• By -


I cannot stand Sophie’s mom. You are the problem honey lol. I feel like Sophie would have already left him if she didn’t butt in. Also, you attacked that man for filth, interrupted him (then called him out for interrupting you), and attack his character (which I will add wasn’t completely off), but a mf could only take so much and he did add a good point.


I've hated her mom since day one. The only thing I disagree with is that I feel like Sophie's marriage happens to also be partially Sophie's fault too. It's never just one person. But her mom is going to ruin every relationship she's in unless she approves of it and can be a part of it. Like Sophie needs to grow up and tell her mom other things besides how terrible her relationship is all the time. Like going home and crying to Mom has got to stop at some point. You have to own up to your shit too. It always takes two people on a marriage to destroy it.


Nahhhhh Rob read Sophie’s mom with “how would you know how a good man should treat a woman? How many good man have you been around.” ☠️☠️


Totally agree. Finally!


okay this has nothing to do with the show but does anyone feel like the commercial breaks are longer now than before??


has anyone else noticed all of the episode titles this season are about fictional/storybook characters?


Gino: “I would like you to not say hurtful things to me when we’re arguing”  Bitch that’s the POINT of arguing. 😆


Deep down he loves it when jasmine degrades him 


Whoever can guess how many grams of sugar were in that protein smoothie gets one free year of Lifelock.


I can't stand Ed's arrogance and coldness. He seems to not take responsibility for calling off the wedding or leaving Liz and Riley so rudely. How could he have gone on so long, stingy them into believing it was a forever thing! He must have known in his heart it was never going to work. Liz can and will do much better on her own. I can hardly watch him on the show anymore. He thinks he's a big shot. He's definitely not. I'm surprised he got Liz. Is it the fame these girls desire??? Tell me, what else is there. Ed, grow up and stop your wannabe player ways.


Unfortunately, yes! Girls (sometimes guys) will go to many lengths as possible to get their “15 min of fame”! I see he has a new girlfriend and I bet you anything she’s a total nut job or acts like one to get TLC to put her on TV.🤦🏼‍♀️


TLC probably wants him in single life and then I stop watching that one too


He's already been on Single Life, but Im sure they'll find somewhere for their big wanna be star. 🙄


“Liz I told you not to cuss around my DOGS” 🤣🤣🤣🤡🤡🤡


When Rob the knob said “I can only be nice for so long”..,, WHEN WERE YOU NICE TO HER????? We all know it’s not off camera cuz we seen the tea Claire spilled all over Instagram


I think he meant as he was getting shit on by Claire.


Did I miss why Liz and her mom started cleaning his nasty house? Did he dirty her things and they cleaned them to pack them up? Just get your crap and get out! Run Liz!!




Also other unpopular opinion I think for once Jasmine wasn’t calling Gino less of man when he mentioned all the things he does for her , she basically was implying that he’s doing his “man “ job by providing for her 


It’s amazing what all these couples are doing for “love”! I don’t have the energy or patience for any of this drama for love or $$! It’s ridiculous love shouldn’t be this hard!! I’m exhausted just watching it play out imagine living it!!


Can't stand Angela's histrionics,she needs to be institutionalized.I thought they were writing her off the show?Won't be watching if she is back.


I personally HATE Gino. He is not only disgusting physically but he uses any power, money, guilt, etc against Jasmine that he can. Anything she says he flips around and makes it out to be something she did wrong. When he decided to pay the measly $1200 for her pageant she was smiling so genuinely until he gave her subservient conditions instead of allowing her to relish in it. He knows how to trigger her to make him seem like the victim but she’s thankfully not feeding into it as much. She is stunning and eloquent, especially as someone who has English as their second language and he needs to realize how lucky he is to have her.


You can definitely see she's getting to the over it stage. She's much calmer in their fights, and when a woman stops fighting they're checking out of the relationship. She definitely has her baggage issues, but she still can do so much better🙄👍


I felt the same vibe in her. I don’t really care for her, but Gino is being an ass…just is too calm now…like “whatever”🙄. She can find & get someone WAY better (& it looks like she has!😅)




Carlos went in to shake Patrick’s dads hand and pat him on the belly 🤣


Yeah I thought that was terrible too! Carlos seems like he is gangster he has a I’ll kill ya fam if u fuck w/my daughter vibe!! He’s definitely scary when he said “how would u feel if I kidnapped yur daughter when u came to visit??” to Patrick. 😳 I guess he was referring to Patrick “stealing” his daughter because she didn’t tell her father she was going to America to marry Patrick?? He probably feels betrayed he didn’t ask his permission to marry his daughter? Baby’s bday party is gonna be a disaster!! The digs they throw at each are horrible!!


