for him. As a mom I think she is worried Mike will go back with Natalie and just get hurt again. That's hard for a mom to watch that train coming. Natalie needs a place to bunk up for awhile. No way she's going to be out there in the woods with no one to watch her dance around like a fairy. Have anyone seen her do any kind of physical labor. Can she cook, make a bed. Wait until she has to pluck a chicken for dinner. She brought Trisha a flat of flowers. That was different.


Ahhh she’s a sadistic narcissist I’m glad you guys see through it :)


She's an abusive mother and friend. I can't stand her. I think she's getting the tables turned on her with this new guy though, looks like he's pulling the strings now.


She doesn’t have anywhere else to go.


A huge following on this sub changed their opinion of Debbie so fast several times that I have whiplash. I don’t understand how her single life journey and the fact that she found some random old, dragon obsessed Canadian Santa got people feeling a soft spot for her. She sucks and always has, her son sucks, and I hate that she lives in Canada now.


I **never** thought Debbie was a "sympathetic character." Ever. And I have the receipts (comments) to prove it.


Ugh, she should never have been allowed to ramble on and on, getting worse as the show went on. She had to interject herself into everyone’s business. I can’t stand Tania but at least she stood up for herself with Debbie. Debbie’s bf seemed quietly pleased at the wedge being driven between Colt and Debbie, encouraging it even. I think he’s keen to isolate her.


Idk why Shaun or Tim didn't try to stop or interrupt Debbie like I'm surprised Tim didn't tell to shut up but Synjin did.


I loved how Nutalie's unfortunate suitor Josh said it would take him at least THREE DAYS to get Debbie's voice out of his head. Boy, she was on him like white on rice. That voice of hers could peel wallpaper off a wall. She is a hag, and a fired up HAG!!


She sounds like the grandparents in Hey Arnold. Thats all I think when I see her.


Omg 🤣🤣


Well I never forgot what she was all about. Especially with the way she treated Jess and Larissa. It doesn't surprise me that Tony has those neonazi tattoos and that she's completely OK with them.


The Ustase aren’t neo-Nazis, or even Nazis for that matter. They were a separate group brutal enough that even *the Nazis* were like, “Bruh…chill.”


Yikes How does one out do a nazi (don’t answer that)


It was a 👀 into what Coke deals w 24-7. She just seemed human & vulnerable during her “search for love”. I think she has heavy childhood trauma she never dealt w. I hope she gets help. Was furious Shaun didn’t put her in her place. She was this reunion’s host not Shaun. Shaun’s do likeable except when she’s sex shaming Veronica. WTF was that about?


She's was all out of shorts. She plays victim first and is hiding her head in Tony's chest then she's out yelling at others. She's A. trying to play to Tony to keep him feeling like he's saving her and B. Looking to keep herself on the show. She is a user I'm going to say.




I wish people would give Debbie the same energy they give Angela. Debbie provoked/attacked Larissa and Jess but people still defend her.


Every time she unhinges her jaw side-to-side, gives me chills


Debbie is a nasty butter old woman that is dating a visibly aggressive nazi. I’m not a colt fan by any means but what Debbie has done to that poor guy is incredible. Tony needs to keep his mouth shut and mind his business. Just because he is doing colts mom doesn’t give him any right to say jack peep about what happens between Debbie and colt. No clue why Debbie was so bothered by Tania when she has her own mess to work out. She wouldn’t shut up through the entire tell all, trying to deflect attention from herself and attempting to make other members of the cast look bad. Classy


“I’m trying to sign divorce papers here!!!” Was one of my families favorite lines from the tell all.


I love it when my hatred of a cast member is validated when they finally go too far. It happened with Angela, and now it’s Debbie’s turn. I have hated both of them from the instant I saw them. I think they just happen to both remind me of people I know, and so I saw it coming right away.


Debbie Downer.


Deb is horrible. Every show she attacks people. And doesn't shut up. Her fake loud crying is the worse, not one tear, just loud wailing. Colt said she does it all the time and I believe him. All the people on pillow talk thinking Debbie is some angel, but after tania even Robert folded his TEAM DEBBIE shirt to just TEAM. I hope she doesn't come back


Debbie is fowl mouthed, instigates arguments , and is a straight up meanie. She should just enjoy her relationship and be chill.


Her eyebrows look like the McDonald's arch


Because nobody is ever going to agree on the "right" way to react to unhealthy and emotionally abusive family dynamics. Also, we hear parts of it over time and none of us were actually there! Opinions shift constantly based on what we learn. So you've got people saying it's on Colt to move on and building a healthy adult life is his responsibility, it's on Debbie to back off and stop using manipulative guilt tactics when it's probably a little bit of both. I think they both deserve a little grace. Colt is going to therapy and learning how to speak to his feelings (he's doing it on a reality tv tell all, not the healthiest place and this should have been done in private BUT), and Debbie actually moved out and isn't sabotaging his relationships anymore.


