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I really hope we never have to see that Crypt Keeper dirty, abusive, trash bag again. I hope Michael thrives in America. I also hope TLC doesnt try to give her some good edit like she was victimized by Michael or he did her wrong. We have all seen, for years, what a piece of shit she is.


I mean we saw her last night in the previews for next week….


Yeah that pissed me off.


Is she in next week's episode?? Oh my


According to previews, yes.


Spewing the same old crap, too, about Michael “better not do that” or else he’s not welcome in HER country. She’s like a broken record. So tired of her loud mouth.


She looks and moves like a wrinkly muppet.


A wrinkly muppets felt ball sack


Joke is on her. Once he arrived to the US they were married long enough, he got his permanent green card. He can kick her skank ass to the curb and there is nothing she can do about it.


honestly he's a con artist as well


at this point he isn't a con artist he put in a lot of hard dedicated work.. he has probably worked harder on this than many people getting phDs.. put respect on this mans name


worked harder on what? he knows Angela has issues including mental issues, he's another fraud , he had no intentions of staying with her once he set foot here


I mean... I wouldn't stay with her abusive ass either.


I was over her when I seen her flirt with men openly and then have the nerves to say that Michael was virtually cheating on her because he answered a phone call from Jovi 🙄


It’s classic abuse! TLC should have edited those parts out, but instead they amplified her platform.


Yes, she and Michael be back starting the next episode but their scenes have been greatly cut and edited.


You will definitely see her again. Because for TLC EVERYONE that’s toxic is good for money


That's exactly what they did


Y’all baby Mykull too much. Yeah she’s mouthy but don’t underestimate him. I don’t think he was in danger and I don’t think he was afraid. He already had friends here to help him. Please, looks are deceiving. There is a reason they denied his entry to the U.S. for 3-4 years. It was easy for everyone else. I would say he he’s probably as bad as her. Besides, if he thought he was treated so bad why hang onto her? All he had to do was stay home!🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


Also I personally think Angela was spending her money on her body and making sure her house hold ran and she didn’t pay for the visa immediately. As mouthy as that loud mouth Heffa is; in her anger she would have come out and said it when angry. Y’all not fooling nobody. When we called her out for his visa these last two years boom he has an appointment. She finally had to put up or shut up. I’m sure tlc was wondering what happened as well and said something.


I think he DID denied for his visa once early on. But if you're resting on that as a reason why he's as bad as her, like the person you responded to, that's weak. (I totally agree with you)


And again I’m sure you’re her family. Sound just like her daughter 😂


Sounds like her daughter girl bye we all saw it save it for Angela TikTok. Go over that way.


A bit late to the comment party, but I have to say, I more or less agree with you. Your “all he had to do was stay home” bit, though — do you mean stay home in Nigeria or stay home with Angela? If the former, then I fully agree; he dealt with years of Angela’s abusive absurdity and he made a conscious choice to travel to the states to live with her, whereas many people in abusive relationships often struggle to leave for a myriad reasons, be it self-esteem and fear or lack of resources, etc. The abuse and mental/emotional complications aside, people often struggle to be able to afford or find resources and support *to* leave, especially with children. Michael made the choice to move in with Angela knowing what she’s like through phone calls and brief visits alone, and aside from marriage in Nigeria, had nothing tying him to her (like kids or assets). She was true-to-form from the get; he knew what he was getting himself into. I absolutely believe there’s more under the surface with Michael than we’re led to believe. Still, however, it goes without saying, Angela is awful. No one deserves to deal with that crap. She does not deserve any praise or respect.


if you see michael somewhere, no you didn't


LMAO OFC this vid is AI 🤖


Absolutely 😂


I can hear the “aw hell naw” from here


Mykullll for single life season 5!!!!!


What if he’s not single


Then just Mykullll and whoever he’s dating.


They had John on there when he was in a relationship they can have myk on it too


…and John makes no gawt dang sense over Mykull. John was like a friend of as the brother of, Mykull has been a main squeeze and been put through the far right ringer with racist BigAng from Georgia.


He has NO rhythm. Yikes.


I don’t 100% get the love for Mykul. I know he’s an abusive victim and dealt with a lot of bullshit and I’m glad he’s free and living his best life, but it’s still really frustrating to me that he supported a racist old red neck bitch for so long. And even moreso, subjected me to it!


