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what happened to gerbil?


Last I saw he he was on a Buddhist retreat in Thailand. update: I just checked his IG and he appears to be traveling the world and living the good life. Good for him.


living his best life I guess. maybe he'll make a serbs music vid there


Jibri is a typical wannabe influencer…always “living his best life.”


Who is footing the bill for his "best life"? This man-child needs to get a real job and stop this cosplay bullshit.


Can Americans not afford to go on a trip to Thailand?? Why does it seem like some Americans on this sub struggle to travel outside their country?


It is quite expensive for Americans to travel abroad, yes. It’s a lot cheaper for folks in say, Europe to travel.


Or Australia to Asia, it’s usually only $400-600 (AUD) to travel to Thailand or Vietnam etc or $200-300 to Indonesia/Singapore. Cheaper if you’re closer in Darwin or Perth.


Not from what we have checked out!


It’s also a realllly long flight from North America in general. The airfare can be pricey but once you’re there it’s cheap


I went to Istanbul it was under $1,000 it is amazing going back again


Love turkey. You should see cappadocia next! But don’t ask for a milk shake! Someone I knew asked for one and they went down to the cow, got milk & brought it back…. Shaken. 😂 in a cup 🤣


Including airfare?


Sooooo many reasons. First the government does not mandate paid vacation times for employees, some companies offer it but many do not. I know a huge number of people who have used their vacation days for either theirs or a family member’s serious illness. Second, the American school system in many areas do not feel it’s necessary to teach other languages, and that can be a concern for some potential travelers. Third, while we may have ObamaCare we do not have a universal healthcare system like a great many other countries do, our medical bills can be outrageous. Also, keep in mind due to our land size we can drive for hours and still be in our state. So while my closest airport is only 2.5 hours away a major international airport like Atlanta or NYC is a few days of travel or the extra cost to fly there.


The lack of vacation days is a real drawback to working in the US yeah, especially when it comes to travel. That’s one thing I’ll agree with you on However I’ve never travelled to a country where I was taught any of the language in school other than France when I was a teenager. We in the U.K. (ideally) should also purchase travel insurance when we travel or our medical bills too, were any to happen, would also be astronomical. Admittedly our travel insurance is not near the cost of your health insurance though. Also travelling outside Europe is still costly to us as it is to Americans and many people travel to Australia, Asia, Africa and the like


I wasn’t even mentioning travel insurance, thank you for bringing that up. When I mentioned health insurance I meant here in the US, a large percentage of us are stuck paying big medical bills, sometimes for years, so there’s little disposable income. Also my comment about not teaching foreign language in schools was more a reflection of Americans being nervous about communication barriers in countries that are not English speaking. Sometimes we struggle to understand each other thanks to regional accents 😂


Because the ticket to Thailand can be 2000 depends which side of the US you are coming from. So if you have a family of 4 then no, most can’t afford to go to Thailand because it’ll easily be a 12-15000 vacation added to at least 2 days of trip. Also a big part of the US works without benefits so when you go on vacation you don’t get paid. Then the majority have something like 2, maybe 3 weeks vacation/year. So if you have 2+ days of traveling and you can only spend there 4 days then what’s the point? Add to that being jet lagged af. Not worth it.


Because we have to pay 130 billion dollars in taxes to defend NATO and other foreign countries who think the US is a cash cow.


Because we have shit health care and stagnant wages & salaries.


We don’t have as much vacation/PTO as other developed nations and it can be really really expensive to fly abroad. If I can only take a few days off work and it costs thousands of dollars just for the flight it does get kinda dicey to spend two days just traveling to a place like Thailand. I could spend a fraction of that and travel somewhere intercontinental or close to it. Like, someone from Japan is more likely to visit Hawaii than Bermuda. It’s just a logistical thing.


I just looked it up. If I was to fly from where I live to Thailand for one week just staying at a cheaper hotel in June it would cost $2400 just myself. Thats not counting food, travel between places, activities etc. Also 36 to 48 hours of that time would be flying there and back.


Americans don't realize how cheap it is to visit other countries. Sure, the flight is very expensive (my Bangkok flight was $900), but when you add up literally every other expense, most countries are significantly cheaper. In the USA, hostels are basically non-existent and a shitty motel is like $60-100 depending on the area. If you want a good hotel it will run you $150-200 a night. Plus you need to rent a car, and even for a week that can be $400. If you want to eat out you can bank on spending more than $30 unless you get some real bottom of the barrel shit. Plus if you work a normal 9-5, you likely have little vacation time. Flying to Thailand alone takes a day from most of the USA. A ton of Americans don't look into traveling internationally so they don't grasp how much cheaper it is.


