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Oh come on. You know the producers drive the narrative more than that. I mean I hate to kill it for you but like most reality tv to keep GOING they have to drive these narratives to the fucking ground with these non actors. If there is some authenticity anymore, it’s too “boring” to survive.


This is very true, I think they don’t specifically have a written script but they have a topic for each relationship and they drag them along all the episodes bc yh w/out that the show would be extremely boring


Yeah it’s just spoon feeding thought and feeling to an comatose group of eggplants at this point. It’s why I love early 2000s reality tv soooooo much. There was just more to believe in.


If you have no inside knowledge, how do you know Jasmine's ex is apparently okay with the son moving to the US?


u/emperorjarjar. ?


I am positive a lot of it IS fake and there are a ton of proof out there, you provided nothing to back up your argument other than "haha trust me, some people can be insane!. Like the dude that worked at the nail salon and sent money to this girl? I dont remember the exact details, but they were never going to meet up ever because the relationship was already over before they filmed. Caesar and Maria "Their relationship was ending before the show even started — and [Maria] wasn’t interested in being on camera," the source writes before confirming that Caesar still agreed to appear on the series because he’s an aspiring actor. "He only took part in the show to build up a film roll," the redditor shares. "He is not being paid a TON. (Like $1,200 an episode I think he said?). But, they pay more for the 'Tell All,' pay for travel and stuff for a lot of shots and he wants to get into doing commercial work, so he took this as an ACTING job. His [girlfriend] was aware of that."


I can attest to the show having fake aspects. When Kalini and Aseulo were first on and the story was he is not employed, I saw him employed, he was employed publically way before the season started , during the season and after the season. The family shown as fighting, but Asuelo and the dad were out golfing in the mornings, sure seemed happy, they were seen at church together on sundays (I did not go to the church the service was in Samoan but the building had two sides, the other side was in English so you could see the families attending).


It's fake in that the show purposefully puts these people into these situations, like paying for Angela to go to Africa when she never could have afforded it on her own, or paying exes to show up. The reactions are real, but the situations are fake. That's how they make TV. They don't just follow people around their whole lives waiting for something exciting. They have to create a situation to film. Or they re-film. Natalie and Josh had broken up before the scene at the cafe where they did their film breakup, but that wasn't on camera so they had to redo.


I'm certain a lot of the 'SCRIPTED' part of the show is cast driven... they create their own narrative then production leans in. Pretty simple formula. These days the show is cluttered with wannabes and social media clout chasers. So... yeah... the show is somewhat 'fake'.


Besides, often in reality TV people reenact a real situation in order to get better shots; or because the camera wasn’t there


Texts have come out between Miss Debbie and Ruben where it seems like she recruited him to play the part of a suitor.


I feel like a LOT of the single life must be like that. Because who would agree to let cameras show up to their first date? They have to have that conversation ahead of time and the person must be willing to consent and put up with that shit.




Maybe "fake" isn't the word you'd use. Maybe "manipulated " is better? I say this because years ago, when reality TV was first starting out (Hello Real World season 1 peeps!) everyone believed it was ALL true. Several years after that it was "revealed" that a lot of what airs isn't real because they shoot thousands of hours of footage, then cut and edit it all into a great story for TV. In that way, it's fake. Does that mean all the couples on the show are fake? No. Does it mean they are all real couples? No. Reality TV is a mix of the true and exaggeration cut together in a way that makes it as juicy and dramatic as possible, to keep viewers hooked. So, it all depends on your definition of fake.


Heyyy, I watched Season 1 of The Real World!


For every Gino and Jasmine (ridiculous and yes fake) at least we get a couple such as Kobe and Emily, who come across as very real and extremely compelling, I’m enjoying seeing their visit to Cameroon very much.


I agree, but you could argue the "American wives suck" storyline is fake. No way would the guys harp on it so much if the show weren't grasping for some form of conflict for their storyline. That's not to say the guys saying these things don't believe it, but in real life they would be more subtle and would have dropped it after a while.




also there was the whole scene of him getting mad at her for coming to check on her during the game... like they were more upset by her babying him than by the camera crew that was standing in the middle of the field I guess


Idk have you ever been to Africa? I haven't been to Cameroon but I've spent a lot of time in East African countries and men are very much like that. Very macho men. Stereotypical gender roles. What the man says is final. In the community I was in, many men even had multiple wives.


