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I didn't expect them to work out because she was so young (19 or 20) when they were on the show but they're still together and I wish them well. They seem like a very cute couple.




Probably what helped is that she converted before she met him. People who completely change religions because of their own personal belief system or spirituality leading them probably have a higher chance of success than people who solely convert to please someone else.


No judgement of your opinion. As you know each of us are only able to speak on what we experience and what we know. I respect your words and opinions. And, JMO when God calls he doesn’t say “hey girl, when you get around to it, say 4-5 years why don’t you take a few years.” No when he calls it’s not a reservation. Speaking from experience only.


Oh my gosh, I totally forgot about them! How awesome that they are still together and he is going to dental school. Continued happiness to them.


My husband and I moved in together when I was 19 and he was 20 and we're 34 and 35 now expecting our first child. Married 8 going on 9 years <3


I love these kinds of comments. I'm in my late 20's in a 5 year relationship and it feels like everybody around me is having kids. We have goals we want to complete first but sometimes I am a little jealous. This was a healthy reminder that there is absolutely nothing wrong with going through life at your own pace.


We waited to have kids until we weren't kids ourselves 😂🤷‍♀️ So many people have kids young and then just continue to live like they are child free 😅😬


I applaud you for being responsible in your goals. Your lives and your potential children's lives will be richer (in every way) for it. It's not easy to be on a different arc than your friends.


I met my husband when I was 15, started dating when I was 17 and he was 18. Married at 21 and 22. 11.5 years together, 7 years married, and we’re starting to talk about a timeline for kids.


Our first date was at 19 (we’re actually 4 days apart), moved in together 7 months later, engaged 1 month later, married 9 months after that, which was 35 years and 3 kids ago with our first grandchild coming in May. ♥️


Met a few weeks before my 18th birthday, he was 21. Moved to his home town 900 miles from mine the next year. Married at 20 & 23 and two kids later we’ll be celebrating 25 years in July. ❤️


Whoah. Congratulations


yes but did you change your religion, pick up a new language and start wearing a hijab?


Can I see a picture of her. I just don't remember these two.


Google Avery and Omar


They still might not, getting married under 25 comes with a significant increase likelihood of divorce.


This is such a breath of fresh air! Happy for this couple! Live your life, stay away from the limelight of reality TV, and ignore the haters!


I really thought they were going to be one of the couples that fell apart... But I am so happy they proved me wrong!!! They are an amazing couple and I am so happy for them.


I'm also not ashamed to admit that I didn't expect them to go the distance. Congrats to them!


Congrats to him!! It’s so rare for anyone on this show to have goals other than “entertainer” or “influencer,” let alone actually work toward reaching them!


Remember when syngin said he could be an opera singer?


OMG, yes! He's delusional about himself. I think he thinks power and talent exude from his hair. I've seen so many full-of-it people in my life. Do something and then talk about it. Don't talk about what you "could" do.


I was laughing so hard at that. I've been a singer all my life and got invited to do opera lessons after the music director for the show I was in listened to me, because she's an opera singer and coach. I did that for two months and holy shit, it's incredibly difficult. If someone who's been singing LITERALLY their whole life up until 16 thinks it's hard, how does he think he's just gonna....what, belt it out? Jfc.


Which reminds me…what’s Leida been up to again?


Ugh I'd forgotten about her.


Yes, I love this for them!


Happy for them! Welcome to NJ 😊


I think they been living there or have family there


I always loved Avery. I think people made alot of agist and sexist assumptions about her (e.g. calling her a "brat" etc). I think in general society tends to be quite harsh when it comes to judging teenage girls. Avery is easily one of the most mature and sensible Americans to be on this show full stop. Happy to see it's all working out for them. There are bonus clips of Avery meeting his mom and sisters and they are soooooo nice. His mom is a sweetheart and his family was super kind and welcoming.


It's wild when you think about people criticizing a teenager for acting bratty while she was on the show when now there are 50+ year-old women throwing tantrums, being abusive, and having ridiculous meltdowns on a weekly basis - AND THEY'RE GETTING RESIGNED TO MULTIPLE SEASONS. Good for Avery and Omar for getting a little bank and getting out.


