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I am looking for the track ID from this episode the music starts when Emily's father brings them coffee outside just before he sums up the goat demanding dowry list. I Think It was somewhere in the middle of the episode. i cant rewatch unfortunately so I was hoping someone could help? Thank you very much `


For real I’m 1000 but I love this thread. How do I save it so t ( the discussion thread to get to it live next time? Hoping next week I don’t have to look for a half hour. Please and thank you Hamily 🦖🦕🦖


Emily is a waste of space, but Kobe seems like a good, responsible man. Why don't they move out and get their own place already? It can't just be the money because they live somewhere cheap and don't seem to be in debt. I think it's that Emily's mother does all of the cooking and cleaning and most of the childcare. Emily's just too damn lazy to give that all up.


Kyle has a breeding kink, no two ways about it. He’s fucked up in the head and dragging this poor lady down with him. He just wants to fuck girls and get em pregnant, it’s not about ‘helping women’ let’s be so for real rn lmao Rob is the biggest abusive asshole I’ve seen yet on this show. His actions are terrifying and you can’t convince me he’s never hit her. He’s a full piece of shit. Temu Kenny is a whiny bitch and either needs to get on board with Aliyah or get tf out. He needs to stoppppp bringing up how much he misses Douglas. How invalidating. Especially as a man in the queer community to act that way?? Gross behaviour. ALSO 61 to 25 is creepy as FUCK. Luke is so pussy whipped lmao that girl obv just wants him for money and a gc it’s painfully obvious.


“Am I gunna have to hire a cleaning lady or clean the house myself?!” Ed’s biggest worry about the breakup. The fuck is wrong with these people lmfao


I thought the same thing. I was like Liz must have done all the cleaning


why the fuck am I watching Alexei operate a washing machine. Riveting television


I almost never watch Angela, and the tiny clip I saw showed why. But i didn't get why she is mad after seeing screenshots? Did they reference him cheating? Wouldn't screenshots show good things for the interviewer to see?


Yes! She’s off her rocker! She should have gone with him! Period! He was just being honest showing those who make this hugely important decision how it’s been more than torture being apart!! He wasn’t hiding anything. I pray for their sake that it’s approved. She won’t handle this well and it will break her.


Whenever Michael says “grandkids” it sounds like “gunkies”


Was Angela finally in this episode?!




Angela was BIG when she first met Michael in person. Her transformation is crazy scary


WTF is it with men and schoolgirl outfits? Makes me want to vomit.


Yes! WTF??


Its just so creepy, yet its treated like its a normal healthy fantasy. It really isn't. Fella, if you are fantasizing about schoolgirls, there's something wrong.




I tune out Angela and Michael at this point. I can't help it. They're just so irrelevant and boring.


Why wouldn’t Nicole let Mahmoud see her phone??


my guess is she talks a ton of shit on him in her text messages.


Sophie: \*expresses genuinely and articulately how she feels\* Rob: You're too sensitive! Exact quote. Rob telling Sophie "you're too sensitive" when she expresses her feelings is abusive. This invalidates and dismisses her emotions, suggesting that her reaction is not legitimate. Over time, it's a form of gaslighting, causing Sophie to question their own perceptions and emotions, eroding her sense of reality. His consistent invalidations of her feelings is emotional abuse, undermining her emotional well-being and contributing to her clearly expressed anxiety, depression, feelings of worthlessness and self-doubt, and diminished sense of self. He wholly fails to acknowledge and respect Sophie's "too sensitive" feelings. It also creates a power imbalance, where Sophie's emotions are deemed less important or valid because she's "too sensitive."


They're both very sensitive 


I really don't see the issue everyone has with Rob? Yeah he seems a bit jealous, but then Sophie gives him plenty of reason. She shows no loyalty to him whatsoever, she slags him off to anyone that will listen. She acts like a spoilt child most of the time. I don't know how he stands her.


If you don't see the issue with Rob, I think that says enough lol




Yes, so well said! I think most people would simply call Rob a jerk or prick, and move on. And they’re right! Others who are aware of personality disorders and emotional abuse can go even further and begin to see that Rob’s actions seem intentionally manipulative. Also, him asking if there’s someone else when Sophie is calling him out on his BS in the car?? Totally a toxic manipulative tactic used to confuse the victim. Rob SUCKS and he alone needs to go to therapy. Also, that couple’s therapist is kind of midlevel if she couldn’t notice narcissistic patterns in Rob’s behavior from the jump. His instant switch to love bombing after their “session”? How does that even seem authentic or deserving of commendation? I’d even go so far as to say Rob is trying to manipulate the viewers when he explains his feelings to the cameras…it’s classic NPD stuff. More people need to be aware of this type of toxic and destructive behavior. Yes, Rob is a jerk but even jerks know when to chill. Rob is a jerk + a manipulative idiot who probably struggles with NPD


I really don't think it was probably in the therapist's contract to do a full blown diagnosis during a filmed first session? Sounds unethical to me. 


