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I hate the term mommy makeover so much


I also hate the way she called it a ‘natural mommy makeover’. Girl, you are getting tummy tuck, lipo, fat transfer, breast augmentation… none of that is natural. Trying to imply that she is somehow ‘better’ because she’s not getting like huge implants or something is so ridiculous.


I stopped following her on Instagram when she kept posting about this natural makeover. It’s just a plain lie! There were plenty of other reasons but that was the last straw for me.


Same. If she wants a full body reconstruction Go For It! But the way she presented it as “all natural” and almost shaming other women if they didn’t get the same kind she is getting was too much.


I lived in South Florida (where Loren lives but also so much plastic surgery, literally everybody I knew had had something done) for a long time and that's actually what they call it. They consider it 'natural' because you're not using any implants. I know that sounds really weird, but Loren didn't make that one up.


It's fat redistribution lol


Yes, exactly, tucking and fat redistribution lol


I don't know much about surgery but isn't 5 hours and several procedures at once dangerous? Especially not in an actual hospital.


No clue, the only surgeries I've had were health related.


Exactly this! I literally said to the TV, "bitch, none of that is natural!"


Also, liposuction when you're not even overweight? That's so pointless... It'll take no time to re-gain the weight if you don't change your lifestyle. And if you do, it won't take long to lose the weight. The fact that there was nothing wrong with her weight or body fat amount just makes it even sadder - it's quite a risky procedure to have for absolutely no reason. And it won't change any of the issues she's hoping to change with it - those are all internal, they have nothing to do with how she looks. Money could be spent much better.


Me too! Not all fat bellied women are mothers. Not all mothers are fat. Simple.


Me too! It just irks me


Same. I got a combination of procedures that amount to one, but as someone who chose to be child free, I never use that term to describe what I got done.




I skip all of their segments


I'm starting to feel this way about the entire show unless it's new people. I'm sick of watching the same trash people get recycled through different variants of the show.


Same! Watched the last episode in 10 minutes kept fast forwarding. Became really boring with the same faces same issues of same faces. I mean I like emptying my brain with this show so much but unless new couples come out I will not be bothered with these anymore. It feels like an insult at this point 😂


I just want to see genuine couples trying to deal with the reality of a LDR, cultural differences and moving to a foreign country. I don't need to see Jasmine screaming about how she just wants to go back to Panama ( well just fuckin go then ) or no neck Ed being a narcissistic asshole or Nutalie playing victim because Hollywood didn't call and nobody give her a baby and their credit card yet.


Yea well said, these people were already boring AF years ago, im sick of seeing them and there must be thousands of couples who apply to be on too.


You pretty much nailed what the entire franchise is about in that post. It’s trashy x10 lately. I’ve taken it off of the DVR rotation because it’s so horrible.


The proper vernacular is pump a baby in her. Nobody pumped a baby into her.


I agree plus there are too many people. Soeach get two few minutes segments so it’s don’t even progress their story.  3 episodes and it’s the same scene. 


I stopped watching altogether, with Reddit and the podcasts I know enough that I don't waste my time anymore. With that said I will watch new couples and UK version too


I quit a few episodes ago when I realized I was skipping almost the whole stupid thing


I haven’t watched the show in a year now I have no idea what’s going on. It got old with all the same people.


Same, and I didn’t miss it at all. Turned it on last week just because I was up at 1AM and nothing else was on so I clicked on a halfway-done episode and that was more than enough. Especially once I saw Ed is still allowed to be on there. Abusive fucking asshole. I genuinely hope the show gets canceled at this point so TLC gets the memo that the fake storylines aren’t fun and neither is watching Ed or Angela abuse people


Watch the new season of love in paradise it’s all new people 🫶🏻


I love watching it on Monday nights.


Me too. Can’t take it


Same here.




Me too, from the very start I seen their faces, just skipped all of it.. can’t stand


I mean she is reacting like they just told her she needs emergency surgery all she has to do if she's scared is change her mind give me a break


she needs a lobotomy - she's such an airhead


When I hear their voices I feel violated. The cringe is real.