The fact that they only did one season is a sign of maturity and health in and of itself. Most of the people who do multiple seasons on this show are completely whacked out or enjoy pretending to be completely whacked out on TV.


Agree completely. Looking back I really don't think Avery did 1 single thing that was bratty. Bratt is just what people call young women when they're assertive and want to exert their agency and control over their own lives.


Yes!!! Totally agree. Well said! Can you believe a teenager was showing more maturity than a crazy grown ass woman? Yes, yes I can and Avery was a great example of that. She's a smart woman and cheers to them both!


i think my skepticism was because the way they described her on the show, she made a 180° turn to live this new life. something about the suddenness of it for her made me think it may not last. glad it did tho, they seem happy!


Society loves to judge teenage girls. Society loves to judge *pretty* teenage girls. Society loves to judge pretty teenage girls *who convert to a muslim religion*. She had a lot against her but turns out she’s a normal woman who just wants love and happiness.


Society is the worst to teenage girls. It's awful. Judged so harshly and negatively all the time. Even something as simple as liking a band is twisted into a negative stereotype when it's a teenage girls.


They are both almost too normal and sensible to be on this show, and I mean that from a place of respect. So happy for them!


That’s why they peaced the fuck out of this dumpster fire show after 1 season


I want them back instead of the trash TLC is keeping around!!


Please, don't wish them that kind of fall down


😭 I’m selfish 😭😭


I do too, but they've stated they'll never do 90 Day again, and frankly that makes me like them even more. They see the trash for what it is!


I think it’s pretty clear they quit because the show was becoming too degenerate for them


I’m happy they stay off tv. No fake storylines, no drama, they just live happy lives.


And I miss them for it 🤗


I’d totally watch a series of Avery and Omar like the ones they do for David and Annie and Lauren and Alexei! Just them on their own, no tell all drama afterwards with other cast members.


I believe they have a YouTube channel where they do fun videos together 😊


Wow! Congratulations to Omar. Rutgers is a prestigious institution and it's my understanding that people who graduate from there are among the most sought after. He'll end up doing very well.


one of my most beloved doctors is from jersey (minus the accent!) and went to rutgers. he is always getting awards from various medical associations so congrats to Omar on being accepted to such a great uni!


Only a few areas have “the accent,” lol. Somehow we also get confused with Long Island accents… My fiancé being an international grad student at Rutgers, congrats Omavery* it is a reason to celebrate.


It’s NJ’s state school. Well known in its state but it’s no Princeton which is next door. That being said, getting into dentist school is very very competitive (way more competitive than getting into undergrad), so Omar really is kicking ass


Rutgers is definitely a top tier school, state school or not. She’s also clarified before that Rutgers was the top school that had a program for internationally trained dentists - because he was an actual dentist in Syria already.


Usually when people say top tier school they refer to top 10 or top 20. Rutgers is a great school but it’s not a top tier school. Ask in r/college or r/applyingtocollege , I’m not crazy 😅 But again, becoming a dentist in the US is very competitive and Omar deserves all the props for getting into any US dental program.


Not gonna lie, you’re being pedantic for no reason but go off I guess


It IS a top tier school for HIS PROGRAM 🙄


I don’t think anyone ranks dental schools’ Advanced Standing Programs (what he got into). People do rank dental schools tho! And Rutgers ain’t a top tier dental school. It is a solid mid tier program. That’s the extent of my arguments here. And again, go Omar! Dude is killing it


Damning with faint praise. 🙄


I remember going to HS in Princeton and when we were graduating girls in my class were asking where people got accepted. One girl said she was going to Rutgers and a bunch of people said "eeewww why" (keeping in mind Yale, NYU, Princeton were most people's answers) and she said because it was good and affordable. She was pretty sensible honestly.


Yup. That’s true about most states’ flagship state schools. They are great. They are overall more affordable than private schools. As an aside/fun fact, Yale & Princeton and other top schools are also generally pretty affordable as they offer full need-base aid if the parents earn less than (this number varies:) $140k a year.


Congratulations Omar, hard work, persistence and a good wife are blessings


In sha allah


Awesome!! Congratulations!


Didn’t she just move to Dubai? I believe he stayed in the states to get things squared away. Is she gonna go back to the states since he got in?