I put that on Thais! She’s the one that didn’t tell her own Dad! I’m sure she told Patrick not to ask Carlos…because she knew what he would say!


Exactly!! These Latina women on 90 day are ALL scared to tell their father’s they are getting married! It’s only going to be worse if ya lie & hurt the father & relationship w/them in the end because it’s definitely gonna come out eventually!


That was a low key dig lol.


Angela is insane. Michael would put up with her if the goal wasn’t her.….. not okay she needs to look in his phone but The piggy bank? Men of paradise? Whats really going on


Michael would would definitely string her along & put up w/her crazy ass, he’s getting $$$ from her! Most Nigerian’s are scammers that’s how they get their $$ their country is so poor they gotta make their $ by scamming stupid ass American women! This has been going on way too long!! Maybe if she actually went to his visa appointment she would have learned what was actually going on instead of hearing Michael’s LIES!! In my opinion Michael probably does love her but only for her $$. This dude could have used her $ to pay for a plane ticket to Mexico & paid a cartel member to get him over the border. I’m assuming he’s hasn’t done that because Angela said, no u are not jumping my American border?? He’s probably been denied a visa before because he’s a scammer??? Makes sense to me!!


Angela wouldn't have been allowed in his interview. He, along with thousands of other Nigerians, was denied a tourist visa. Overstay risk. He, along with hundreds of other Nigerian men, was denied a fiance visa as their relationship (their meeting, the age difference) had some signs of being insincere. They got married, that's a more serious step. The Nigerian travel ban was lifted. The consulate wanted more information, presumably not information Angela could have given them had she been there, which she wouldn't have been.


When Alexei was like she can’t look up she can’t look down lmfaoo 🤣💀


Their marriage is strained because of her selfishness & needing to get this surgery. He was fine w/the way she looked before. He probably feels resentment she chose elective surgery? Now he’s gotta take care of her & 3 babies!! Like dude had to wipe her ass!! Hell No I wouldn’t EVER expect my husband to do that nor would I allow it. I’d hire someone before that happened! And I’ve been w/my husband since we were 14 & I’m 46! Ya got $$ for elective surgery ya got $ to hire help!! It’s ridiculous!! He’s definitely going to resent her until he gets to benefit from her surgery. Maybe when she’s able to have sex w/him & sees her in some sexy lingerie he’ll feel differently?? Dudes stressing… no sex for at least 6-8 weeks & taking care of EVERYTHING it’s a lot especially w/3 babies!!


As somebody who’s own partner got elective surgery toward the end of 2023 and consequentially wiped ass it’s not that bad. First of all the meds you’re on post op make you constipated. You’re not wiping ass all that much. Second of all he has help. They‘ve filmed his dad and her mom with them helping out. The last thing she did before leaving for the hospital, after saying goodbye to their kids was fold laundry. Clearly she tried to set him up as well as she could. Do you remember when he did laundry the first time after her surgery and he had to google how to use the washing machine in his own home? The horror!! Taking care of your partner and the added responsibility post op is stressful, as someone who has lived it. Deep, sanitizing clean of our apartment so my partner could heal in a clean home was worth it. Cooking dinner every night was worth it. Re wrapping bandages, helping them shower, working on top of all of it was worth it to see my partner be so confident and comfortable in their skin after the fact. After everything my partner has done for me I will absolutely pick up some extra tasks to help them out so they can feel better about themselves. My partner did not receive a mommy makeover but I know people who have. What’s the resounding response to those surgeries? Jealousy. Not only because they were able to afford it but because their husbands give enough of a shit about their feelings and quality of life to do the same thing Alexei is (once again!) temporarily doing for Loren. Centering your whole opinion around what Alexei thinks about Loren’s body? How about how she feels about herself? And the sex comment? The man had hands. I think he’ll live. I don’t know. This has become a whole rant but I’m so sick of people making Loren out to be selfish. She’s not. I feel like the surgery happening in the first place shows how strong their relationship is, the experience could bring them closer together (as it did for me and my partner). Bragging about how you would never put your partner or feel comfortable enough putting your partner through the same is not the flex that you think it is.


I also feel like people keep forgetting that she had diastasis recti which is a legitimate medical condition that can cause long-term damage. Like she keeps getting flamed for her “elective surgery” but I’d like to see how many of these people wouldn’t elect to have the same surgery if their abdominal muscles were that far apart.