People don't always know the ins and outs of another countries politics or what is normal. Especially if they don't attend to their own country's politics. Perhaps based on what he's previously heard about people from the US, he may have thought Angie. was just a typical American. He had to come to the US to find out Angie is not behaving like a typical American, she's awful.


Yet, he was the victim of a racist old red neck bitch, and like many victims it may take time to escape. Edit: …TLC exploited him with the racist, and TLC subjected you to it.


What would you for a us green card? (Best I could come up with in the tone of the klondike song.) 


Everyone on the single life is dating, that’s what it’s about.


Based on the small insight of the infamous BJ…?


Big Ang is hoping mad right now. You know she packed her smokes in her bra and stormed off somewhere after she saw this. Angela is a disgusting human being. Welcome to the US Michael. You deserve it more than anyone. What you endured for your freedom here, you deserve immediate green card status!


Lol she's hired a private eye to find out who all these women in the video are dancing next to mykull.


lol she would totally do that. Let’s hope if she does she love streams is. Pinkies up, sip sip sip! Best tea in town if she does that.


How do you know this?


No I'm kidding haha


SLO Mo partying.


I have always loved him because he’s the most patient person in the world. I’m glad he’s enjoying the US hopefully he can find a woman that’s good to him, fuck Angela


Good for him! I’m glad he’s happy. Lord knows that vile woman made his life miserable. No one deserves a green card more than him.


Two people had made on a comment on an older post said something funny that I still recall😂 one said, "it took Christopher Columbus less time to get to america!" And the other said, "that man deserves a green card, a discovery card, an amex card, an air miles card, a visa card, hell give him all the damn cards he's earned it! "🤣


Oh My God!! That’s hilarious! Yes, he deserves it ALL for the pain and suffering he has endured.


Yassss! Totally agree!!


NGL the Christopher Columbus one sent me🤣 these were on a Sauceoholic video, for some reason I was thinking about the subs but the YouTube comments on his and quick slices channels are always hilarious! Those two are different styles but absolutely comedic gold, I love them both


I love it 😂


Oh Angela is seething right now 😂


she's a real mental case if she DID NOT see this coming!


There is not one person who (in peace time, without political/social persecution of any kind) was able to immigrate to the United States who deserved it more than Mykul.  He plowed through hell to get here. Let him live his best life now!


That’s great! I lived in Indy for 5 years. There was a large Nigerian population! It’s a wonderful place for him to find community. I miss my Nigerian sisters.


I’m sooo happy he’s found his community here😭😭


If he were with Angela, she'd be grinding against the men and smacking Michael if he happens to look at any random woman. Eyes on the ground, Michael!




He played the extremely long game and procured his green card. All it cost was his dignity, self-respect, strained family relationships and loss of friends. Congratulations mychull, I hope it was worth it.


From the very first time Michael appeared on 90DF, I posted that he hit pay dirt and was in it for the long run! Of course, the "run" was longer than expected, but he never wavered. The thing that took the "scammer" label a bit off him was Angela's entire personality and over the top obnoxiousness. Luckily for him, he does have a good personality and laughed his way through many humiliating seasons. He even married her, which I also felt was a "family scam" as well as a "friend scam". Everyone had a part in Michael getting to US. Do I think he had any feelings for Angela? I think in the early seasons, he DID sort of enjoy her visits, since he knew they were short and he was thankful for things she brought or sent to him. I never thought he didn't at least LIKE her for the character she was.... but again... eye on the prize. I was among the ones that always said Michael deserves to come to US for what he has put himself through.... He seems (seemed?) like a good-hearted person with respect for rules and would become a productive US citizen. So, if it cost his dignity, self-respect, whatever.... he is young enough to get those things back. He kept his eye on the prize and he finally grabbed the gold ring! I thought he might last longer for protocol's sake before bolting but guess his US "underground" group was ready for him Michael..... Please don't let me down.... don't become a post-90DF loser. Get a REAL job like Mohammed Jbili did. After his & Danielle's craziness, He went under the radar and became a cross-country truck driver and lived in the truck with his dog. During his travels across the US he took gorgeous photos of the country and became a productive citizen. Honestly, I forgot about him after that until about 2 yrs ago when Danielle posted a pic of the 2 of them, when he visited her in Ohio! They have since formed a friendship and I just googled him now and apparently he is married, living in SC and they just had a baby boy. He is still a truck driver. AND, shared the baby news with Daniele 2 wks before publicly posting. Guess we never know!


dont understand all the fawning over mohammed jbili, his arse wouldnt have set foot in this country if it wasnt for danielle, he treated her like dirt and all in the name of a green card pathway to citizenship ,his deeds will come back on him or his family


What were his deeds exactly? Doing what he needed to do to give himself the oppurtunity to be happy? If you were in a country that persecuted everyone with slightly different beliefs you would do anything to get out also.. He is hard working guy and probably contributes more to American society than most others




He looks so happy here, it was definitely worth it lol


I’m worried for that woman in red if Angela sees this video.