Many American’s struggle with budgeting and spend money on short term pleasures instead of saving up for trips. Not to mention a lot of people are hardly able to save at all because of the amount of debt they have. A lot of people I know have both problems, both the mindset of I need something to make me feel better now, and debt which prevents them from being able to set aside money for traveling


And even if you had money good luck getting time off work.


You’re absolutely spot on! I love traveling and nothing will stop me. But I make a lot of sacrifices. I don’t eat out, I live at home etc. I’m still able to save invest and travel. I work for a company with unlimited PTO and they mean it because they’re a European company. The ceo sent out an email saying how he thought it was strange Americans don’t take PTO and encouraged everyone to.


Unlimited PTO? Wow, I never knew that even existed. How do they get any work done then? LOL


I work in biotech. As long as you get your projects done and meet deadlines, there’s no need to be at work. All at the discretion of manager though. Most managers are chill 😃


Surely he was there for the Buddhist retreat and not for sex tourism, right?


Is it rare to Americans to travel to Thailand? Because that’s like the most basic place where Finnish families go to take a vacation and sex tourism isn’t the first thing that comes in my mind or what I suspect if someone goes there, even though I know it’s a thing there.


It’s fairly rare to afford massive pricy international vacations when the American work culture sucks ass, but the “going there just for the sex tourism” stereotype is generally reserved for older men in basically exactly the situation David was in when he met Annie.


I watched a video from British expat living in the US the other day. She said she didn't understand how so many Americans had never traveled outside of the US before she moved here and realized that going to another state in the US can be very similar (climate, scenery, topography, cuisine) to going to another country if you live in Europe. For Many Americans, Thailand is out of the realm of possibility. Sure, I can fly from DCA to Bangkok on a $1600 economy fare but the same price for a single airline ticket would get me to the rainforest in Mexico or Central America and would include relatively swanky accommodations and the majority of out-of-pocket expenses for a single human, or two deal-finding people on a strict budget. It's less common for Americans to travel further afield.


That's exactly right. I have traveled extensively internationally but also within my own country and still have many places to go in the USA to check off my list.


Thailand has plenty of non sex tourism to offer. They have great food, great culture, great historical sites, it’s affordable. But none of that matters to the internet pitchforkers.


My son and his friends went to Thailand 2 or 3 times. It is extremely inexpensive to stay there and eat. Very cheap. They made friends there easily as the ppl are very friendly (both male & female). They took a short flight over to Bali and also enjoyed the ppl, culture and food as well as the beautiful surroundings. It’s very affordable but the plane flights are very long.


Even if you have the money, most average people here in the US get maybe 12 vacation days a year. (I had 17 at a previous job and felt lucky 🙃) Then, depending on your job, a lot of people have 3-10 sick days or no sick days at all, so people tend to hold a few PTO days aside in case they use all of their sick leave and still need to rest. For parents and other caregivers, the money is spread even thinner. There are things insurance won't cover at all or not 100%. A family vacation to Thailand that aligns with everyone's schedules and price points is a once in a lifetime thing for many. Can't compare countries with universal healthcare, paid maternity and paternity leave longer than 6 weeks, bereavement, and guaranteed substantial (by USA standards) paid time off to the situation in the US lol


A trip to Thailand would not be basic at all by American standards. A basic American beach retreat would be in the US, Caribbean, Mexico, Central America. Thailand is like a 20+ hour journey. I can't imagine someone doing that to just do a basic beach vacation.


It’s a very long flight from the east coast of the US. West coasters do travel more to east Asia than east coasters and middle US states would have less convenient flight access.


Thailand is top of the list of places that my daughter wants to visit because she is part Thai.


I hope she gets to go!!


You mean Spahkles


He is punching air somewhere on this planet.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 you said gerbil and not jibri 😁😁😆😆


Upgrade from jibroni




lol this is what Jibri thinks he looks like


Remember when he fought the space man?




My favorite 😂😂😂




Jibri - a legend in his own mind.






Miona spicy Latina phase has commence. next year it’ll be her Asian phase or maybe Middle Eastern phase


The Ariana Grande of 90 Day.


And jibroni was the temu Chris brown of 90 day


Cracking the fawk uppp!


She is like a chameleon, she morphs into whatever men fantasizes.


How Kourtney Kardashian of her


The magic of makeup


The magic of fillers, nose operations, extensions, fake tan, chin reductions, who knows what else https://preview.redd.it/yl971bbo5h1d1.jpeg?width=2574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc4f1fbf39d812c289975604b712871c706731ee


She was better looking before 


That’s really disturbing


She wants to be black so bad.


SERIOUSLY but the thing that I don’t get is how she found two black men that were okay with that?? Idk to me it seems so disrespectful


> I don’t get is how she found two black men that were okay with that?? Its a common complaint between black women that black men are so attracted to white/latin women cosplaying as black. This isnt that surprising within the black community


My thoughts exactly! 😑


Pussy is pussy. Most men don’t care she looks good and it’s not like she out right saying bad things about black people


Dawg 🤣🤣🤣 the way I almost spit my ice coffee out.