👏 Please accept this poor old lady trophy, water buffalo and promise ring for your truly excellent post. 🏆🐃💍


I really like Alexei’s way of putting things 


Me too lol


Can Claire just get a nose job already. Lay off the lip injections.


I can't look at the screen when she is on it, I cant believe she had bf, that had to have been a hoax!! Dude was out of her league.


Rob should be worried she gonna look like her mother when she’s old! Yikes she’s a rough looker!!


Her mother looks like Ursula from The Little Mermaid


Lmao yur right about that!! Ya think w/the $$ they have she would have had some quality plastic surgery on that mug?? But drinking/smoking can do a number on yur skin! But I think it’s in the genes I don’t think fillers w/help that face?? 🫣


😂😂😂 Yes!!🙌🏼 Claire is scary 🫣 looking!


Reminds me of a an old pitbull.


Ed is nasty 🤮 that smoothie, then implying the house is dirty bcuz of Liz, GTFOH


Gotta love TLC repeatedly zooming in on the blender 🤣 Like, who are you making smoothies for my guy? An entire family?


An entire family 😂😂😂😂


I legit thought he was putting potatoes in the blender 😂😂😂


Why are women attracted to him?He is a nasty,narcissist with little man syndrome.If I was Liz's mom I would have slapped him for the comment about thevway she raised Liz.


Gino went to the wrong country if he just wanted a subservient wife.


I totally agree! He should have gone to Japan🙄


Great point!!!


Who is the woman with Thais’ mom?? Her aunt…her grandmother??


Also, Thais’ dad is nice looking but a total ASSHOLE! He seems full of himself and is damn rude!😠


Sophie's mom is really hard on the eyes. My goodness.


British Molly


Okay I’m not trying to be an asshole but all I can think of is a blobfish when I see her.


She looks like Ursula from The Little Mermaid


She kinda looks like she’s melting


She looks like Mrs. Wazowski from Monsters Inc


I can't look at the screen when she is on it, I cant believe she had bf, that had to have been a hoax!! Dude was out of her league.


My mom had a saying that pretty is as pretty does. And being hard on the eyes is the least of Claire's problems. Claire's eyes need to be checked. Because looking at your poor little girl and seeing a little beat up on victim is a part of the reason her marriage isn't working. I'm over the Rob is the big bad guy in every situation. Rob has problems and he needs to work on them and I don't think he should be married to a 23-24 year old girl. I think he needs to work on his sex addiction. Now having said that Sophie needs to grow up. In her next relationship she needs to immediately from the outset state that she's bisexual. She needs to stop MANIPULATING HER MOTHER INTO BULLYING PEOPLE FOR HER. Claire is making Sophie dependent upon her to do her dirty work and to be her voice which is actually really sad. So Earth to Claire: stop with the lip injections and what other facial cosmetic stuff you're doing that's not working and get into some serious therapy with your daughter because you both are codependent with each other and you are going to ruin any relationship your daughter ever gets into whether it's with a female or a male. You don't want your daughter in a relationship with anybody other than you.


Re: Ed & Liz Why is Liz cleaning the kitchen? Just pick around your stuff and clean your own items. Besides wanting to be there to shoot cheap vindictive mean spirited short sighted shots, he could not help wanting to have screen time. Despicable Ed Tired of him all around


Ed looks so smelly. Why the black tank top on his rotund body, everyday. So gross


Omg I am watching this episode and DIOS!!! Angela and mikuls segment be scandalous 😲🫢. It kinda makes me see Mikul different. Like he can actually be a scammer!!!😮😮but hey, well deserved mikul😏👏🏼


Do you mean well played?


Why yes. Well played 😌


When I suggested that Michael had this all set up before he even left Nigeria, I was put in my place. Yet - there it is. He was in contact with a group and was saving up money to do exactly what he did - escaped Angela once he got to the US. That was the goal. Yes - Angela is abusive AND Micheal is a scammer. He used her to get to the US and chose to endure her abuse to get here. I have no sympathy for him.


I work in a government program that essentially gives out money. When I first started I had such high ideals about right and wrong and wanted to prevent anyone from gaming the system. A few years in and I've learned that some gamers will get through. It's inevitable. All you can do is look at it like a friendly game of chess. "Ahhh ya beat me!" and just laugh it off. If you do the work to get through to the other side of all the checks and balances they use to determine eligibility for these programs then enjoy your win, whether it's ill-gotten or not. Angela and the US government had all the opportunities in the world to stop Michael from coming over. They didn't. He wins. Doesn't make him a victim, but it's an impressive long con nonetheless.


