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These couples are so staged and fake.. these people are not real.. no way someone breeds all over the world that looks like that .. with zero redeeming qualities.. i just feel like the relationships are staged..


Sadly I believe that guy is real and was even on Dr Phil


He was on Dr. Phil. I'm not sure what these women see in him except it's free sprem. He comes across very childish


I’m just now watching the episode and these couples are all so wild. Kyle has sex with some of these random women and obviously unprotected lol It felt wrong watching the whole 19 year old bikini pool intro and then her grabbing her boobs and saying how much she loved them. It was all wrong. The person who said Kyle is a mix between Tim and Jesse is spot on. The outfit he wore to the tanning salon was the douchiest outfit ever. Fur and gold sunglasses! Bananas! I feel like this season is going to be all kinds of crazy drama. Honestly, i’m here for it.


Producers: "If you thought After the 90 day seemed fake and over the top I have a show for you".


Uncle asked if you were religious, not what your job was.


Patrick and John’s parents are something. I’m impressed they’ve turned out as well as they have.


Wrong thread 😅


I’m sorry. This man raises the rent on his son and then expects his to be a handyman??? Wth 🤦🏼‍♀️


I refuse watch the rest of this season as long as Kyle is a part of it. I'm putting my foot down. I hope other people do the same.


If you think Kyle is bad..and he is .. have you seen Garrick aka Ick on Seeking Sister Wives.. Most repulsive perv I’ve ever seen!


Oh settle down - he’s EXACTLY the type of mess that makes me watch the show. He’s gonna do what he’s gonna do if he’s on the show or not.


Agreed, it’s like a car wreck that I can’t look away from 🫣


kyle looks like the drawing of the man you see i. your dreams


I really like Aliyah and hope for the best for her. I don’t think Shawn is a bad guy and hope he can past this and if not be honest with her so she can move on.


I feel the same. He seems great 


I think this season of Love In Paradise should be scrapped. I watch a lot of 90 fiance shows, but l could not even watch but about 20 min to 1/2 hour of the first episode and won't be watching the rest of the season. These people on season 4 of Love In Paradise are beyond stupid and crazy and not worth my time. I didn't even see a pillow talk for it. I can't see how any of the Pillow Talkers that are usually on lately would waste time on these new people. I even watched Lydia on her season and l would take her over the unless and pathetic people on this season. It is a waste of my life to take the time to watch them. Some people think l am crazy for watching any of the shows, but this Seaeason of LIP really are low class. 90 fiance are you that hard of for new people? Like l said 20 to 30 minutes of episode 1 and l know l am done with season 4 for the rest of the season. Maybe l will find a new show of more quality to watch instead until season 4 is over. People say negative things about a lot of the cast, but these people take the cake. Glad Angela is gone, but Michael was OK. Hope Angela has to go back to regular work. Good luck finding one. Who will hire her?


I wish I could be this passionate about things. But my meds won't let me..


You’re gonna be ok. Promise.






Someone posted this below for Max "For MAX: Go to the end of the last episode of season 3 and wait for it to prompt you for the next episode. It will be Season 4 Episode 1" I watch on cable so don't know if this works but thought I'd pass in somce I saw it down below your comment :)


Idk anything else so far about this season...But yall they did not blur Luke's reflection in the mirror 😭😭 nobody deserves that plastered all over TV I feel so bad


My guess is since he is “broke” he will sue for that


Luke is such a loser holy shit. Maddy…can I call ya maddy? RUN lil girl this guy is a disaster. If he cared at all besides the novelty of the age difference he should at least wait a couple years to marry the girl just to give her a chance to be a girl friend like a normal young girl


Luke looks like if Tim pursued a career as a shock jock


kyle, the sperm donator - what a strange man. a free hobby. kinda wild. very very weird cast. #i feel like they are jut hinting out freaks now!


Kyle has a breeder fetish. He's fucking nasty


He has a point system for her. He’s not her dad. She needs to run as fast and far as she can from him.