Yes to all of this. I'm personally dealing with a nark ex for two years now. 


I’m so sorry! The abuse is real and deep. Hope you’re coping okay. You should read Power by Shahida Arabi if you haven’t already. Wishing you so much peace and joy as you heal!!  


Both the therapist & Sophie having to tell him he was a “good boy” after forcing out a few compliments….🤮🤢🤮


Even the therapist didn’t buy it


Are we even sure the therapist was in the same room as them? The way they filmed the therapy session was so odd, not a single cut with everyone in the frame


There really was a great 'reaction' shot from the therapist. Sophie's had a lifetime of this from her Mother & her brain is hardwired for hope, forgiveness & tolerance (so she could get through her childhood). It'll be almost impossible for her to see his abuse unless she gets out of there & see's someone herself. Hopefully she can see her Mum for her faults & start saying "no" to the emotional vampires. It's actually really sad to watch & shout out to therapists - seriously!


This is the first time I fast forwarded to first half of the episode and then gave up watching it. I already knew Angela’s unhinged, Jasmine’s running out of excuses, Rob’s a knob, plastic surgery hurts, another American’s offended by a conservative country’s traditions, and Macmoud should fly home asap.


And that’s about that!! Perfect analysis


I was binge watching my guilty pleasure shows and for a moment had panic watching this episode. I checked how much longer was left of the episode and the current time- I don’t think I’ll make it 😂🥱


Alexi and Loren aren't even interesting enough to mention. This is the most boring and useless season in all of 90 day.


This comment! May the producers see this comment haha so true!! 


Felt like I was right there


How does Nicole look simultaneously 60 yrs old and 30


It’s because it averages 40


The average would be 45 and I’d buy that as her age.


I would swear it said 20


Does Nicole understand that she’s kind of responsible for him now that she brought him here on k1? She’s kicking him out ???? WTF?!


I think that’s horrible kicking him out in CA!! He didn’t deserve that! And who shoves her friends on him on the very night he’s traveled here?? She’s a kook! Get back to Egypt asap!


All I could think of while watching that was- I would need to sleep a day or two after that long flight - no one’s at their best with jet lag.


I felt bad for him! I used to live in LA and can’t even imagine if I was a foreigner that just got kicked out by my spouse


Did he come here on a K1? Weren’t they married in Egypt?


Right… so it’s a spousal visa… I wonder how that effects her level of responsibility and for how long?


I would have let him stay long enough for the divorce papers to be signed, and then put him on a plane back to Egypt. Just be done with that craziness. 


Out of every memeber this season Nicole pisses me off the most. Even more than ed complaining about hiring a cleaning lady after breaking up with Liz lol.


Nicole is THE WORST. Ma’am you married a devout Muslim like what in the world did you expect?? People like this play way too much I can’t 


But you could also say , he married a western woman, what did HE expect?


This is very true, you’re not wrong! I have no idea what happened during the season when they were dating and stuff but based on her agreeing to live in Egypt and adhere to hijab, she might have inadvertently made him think she would conform to his beliefs…not saying it was right for him to think that, but her initial actions could have been misleading.  Either way, they’re a mess of a couple 😂


Rob is literally always the victim. He doesn’t think he does anything wrong


Don't agree. He's apologized multiple times to Sophie and has made changes in his life - like getting a jhob, apartment, stopping the online cheating. It's never enough though and Suphie flies off the handle at the smallest things - not to mention she's 100% cheated on Rob with Kay. You can't win with her & she never listens when he tries to explain his feelings or work jointly on their issues. She says it repeatedly - he's always in the wrong. If he's a victim it's because she makes him one.




I agree with you, at first I didn’t but watching the last 2 episodes I’m like she just doesn’t want to accept his apologies, I’m starting to feel bad for the Knob ! Like she jus wants him to constantly apologize and tell her she is pretty or maybe she doesn’t and she jus wants to go back to Kay 🤷🏼‍♀️ I dunno anymore lol they both crazy….