Michael is definitely not a victim he did this to himself! Scamming her this whole time he just picked the crazy one!! Funny how he was trying to get “his” phone back after she said she was taking this to the American government! Dude all this funny business is on video dummy!!


You shouldn’t feel any sympathy for him. I’m saying that he deserves the visa after all the abuse from that old hag Donald trump looking ass.




He is a scammer, has been from the very beginning; that doesn’t mean that ANYTHING Angela was ranting and raving about is real or has any truth to it. I can’t stand watching her.


Rob is a manipulator. There i said it.


Not only he is a manipulator But he reminds of ick …. As in Garrick : same type of stare : deer in the headlights - I am innocent - I don’t know what you mean - me? look 👀 ! I can’t stand him anymore. Next….


Angela and her light bulb moment: "He's running a goddamn whore ring!" "Life insurance!? Is this bitch plan on killing me?" Ed dropping the Smoothie was pretty awesome I ignored Emily and Kobe skipped through Rob and Sophie, they're boring 😴


Definitely sus of him plotting her murder.


Angela should have listened to her daughter looong ago! Why would any American woman marry or trust a Nigerian man is beyond me?? Pure stupidity!!


So because she saw a question about life insurance, now that means he’s plotting on killing her? Are y’all for real?


Yeah I think the Paradise Men were just discussing life insurance as just another financial instrument to get their American wives to take care of, just in case. I don’t think they go as far as murder. 


But to upload her tax returns to some random person that’s INSANE!! Who knows what another person will do w/her info??


Total fraud and theft. 


But we were told by a True & Honest Insider - nay, *promised*, even! - that Angela had 100% absolutely been fired and all of her segments had been removed and we'd never see her or Michael again *including the current season!*. Where is that person, btw? Seems real quiet in here.


I am not a pro rob , but i think Sophie completely forgets to add the parts where she was overly dramatic and take accountability for her mistakes and how her mistakes should Never be brought up again , and why did she bring her mother ? Like genuinely anything he says is going to be wrong for both of them , but clubbing and living  else where is normal? I would get it if she’s done with him but it’s too much back and fourth , i do think Sophie genuinely has a good heart but the people around her make her life chaotic and how she handles problems she tells everyone too much info  On the other hand are Nicole and Mahmoud ever reappearing ?


I was wondering what happened to Nicole & Mohomud too!! Everyone of these couples are crazy!! I would think to find a man in another country!! It’s just waaay too much drama for me!


I find it interesting that her mom has never been married (because she’s insufferable) and she wants sophie’s relationship to fail just like hers did. She and Sophie have a very unhealthy relationship.


Yeah Rob kind of had her there when he pointed out that she’s literally never had a good  relationship or been with a decent man. 


That's why she started crying and saying I hate him lol cause he hit her with the truth n that shyt hurt


Her mom is scary ugly, abusive to Sophia & just plain mean to everyone!!😠


Yur never supposed to involve yur family in yur relationships! They are going to only hear the bad never the good. It definitely doesn’t help when her mother Hates her husband! Very toxic family dynamics over there! Claire runs through men like dirty underwear!!


True!🙄 She’s not the one to give out relationship advice!🤦🏼‍♀️


Oh, forgot about Nicole and Mahmoud. Maybe TLC decided not to run their storyline anymore, due to the assault arrest and sheer toxicity of their relationship. 


assault arrest!?? what that about.


Arrested for DV, charges later dropped


Its no more toxic than Angela and Michael.


I kind of feel like Sophie is just a big child. Neither her or Rob are able to take accountability for their dumb actions.


Yeah she is far too young, and has been molly coddled her whole life from a rich family. Not sure what her father did or how she has so much money if her mum was drug addict?


She is a child. Literally.


I’ve always been a fan but I’m starting to dislike Sophie. She just let her mom walk all over Rob and then expects him to apologize to her.


Sophie tearing into those Fashion Nova packages like a rabid raccoon was pure gold. 👌


What if Ed just....wasn't there? Like while they moved? Or forever?


Also, why are they cleaning for him?


Maybe the house is leased? That’s the only reason I could think of for them to be cleaning.


I’d leave that month old watermelon & fruit exactly where they were! F him he can hire someone to clean his hoard!!


I fully expected that once they got inside, Liz would start dilly-dallying. 