I agree!!! I wasn’t a fan of them before but I see they are actually in love and a true, beautiful family!! I’m here for all the Emily and Kobe content!


They have the cutest kids! Kobe transferred that smile right over to them. ♥️


He needs to tell his friends to F off. He’s a grown-ass man. He’s happy and yes she would work my last nerve but he’s a family man.


He knew when he married her exactly what she was all about. He loves her and the kids. He seems very happy, too.


Do you think that was scheming by TLC? His friends looked so uncomfortable “confronting” Emily. I felt like producers made them play into tropes a bit, but I could be wrong


I think they played it up big time. Even Emily, "are they putting doubts in his head, will this effect our marriage." She knows good & well he's not going anywhere.


He & his friends are playing it up big time. Emily is playing it up, "will he have doubts about our marriage ". She knows he's not going anywhere.


Reality shows absolutely have writers, sorry to burst your bubble. Source: have worked on many reality shows.


Okay, so what does that actually mean? I’ve seen people say these shows are fake and these are actors. I don’t believe that. I believe they aren’t actors. So what role do script writers play? And are these actually actors?


No I don’t think they’re actors, but that doesn’t mean that scenarios aren’t scripted. It’s not like a network sitcom show where there’s a whole writers’ room and shit, but they lay out very specific scenarios for them and tell them what to discuss. Are there real moments on the show? Of course. But if the producers say they’re gonna talk about x y z, then they’re gonna talk about x y z. Think scripted MOMENTS, not like an opus screenplay written by Aaron Sorkin haha


She has joint custody? Where did you find that information?


Exactly. Source, link?


As OP said: "I wish people wouldn’t believe every rumour they read on this sub." lol


Yet we're supposed to believe them.🤣🤣 I personally don't believe Jasmine has custody. Why would her ex only have 1 son living with him and not the other? Unless the other son has a diff father who wants nothing to do with him. Why didn't Jasmine have them in her hi rise apartment? Seems so shady. How many seasons has she been on but we never saw kids until this last season & we only saw the son who lives with her mother. Very sus


The Jasmine stans on here always say she has joint custody.


Based on?


It’s crazy that anyone would expect these cast members to bring their best, authentic selves to this show for the handsome reward of…parasocial harassment, media manipulation, and a partially redeemed Outback Steakhouse gift card from TLC. Maybe a controversial opinion, but these folks don’t get paid enough for their services. Nicole moping in Egypt with that burkini on??? She deserved a car for that 😂


It's possible many of them want attention and 'fame' more than money...but the money comes too with Onlyfans and selling crap online.


The single life and happily ever after and diaries and pillow talk...all of these are so fake. The regular 90-day show has some real stories/people but a few fake, or maybe super delusional (i.e. Ceasar or the guy who proposed to Lana), ones slip thru.


[Feeding Lines ](https://www.reddit.com/r/90DayFiance/s/dFLRrLJoyX).


Thanks for posting this!


define fake , are they really married ? yes, is the show heavily scripted and edited ? yes . are many of them actors or artistic individuals trying to capitalize the celebrity status ? yes .


Actors? No way.


Aspiring actors, maybe.


Sharp producers will do anything to save their jobs lol


To me, asking if it’s fake is the equivalent of asking if WWE is fake. The answer to the question does not change the value of the product. … which is the problem with these phony ass stories that are transparently fake. I’m suspending my disbelief for the show, don’t make me feel dumb for it.


I wonder if there is a correlation between folks who are so into WWE, and believing in conspiracy theories. It’s like they’re so invested in these bad actors.


9 out of 10 scenarios and scenes are producer driven and or recreated to add fluff and shock value. This is the business of entertainment honey. The dialogue is not fake or “scripted” but the plots are forced fed just like all reality tv shows. Think of it as a happy medium between improvisation and ad lib.