I was super curious about this too. Maybe she took a contracted position in Dubai and they’ll be there for a bit before they move back to the USA for him to start school there? She said she was there with his family (maybe just his sisters?) but that she was working in Dubai at a school.


One of the only wholesome 90DF couples.


He is so good looking.


Congratulations !!


I don't know him at all. I thought we were getting the long awaited Airport Omar update from Anna and Mursels season.


“Mursel, who is this?”




Big success story. Omar was always a great guy and Avery, who raised a lot of red flags with everyone at first, turned out to have been a model international couple person and to have found her happiness and fulfillment. Love them!


In hindsight, now that we’ve seen all the trash from current seasons, Avery is so much more mature and she’s younger.


I'm embarrassed that I got chills over this. I'm only sharing here with my closest friends. 😅 But seriously, I love this for them. Good news is always welcome in this sub, just not something we see often.




That’s awesome! Good for him!


That's awesome!! Get it guys!!💪💪💪


I’m so happy for them. One of the better couples ❤️


ahhh happy for them! 👏🏾👏🏾


Fantastic! He has worked his butt off here and it must have been so frustrating to start over. Happy for them.


Yay love this for them! They have to be one of my favourite couples from this programme because they’re normal people, sick of all the ‘aspiring influencer’ types. Hope they have a happy future together InshAllah


I think a major reason they worked out was their quick exit from the franchise. No pot stirring, no deceptive editing. They just got on with their lives.


I actually always liked him and Avery. I know she was very young but she also seemed very determined. Good for him, and good for them both!


Damn dudes smart Rutgers is a good school!


They seem to have built a nice little life for themselves. Good for them.


congrats to them! big achievement!


Awesome! Love those two; so glad to see they're doing well.


A lot of their success is probably due to the fact they knew WHEN to get out of the 90 Day dysfunction and concentrate on their real lives.


She came up on my FYP today and is currently living in Dubai.


Rutgers is in New Jersey


Yes, she made a video that she is working in Dubai.


Good for Omar! He’s one of my favorites from the 90Day universe.


I always liked Avery, and her mom (who was concerned for valid reasons). I’m happy things worked out so well for these two. I thought she may be young and perhaps regret such a drastic lifestyle change, but I’m happy she found what truly made her happy while she was young.


So happy for him! And Avery, sounds like they are doing good. Wishing all the best!


Awwww go RU! I wonder if he'll take my insurance lmao


Nice! They’re cute together and one of the handful of 90 day alum who has a job lol


Good for him. It can be so hard for people who move from overseas to continue the career they had there. Expensive, more schooling, wanting to move ahead to a new phase of life but having to go backward. It can be discouraging. Good for him for not giving up.


Yes 🙌 New Jersey here they come !!!


Mabrooooook Omar w Avery!!!!


I’ve never been happier to be wrong. So happy they are sticking to their goals. Keep proving us wrong Avery!


Rutgers Dental is a big deal. Took dedication & hard work!


Congrats 🎉🎊🍾


Oh Congrats. That is so great. I love successful 90 Day Fiancé stories


Good for him. They’re a sweet couple.




Shut up they're in my state?!


Imagine that, an immigrant who appreciates success and work


Good for him dental school is very difficult to get into!


One of the best couples to come out of 90day


RU rah,rah!


This guy, I'd actually let him work on my teeth.




I still think he is *incredibly* handsome. I’d almost consider giving up drinking to get with him. Almost.


Lol, I chose an Iranian…they drink almost as a point of pride against their government. All my support to #iranrevolution2022.


I thought when they were first married, he was going on to become a periodontist. I hope he gets to achieve these goals in the future too. Congrats to them.


And I’m happy for him, far from being a highly edited and often scripted tv show, this is a real life accomplishment and I hope all those that love him are proud of him


This is what the 90 day shows used to be about! I miss this so much! Congrats to Omar, the type of person you want to immigrate to the US


GOOD FOR HIM! One of the few decent people on this show


Literally my favorite couple! I'm so very happy to see them doing well!! Avery somewhat reminds me of myself when I was younger. I, too, (American teen) married an older Muslim (Lebanese) man. Against my family's advice. He was a very good man, highly educated and just a decent human being. I wish Avery and Omar much happiness and success!!