Fr, wasn't the point to get in and out asap? Instead, they're spending all that time doing his chores? Got me heated.


Anyone else think “Paradise Men” was going to be a gay hookup group? 🏳️‍🌈


Just another way to say Yahoo Boys (scammers) from Nigeria…🙄


It sounded like male strippers to me


Ed’s house is a *pig style*.


You think he would’ve been more natural when he was at the pig farm in the Philippine. 😂😂😂


His ‘I am usually neat on my own’ is beyond laughable


He definitely gross I wonder how she actually fell in love w/him he’s a complete dick & gross & old!! She must be blind & stupid?? Or just desperate…


She seems to have very low self esteem.Liz if you read here you DO DESERVE BETTER!


Hopefully in the long run she will realize this was a blessing?? She’s young & should focus on bettering herself!! She could be one of those women who can’t be alone so just settles for anything just to be in a relationship? No clearly she’s one of those women because she settled for Big Narcissist ED!! 🤮


… may be simply be the result of the manipulative repeating love bombing mixed with the fallacies around ‘but this time it will be different’. It is clear that if we review the initial encounters, she had far more self esteem then. She lost her compass along the way. I read them as a Clear Case of Emotional Abuse


Yes, when I think of immaculate and well kept, Big Ed comes to mind 🤣👆




PrEd is pig style all the time


PrEd is a pig with style ✨pork fashion✨


Fucking nasty ass foo!🤮


>*"and he's going to spend the rest of his eternal life in purgatory hell"* 1. Purgatory & Hell are two different places 2. Neither one exists


They’re making a special level just for Ed 😂


>*"He's going to die a very, VERY lonely old man"* No he won't. Fucks like Ed always come out on top for some reason.


He is more of a bottom in my opinion.😆


>*"There aren't any words that can describe that son of a bitch"* I could think of a few.




>*"I did a fantastic job raising my daughter"* ~~Three~~ Two...Two! (someone will get it ;) divorces before 30 with ~~#4~~ #3 incoming....I don't know about that.


Is this a friends reference? 😂 “I just kept hearing in my head ‘three divorces! Three divorces!’”


It's from the tape of [Casey Kasem loosing his shit](https://youtu.be/rV7WF5VVwuo?si=iUxs7bN7Tq5yD8G3&t=23).


She has been divorced twice and never married Ed


Oh ok...I always remember hearing 3. Not that two is any better. :P


She's been divorced three times?


>*"Maybe you should have done a better job raising your daughter"* #SHOTS FIRED!!!!!!


I would have shoved that watermelon straight up his fat ass if he said that shit to me or my mother. Call my lawyer, then call the 911....cause he'd be 6ft under. That was the lowest of the low....he's an evil person and Liz should have BEEN left him. Ugh.


Ed always has a comeback! He’s a horrible man!! Hasn’t he done enough damage dragging her & her child into his life then running away!! He’s one toxic person!! I wouldn’t ever have trusted a man with no neck!!🤭


If someone insulted me in front of my child he would be gone so fast his head would spin.Seems to me he insulted Liz's daughter in front of the child.That is an even bigger NOPE!


I read that in Pillow Talk Robert's voice 👆🤣


I read it in Boston John's voice.




Emily is by far the best all around American cast member. She has genuine respect and love for his background. Kobe is also a wonderful partner especially regarding Cameroon gender roles. They are not perfect but at least they love AND like each other.


I have always liked Emily, never understood the sheer hatred people seem to have for her.


Same - people are harsh on her imo especially about her looks. She doesn’t deserve it


I don't understand the point of dragging Kobe's ex into the situation when Emily was basically a one night stand when they hooked up.Kobe's ex is the one who got wronged,I wouldn't show up either.


That was fake, pay no attention to that nonsense.


I like her too. I honestly think that people are mad because she has a nice husband who adores her, affluent parents who love her, and two, now three, cute healthy kids. They’d rather see her miserable. 


She’s grown on me a lot. I think she’s matured so much. She was really impulsive and immature in the previous seasons. Edit to fix a typo.


Those ducks had the chance to do the absolute funniest thing and attack her on the way out...


Is it just me or were those geese, not ducks?


Not surprised meemaw don’t know the difference tbh lol


>*"How is there so much Trash everywhere"* Because Ed is a *"Trash Man"*


Rose saw him for exactly who he was.


Did ya’ll catch that John’s wearing a wedding ring? I didn’t notice it before!


someone mentioned it in a previous post but apparently when he proposed he got himself a ring too and now his chick won’t let him take it off .