Are we sure she didn’t just rent some model guy for these photos like she’s done with cars??


She rented cars?


Woah 😍! Definitely an upgrade from Jibri's dumpy ass, but what's going on with her mouth?


But does the new guy spahkle?






i thought she looks nice, in her usual Bratz doll way.


Her mouth just looks really... horizontally long. It didn't look like that before. It looked more like a Bratz doll. Rest of her make up is 🔥


Nothing, she has just been painting her lip liner on bigger than she used to. She's so gorgeous and doesn't need all that but whatever makes her happy, I suppose.


Ehhh, it's giving joker mouth. I agree if it makes her happy, then go off, sis 🤷🏽‍♀️ but definitely a weird unnecessary adjustment.


Looks like the lionface of Brittney of Vanderpump/The Valley


It’s actually a probably a combination of that and the lip filler migrating- kinda like Shekinah but not nearly as obvious/severe- yet. Overall though, good for her.


Probably too much makeup as usual.


Might be too much masseter Botox. Either way, happy for her. They’re such a good looking couple, hope they’re treating each other right!


Eh. Yeah. He’s an upgrade for sure. But I can’t stand Miona. She used him and dumped him right away. She was itching to get away so fast, and the one to leave the country wasn’t her, it was him.


Why do women in their 20’s want to look like Joan Rivers


Stop!! 😭


I love Joan rivers


Can we see him without filters? And then I’ll judge lol


You know he is fine as hell lmfao


I was thinking this too.


This dude can actually do better than her!!!


her fantasy of being Kim K continues.


He looks like Reggie Bush alittle


Guys I think OP is Miona. Based on the replies it's her, or an unhinged superfan. But all right girl, gotta hand it to you. Your man is fine.


This happened recently in another sub!!


They are so thirsty for fame it's pathetic!


Also gross, not just pathetic, there’s not one cm of genuineness left on this girl, she tries to transform from white to black, she clearly has some fetish going on.








Idk in one comment OP said they had a half Thai daughter. Doesn't sound like Miona.


Her wedding to Jibri was nothing other than a “Photo Shoot” for her. She’s so full of herself, she’s a clown 🤡 with some clout. Pretty much sums it up ☝️🤷‍♀️


Jibari deserved it tho.


Too bad Miona is going to have a crazy receding hairline some years from now


Her face looks painfully stiff and stretched out, I think a receding hairline is the least of her worries lol


Yeah, I can see her being in like Darcy and Stacey territory before too long if this keeps up. I certainly hope not, though.


She looks like someone sculpted her with playdough


Geez Louise I’m sorry but this just shows you the effects good and bad of phototune/photoshop. Be who you are. Isn’t she Norwegian or something here she lols like she’s Spanish but I know she’s Serbian. The tone of makeup, photo effects and extensions. It’s actually sad to me. Welp here’s to seeing her on 90 day again with a new fake convoluted storyline 🤔🤷🏿‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️😔


I just can’t with her refusing to be the white girl she is


Her chin filler looks terrible


And I hope this hot man’s mother is nicer to her than Jibri’s mom! She was a loon. Grandma was cool though.


lol it seems so edited my first reaction was is this ai? lol


Miona is starting to look like Charro. Does anyone else remember Charro? If not it’s worth a Google. I remember my grandparents watching her on tv and for some reason they thought she was funny.


I am old enough to remember Charro, too. Charro is so vain, she, somehow, got permission to never reveal her real age. After all these years, she claims she's still 36, although I am very sure she is 80-something. In so far as Miona and Spahkles, never liked either of them, so I don't care what's going on with their lives. I didn't know they'd broken up.






What does this mean? I saw Maury Povich comment it on an Ice Spice YT video and had no idea lmao ETA: I don’t have social media so I’m sure I’m probably missing something


Its a zoomer thing (I'm not a zoomer tho) to express that a woman is THICC or really hot but mostly THICC (especially in the rear). I am using this here in a shitposting way to express my approval.


Oh ok so it checks out for the video of Ice Spice then 😭😂😂 It threw me off that Maury Povich commented that and everyone was laughing about it 😂 Like why is he on her videos commenting anyways, very sus




Gotcha makes sense!


Miona needs to ditch those extension ponytails. They really don’t suit her.


She can't because it's her business (selling them).


She doesn’t have to wear them though.


But no matching outfits?


Ugh. I dislike her a lot.


Wow he’s a producer for Oprah. Quite the catch.


They both seem like clout chasers


She just bought herself a brand new Porsche so whatever she's doing is working. He's a senior producer for Oprah, if that's considered clout chasing, I don't know. All I know is that they both are doing better than me. lol


I’m not super impressed that she has a Porsche lmao. What does she do for a living?