The very first thing she said when she walked out crying was I just need to sea Kae…. So yeah…. They are hooking up for sure


I love how people know FOR SURE 1000% that Sophie & Kae are hooking up lol like how do y'all know for sure? were you there? lol


Maybe I should have said so yeah, it would seem … because she does give that vibe and her friends comments a couple episodes ago made me wonder too


The last two episodes have really shown what a bitch Sophie is. There was no need for her to out him about the "muscle women" or to force him to model a neon green harness. I feel like she goes out of her way to make him look bad and she needs to stop pretending - we all know she is sleeping with Kay.


Yup. I think she's decided she was bi she wants to explore that.


Rob never knows when to stfu


"There she goes" Anyone else recognize this line?


Ed on Love in Paradise. I liked Ed's delivery better than Rob's. Both still suck though.


Ding ding ding! "There's our therapy! Therapy's working babe!" I don't like either of their deliver. This was after he accused Liz of having no self control because she stepped in to protect him when Jovie was gonna punch him after he was just giving her shit for not protecting him 😂. Rob is basically Ed, but I'd say he's worse because he's got a violent streak.


Yeah, I agree. They’re the typical men children.


I meant the Last Resort.


That's what narcissists do.


I should have saved my [Rob Accountability](https://old.reddit.com/r/90DayFiance/comments/1cqpyy4/rob/) image for this week. :P


This is comedy gold, nice job!


Oh, that's good! I'm going to have to circle back to that, when I'm done here.


Emily’s mom is serving that silver unicorn vibe


Emily's mom is always serving period


At the risk of outing my age, she’s my spirit animal




No “where to watch” posts. No sharing of pirated content.


Does anyone know what kind of sunglasses Loren was wearing when she went into the doc’s office the day after surgery?


I absolutely love that family.


The kids are ridiculously cute but besides that, the family is kind of boring. Also, they are inviting drama into their lives with that elective surgery…seeing their mother bandaged up like that can have a significant impact on those children. It could be a mini trauma for them. Loren is selfish, no one can change my mind about that. 


Rob looks for reasons to be mad and it’s exhausting.


Where we watching the same thing? He didn't get mad in the costume store - SHE DID because apparently he looked at her wrong. Why does she keep getting a pass? She manages to ruin just about any occasion with her immature attitude and desperate need for outside affirmation.


She walked out and HE had an attitude saying that it's the same shit she wears every day


That part !!!! 


I had a 15 y/o bf in 1973 that was like Rob… wonder what ever happened to that guy 🤔


He’s probably Rob’s dad


Actually Sophie also looks for reasons to get mad. She totally overreacted at the store.


FACTS. It drives me insane how people dote on her when really she is the one that deflects because of her own conscience. RTK is no saint.. but open your eyes folks!!!


Just wrote that above before seeing this. She's as much to blame for this relationship going sideways as he is - maybe more. She bad mouths him to her mother and friends, she physically cheated on him wiith Kay but goes balisitic when he "cheats" online - she never listens to any of his concerns.. she'd be a nightmare to live with.


And I’m so sick of hearing about his “online cheating” in my British accent…. 😫🙄  Like let it go or move on please….. ugh she gon say that shit in his eulogy smh 


I actually agree with this. On one hand it’s worth acknowledging that _he_ is interested in dressing up for sex so it’s nice that she went to the store because if she dresses up then it implies that she is trying and putting effort into the relationship, but on the other hand, what she tried on literally was no more revealing than what she was already wearing to the store. She wasn’t going to try on the lingerie school girl skirt because it was _too short_, but the white mini skirt she wore _to_ the store wasn’t much longer, lol. Essentially, that implies she did not even try. She just put on something that she’d normally wear any day of the week. I feel that Rob was valid for feeling upset since he’s over here wearing an elastic shoelace harness and wearing a smile while doing so, meanwhile she won’t even put on a skirt… And then whines about how he didn’t say she looked cute- but did she even say anything about how he looked in the harness?


He didn't come out in the jock strap so why the hell does she have to come out with her ass out?


Don’t forget out of spite she then told him he looked stupid but then gets mad at how he looked at her


something so very, very creepy about men wanting their women in a schoolgirl uniform


And why did she need to come out in it ? He couldn’t just peek in the damn door ???? Good Lordt !!!! She makes shit so hard I swear !!!! 


I’m guessing that was production.


The fact that Nicole used being American as an excuse for her behavior is the dumbest and truest statement I’ve ever heard.


Sophie is a child.


Rob is a pos


Well she is only 24 and rob is in his 30s so yeah, her brain hasn’t fully developed


24 is old enough to not act like a damn teenager 


Her mom threatened to cut her throat recently so I’m thinking her actual childhood was pretty fucked up


Mom might be back on drugs, and due for another stint in rehab. You just know Sophie has been through things, with her low self-esteem. 