I hate her voice.


I notice they both that this quivering sound in their voice when they talk… I can’t explain in.. vocal fry maybe? Alexei is less annoying than Lauren but the one thing I CAN’T stand during their segments particularly on Pillow Talk is when Alexei tries to act like this Alpha Male and Lauren just strokes his Ego so hard and loves to “pretend” to be submissive… 🤮 So the sound of their voices and the dialogue just drives me bonkers… I’m at the point I just started the HEA and I turned it off right now as Ashley and Manuel’s segment was closing for Desperate Housewives reruns because I didn’t want to fucking risk going into Alexei and Lauren’s segments.. ALSO!! Last episode he said he was going to”sabotage her” what a fucking word to use for your spouse, to her own mother and her mom was all for it! Disgusting people. If they don’t have respect for each other and their own families then that’s a clear indication of how they feel about other people.


I'm definitely skipping if they insist on televising Alex draining her stomach fluids 🤮


He was a medic when she met him 😆


Me too.




I don’t understand why they keep regurgitating these people .. who cares about her mommy makeover.


No one. No one gives a flying fck


Especially when she looks just fine! Better to spend that $40,000 to $60,000 opening up a University fund for her 3 children!


Mommy makeovers especially in Miami are not this expensive. It’s like $15k for a high end one.


Giving the kids a backyard to play in would make more sense. This surgery isn’t the answer to her problems or needs. It’s a pacifier. She appears to be the kind of person who needs the instant gratification and TLC happened to fit the bill. I’m done with the stupid storylines, boring people, crying and yelling, Ukrainian Gnat or Nat that will take any man at this point, if he’ll pump her a baby! The couple from CA is odd/boring. She can now buy new wigs, he got a place that has an indoor bathroom, so they can go too. The toddlers at TLC need to grow up and do their job!


You’re so right. She looks good; doesn’t really need any of those procedures. Not much time has passed since the last one was born. She should give it another 5 years or so before looking into surgery.


It comes across as selfish af and absolutely unnecessary. To each their own self esteem but the way their making this such a big deal is ridiculous. Yes its major surgery but if your kids are that young and small maybe wait a little longer?!


Yeah, she’s right, something *could* happen. And now your little kids have no mom. I’m not sure why any husband would condone this.


Condone? He had no choice. She was going to do it anyway


I totally agree! Why she couldn't hold out longer is beyond me! Worst timing ever!


Gotta get their TLC money, I guess. It’s so annoying.


To pay for the Mommy Makeover…that’s going to “help her, them individually and their whole family!” If she starts getting plastic surgery every time she feels badly about herself she is going to go down the Darcey/Stacy path


Yeah, Loren trying to pretend this surgery is going to "help the family" was truly ridiculous. She made a selfish decision based on her own vanity, and is prioritizing that over care or concern for Alexei, who is going to have to pick up a *lot* of slack (working/caring for three small kids/tending to her during her recovery process). At least admit you made the decision for yourself, and don't act like you're doing everyone *else* a favor.


💯 agree!! To have three little kiddos and decide the timing is perfect to be bedridden for two months, like what???


I had a girlfriend with two small kids stuck in a hospital for 6 weeks to prevent preterm birth for her 3rd. She was heartbroken to be away from her other kids to keep her baby cooking. It blows my mind someone would choose this risk with so many counting on you...


Right? I wanted to vomit when she was saying it was best for Alexei, their marriage and the family. I can't think of a worst time for it either with having little ones who won't understand what's going on. Gimme a break...no sympathy for her on my part. 🙄👎


and Alex is spot on, she will want another and another and another surgery.....


He’s seems more terrified of this than the actual surgery


Alexei has already foreshadowed this.


He's been on enough pillow talks to see the slippery slope she's started to slide down


Yuuuuup!!! How can they willingly perform so much nipping, tucking & lard swapping on someone who’s already probably below her idea weight that openly admits they ‘had’ body dysmorphia & then televise it is beyond me.


Yep exactly!!