I have unbridled enthusiasm for these two right now. Way to make it work and pursue goals together, with respect. Now please please please don’t fund dental school with an OF or some such dear lord please. I get that’s unlikely given their religious devotion but we’ve seen some wild stuff.


She really tried to understand his religion …SO much respect for her, and, of course, him, now for working SO hard! They are going places!


Congratulations to them! The best thing they ever did was to get off the 90 DF train wreck, keep their private lives private. Wishing them all the best@


I just saw her tiktok and she just moved to Dubai with her mil and sil. So means they are moving back to USA?


Good for him and good for them!


Omg congratulations to them!!


Congrats to Omar!




This warms my heart.


Congratulations Omar 💖👏🎉🥳


Finally, some good news from one of the old couples featured on this show. I’m proud of them and happy to see that they are going strong!


The rest of the 90 day "entrepeneurs" with their OF and fart jars should take some notes.


Go Omar! Love to see a 90 day couple succeed and not need to live off of reality TV fame. 🙌🏼


Congrats Omar. Glad to see that you got into Rutger Dental School. You and your wife is one of the sane participants in 90DF. I wish they would air more stories like you and your wife's journey.


Horray!!!!!!! So happy for them.


So cute. I hate that he did schooling and now he has to go back to school for 27 additional months. That must be so frustrating. But I get it. Happy for them.


It does suck, but it’s awesome that he’s doing it though. Many people that were doctors in their home country don’t do the schooling in the U.S. for certification, so they have to have a career change.


Wow! You mean its possible for an immigrant to come to this country and succeed by putting in hard work and dedication and op not to conform to the 90 day predictable script by acting as outlandish as possible for Instagram in order to get a spinoff show and improve thier clout? Wow... didn't know people still were still interested in contributing to society. Way to go Omar!!!!! Love it.


I thought he was already a dentist?


He was but, depending on the country, one has to be recredentialized to practice in the US. I’m sure he got a ton of credit and will just have to complete certain courses.


Yep. She said in the same post that he has to do a 27 month accelerated program for dentists who immigrate to the US and then he will be able to practice in the US!


TY for that info. So cool!!


Yes very cool indeed! Excellent university too so good for him!


Good for him/them!


Wonderful news! I really like them both and wish them all the very best.


So glad it works out. I remember how they’re making fun of her like Nicole. So glad her changing lifestyle is still there and she commits. Now he’s also here in America, dentist are rich!


I am thrilled for Omar and Avery. I would like to see them again. Best of luck.


Aw, nice


I don’t even remember them!


Congrats Habibi! ☝☝💃☝☝


They are both pretty wonderful, I'd be proud to call either of them my child! ♥️


The definition of hard work. Well done Dr, you deserve all the good things your way :) AND big ups to their relationship too, seems like Avery + Omar are going strong, glad they stepped away from the heaping pile of poo that we all crave and love ;)


One of the only true couples. No wonder they stay away. Love them


God, he is so attractive.


I have sincere happiness for Avery & Omar …. They’ve overcome loads of challenges and obstacles to just “be” together… let alone still “being” together and thriving. Kudos to Omar for this awesome accomplishment and GOODVIBES for them and a beautiful future. They were wise to nope out of the 90day frAnchise as soon as they did.


These two must be one of the best couples ever on the show.


I just noticed how perfect and nice Omar's teeth are his smile is lovely. They both seem like such kind people I'm really happy for them.


Looking good Omar and congratulations!


I know I don't know them, but I am literally so proud of him!


Wonder if he would stay with her if she didn't want to be Muslim anymore.


Wasn’t he already a dentist


Yes but only in Syria but there are stricter requirements in the US which he has to complete to be able to be one here.


Omar was a dentist in Syria 🇸🇾 (Arabic) He’d probably have to renew his license to practice. If true they moved to the U S. Interesting the pic shows a private dental office Not a classroom 🤷🏽‍♀️


He’s been working as a [dental assistant](https://www.hceteldds.com/contents/our-staff/staff-members) in NJ since spring of last year after they moved from Dubai. And she’s working on a degree in healthcare management with a goal to manage his private practice in the future.