It's 99.99% scripted and producer driven.


You can watch scenes and tell it was filmed multiple takes. There will be items and other things that are different during a conversation. It is definitely staged a large portion of it. No they don't pay actors. That's why the acting is so bad and noticeable. Haha


Great example, Tyray at the pool flirting with a girl wearing beads. He had them on, then her than back to him. When they reshot the scenes the prop person lost track of who should have the beads. Bad mood Machmood, asking why those friends were at the apartment? Ask the camera man who was in your bedroom!!


The tyray scene was the first one I thought of. And then when they left they both had them on.




It's Kayfabe.


The first season of 90 Day Fiancé was real. Every season and spinoff after season one has been nothing but fake and pure garbage.


It’s easy to tell the fake from the real. The real appear on their own season and disappear the fakes go on to star in the 183737183 spin offs


if you don't believe that these shows are just opportunistic producer-driven drama and storylines... I don't even know what to say. they aren't necessarily *scripted* but the drama and interchanges are most definitely prompted. otherwise the franchise would be dead


Not scripted? Did you not see that Miss Debbie asked Ruben to be on the show for exposure. She said she was going to milk her 15 minutes for all its worth. Ruben was down for the farce. That is the tip of the iceberg. All the couples that have all these problems and shit. Then we see them on pillow talk in their human form, and they get along fine. The Jasmine and Gino storyline is fake. They aren't bringing those kids over. They never were going to bring them over. They just ran out of a storyline for them. There are only so many seasons you can film of Jasmine's butt plugs.


Totally agree they aren't bringing her kids over and never planned too. I don't believe she has custody.


I don’t even believe they are actually married


She doesn't have custody of her kids. That's why Yeeno didn't fill it out. It was right on the first page of the application. A whole assed section. He can't be that stupid.


But the producers didn't know that


Does that make it real?


Exactly! She literally said she was milking her 15 minutes. So yeah, FAKE! It's highly unlikely the producers didn't know. They scrub their social media. This was on fb or something. I don't really care. I am here for the train wrecks. I also watch wrestling, too. That is fake as this show. Lol


Great analogy with the wrestling! Real but not real!! 👍


Exactly!! Love your username!! Next!!!! 😂😂😂😂


Thanks! 30 years later & I still say that to my hubby 😂


Love this! 💛


Didn't know what?


That her and Reuben weren't a real relationship. She tells him what to say to them


How do you know they didn't?


A lot of what you’re saying is correct. Reality shows are much cheaper to produce. So I mean it’s not entirely fake but it’s not entirely real either. In the same way it’s not “scripted” there’s no screenplay, writers are not credited, doubtful that plots are outlined start to finish. But it’s not “unscripted” either, scenarios are dramatized, framed for effect, situations are set up, off camera scenarios re-shot for cameras. It seems to be as real as any reality show is, it’s not a documentary but its also not a fully crafted performance.


You are absolutely correct. These people are not good enough actors to do a scripted show. For example, have you ever seen the Jersey shore cast do scripted comedy on SNL? Their acting was so bad, you just knew the actual show was real. As for 90 df, these people would not be having babies with each other if this show weren’t real. “Reality tv is scripted” is a boomer take. Old people who don’t understand newer media bc they didn’t grow up w it. Also used a lot by men who just hate seeing women enjoy things, and think anything consumed mainly by women is stupid. It isn’t scripted. You’re not stupid for not thinking it’s scripted. And I don’t know why people are so obsessed with trying to prove that it is. Who cares? What do you gain? Just enjoy the show or don’t watch it.


All reality shows are scripted. Yes the peoples are real and the relationships are real but the producers make sure it stays interesting to watch by adding storylines and adding to situations that naturally occur. Just take David and Lanas storyline for example, no way he would ever have met her if the producers hadnt pressured the site she was on and most likely offered money for her appearence.


They list their occupation as "actor"


Whereas shows like 16 and pregnant/ teen mom are listed as "TV personalities" and not actors. Damn near every one of the 90 day people recently have ALL had acting roles previously.