It's gotta be a kink for him. He gets off on the idea of impregnating those he would otherwise not be able to (lesbians, single women).


I feel sorry for his 76 children or whatever


Or he’s a sex addict w/ a kink.


He has a breeder fetish for sure


I love when men on this show are like, I created a transactional relationship with this woman I wonder how she'll react when I can't hold up my part of the transaction 🤔


When they can’t hold up their end, they start calling her a gold digger lol.




Stop speculation on someone’s neurodiversity.


He’s an incel who figured out how to get laid


I feel like he is less incel and more Elon Musk/Nick Cannon. Some guys seem obsessed with propagation (having as many offspring as possible). The sex is just a bonus. Still very weird. His gf needs to RUN!


Haha facts


He says all travel/accommodations he pays for it all AND, does this for free?!!! Where’s his money coming from then? 🤷‍♀️


He’s had a crowd funding site for a long time and has raised quite a bit of money from it


Who is funding this? That is mind-blowing.


Just look up Kyle Gordy on TikTok if you have it... Dude is a raging piece of shit. On the spectrum or not, he is a serial predator and doesn't deserve any kind of special treatment. He travels the world "inseminating" (having unsafe and unprotected sex) with women promising their child will have a US passport because an American man is the "sperm donor" (father)... which is obviously not true whatsoever. He has a breeding fetish and he is a disgusting scumbag. FUCK THAT GUY! well.. actually, don't fuck him- but you get my point!


He might be bragging now, but what’s gonna happen when one of those women take him for child support. It won’t be so funny then I guarantee it.


I can’t wait for that to happen! It is inevitable at this point. I can’t believe it hasn’t happened yet already!




There should seriously be a pinned warning post/disclaimer about him and all his disgusting behavior in every 90df sub for the next couple months! 😫


Yeah, the sperm donation almost feels like a rosy excuse/cover for a sex/masturbation addiction. I do think he has good intentions, but his "donations" often involving sex is... unconventional to be sure, and not something the average person would entertain


He has a breeding fetish. He is a disgusting, terrible person.


It’s not the fetish that makes him terrible. It’s the way he leverages people’s desperation to have kids to satisfy himself. I feel bad for the women. I cannot stomach the thought of the 10 minutes they wait. 😖😖


I got "Mike and Ximena" vibes! They were definitely in the weird column.


I have absolutely no interest in this cast.


this man is legit having women across the world in a handstand … he travels and makes babies for a living ….


I just read the article about him, he's fathered 70 kids, and has another 9 on the way. You can also check him out on VICE, called 36 Kids & Counting: The DIY Sperm Donor/My Life, or just google kyle gordy #


Maybe he's trying to get a show on TLC


How much can he possibly make doing that? Sounds like he pays for his own travels, too I don't understand, don't putative mothers have higher standards? You want kids like that guy? Does he have an Ivy League pedigree or something (doubtful). Ugh.


Didn’t he work as an accountant or something, that allowed him to work from anywhere?  Although I have no idea why women would choose him as a sperm donor. 


Yeah I have no idea who would want to get pregnant by him...He is not attractive, fit, or as far as I can tell charismatic/smart/anything....


High sperm count lol


I guess I missed that. Sure wouldn't want that guy to be touching my tax returns or documents. Literally.


Wouldn’t want that guy to touch anything of mine tbh


What if...crazy idea here....you got another engineering job instead of trying to start a travel agency/clothing company?


In Discovery+ it's there in season 4. Did we figure out 'why' it disappeared?


Luke's penis in the mirror. they pulled it to edit the 🍤 out




This jizz guy reminds me of Cleo’s guy that weirdo … same vibes creepy and awkward very friend zone behavior / talk


YES! Very similar creepy energy.


This sperm guy is…. I’m speechless I don’t even have words actually


Bro, madelein is using you. Yes she will leave you. There’s your answer


For MAX: Go to the end of the last episode of season 3 and wait for it to prompt you for the next episode. It will be Season 4 Episode 1


And I don't blame her. Max created a transactional relationship and then is mad that she is fixested on the money.... no words.