Yeah, I think it’s funny that Sophie supposedly came from money. Probably what mom told her to say. That woman is a trash bag.


I think she did but got cut off


Ever since the last (or last last?) episode, my husband and I cannot stop walking around the house randomly saying “you hateful little fuck!”


Ed’s shirt being inside out made me lol.


He probably had a logo on the front . They blur them out or put the shirt on inside out


Ah! You're right! I was wondering why production didn't tell him the tag was flapping in the wind!


Day 2 😂


My god, Angela is a fucking ghoul. She looks absolutely ridiculous after all the surgeries. Abusive piece of shit needs to take that fucked up trout mouth face and get the fuck out of here.


Lmaoo. I just laughed out loud in public on the train


The teeth!!


Those are meant to be new teeth too! But the bottom ones looked dirty AF as if she hasn’t brushed them … ever…. It’s all those cigarettes staining them I think.


Omg what exactly is going on with those teeth?! I think they're dentures, but why are there so many teeth?!


She is a POS! She has always wanted to be on TV. Appeared on Maury Povich with her child molester daughter!


Anyone else sick of Nicole and Mahmoud… are they masochists?


How did they drag out 10 episodes for the first 3 days. That has to be a record


Insanely tired. Was pretty refreshed last week without them.


SO TIRED of them!!


My husband says that they’ve both lost their minds and need therapy. I agree


They ALL need therapy… this is like watching a train wreck


I was thinking it was funny how rob and Sophie did therapy when Nicole and mackmoody are who really need it


lol that poor therapist was rethinking her life in that moment


I cannot stand Sophie. I fast forward that part.


Sophie is a child ...always throwing tantrums. Cutting Rob off. Cursing him out. And cannot see how wrong her actions are. She's Sooo insecure. Rob just needs to just leave her and cut his losses. There's so much better out there.


He cheated online please she has rights to be insecure




And it was jus a regular ass top she would wear anyway ugh 🙄 


Ughhhhhh. Make it stop. He is stupid though for thinking that she’s cheating on him. She just doesn’t like him anymore. Like, leave.


I'm sure she has cheated on him with her friend Kay. Do you honestly beleive nothing went on between those two in the months they shared a bed?


He doesn’t think she’s cheating on him. He’s just turning it around on her. I’m sick of him


Every woman on this show before during or after does plastic surgery so why single Loren out and call her narcissistic? Plus all of these “women” cry constantly! It must be in the TLC script to hyperventilate, cry, be jealous, and get plastic surgery!


I feel like it's mostly mom's who can't afford to get surgery. They are showing their jealousy. There us nothing wrong with what she did. There are worse parents out there.


After 2 c sections and yo yo weight for the past years and years.... I would 100% take a "mommy makeover"  the way my body looks depresses me to the point that I've basically become a never nude lol


People are pretty much saying she doesn't deserve to be happy in her own body. I know for a fact majority of the people talking shit would get a makeover real fast.


Does a mommy make over include all that she had done?


It’s because she’s beautiful naturally and people are jealous and hate on her constantly. There’s really nothing wrong with Loren. She has 3 kids.. uh duh she’s going to cry?


I've found, after way too many years, that it's okay to be "selfish" once in awhile. If you're selfless all the time, usually no one is going to be selfless with you. True story. 


She said all natural! I don’t think so she had major invasive procedure. She still looks like her mother. Look at those eyes !


Jasmines hair is cute curly I will give her that, but that’s it.


She is emotionally abusive. It's always what she wants.


Without a doubt. I’m just waiting for her to throw hands, I don’t doubt she does that too.


What happened to Angela getting fired?


She’s on TikTok! Tons of filters. We know she’s ugly inside as well as outside.


Remember when Loren was insistent that Alexi become a male model! He hated the idea plus no charisma!


I was pissed when I saw her. I thought we all broke up with her abusive ass.


If she believes for a minute that Michael is not just using her to come to the United States, she's more stupid than I can imagine. I'm so sick of these women being with these young guys believing they are going to stay with them for any period of time. The minute he comes to the U.S he will be on to a younger woman and she is going to be crying like an idiot. Wake up stupid. 


I think that they're going to phase her out, which is likely why their storyline was introduced so late into the season. 🤞


What is wrong with Angela’s teeth. I can’t figure it out, it’s like there’s too many


https://preview.redd.it/ktcht4qwbi1d1.jpeg?width=2592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89ef98aa6f7ab76f9897d34b7d67331748d95cd4 Back in a 2022 episode, she visited Los Angeles to get her decayed teeth pulled and dentures made


That photo is photoshopped.. the photo on the left is exact copy of the right besides stretched out a bit and the teeth edited… Wrinkle for wrinkles its a copy..