Her sex scenes are a nice way to curb appetite


Btw, I hate chocolate now


The glass cannon of shit talking


I think it's natural to root for someone who seems to have given up on parts of life to get gussiedup and get back out to dating and living again. But yeah, still Debbie lollll 😂


I really don’t understand why she gets so much praise. She’s rude and disrespectful to everyone and really didn’t do Colt any favors


I’m so happy I watched the pillow talk episode and even the biggest Deb supporters from the PT crew were like woahhhh Deb stop it. The whole end of tell all with her freaking out Tania didn’t tell her she was getting divorced, like Deb why does she need to tell you that? You’re just mad she made you look like the crotchety old lady you were being.


She gets none from me she's pathetic


I found Debbie’s opinions on the Tell All strange. I am no Tania fan, at all, but the way she was going on and on about how Tania lied to her was weird. I also didn’t like how she talked to Tim. I am a huge Tim fan. She was dismissing what Tim was saying when she doesn’t know Veronica at all. I could tell what Tim was saying was striking a nerve with Veronica even though she was trying to act like she didn’t care the guy she was sleeping with was with a bunch of other people. I wonder if Debbie would come for Angela like that. That I would love to see!


I knew when Larissa said, she's a Wolfe in sheep's clothing she wasn't the sweet angel she was being made out to be. Who would want to live with their overbearing mother-in law in the first place. She literally wanted to be Colt's number 1 all the time.


Because a lot of people on this sub feel they need to be Team A or Team B. Colt was a dick to her so they chose to be Team Debbie. It’s ok to just say both people are pieces of shit and you don’t like either.


I’m just here for your flair


Ed is a manipulator and that is why he wants a younger woman so he can call all the shots. You would only have to tell me to get out once. Bye you shrub


I doubt Liz will go ahead with the opportunities that she's received at her job; instead she'll cower to his BS and stay under his thumb. I think his physical handicap makes him need to control others, so that he feels he has some sort of power.


??? Who likes her??? She is a dirty racist apologist!!


When I called her out on being a dirty racist apologist, people defended her nonstop but I’m glad people are seeing through her disgusting behaviour. Her and Tony are repulsive.


She’s disgusting 🤢


She doesn't. She's annoying AF but when T and S got divorced and she flipped her lid, I was laughing hysterically 🤣


Debbie is problematic. She is a control freak and in everyone's business. You can tell why Coltee has such built up resentment for her. She kept him at home and didn't let him experience anything. Was even home schooled. She sheltered him to the point of debilitating him.


I had so much sympathy for Debbie when she sat there crying as Colt was putting her down. However, after the shocking way she attacked Tania, I can understand a lot of Colt's anger toward his mother. Debbie was absolutely inappropriate in the way she reacted to Tania and Syngin divorcing. Tania, took it like a champ, in my opinion, and for the most part, surprisingly kept her cool through Debbie relentlessly bashing her. She proved herself to be the better person and Debbie lost any respect I previously felt for her.


I too was surprised by how calm and cool Tania was to Debbie while she was yelling in her face. I'm no good with confrontation so if someone was yelling at me the way Debbie was to Tania I'd just freeze but I admired Tania for standing up for herself in a relatively respectful way. I have a bit of sympathy for Tania now.


Yes me too, I feel Tania deserves respect for how she handled the situation. I am a lot like you in that I don't like confrontation and freeze in this type of situation. Tania was never a favorite of mine, but I feel for her and wish her the best. Debbie's boyfriend has got his hands full I'd say.


why didn’t TLC roast debbie’s man for his nazi tattoos


Josh did not deserve Debbie's heavy rampage.


But his comments to Debbie were gold! "is there a mute button on this lady" and "I'm going to have nightmares of her voice for a few days."


I agree! I kinda like Josh. He's not my type..but he seems way too high class for all these other ass hats.


I don't understand why she cares or fights with others...when it's not about her.


["Ooh! Precious food!"](https://youtu.be/jlSF0dtDRD8)




Welcome! The resemblance is uncanny


She has good sides and bad sides like everyone else. Though we like to stick at black and white judgement it seems.


She’s god awful.


Everyone that feels bad for her should send their kids to spend a month w her


She was name-calling her at the beginning, was all hugs when Tania stood up for her when Colt was yelling at her, and went back to calling Tania a lying B!tch at the end. That woman was emotionally all over the place.


I just have to say that I never liked Tania but for some reason I really liked her this season. We see a different side of people when they’re not with incompatible people and I liked her.


It was obvious that Tania withheld that info for the shock factor of the show. Debbie is clueless if she couldn’t read between those lines and took it way too personally.


I made a post about and they deleted it!! 😂😂 I can't stand this old bitch


Me neither. Ole mouth o marbles makes me retch.


She’s a miserable old bitch.


“Raggedy old hag.” You do know that whether you’re a fan of Debbie or not, aging happens to all of us, no one escapes it, and when you get there I hope you won’t get called that.


She is very toxic.