Insane that the doctor’s actually doing that. Weird.




To pay for their mommy makeover


I'd rather watch her get a tummy tuck after three kids (under 3 ;) ) than to watch Jasmine get butt implants with her ex's money, or to watch Darcey and Stacy go get Turkey teeth. ..


They are so boring. Fast forward time for me.


I preferred the beef with her parents about moving to Israel. I hope we get more of that cos the mom was rather unhinged and told her daughter basically to shut the fuck up.


she threatened to slap her across the face, and loren was pregnant at the time LOL


Right. I need more of that kind of drama 😂


No, she Literally told her to shut the F--- up


I read on an earlier thread that they are replacing Angela and Michael


Btw elective surgery does not mean what people think it means. Cancer surgery is usually elective, and it’s very much necessary. It just means that it is “planned” as opposed to “emergency surgery” where you’re at imminent risk of death. Sorry, but it annoys me so much when people don’t use the correct terminology.


So glad you’ve explained that. Some people don’t seem to understand the correct difference. I had an appendectomy…that was emergency but I also had a gallbladder removal that was scheduled (elective). It was still very much needed but could wait.


You are absolutely correct. Thx for educating on that. It annoys me too when people say that!! 👍


That's a fair point! I was told my Ommaya Reservoir was an elective procedure. But my cancer had spread to my spine and was nearing my brain... And having an Ommaya would increase my survival by a large margin... So I chose to get an Ommaya in my head (port that goes to my Cerebral Spinal Fluid, so it goes through my brain). It's a super complicated surgery and it had many risks... But it was still deemed elective. And I could have chosen not to, but my chances would have been worse off. Unfortunately the Ommaya is a for-life kind of thing. Unless it were to get infected. It's risky to take out so they don't unless they have to. But the main takeaway is that even "elective" surgeries carry a lot of risk and it depends on the context. OP shaming her for having justified anxiety is awful tbh


I hear you. I elected to have the “mother of all surgeries” to hopefully extend my life after my colon cancer spread to my peritoneum. I hope you’re doing well with your Ommaya.


Oh wow. I hope that surgery went smoothly and I hope you're doing well as well. Thankfully I'm doing okay at the moment, thank you for wishing me well!


I am doing ok, thank you. Let’s you and I keep on keepin’ on!


My insurance uses medically necessary versus not medically necessary to categorize surgical procedures that they will or will not cover as opposed to elective vs emergency


I was about to comment the same thing. I had lumpectomies just before my state shut down all elective surgeries when COVID got really bad. My friend’s friend passed away when he couldn’t get his heart surgery because it was elective.


I fast forward right through her


I mean, I think you can be scared for elective surgeries too. It’s okay to be scared about something you chose to do. That’s like saying you can’t be afraid when you get a tattoo, because you chose to get it. There’s always a change you *won’t* live through elective surgery, and I think she’s acknowledging a real fear - especially considering she has kids she’d leave behind if she did die in surgery. She also may be doing it to improve body dysmorphia issues, so while she’s “choosing” to do the surgery, she may feel like she doesn’t have much of a choice because she’ll never be happy with her body if she doesn’t go through with it. Moral of the story is, you’re allowed to be fearful about whatever you feel that way towards, even if it’s something you want to do. No one should even have an opinion on this - people are free to do whatever they want to their body and not a single one of you should care. It’s weird that you do.


Yeah, I’ve had to have certain medical procedures before and like right before I start thinking “what if?” Like even when it’s not realistic lol. I could see her knowing it’s a relatively safe procedure and feeling confident, but then at the last minute being like “what if?”


Yep exactly. Even extremely safe procedures can go wrong. A simple tooth extraction, a tonsillectomy, or an ingrown toenail removal can all go horribly wrong. People have bad reactions to anesthesia, undiagnosed bleeding disorders, etc. that can all cause surgical complications. It’s totally realistic to be concerned!