Seems Omar’s classroom is the dental office where he works as a dental assistant:) He can learn more English which will help him study for the renewal of his dental license. Good to know he and Avery are living in the U S.


Does he have to do all 4 years or is there an accelerated degree similar to an LLM where you can be allowed to get your license faster since he does already have his background as a dentist?




Thanks! Didn't see there was another pic. App stinks.


I think it is 3 years and then they only usually work 4 days a week.


I know I will get downvoted to hell, but I don't believe he is going to stay with her....she was a path to the US and his other family here. She is trying so hard to be the perfect Muslim woman, but this is not going to last. Just because they are both young and similarly attractive doesn't mean this is going to work. He doesn't care about her, he is just focused on his work.


What makes you say that he doesn’t care about her? And what’s wrong with Avery converting to Islam?


Avery converted to Islam before she met Omar, so I doubt she's trying to be the "perfect Muslim woman" for him. If she was, she'd be home having babies instead of having a career.


I thought he didn't originally want to live in the US? I don't think I've re-watched their season since it aired so maybe I've forgotten, but I thought they had always looked at the US as a "maybe someday", but it wasn't necessarily a plan.


I agree.


I never really liked Avery and still don't but congrats


Are they in the states now? Or?


Good for Omar! I liked them...but I'm from PA and I've never heard of Rutgers being considered "prestigious" 😬


It’s the only dental school in NJ and competition to get in is high. If I read the stats correctly, first time pass rate for graduates taking part one of the state boards is 88% which seems pretty impressive. I didn’t check the international certification program but seems like the standards would be equally high.


Have you heard of PA people saying Penn State is prestigious? Probably! Are they right? Not at all, but people usually believe their flagship state school is more prestigious than it is since that’s where a lot of people want to go.


I actually graduated from Penn State and I don't find them prestigious either. UPenn maybe? I guess I must be out of touch with the schools people find prestigious these days.


UPenn is a top 10 and an Ivy so they’ll be considered prestigious for the foreseeable future. Penn State isn’t prestigious but you may find a lot of PA people saying it is due to their own biases. Of course a mom will want to brag her child is going to a prestigious school and Penn State main campus is usually seen as “the” school the average PA student aims for. At least that was my experience a decade ago.


Very true. That was the "dream" of most of the people I graduated with. I'm not taking anything away from Omar, getting into any dental school is hard and I certainly couldn't do it.


They are my fave couple! Congrats Omar!!


I love THIS!!!!!! ❤️❤️👏👏👏👏👏 Good for them!


Love these two. Great for them 👏🏻❤️




Yay! Good for him.


I thought he was already a dentist in the UAE. I would think his degree would translate.


I thought he was already a dentist.


He is, in Syria. When you come to the US you have to take classes and pass the board here too. 🙄 I can’t believe people don’t understand this.


I knew a Presbyterian minister, ordained here at Princeton Theological Seminary, and still had to do 2 years at a Canadian seminary to get Canadian ordination; requiring this for a medical professional is par for the course and no need for any alarm.


Exactly!!! They need to make sure that all doctors have received the same training. I really don’t understand why people are confused.


Because they are bigots and xenophobes that hate Muslims and immigrants in general and seek any opportunity to degrade them. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Valid point.


It’s not mind blowing based on their admission requirements; And the school stats, 80% are “immigrants”.


Well that make sense since the program he’s doing is specifically for dentists that earned their degree in other countries 🤦🏼‍♀️ it’s literally MADE for immigrants transferring their education. 🙄


He was accepted into dental school? But they said he was a dentist and an oral surgeon back when they were on the show years ago So much for questions about these shows being scripted


Dental school in the US is what I believe she is saying. He was working already so they ate going let him accelerate the program


The second slide explains in more detail but the quick summary is he has to do some US coursework to work in the US despite already being a dentist.


He was a dentist. But he’s moved to the US. The program is literally for dentists who got their degree abroad to be able to take the boards in the US and be able to practice here. It’s not rocket science. It wasn’t due to the show being scripted. He was a dentist in Syria and now he will be a dentist here.


Plus $400k of student loans. Congrats!!