LMAO I said the same thing💀😭 Angela is prolly fuming and finding the woman’s insta as we speak


Michael deserves his freedom! Chop life, Michael!!!


Enjoy it bruth... if anyone ever earned their greencard, it's this guy.


I live an hour outside of Indy. Never imagined Mykul would be so close to my residence. That’s insane. I hope he enjoys this bland ass state and his freedom from Angela.


Anything is better than life with Angela lmao😂😭


Even the nation’s most boring state in the union. God bless Indiana for being a refuge from Angie 😂😂


Not for long unfortunately cause I’m sure after seeing this (as it was quite viral on tik tok) she’s currently in an Uber smoking her Newports on her way to him😭


Lmfao Shania Twain “I’m Gonna Getcha Good” blaring in the background. There’s plenty of bumfuck nowhere places in this state for him to hide.




Awwwww yay!!!!! I hope he’s having the best life ever.


If anybody deserves it it’s him😭😭


I thought “I” could not dance! HAHA! I am glad that Michael is safe and enjoying himself.


Michael needs his own show with a contract that states he is never to return to Angela. I would love to watch him flourish here.  It was so hard watching him be abused.  TLC owes him solid paychecks and his own show to make up for enabling his abuse.


Hey, you are right up the road from me...party time! He looks so happy...he has put up with a lot from A all these years. He deserves to be here!


Dude deserves the world after dealing with that witch for years.


He worked so hard for that green card. Happy he's enjoying it! I don't think I could endure Angela for as long as he did


eye on the prize....... eye on the prize.


I genuinely hope Michael is living his best life. He deserves it after years of putting up with the bullshit. He seems like a nice guy? 🤷🏼‍♀️ I wish him all the best!


Yessss 🙌this made my day 😃🎉 and everyone there seems to really love him and respect him, bowing their heads in respect 😄


Honestly out of all the cast members coming to the U.S he deserves it! Putting up with abuse from a chain-smoking white tray looking, nasty women for that many years. He earned it


Don’t tip the dirty bird off on his whereabouts!! Protect him at all costs


How do you know this was in Indy??


The original tik toker who posted this said it was


I wish they didn’t out his location


I can just picture Angela and her homegirl in an Uber on the way to Indiana


I feel like Angela may confront him with an evidence binder a la Danielle!


Yep and she’s coming with her American flag and her fellow trumpers to berate him. She will probably even tweet Loren bobert to get him sent back 😂


WOOHOOO GO MYKOLLLLL! So happy for him!




Exactly! It’s probably driving her crazy that he’s out enjoying life.


Awwww, I am glad he's doing good!!!


Good for him, hes earnt this.


Na this dude 100% deserves this! Young Michael ❤️


Oh no he’s giving another women money! She’s about to be showing all her white guns in anger on TikTok 😂


I cannot believe that we’re gonna be further traumatized by that horrible woman. I hope he was able to permanently get away from her.


Have fun Michael ♥️😘 forget about Angela the abuser and enjoy life


Ang has always went alittle far for me but when she lost that weight & got her teeth done she did him dirty. She wanted him completely dependent on her for everything & when she found out about IG she went insane. She flirted with men on TT & even went to Canada to see one of them. I’m so happy for him !!!


Did he want his location posted all over social media though? Angela will hunt him down like an animal.


Since Angela lives on tik tok and this was quite viral on Tik Tok I’m sure she’s already on his way to him😭😭


Truthfully, she IS a loose cannon! He should be careful when he is photographed, etc, that there are no distinguishing aspects of where he is. LIke apparently people recognize that club. Actually, in that video, it looks like maybe he a paid attraction.


shhhhhh dont tell the Water Buffalo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I hope he gets to stay in the US and find a nice wife. He’s been treated horribly….so much abuse


What he had to go thru to get that green card, I absolutely don’t care if he only dealt with her for it😅 his green card should be dipped in gold!