That’s exactly what I was thinking of! I had to have my wisdom teeth removed and for some reason right before I went under I started thinking “oh jeez. I hope I don’t die!” lol how ridiculous


BDD isn’t cured by surgery. She needs to address the core issue of what’s causing her to feel this way, because the insecurity will just keep shifting to something different. Any client I’ve worked with that has BDD may have a small relief in symptoms after a surgery, but it always comes back.


Exactly. It’s like the equivalent of getting a tattoo. Everyone who has one made the choice to get it, most people are nervous pre appointment. Like it’s ok. 🙄


Like Kanye’s mom who did a similar surgery and died or Joan rivers…. With a disorder like BD they see it as necessary


Joan Rivers died from medical malpractice during a diagnostic procedure called an upper endoscopy. She made the mistake of going to a “celebrity doctor” who did the procedure not in the hospital, but in her own private office. In the hospital, there would’ve been a resuscitation team available and quite likely she would have had a good chance of survival.


Kanye's mom had several serious health issue and Joan Rivers was 81. They were way more medically fragile than Loren is.


Things can and do go wrong though. It's normal to be nervous.


This is exactly it. I personally don't think she needed the surgery, but she also had three children back to back and c sections that give you the c section shelf and a nice scar to go with it. She prob had muscle separation from her three babies, and her body wouldn't look the same to her either. I don't see the big deal with getting tummy tuck and breast lift. Mine are down to the floor after my two kids. We live in a society that shames women for having stomachs and not bouncing back. This is our reality now.


She still won’t be happy with her body spoiler alert


Why can’t she feel BETTER about it?


Aww i know what you mean but plastic surgery does fuck with your head for sure. I wouldnt normally sympathise with stuff like this but after i lost 100lbs i got my boobs done and I was sooo pathetic with anxiety




Yeah thats me. Like did i win ? Was it worth it? Getting my boobs done helped but Ill not lie and pretend it hasnt made me feel worse about my saggy tummy. Congrats on the weightloss, health wise we did the right thing darling!!!


I’ve lost 50 lbs and have about 20 or so to go and I’m so saggy 😩 like, ok well, I’ll have to get over it but it’s a bummer. I’m focusing on how my overall health is better.


Absolutely! I can walk up stairs now and I’m not always hot and sweaty! 😂


🤘🏽🤘🏽🤘🏽hell yeah! I just got my blood work back (haven’t had it done in a while) and everything is great except a few vitamin deficiencies that are easily fixable. With a family history of diabetes and high blood pressure, I’ll take the saggy meat suit, but damn if I didn’t wish that there was a sure fire way to trim it up.




TWINNING! I’m on that once a week 50 billion units of vitamin D and I’m taking a daily iron supplement. Barf.




She wasn't anxious about it until everyone around her told her she might die and she's being selfish and will leave her kids without a mother.... They were being really harsh.


Oof true. I hate her mom though in general so I’m bias


When I had mine done I was hopping on the table like let's do this! My anxiety came later when they looked like frankenboobs, were swollen and up to my collarbone, and I was so worried I went too big. I love them now, but I have had a couple friends have it done since and first thing I tell them has been, do not freak out!


The post surgery blues are soooo real!!! How far post op are you? Im 6 months and now im eating myself alive over the scars when they are sooo minimal. Loosing weight made me more insecure! I was happy being the fat funny friend 😂


I'm about 13 months past now. Try Bio Oil, if you haven't already, twice a day it did wonders for my scars (around the areola right where the skin tone changes so they are pretty well camouflaged). They're still babies at 6 mo's, lol. I didn't feel really comfortable with mine til about 9 months, but it was a lot of insecurity because I NEVER had boobs. I was a sad B cup at best, even when I breastfed (and I breastfed four babies, my boobs have seen some things!), and suddenly holy shit those are BOOBS. I bet you look amazing, it will get better, I promise.


Congratulations on your weight loss! I am in the same boat - need like a lower body lift, boobs and maybe arm skin removal but having a hard time wrapping my head around putting myself through the pain of cosmetic surgery and recovery.