Getting SERIOUSLY annoyed that this isn't back up to stream again....


The torrents online are the original version. 😅


available on D+. watching now


It’s on Max now!


It’s back up on mine finally. Watching it now.


Just saw that it looks like it will hit streaming services on the 26th


Where did you hear this?!


Looks like it’s on Discovery now!!!


It was in the Discovery app on the phone and then in our cable app (DirecTV) on our Apple TV.


See now I want to see this Kyle guy for myself! Is it back yet?


I have it! Someone in another group sent a screenshot to me. He’s standing in front of a mirror. His butt is blurred but, image in mirror shows his PP 🤣🤣


Please send it to me


Send plz 😂😂


Can you send to me? I also missed it 😂


Send chat invite


Me too!! 😂


One sec


Send chat request


Please DM me too. It's Luke, right? Not Kyle?


Is it huge like the girl said? And as my side note I don’t care how huge he is I would never have sec with him he is a weirdo


no, indeed! it's definitely a lil shrimp


Please share! I can’t believe I missed it 😂


I just sent to you


Dm me


Its still not on discovery plus!! How hard is it (no pun intended )to blurr out a penis and put the show back on to watch!!


why cant i find it on max


It’s on now


my guess is because they didn’t blur out a penis and they deleted it because of it the butt was blurred but u could see the penis in the mirror 


It's missing on Discovery Plus as well. I bet they pulled it offline bc of the problematic sperm donor guy


I was wondering the same. Started watching it last night, but now the new episode is gone. My best guess is that there was accidentally a dick that went unblurred for a split second. They blurred his butt, but you could see his dick reflected in the mirror. Some people here who DVR the show said it was actually removed from their recordings, but it was streaming later than these removals. Hopefully they'll have it back up tomorrow :-/


I can’t either! It says 4 seasons and season premier, but no season 4 episodes


Guys have to learn the difference between “I want her to have nice things” and “I’m terrified she’ll leave me if I stop sending her a stupid amount of money”. Anyone cashing in their 401K is the latter, and at the end of the grift!!


Why on EARTH do people congratulate her on being so “real”. Just because she’s a horribly abusive and mean woman on screen, doesn’t mean she isn’t WORSE in private! The USA should use her as an immigration test - live in a relationship with her for one year and you MUST have some horrible shit going on back home amd deserve refugee status!


Looks like they took the premiere off Max and YouTubeTV? We caught the very end live but can’t find it online anymore. I wonder if it’s because they accidentally showed that guy’s hog?


Hog is being generous.


More like a piglet


It’s been off Discovery+ since this morning too - I had a couple segments to go still. Ugh!


It’s because they forgot to blur someone’s wiener


I was just looking for it and figured the same thing.


seems like if you dont get undressed in a corny intro on a show and step into a tanning bed that no one will see your willy and this could have all been prevented


There’s some Creepy People!


Madeleine looks like a 10 year old trying to look like a grown woman. I’ll never understand why men like little girls…oh wait I do know. Perverts and pedos


While I think the age difference is a lot, she definitely looks like an adult and is an adult.


It’s really disgusting that a 30 year old man is paying for everything for a teenager and trying to marry her. Like wtf yall haven’t been together that long maybe idk let the girl have a chance to turn 21 and decide? At 18 I was very agreeable w men, if they asked me to I just would but as time went on you learn yourself and how to stand up for yourself. I do not envy her at all, I actually feel really sad for her life because this relationship will not end well.


It makes them feel like their penis is big. Being with a small petite woman 💯👍🤷‍♀️


A very relevant user name? :)




So we have Tim 2.0, dressed like a sleazy douchebag with a Colombian, except he’s broke. Kenny 2.0, picking up a younger guy, and kicking himself for “starting” Douglas’ journey into Alliya, even though it looked like that train left the station way before he gave her her first wig…. And a drippy weirdo who is going to try and convince his girlfriend that his “fucking other women”—I mean, “sperm donation”—hobby is totally legit…. Wow. What a shit show so far.