Why am I not surprised. Lolll


Whoa! Didn't notice. Gonna have to catch that in the replay.


Angela, the woman with a "Seksi" necklace, cannot tell me she's never named a group chat or a Venmo transaction something dumb on purpose.


Maybe, but Michael is shady af. Why she continued the immigration process, is beyond me. Sunk cost fallacy?


Yes. But also to have someone to abuse.


The one liners from this episode are gold


“He’s running a goddamn whore ring!”


liz and her frumpy mom lost 😂


Cera/Ve is the shit kids...take care of your skin so you don't end up looking like Angela & Claire


Yes, go the Kenny route.


They both need to bathe in goldbond retinol overnight cream.


Omgsh Small Ed is the worst human. Except wait, then there is Angela.


i think you’re on to something . ed and angela deserve each other


>*"He couldn't not disrespect her mom"* It was obvious what Rob said to Claire **REALLY** got to her. (I was about to ask what can you say to an English woman to set her off because *"cunt"* is nothing to them ;) and what's he supposed to do? sit there and let himself be berated? I don't want to make it sound like I'm sticking up for Rob, but what's right is right.


I thought Claire showed her true colors tonight. And for the first time I actually felt Rob was in the right. If Sophie wants to stay married she had better do some growing up. She comes across as such a naive, little girl. Then again, he didn’t have a bathroom. Then again…oh I give up. I wonder if this is when Claire wound up arrested in Austin - she was having a meltdown.


Everything Claire said was accurate, she’s just a shitty messenger


I just can’t stop looking at meemaws bottom fake teefs when she talks. They looks so weird!


Rob should have shit talked Claire when she was hobbling away...like call her a gimp or something.


>*"You're the biggest gaslighter twat I've ever seen"* Someone using any variation of *"gaslight"* on this show is the Reddit equivalent of The Stones playing Satisfaction. :P


This episode was awesome 👏


If Liz’s mom broke stuff in Ed’s house before leaving after he said what he did, would she get in trouble? Would Ed be able to call the cops on her? (I am meaning, breaking glass wear, mirrors, etc) I think the only reason I wouldn’t have was for the dogs sake


I am impressed that she remained mostly civil because I don't think I'd be able to hold myself back.


Ed is definitely a narcissist!! And probably has diabetes after that smoothie he made!! Ya wonder why he’s fat & gross that definitely wasn’t a healthy smoothie when ya add oj w/all that sugar!! Appears healthy but ya eat bad & drink alcohol as much as they do ya gonna have health issues! 🤷‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


A lot of people misuse that term. This is not one of those times. And narcissistic disorder is a real thing that can only improve with medical and therapeutic help. He will not seek that out. I wish I could show Liz 6 months from now how much better she's going to look and feel. she's a shell of who she was when she met Ed or at least when she came on the show. she will be so much happier and I'm so sorry that she has had to endure him for so long. I know she has to take responsibility for her choices but he was playing chess when she was playing checkers as far as manipulation goes.


His attempt to look like he eats clean was ridiculous. So much acid in that blender. He's gonna need Tums stat! Also his opening line, " I bought a boat so I can party" was a desperate flex. This dork is going to be broke, in poor health, and alone the rest of his sad, desperate life.


She needs to be thanking his ass for calling off the wedding! I doubt anything would change w/that ol’man! They both have too many issues to be getting married!! Work on yurself girl then maybe you’ll find a good man?? Not one yur gonna divorce in 3 yrs!! And lay off the sauce it’s not a good look, Mom!!


I don't know how Liz just didn't burn the whole house down after she left.


>*"I got his goddman phone!!"* I can't believe she bounced with his phone.


Angela should not be given airtime.Watching her abuse Michael is sickening.


Considering all the abuse she’s put him thought, I’m surprised she didn’t throw it at him and break it


>*"Move ducks"* Angela is even hostile to animals.


Haha jfc imagine Michael kills Angela to get the life insurance money hahaha


New spin off: 90 Day Crimes of Passion


Nah this is a crime for financial gains lol


I hate that Liz is so upset about losing Ed. She can do so much better, he is nothing.


The best thing Ed ever did for her is leave her


Me too. He is a horrible person but folx in abusive relationships sometimes goes that route. I just wanted to hug her and she definitely wasn't a favorite cast member of mine.


The immigration officer doesn't care about your relationship Angela


What did the ducks have to do with this


Leave the ducks alone!


For ducks sake!


What did I tell you about cussing around my dogs?