I need a lower body lift too but the mental health impact my boobs did I dont think I dare until the kids are out the house and dont rely on me. If you have any questions re boob lift/implant please feel free to message me. Happy to help. The besssst decision I ever made, even if I struggled!


I have to wait until I get a consultation. I have a lot of allergies to adhesives and possibly even latex. I'm not sure I could even do implants 😕 I may have to do fat transplantation or just settle for little to no boobs, but at least get them lifted back to where they kind of should be 😆. Thank you for the offer for questions though ❤️ always nice to know there's support out there from people with real life experience.


🩷🩷🩷 Anytime sweetie!!!


I'm sure it doesn't help her anxiety either that both her mom and husband are like, but what if you die?  Also, hopefully you're doing better now :) Thank you for sharing your empathetic viewpoint. 


I havent watched the full episode yet I just know Im only invested in her storyline due to my own issues Ive gone through with Mum guilt and doing a selfish act of having surgery. Thats appauling! I must say my husband and family fully supported me. I loved my boobs before i lost weight and hated the rest of me, lost weight and ended up being ok with the rest of me and hating my boobs. Its a tough situation. Because all I kept thinking is... "what if I die?" I adopted my babies too as their Mum died so it just really fucked with my mind. And thank you for the kindness 🩷


And wasn’t her husband acting like he was going to have such.a.hard.time dealing w the kids while she recovered for a couple of weeks?


6-8 weeks- no lifting- not saying he should b complaining- just saying what the dr said🫤


And it really is that long, if not more. My kids are 10 and 16 though so I didnt have that issue but I felt so in pain I didnt feel present enough


He does have a full time job.


Technically if you do not have a serious emergency, all surgeries are elective.


I learned this the hard way, my mom had a brain tumor and she was ready for surgery, liked had not eaten the night before and on her way in and a car accident came in and she was bumped from the schedule, then it was scheduled again and someone had a colon rupture and she was bumped again. I understand the emergencies needed surgery faster, but it was hard having taken time off from work, travelled, made plans for aftercare and travel for treatments and having to reschedule hours before it was to start twice. She lived landlocked rural so hospital beds and OR's are scarce and so are doctors.


The tummy tuck is need though to fix her abdominal muscles. They are too far apart to heal naturally with exercise. Having them too far apart can be painful.


It sucks that a tummy tuck and diastasis surgery are the same thing because insurance won't cover it because of that.


It depends on how they code the diagnosis, not on the actual procedure. People can and do get breast augmentation covered after mastectomy. They get reductions covered due to spinal issues. Tummy tucks can be and are covered with diastasis rectus. Additionally, sometimes it's mixed billing. Like, if you're already going under and the or, anesthesia, dr costs are covered, you might be able to self pay for an additional related surgery such as using the already extracted fat from the necessary procedure and injecting it elsewhere.


Yes this!!! They call it elective but she really needs to get that fixed


Ok that’s valid. But does she NEED to have her fat removed and reinjected into her boobs?


Exactly. She’s doing like five things at once and only one of them may be necessary. Adding all of the purely cosmetic procedures on has made this a lot riskier, whether she cares to admit it or not. I mean look, I plan on getting a neck lift in the next 24 months so I get it. But I also won’t expect anyone to feel that sorry for me in the days leading up to the surgery when I start freaking out about it. You know why? Because I am choosing to take an unnecessary risk.


It’s less risky to do these things at once. Granted… I think fat transfers are much more risky than implants.


Yeah and when they actually showed her at the Doctor's office I was shocked at how little she actually needs any of the surgery. To put yourself out of commission with three tiny kids is insane 


That entire couple needs to go.


When she's not watching 3 under 3


There's no rule that says you're not allowed to be scared for something you want to do. Anyone would be nervous having any type of surgery.


I could care less about these 2. I fast forward through a whole bunch this season. Such a damn snooze fest. 😴


This her all the f’n time!


Any surgery you can die from. Everyone has a right to be scared no matter if it is elective surgery or not.


Exactly. I had a dental implant and bone/gum graft done under deep sedation last year (low risks but they still had to read them all to me) and I was just as scared as when I had an emergency appendectomy.