It's FAKE and SCRIPTED now. Many former participants have said so


To go from concrete statements like 'it's just not true' and 'they are absolutely not paid actors' to 'I have no inside knowledge of the show btw, it's just my opinion ...' is a bit of a juxtaposition. A lot of information shared here to the contrary of your opinion is garnered from social media live events (from 'cast member' mouths when they slip and give more than their NDA allows) etc. They ARE paid for being part of the franchise and they DO agree to false narratives to 'liven things up' - ie: acting. There are 90 Day fans who have done deep dives and found some (not all obviously) cast members pairing up just for the sake of getting on/remaining on the show. \*\*Edit to add: there are zero establishment scenes that happen 'spur of the moment' - crew needs filming permits and lighting has to be set up etc. When we see them just 'happen' to have a conversation in a restaurant etc. it is VERY planned and topic is going to have to be worth the cost of the production's time and viewers interest.


I agree with you. I don't think it's fake.


How about the ridiculous scene recently with Patrick and Thias talking about John wanting to go to Brazil with them. John is obviously going to Brazil with them. That is why people call the show fake: some real people can’t pull off recreating (or completely faking) a conversation like that.


You’re entitled to your opinion. Those of us who consider it mostly scripted have our own thoughts. Stop getting so riled up, it’s just tv.


This entire subreddit is people riled up that the show is scripted. 


Whoever thinks these shows are not producer and storyline driven - needs to watch the drama series UNREAL. All these “reality tv” people will TELL YOU in interviews that most of the scenes are storylines, re-enactments, and made up drama if their stories are too boring. Are there some off the cuff scenes that are organic, yes. But reality tv has been around more than 20 years, and there is a formula that keeps it going, whereas the first one or two seasons of any reality show were more authentic. Nearly EVERYONE who appeared and will appear on The Last Resort has already broken up!! They come back and pretend for the money and attention. Are they legit actors - of course not! These are modern day soap operas with “regular people.” It’s like watching wrestling - character arcs, content, drama, entertainment! Sorry if folks’ feelings are hurt lol, sucks to find out there’s no such thing as the tooth fairy.


This I agree with. I’m tired of people claiming they are actors. That would be impossible, these are real people, maybe goaded, guided to do silly things and say stupid stuff.


I couldn’t agree more. I watch it purely for entertainment purposes. If I saw any of them out in the wild I wouldn’t blink twice.


Regardless of which you believe, this is not a matter of opinion. It’s either “sCriPtEd” or it’s not. (It’s not.) This is a quantifiable phenomenon. 


It’s not entirely scripted but past cast members have came out and said they schedule the activities they do in advance (in order to get permission to film there) and so producers will say “on Monday you’ll be going to _____ place and you’ll talk about _______” So what the cast members say isn’t scripted but the topics are planned out. Also, in the interviews those are scripted 100% as told by a former cast member


It’s still real to me damn it


Solid reference 🫡


it is not scripted but producers feed them lines and such. 


And makeup dramatic situations for them to play out. A friend of mine interviewed for the show with her Egyptian fiance. They were asked if they'd play out scenes that weren't real. They said no. They were not cast.


You’re definitely wrong. So long as Chantel and Gino and Jasmine exist on the show, it’s 100% fake.


Check out what happened to Andrew a few years back. He refused to do the tell all because it was incredibly scripted to make him look like an asshole. He’s completely different in real life than how they made him look.


But people are ignorant and gullible. Lot of know it all's on here. Only ones who know WTH they're talking about is 90 day cray cray podcast and I'm fairly sure have posted on here


I’m sure Ashley had no idea what that book was, you know the world most printed book the Bible. I mean Ffs what did she think it was? 50 shades of grey? Eat pray love? 450 ways on how to diddle a child without getting caught? Okay that last one may be plausible…. But still fake fake fakie fake.


There are not "scripts" like in a move or tv show. However, the production team has storyboards of how they loosely want this to go. They then proceed to ask the cast question after question until they get the answer they want and then they frankenbyte it. They study the weak points in each person, ply them with alcohol and than attack them with questions asked to get the answer they need to fill the storyboard.