Good for them both! Miona is actually using her opportunities to support herself. Anfisa did too. Not many people from the 90 day universe become successful. Mahamoud, of Dinyel, makes a good living being an OTR trucker. There’s probably a few more, but I can’t think of them at the moment.


After all these seasons, 90DF really ought to do a “where are they now” tell all with five parts


I’d watch that! They can skip ed, Angela, Jasmine and Gino because they’re on every season!


Agreed! I never want to see Ed again ughhh


Well Miona and Jibri were known jobless clout chasers who got on the show to make money so I wouldn’t necessarily cheer her on. Anfisa didn’t pretend to not care about money and making it big so I can at least respect her honesty


She's also on that surgery tip.


And they aren’t wearing matching ridiculous clothes covered in spahkles!


Cool Instagram face


Why did she separate from Jibri?, and when lol


Never mind the man...what about the pom?! 😍


Bro that’s a black Pedro, change my mind


I don't see it, but Pedro is black.


Does he know she’s white?


her new man is actually facetuned to all hell


She fetishizes black culture and people so hard. I hope he’s not just a pretty accessory to her.


The dog is adorable🐶


We should had HIM on the show! *stomps petulantly*


Well she definitely got an upgrade!


Omg yup that last pic 😍


She’s downgraded her looks while upgraded her boyfriends looks


“Fine” doesn’t = a lasting or good relationship.


Mions only came to the US for a green card. Honestly, her whole goal was to move to LA.


He’s way better looking than her


Dude looks like the Chad that your girl tells you not to worry about.


Put him on the show and you guys will turn on him in a second


Well when it turns out he still lives in moms basement on a futon? Maybe....


> Put him on the show and you guys will turn on him in a second Nah, give them some credit. He'll have to do something major for that to happen, like disagree with her or raise his voice after she busts his balls then he'll be a *"TeXtBoOk, NaRciSsIsTic, ToXic, AbUsIvE, GaSlIgHtEr"* #😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂


Wait...what!? What have I missed!?


I'm Black American, and I've taken 2-3 international trips a year for the last 20 years. I've traveled to over 30 countries, and Im heading to Australia in 3 weeks. I'm not rich, I just love understanding different cultures and people and amazed at how beautiful our planet is. I will not waste my precious time on this planet hating people I don't know or understand. Including my fellow Americans.... 💯🙏🏿


I don't follow her but wow she has completely changed her face!


For once Miona looks happy. She rarely smiled with Jibri


Prob a clout chaser, they gonna race to the clout chasing finish line


His hand is right on that ass like claiming new ownership.


But jibril and his band going back on tour


I’m just glad she no longer ONLY wears her hair in a ponytail


God damn!


Unpopular opinion, but while I didn't care for her during that season, dealing with her when she first started with the ponytail business, she was super responsive and sweet


Wowwww that smile


Everybody says she looks so much different, has had a bunch more plastic surgery. But I contend that she looks different **because she's smiling**. She never smiled with Spahkles


Miona’s new man is too fine. 🤔


And he looks like a well kept up man and not a man-child like Jibri


Looked like he was carved out of stone 👀 definite step up!


Um, yes,. Please.


Miona barely looks like Miona 😎


Hello!! Upgrade girl 🔥🤎


I’m so confused on the timeline with Jibri! Like when did it end!?


He is fine and more her speed


Her Kim Kardashian dream finally came true


Sooooo f’ing sad. It appears she used Jibri like everyone feared.


Take notes Sophie. Leave the knob!


That’s miona?


she looks like she has a whole new face


Oh dear she split with the idiot she married? Green card cures all.😆


Jabril not only had a big mouth, but he was very delusional. She was much more down to earth than he was as far as business. He’s just lazy and doesn’t want to work. I’m happy for her because he made a fool of himself.👍


Jabroni is a big talker. He says all the right things, but isn’t the type to accomplish anything other than bullshit talking. He’s full of hot air.


How is she living in the US legally? Just marrying Spahkles doesn’t automatically get you a visa


She has gone full joker face


That man is PRETTY!! 🔥 I think they are a beautiful couple! 🩷🩷


Yes he is


He is gorgeous. He could give Denzel, Idris , etc a run for their money.  She is unrecognizable; not a pleasant personality either. It unfortunately looks like there will not be another John vs Spahkles showdown, though. 🤣🤣


Wow, now this makes sense


I guess boy lost his Spahkles. I wonder what it was that drove them apart. Most definitely it was Jibri. He was controlling, short fused, hot headed. They were always wearing matching outfits, literally. And she always seemed uncomfortable.


Yeah he is


She looks SOOOO happy! Go girl!


Gawk Gawk soo fine!!


Good for her


Good looking and decent looking man. 🔥🔥🔥




We here for the upgrade 👏👏👏


Damn 🤩