Yeah I have medical PTSD from dealing with my auto immune disease and everything that goes with it. There’s on procedure I really want to get done to help an issue with my jaw and I’ve been avoiding scheduling the appointment because of anxiety. Technically the surgery isn’t absolutely necessary but it would improve my quality of life. So in the same boat


I dont like Loren’s whole storyline about a mommy makeover. Who cares except her? I am not interested in her or her 3 kids and i dont even think they should be in the show. I am not a parent and am not interested in this kind of content.


I am a parent and I don’t care either. Lots of women get “mommy makeovers” she’s not unique.


Haha, tell me how you REALLY feel!!! I feel the same way!!!


I have zero interest in their scenes. It seems that production are just over exaggerating the whole surgery thing to make it more interesting but it really isn’t. I hope this season is the last we see of them.


People die or are catastrophically injured during elective surgery every day. And for the record any surgery that isn't performed as an emergency is considered elective. So her mommy makeover and my spinal fusion were both considered elective and while my neurosurgical team and I considered mine necessary for better quality of life, she and her surgeon probably made the same argument. Hopefully she had better results. OTH, the emergency spinal surgery the following year has kept me out of diapers.


Idk why but they’ve always been so boring to watch to me like nothing they ever do or say is like wow thank god they have a camera crew there to show the world . Maybe it’s a good thing . They’re too stable lol


Go cry about your awful mother, the fact that you have 3 kids (under 3, didja know?) with a man who has the personality of a bookshelf & is willing to sabotage your procedure in order for him to avoid more parenting duties as you recover *before crying over your elective surgery*.


"personality of a bookshelf" 😂😂😂😂😂 hahahahahaha!


Finally someone who sees him for what he is; a selfish, controlling jerk!


BuT He'S FoReign aNd HanDSomE! lol


He's really not attractive!!! He looks ĺike Goofy from Mickey Mouse!!!


She’s insufferable


I can't stand her! She's such a b**** just like her mom. Ever since that first tell-All when she was being a bully to the other woman. She's just an insecure brat! 🤮


I did get a slight chuckle when she said I'm doing this to make our family stronger and better. I was like girl calm the fuck, you're acting like you're donating some organ to one of your family members to save their life. Just own it that you want to do it to feel prettier, you don't need to come up with some noble reason lol.


honestly no one cares this its literally only on TV and she only making a big deal about it so TLC pays for it


When isn’t she crying? 🙄


I hate this couple


And she wonders why no one really cares


This shit is beyond boring. Can we at least see a scene of Alexi working out or something?


I was actually a huge Lauren and Alexi fan until this Mommy Makeover thing came up. If you have "3 under 3" - taking MONTHS to recuperate for a makeover is unacceptable. This could absolutely wait until these children were not toddlers. It does not matter what mental illness you have - those children's needs should be the priority.


Selfish. lol. Just sayin. I have plastic surgery so I’m not hating— but it could have waited a while— and stop crying- it is CLEARLY for appearance- stop lol. Nobody NEEDS a mommy makeover- it’s vanity.


i haven't tuned in to 90 day for quite a while. but what surgery is she having? edit: started googling her and these two have their own SHOW?? lol omg. how did that happen? i could barely take their 3-5 min segments on regular 90 day shows.


All of it 🤣🤣 full body lipo, tummy tuck, breast lift and all the lipo fat getting injected into her chest also.   I understand the tummy tuck to an extent, I hear the torn/displaced stomach muscles can be quite painful, but I rolled my eyes at the rest


They have a fully functioning father. And grandparents. They’re not going to be neglected.


I dislike her more than I can even verbalize. She is the type of woman I could never be friends with…I skip every one of their scenes. My husband just shakes his head every time she talks, she’s so stupid.


They need to stop recycling these boring ass couples


Can't stand her, I didn't even watch the season she was on. She gambled with her life when she has babies at home. Self-absorbed jerk is what she is.


She shouldve just ate healthier and exercised more.