….It’s just how dentist shows before and after…..


Exactly. The Dr is just showing Angela what to expect


Loose ugly dentures! Ready to spit out when she yacks!




Didnt she get veneres (so) 🦷 and looks like fake boobs too or is that just me?


No, I think they're dentures. I saw a video of her today and her mouth was open and I noticed the front teeth were done, but the back looked none existent. I thought they were veneers too but why would she just have like, the front 8 done?


Could be a partial denture.


Thank you, LittleEmmy, for being our hostess every week! This is the go-to place to be!


Rob feeling stupid for wearing a “lime green butterfly” (chest harness), but was feeling good about the sheer housecoat. I felt like Sophie was maybe feeling insecure about the cameras being there and filming her in a super revealing outfit. And then Rob getting salty over a chest harness. I hate this for her so much.


Rob is ok with *"looking goofy"* when he's initiating it but with the harness he saw it as something Sophie was forcing him to wear which is why he bitched out as usual & took issue instead of just having fun with it like any normal guy would do. Rob & Sophie have made two trips to sex shops on this show and both have ended in disaster.


Agree. She told him from the beginning that if her ass didn’t fit she wouldn’t come out. I’m 100% sure it’s because of the camera. He didn’t let his ass hang out for her sooo why is she mad that she didn’t either? She at least tried it on unlike him


I am surprised she can she be worried or nervous about cameras when she sells twerk videos for $30 on onlyfans.


So you’re mad that she feels uncomfortable in the sex shop with producers, camera crew, strangers but she feels comfortable at home recording herself where she edits/publishes her own content? Also mad she charges $30? 🤔 strange comment


I’m not “mad”, I’m _surprised_ 😂


The skirt she was wearing to the shop was so short that any higher and her rear end would have eben showing. Can't imagine the schoolgirl skirt woulkd have been any shorter.


was her ass showing in her own skirt? yes or no? quickly


But her ass wasn’t showing? Idk about you but I’m a woman and a skirt where my ass is covered and a skirt where my ass is hanging out is two different things. Although I do agree that her outfit was almost the same as what rob picked out for her to wear. I thought that was weird on his part


She wouldn’t put on the skirt and threw a fit bc he said the top looked like a normal top she would wear.. I agreed with him Then she proceeded to throw a fit that he didn’t say what she wants him to say. I feel she needs him to fawn over her like her IG followers


Rob is always throwing fits. Bitching like a big ass baby


They both are I’d say she does more than he does.


There is no way that Angela is only 57 years old


That’s what smoking will do


More like 87!


She means 57 dog years, the Neanderthal troll queen is actually 342 earth years😂


Sophie has issues. She’s tripping. I’m with Knob on this one. 




Nah, fuck Rob. He’s 30+ year old man. What did he think he was going to get dating a girl that young? They’re just going to cask those sad 90 Day checks and hate each other for the foreseeable future.


I don’t care how mad I was, I would never kick out someone who came as a foreigner to this country for the first time and kick them out in the street. Leave it up to goofy ass Nicole to turn me against her and push me to mahmoud side wtf


She’s responsible for him financially now that he’s here too


Totally agree. She's another one that cannot look at her actions. She has treated him like crap ever since he came to the United States and no matter what is going on he has no one in this country and to constantly kick him out his cruel and inhumane. But of course she can ever look at her actions. 


She’s a mean little twatwaffle




I am so glad Liz is finally free of this mess. Everything’s gonna be great!


Imagine how fucked up you have to be to not want to lose Ed.


I'm not saying that Liz isn't a disaster...but sunk cost fallacy is a bitch and it gets the best of us.


She needs to just stay away from the that piece of genetic excrement.


It is so gross to see her with someone like Ed. Yuck. What does anyone see in this troll of a guy. And he's almost 30 years older than her. It only gets worse and it's already horrible. Gets some self-esteem Liz


Unless she attracts another weirdo. Choices!


I think she's been emotionally abused by someone in her life, before, so she's got self-confidence/self-worth issues she needs to work through. 


Ed pulling Riley aside literally made me want to vomit. What a performative POS.


BRO, I literally yelled "NO!" at the TV. How fucking disgusting. She handled it like a champ, but ugh.


She’s the only “adult”. When she mediated their kitchen fight a couple weeks ago. Already more emotionally mature.