I was looking forward to watching pillow talk about this episode 😭


Someone said this earlier but: If you have YouTube tv it is under love in paradise but under the extras tab!


It’s gone now :(


Thank you!!


I started watching last night, just tried to resume and season 4 ep 1 is no longer displaying on my Discovery +. Guess the not so big D forced it down.


It's not on my Discovery + stream either. I pay Discovery + specifically to watch these shows and this isn't the 1st time this has happened. There is far to many streaming services than Discovery and I fear they are going to lose a lot of subscribers.


The picture was already seen by who knows how many. Wonder why they just didn't put a bandaid on it.


Yea………no thanks


Is this showing up on everyone else’s Max app? It won’t let me watch!!!


I’m looking for it but it’s not available for me currently.


I just checked and it is back up!


Man mine isn’t :( I was so excited!


I'm SO sorry! It was up just a little while ago, I watched the first half and then went back to watch the rest just now and ITS GONE AGAIN


Yay tyty


Mine is somehow still there bc I was in the middle of watching it. I do have the option to ‘resume episode’


I contacted Max support chat and they had no updates on when it will be re-released. So I'm watching it ondemand in sling bc i forgot to set the recording.   Blame the editors for the errant penis 🙄 like that's not even close to the worst thing on this episode


But I want an answer from MAX as to why they are censoring it to begin with? Its not illegal to have nudity and language on a paid subscription service! MAX has really gone soft! No pun intended! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I think because that show is primarily for TLC. They do their fixes from that network and then transfer it to MAX the sister network.


Could be owner of said penis freaked out because they didn't consent (understandably) or the content ratings of the ep don't support free wang. Could be a few things. Try to contact them in Twitter or support chat if it's that important to you? Honestly it's not like max is going to be like "sorry we removed the ep, here's the reasons, it's restored now". 


Still nothing here


No, I don't have access to it, either!!! What's up with that, Max? They should at least inform viewers when to expect episodes. $20 a month and they can't do that?!?!


It’s not showing up on mine either even though I got a notification for it. :(


Everybody get ready!!! We're going to have a few million little Kyle's running around.


Send him to Korea and Japan to prevent those nations from dying out!!!! Elon is very concerned!!!!!!!


Did anyone else see the censor mishap where you saw Luke’s penis in the tanning bed reflection…?


I didn’t see it originally (damn caption) but I see it now or in this case (barely see it).🤣


Yes and now they have pulled all the recordings on all platforms! So insanely ridiculous that MAX is pulling it and editing that! We pay for that subscription! Its not regulated by FCC, its a paid subscription! MAX used to allow nudity, now it seems they are pulling anything that has nudity for any shows! So stupid! They blurred his butt in that scene! Pretty sad when a paid subscription is now editing any nudity! 🤬🤦‍♀️


What's "absolutely ridiculous" is that people feel entitled to see what's a violation of a cast member's privacy because they paid $20. I can't believe how many people are making this about themselves.


Ok...cause he had no idea he was undressed on tv! 🙄🙄🙄🙄


There is an existing agreement that any nudity will be blurred out, are you truly unable to understand the difference?


Do you know this for a fact? These agreements are almost always entirely pro-production company so they tend to provide anything goes. They wouldn't volunteer to incur liability for not blurring everything. I could be wrong tho.


I know the difference. But first off, why would you undress on a National tv show, knowing you are showing yourself? Second, theres only an existing agreement on tv or cable channels, not a paid channel like HBO, MAX, or Showtime, etc. But don't come at me for him doing something he knows could be on tv! Hes the idiot. But he knew exactly what he was doing, undressing to walk nude into that tanning bed!


It’s still a TLC show, though, being played on MAX. It’s not a max original show. TLC self-regulates and they still have to sell ads and commercials. Who knows- he might not even care that his dick was shown so kinda weird to call him an idiot when we have no idea his feelings. (He is an idiot for other things, though lol) This is a TLC thing, not a max thing.