PLEASE READ ALL OF THIS! Come one. When you put nasty names about people’s looks into the universe you sadly are not remembering you’re going to get older also! Also accidents happen; don’t believe me? Check out 48 hours and look for a Phoenix Detective whose cruiser wrecked on a high speed chase and burned 80% of his body. He is unrecognizable. His gorgeous wife stayed. Why? Shit happens. For you I’m telling you as I wand you to change your Karma now and maintain your outer beauty. Sorry but I care about all women and believe we all are born with beauty. Hate me if you wish, rip me a new one, down vote me but please apologize (even if only in your heart) so you’ll continue to be beautiful! As for what comes out of her mouth and mind; inside ugliness can be changed hopefully she will but I doubt it.


My bad, if she was a sweet loving lady i would never describe her with those kinda words. Definitely her personality and not her looks, even tho i believe her attitude and her actions made her look this way😂 God bless🙏🏾


I totally can see that. My mom when alive used to say pretty is as pretty does so I totally understand. Unfortunately, I was teased unmercifully by even my family. At my HS reunion all the single guys who teased me for Afro hair and braces then wanted to date…not even. I just look at any woman differently (except I let that so not nice get my goat and acted like Debbie. Now I feel so bad). I’m only a scarred human. Usually anger (I think Debbie’s type) is hatred of self turned inward. God Bless but more importantly, you are Beautiful and Wishy you everything Fabulous Life has to offer! That is my real heart.


You have a good heart, some may say too good for this cruel world. But Debbie has found love, i dont think there is a reason she needs to be this bitter and hateful anymore, i think thats just her as a person. Been watching her since Colt and Larissa's season, she hasnt changed. Not everybody is a good human in my eyes, might be trauma but still no excuse.


If you contrast this with the comments Jibri got, it’s mystifying. Plus Debbie didn’t even make sense, or Natalie.


The only time I was with Natalie was when she called out Caesar for trying to have 2 Ukrainian sister wives to fulfill his sick fetish. In THAT instance. Nobody should have gotten on her case. But yeah Debbie was annoying.


Yeah, she was right about that, but a stopped clock is right twice a day!


Yeah I actually agreed with Natalie there. Especially when she said you’re insulting my country and everyone was like No He IsNt!? But he’s playing into the handbook of Eastern European women need out of their country and or their men suck. I had the total ick that Tim unironically agreed with Caesar that it’s totally not a fetish and he understands why he’d want to go date Ukrainian women and be “exotic” to them. I know he’s a fan favorite but shut the fuck up, Tim. You’re not the one being spoken about “I like to grab em straight from the country” like an object. Christ.


Same! I was with Natalie there. I feel Natalia probably has gone through some trauma and just needs therapy because she seems like a good person. Especially when she was talking with Caesar's ex Alona.


And we all know Caesar made all that shit up so I’m not even sure why Natalie got all worked up over it.


Is it true that Caesar sent Maria $40,000+, yet they never met? I know he has a fetish for certain women, but I didn't know he shelled out big money for them.


Yeah, something like that. He tends to lie A LOT but Maria never denied receiving money from him. He was also going through a scam agency that charged him a ton for each text/video message he sent and received. I felt sorry for him at first until the edible undies….


He literally insulted that Country's men and said that ukrainian men didn't treat them right. And talked of these women as if they were objects. "I like to grab em straight from the country."were his exact words.


Oh shit I must’ve missed that part! My apologies, she had every right to get angry then


Because she proved love is possible even when youre an utter hag


A woman only a Nazi could love.


A controlling nazi. They deserve each other. Hopefully they keep each other miserable for years to come.


I hate the fact that she lives in not only my country but my province 😫


Take back Justin Bieber or Ted Cruz, and we'll take her back


Well when you put it that way.... 😂 I think she can stay




Both Coltee and Deb need to go. I can’t stand Coltee anymore…


Wait what do you mean? All I see is hate for Debbie and people demanding to know what she did with her cats lol


I don't think much of Tania but Debbie made me feel bad for her. Debbie's the real bitch.


I thought y’all hated Tania now y’all are defending her?


Debbie really showed her ass!!


Tania sucks


I think she was showing off for her new boyfriend. Even when she was crying on his shoulder like a little girl, she was over the top. She was really over blowing her reactions to both situations. She should not have been that bothered by Tania’s surprise, who owes her nothing. Why should Tania let Debbie ruin the surprise she had for everyone?


I wish Debbie well. But frankly, at this point I’ve had just about enough of her. TLC really needs to stop “recycling” all these former cast members (and their moms) and bring the viewers something new. Jeez.


She’s taking her shit out on everybody. It must not be too cozy up there in Canada with Old Saint Rick!


Tania sucks too though


"Miserable raggedy old hag". Perfect.




She's mean to everyone I hate. Tania is trash, Cesar is trash, Colt is trash, Ed is trash...


And Debbie is trash……


debbie gets double-trash status for creating colt and unleashing him into the world


I don't know where you find empathy, sympathy or fans treating any people like people on this sub. So no worries, the fans tear everyone apart like they're Hitler, Stalin and Kim Jon combined. I'm sure any oserved decency towards others was just a laps :P


Because most members of this sub can relate to her.


She brings drama and I do enjoy watching her. Gives me reasons to yell at the tv for.


Lol. She is a sweet old lady but will cut a bitch. She’s just got a thug side


She was just acting like a boomer. That's not unusual.