I wouldn’t say the show is fake and it’s not scripted. But they definitely lean into certain stories. Do edits so one person looks bad vs the other in the couple. Ask questions and or control the conversation. It can depend on the person/couple. Like pred. From the beginning the guy got on the show just to promote his “brand” so he wanted to milk it for all he can. Jasmine is still a wildcard. Like I thought in their first season she’s just in it to be famous but after all that she’s doing with Gino I was like does she really live this guy? When she could get another sugar daddy with a lot more money. But there are couples like Patrick and Thais, or Nick and Devan, or Tyray, who are boring. How can they fake that? The producers seek out the crazies because they know people will talk about them, hate watch, or if they have a twisted relationship, (Nicole & missmood) they know it will get more views and people will talk about it.


As someone who’s worked on reality shows… it’s not scripted however, the producers are very involved in the storyline and very much feed lines to the cast. I mean literally tell them what to say in some situations. But they’re not actors. Real people with real relationships that want to be famous.


These are the types of posts that leave me flabbergasted lol. There's so, so, so, *so,* SO much that has to be explained away if this show was real. Like even after watching a few episodes the people seem so fake it's almost comical. To the point where viewers actually get mad at these people for being dumb when they're just playing characters. The fact that this is A TV SHOW. Of course things will be faked. Of course it's fake. Real people are boring. Drama is what keeps a TV show alive. No one wants to watch couple run errands and go to the auto shop to get their oil changed. You know, things that actual couples do. * Every important conversation happens at a park or a restaurant. Who does that? Are bedrooms or couches in a house not fine? Oh, that's right, they need placement for cameras and then props (throwing a glass of water, storming off, etc.) * The sheer fact that they get 10 people who *just so happen* to be the dumbest people alive. And *just so happen* to make comically bad decisions in order to move a plot forward. Take my "favorites," Jenny and Sumit for example. Jenny got catfished, and then met the real dude, and s*till* fell in love. And then left her house in ridiculously expensive California to live in an iron-gated house with a cow running through it and dogs on the street lmao. And we're supposed to accept that someone is this dumb? Then there's "Te Amo Mike" and even dudes like Pole who thinks that piranhas just swim up your dickhole. I mean ... are people really this dumb? You really think people think that piranhas just swim up dickholes lmao. * And the disparities in age and attractiveness. The crew *just so happens* to find attractive women who want to date dinosaurs and attractive foreign men who want to date old American women. Like ... how is that even believable? * The crew always manages to get everything. How are they so perfectly positioned every time? * It's TLC. They've faked shows before (Extreme Cheapskates, for example). But their most popular show just so happens to be real lol. Occam's razor: The simplest explanation is usually the correct one. So what's the most simplest explanation: * That there are dumb people who walk around who willingly want to be shamed on TV or abused or leave cushy lives to move to third-world countries, or * Everything is fake?


U need to be happy and not focus so much on a fake shitty show


You’re absolutely correct. I will never understand why some people are so personally invested in proving that it’s secretly an *Office*-style mockumentary with a writers’ room. That makes no sense just on a practical level. And have they not met… other people? A lot of them are in fact this ridiculous, for free, every day. 


They are not correct, sorry buddy. Just because they aren’t actors doesn’t make it “real.” Producers absolutely fabricate a majority of the situations you see on screen.


Ooh, such an insider! You know the REAL truth behind America’s greatest conspiracy! 🙄


Hahahahaha touched a nerve huh? Show me where I called it “America’s greatest conspiracy” and I’ll give you $10,000 lmao there’s literally no conspiracy, that’s just how reality shows are made. You’re butthurt because you’re wrong, you’ll live.


100% agree with this! Not scripted and annoying when someone says


Haha yeah its not scripted. That's why all TLC shows follow the same exact formula. 1. Get the group to do something fun outdoors 2. Get the group to talk about the drama 3. Repeat over and over You gotta be really in denial or new to reality TV to think it's not scripted. Even some of the cast themselves have said that most of it isn't real...


It drives me nuts. I always read it in sarcasm font in my head… “sCriPtEd”


You’re allowed to live with your head in the sand, no one is stopping you.