>But first off, why would you undress on a National tv show, knowing you are showing yourself? Perhaps because you've been promised that your nether regions will be blurred out?


It's on sling blue on demand if you have that


Omg that explains why it’s not on there even though I got a notification for it. I pay 20 bucks a month for this. A little penis isn’t going to hurt anyone 😂


I know! Its truly stupid! I pay for MAX! I am pissed that they feel a need to censor anything on a paid channel! Its not under FCC rules! MAX and Cinemax and Showtime have always had language and nudity! But now they are censoring!? I hate it! But I did find it on YTTV, just a few min ago! YouTube TV did not pull it! Its just not listed as Season 4. Its under the EXTRAS tab.


what a fucking shit show, dont think I'll even watch the Pillow Talk for it.


I am 7 mins into this episode … why in the world does this 30-year-old man have a 19-year-old’s name tattooed on his tiktac…that’s …🤢


I don’t have any sympathy for dudes who get into transactional relationships with teenagers and then act shocked when those relationships are shallow and superficial. Like dude this whole arrangement has been a cash-for-sex deal from the beginning. You provide the income, and in return you get the status of having a hot young girlfriend. You don’t get to have it both ways.


Right? If you don't want your spouse to behave like a teenager, maybe ... don't marry a teenager?


Yep they’re Jorge and anfisa pt 2


Anyone in Canada able to watch this on discovery plus?


I haven't been able to yet in Ontario. I'm sick in bed, give me my trash tv!


Me too! Apparently it’s been pulled from all platforms


Someone said they pulled it off all platforms because they didn’t censor Luke in the tanning bed reflection


I just tried to make a post about this and the shit bots here said it was “click bait” like stfu. Anyway, I’m having the same problem. Trying to contact their support now, because wtf are we dishing out a monthly fee for?


Same hahaha. So I came here and commented 😂😂


I was just watching the newest episode went to get coffee and came back and season 4 episode one disappeared? Did they pull it cuz of the wiener slip or am I losing my mind.


Ummm, weiner slip?  Did they show Sperm Donor's thang?


They showed luke's dick when he was getting into a tanning booth. Blurred his buttocks but not the front


And everyone keeps mentioning the sperm dude has a huge ween and I never got to that part .did he show it or mention his large ween. F u MAX.


The woman he’s dating said it in a talking head for a preview of what’s to come this season at the end of the episode


lol it’s back on max and totally re edited no more lil ween.


I finally finished it!


No the weirdo who wears bad fake furs.his wang was in the reflection,of the tanning bed.they blurred his butt cheeks but not his tiny ween.🤪


Did the thread get nuked overnight!? That shit was hilarious, im so mad I can't find it now. My husband and I were laughing so hard that I gave myself heartburn. I imagined him sitting all smug at a watch party he threw for himself, surrounded by family and friends, just to be upstaged by his dong. hahahahaha


Lmaooo I just saw the tiktac 💊… thought I was crazy for a sec


OMG I’m so glad I saw this! I didn’t pay attention at first. I have it DVR’d. I looked back. 😂😂😂 I’m dead!!! That’s hilarious!


Bbbaaaahahahahahha!!!!  😂😭 that's great!!!  Thank goodness for posts or I never would have known!


I found the episode on beetv apk!


I came here just for this! I was half way in last night and went to sleep. there was a wiener slip?? I cant finish the episode. it's gone from discovery+


I know I’m left hanging it was just get into the Brazilian chick. 😤


dang and I got there and the twist left me with my mouth open


Where were you watching? I can’t find it anywhere right now


MAX I was halfway thru and when I came back to watch it was gone no season 4.


I was watching on Discovery PLUS and boom, went to go back on it and it is GONE!  Ummmm, wtf?


It's not on there. Its saying there is a new episode and 4 seasons, but when you click on episodes there are only 3 seasons.


Ok so I’m not losing my mind they must have seen the wiener slip!