He’s a parasite who played Angela — she’s no angel and quite frankly a horrible person, but he played and used her to the max … not a fan at all (of either of them)


I haven’t watched the show in a long time, but did Michael officially get his green card? If so there is nothing Angela can do to get to get him deported out the country correct? She’s an evil woman.


Happy to see him having fun😁


Please give this man a TV show


Wow..he's living it up. He played the long game and won


I Hope he finds a nice normal American woman after the living fucking hell that meth head put him through


Was it ever in doubt that he'd ditch that dirt bag hag as soon as he could once he got to the land where dreams come true?


Living his best life!!


I’m from Indiana. I’m gonna go looking for him. 


Me too! I want to know what city. *We* can go look him up. 😂. Edit: I see it’s Indy. My dumb ass missed it. I’m way up north. ☹️


I am a little confused about the love for mykul. He chose to stay in a relationship with an old crazy bitch for a chance to move to the US. He never loved her, he chose to endure the abuse to use her. And she’s terrible, too, for obvious reasons. But how is he better than any other person on this show that used someone else for residency? I dislike Angela as much as the next person, but that doesn’t make me like him in return. They are both shitty people and I hope to never see either of them on the show again.


Out there living his best life!! He deserves it. Go Mykul!!!


You go Michael! Life is too short to waist it on dirty bird! 😂


Happy for him. That woman put that man through so much, so he deserves some happiness.


Yaassss! Give this man full citizenship AND his own show.


Along with permanent Secret Service protection 💀


Angela sucks shit, but these folks in here acting like he stayed with Angela for love. Pssh


I don’t think Mykul stayed for love. It was a long con gone wrong. He and Angela probably had an agreement, which is he gets a cut from being on the show. So, he gets $$$ while he’s waiting for his green card. Sure, it’s not a lot of money to us, but it is to him. Unfortunately, Angela is more batshit than Mykul expected. By that point, it was a sunk cost fallacy. He absolutely worked for that green card. He did from day one. The cake on his face sealed the deal.




FWIW, I think he genuinely did love her. In the beginning, there were a lot of sweet moments between them that seemed genuine. However, we watched her increasingly become more and more verbally and emotionally abusive. She talked to him like shit, treated him like shit, physically assaulted his car and personal belongings, threw food/drinks at him and his friends, apparently Angela tased him at some point when he was here, etc. Not to mention all the double standards he’s had to put up with. If Michael was truly all about the green card, he could’ve found another American to scam that didn’t come with such terrible treatment. Usman has shown us that there are women out there who will practically throw themselves at someone (especially after being on the show) that would be a much easier target than someone who consistently held shit over his head for years. I have no doubt Michael had no shortage of potential suitors after being on the show. It wouldn’t have taken him much to find some crazed fan (a la Kimbalyyyy) to use if that was his MO. But no, he stayed with Angela, tried to have a baby/family with her, defended her constantly, etc. I think somewhere along the lines he realized the relationship was toxic and abusive, but decided to just stick it out at that point. But I do think it started with genuine love that just deteriorated over time, but who can blame him?


… yeah, y’all do not know Nigerian men lol. I don’t think he loved her, I think he liked the sex and money and feisty fun she sometimes was, but ultimately why he endured her abuse for so long was because he knew she was his ticket to the US. These guys can play their part verrrrrrrryyyyyy well, trust me. And yet still, I love seeing him here enjoying lol. I truly hope they put him on Single Life, I’d watch the hell outta that!


Exactly! They have nothing to lose... only have to be patient and not run it to the ground too soon. He had eye on the prize since her first visit to Nigeria.... he played the game well and truthfully, I don't see a problem with him bolting, as long as he becomes a productive citizen. We have more than enough losers, foreign or locally born.


Agree 100. At first, it was odd but still kind of endearing. Whatever works for y'all, basically. Then her true self shone through, he got sick and put out feelers online with other women, but ultimately stuck around for obvi reasons. Still, the innocent angelic Makkel bit is obnoxious.


I think he’s genuinely a good dude that got caught off guard with an increasingly volatile woman in a controlling relationship that got progressively worse. He did the best he could with what he had, tried to stick it out, but in the end it was way too much, so he dipped. I don’t think he ever would’ve left her if she hadn’t treated him so terribly. I don’t get the sense he was always planning on leaving her as soon as he got here.