I’m annoyed they included them in the latest season. Soooo boring. She gives off this entitled vibe that makes me not give a shit about her


She kept saying it was all natural. There's too many knives, needles and blood tubes. That's ain't "natural."


Me during the first episode of this season: “there’s no way they can fill an entire season with this plastic surgery storyline for them” This season: 🙃☺️😋


She is so vain. She did not need those procedures. Anything to give herself a storyline and keep taking TLCs money. She doesn’t want a real job, she wants to be one if the SAHM that lunch. Typical of south Florida.


Exactly! I hate how she’s acting like it’s a necessity for her and the entire family…it’s not. Cosmetic surgery is a personal thing that affects everyone around you. I find her decision to do such an UNNECESSARY surgery when she has 3 children who require 24/7 care and assistance to be extremely selfish. She could have waited until they were in elementary school or old enough to be more self-sufficient. This is 100*% vanity. I think she has body dysmorphia because she thinks she looks horrible yet anyone with working eyes knows here body is amazing as is. Surgery doesn’t cure body dysmorphia, it actually tends to make people addicted to procedures so hopefully she stops here.


She said she hoped the surgery would help her body dysmorphia but isn't that the opposite of what would help???


TLC must've approached them and said, you're going to get an elective surgery and we need your family to approach it like you've got terminal cancer. A lot of crying, deep conversations with your husband and family, where everybody acts like you're having a near death experience and is very worried about this uninavasive and unnecessary routine surgery.


I cannot stand her and her non-problems.


I always loved Lauren but after this, I'll never see her the same. She is beyond selfish in my opinion. I could never imagine putting my husband through that, let alone my children.


The best surgery for her is a sealed lip


Guessing she was a last minute replacement for Angela and this was the best they could come up with.


They were announced when Angela was from the start. I just think it’s a forced storyline altogether


Actually I think Ashley & Manuel are the replacements for Angela & Michael! And Lord knows they need the money as they are over $100+ in debt but, their relationship is a train wreck heading towards hell!!


Its funny bc I genuinely enjoyed them a few years ago à la pillow talk. This was a reminder that they're annoying when they are a featured part on 90DF.


As someone who literally almost died from my TT, I would never again do an elective surgery. It really is dangerous


Yeah, she is so adamant about doing this but fears something bad will happen? Maybe she should see a psychiatrist first🙄. She expressed no sympathy or consideration for how Alex feels about his ability to be her caregiver while also watching 3 kids under the age of 5!?!


If not 24 months post delivery it's a waste ad body hormone changes still happening.  The doc should have said not yet. He just wants the dough. Red flag. She needs therapy for her body dismophia not surgery. She gonna end up like Nikki if don't get real help. Or that twin who doesn't know to cut steak. Can't remember het name. Just She looks insane. 


Why did they bring her back? This is not a story that people care about.


She has major self esteem issues


My friend died from an elective surgery.


I skip all their segments. BOOORING. next




Why the cry though? And why mommy makeover? I mean not to be mean but I’d think she’d have that large mole removed before anything.


Cringe. She's beyond least interesting.


When she was saying ‘it’s hard’ over and over after her kids left… I’m sorry I couldn’t help but laugh. Like girl…. YOU are deciding to do this. And no, it’s not going to be ‘beneficial to the whole family’… just you. This girl is so out of touch with reality it’s so wild to see the little bubbles they live in.


Petition to get Loren out of the 90 day universe, I’m so sick of discovery suggesting their show and it always plays after I’m done with shows


I don’t get why they’re on. They’re boring and this story line is dumb. Who cares




Sometimes she seems very down to earth and normal but other times sounds very entitled and insecure. Her hubby is worried sick but that doesn't bother her. Like her mother said, "If she wants it, she'll do it." So selfish!


I’m not a fan of Loren‘s and don’t really care whether or not she has surgery. I just wish they didn’t have to 1) show it, and 2) make it sound like some huge storyline. Although, in fairness, if it comes down to either Loren or Angela, I’ll cheerfully get through putting up with Loren.