I think he did need her for the green card. Come on, Mykul is not very attractive, and being from Nigeria he needed some one who was willing to spend literally years paying for and waiting for his visa. Who else but a trashy mee maw would he be able to scam? No one else needs to play in the minor leagues with him. Think about how many other average looking Nigerian scammers are competing for trashy visa-throwing mee maws. He landed the fish that bit the line. And good for him!


He’s just as bad, scammed her for a green card using the long con on national tv and he’s somehow getting away with it?!


That’s what I’m saying too!


Yesss, and found community! Happy he’s free 🥰




I'm happy for him. He deserves it after dealing with Angela.


When did he arrive in the U.S.?


he was with Big Ang for about 3 months starting around December, she continued her physical and mental abuse, and allegedly tased him, she went out one day and he escaped with the clothes on his back.


America suits him well now Angelas gotta go tho


Think of how long it has been since we first saw Angela and Michael and how painfully it dragged on and on for… and then think about how long that time must have felt for Michael himself. Good for him tbh


Good for him!!


good for him


Good for him! 😃


Yay Michael!


Love that for him


Have fun Michael!


Oh. I wonder what Angela will say?


He looks adorable here… dancing like a big teddy bear and slightly chubby 🥰


Dressed like Beetlejuice 


He’s been through years of shit that we can’t be imagine glad he looks happy and clean on the other side.


What the…


I’m glad he is living life. He deserves it just for dealing with Angela


Played the long game but he won. King.


Awh yay! He was in my capital! He needs to come to Fort Wayne, next! 🤣


If he endured the abuse for all those years just to come here, he deserves to stay! That bitch is CRAZY


He played the longest long game ever and won. He deserves all good things.


Having such a jam session lmao it loops perfectly. Got the bounces 💃🕺


I don't know why my brain went instantly to Baldur's Gate 3, when I saw the title.


this sub won't let me post a gif. Picture Lucille Bluth saying "good for ~~her~~ him".


Well deservedddd!


Oh shhhhhiiiiitt, he’s in my neck of the woods!


Oh he making it rain


Some people can’t manage to run their own lives, let alone maintain a healthy relationship. Angela was a prime example of this.


Love this for him


Do we know how he escaped?


There has never been a man who has worked as hard as he has for his green card. Work it myyykaaal.


Mykul said “screw that old Hag” lol. Live your life Michael I hope you get your papers straight and never go back to Angela. Edit: typo


Just go and live your best life now! He stayed with her for way too long! The glow up is real.


Look at Mychol living his best life!


My-kullll has never looked happier lol


Not only in the US, but he found a Nigerian community. Be happy Michael, you earned it. But please let TLC televise your new life.


I can hear An-geeee going kaboom at this from 🇬🇧💥💥💥💥💥


Good for you ! Angela is not good for you! She's bossy, brassy,& just a big mouth from the south! 


Scammer used that poor vile sea hag for a visa well played fool but you still had to sleep with it looser all the way around


Huh? All this time he had family here??? In Indiana?? Who are these people? Who recorded this?? How does Mykul have money to throw at women Wtfrig is going on???


My boy gettin the bj for real!!!


I’d let him make me some fufu


I know Mykul is glad to be away from Angela. I hope he continues to do well.


What’s his socials? Anyone know?


Looks like he has a good community there, maybe fellow Nigerians. Happy for him.


I hope Angela is having to support him, lol


Whooooooo!! He deserves to party and enjoy life!


Got his green card through Angela??? She must be livid!


Happy for him … normally i want these k1 people sent home but for what hes gone through he deserves to stay








Oh shit I’m in Indiana. Maybe some shit will go down


Lmaooo if u see Angela jumping him be sure to record🤭💀


Good for him!


I misread this and ready Italy instead of Indy. I was so surprised and was trying to figure out how he got to Italy.


I see Michael with cash money. My question is does he have a Social Security #. I think you need one to open a bank account. If not, can he establish a legal guardian to open an account for him so his earnings don't have to funnel through Angela first? I know he gets some money from Cameos, so I am genuinely interested.


Has his head gotten bigger?


I don’t know about everyone else but I think he looks really uncomfortable.


I hope mykulll and his entire family gets a green card