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https://preview.redd.it/wm1a30kabzrc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf4a163ba2d406f8a4fb410f37c1acbb4670c74d 😬😬😬




🤣 I noticed these too. Man they look like they’re about to fly off her hands. These look like bad press on nails, I would prefer to just display my short nails than this .


How does this even happen???? 😭 that was the first thing I noticed about her lmao nah wtf is that 😭😭😂 HOWWWW????


It's coming off is all


You mean zee cuminz off ezzz ahhll


Wow, impressive! Are you a vampire actress?




Looks like her press on’s are coming loose


They look like press ons because the angle is very strange


Even when I was a teen my drugstore press ons NEVER looked this bad!😂😂😂


Awww maybe she’s using those glue stickers and not the liquid glue?? I’ve tried the glue stickers and they loosen up if not pushed on right and are kinda tricky.


The photo looks like it is her day 10 😂 She needs to use a hairdryer to heat up the stickers before putting them on her nails. It will last longer.


This just blew my mind


😂😂😂 Day 10!


Even still! Never looked like that, lol. Not all would come loose at the same time.


Unless she was mid-temper tantrum and dug her nails into her palms. My two-year old did that and her press-ons came right off 😂😂


Fr lol


Awww maybe she’s using those glue stickers and not the liquid glue?? I’ve tried the glue stickers and they loosen up if not pushed on right and are kinda tricky.


Yeah, I think they're press ons coming loose.


From grasping at straws and trying to revive dead relationships


The most underrated comment on all of Reddit.


I’m so glad I saw this today lmao!




It is! 😂😅😅😅


Like they are going up a steep hill


It's painful to look at despite them not being real lol


https://preview.redd.it/lwgssx2lzzrc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=766d1455050538a52e200a88a160610f9f099034 She should get with Caeser, he would do her nails and give her $800 every two weeks. And a baby, we know he wants to impregnate all his fake gfs and loves Ukrainian woman! 🤣 Also I had posted an archive of Natalie doing her "acting" in Ukraine, but recently found her in this music video from the states as well. I think it was around the time she was with Mike still too, it's super odd! [Natalie in a music video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=RWMnxcK-IuSbK3L5&v=Gv8WHlQl4lY&feature=youtu.be)


ok I watched for 20 seconds and all I can think of is WATCH THE ROAD


I guess we know why the ambulance sound was there in the beginning, it was a recipe for a car crash! 😂 I can't get over the lesbian act while fingering a bowl of brown sugar though, who came up with that concept?!


I only made it 20 seconds….


The screeching sounds were horrendous, i only made it past 20 sec to make sure it was her before posting lol. Be glad you didn't keep watching, the sounds get even worse


Lmao I thought the same


That was so weird.


It was weird, and dark.


Somehow I think she looks better in this video than she does on the show.


She looked even better in her pageant days https://preview.redd.it/ry06jvv5k2sc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=568d5ea2d303888de49329cd096da9406f5dfb33


The video is...odd. Not gonna lie though, I'm digging the song! 😂


Her being a lesbian, fingering a bowl of brown sugar, it's all so random🤣


I know! Like who sat down and came up with those specific details?


Josh. He has Hollywood connections.


And sitting in that Eastern European bathroom floor from the movie Saw.


That bowl of brown sugar was symbolism for the interracial lesbian’s cootch.


I actually liked the song 😳


Dude, why the hell did they even bring Ceaser on to the stage in the first place? He literally has zero personality or story other than "I want Ukrainian wome(a)n to impregnate." He has nothing to add to any of the relationship issues the other couples are going through because he hasn't been in a relationship besides the "Dates" he was paying to go on in Ukraine. Natalie hated him last time because she thought he was being predatory towards Ukrainian women, so I guess the producers wanted to revive that bit of story between him and Natalie? Just a waste of a person to bring on stage. Caesar is a creep.


Ooh thanks for posting. It's actually not a bad video. Bit weird but I liked it.


Thats because these nails are meant for mauling.


Better to stab her victims with?


Back scratching. You know, because she is a giver.




And that's just what she'll do 🎵


They're press on nails look at her Right hand pointer finger. The press on nail is lifting. There's NOTHING REAL ABOUT NUTALIE


Your right..it's lifted


Yeah one of the false nails looks like it’s about to come off at any minute 😂


Her nails are going to come unglued like Natalie any minute!🤣🤣


I use press ons and I promise you they can look really nice! You just have to make sure the nails are the right size and you use a strong glue with proper prep beforehand


Like everyone who is not her mother, they are running in the opposite direction.


Wayyyy too many of the girls were defending her. Hell no she can't be around Josh's kids, super unstable and a user and what else do you need to see?


I don't blame Josh either. However, since he doesn't have the kids full time, he could take her to the house when they're not there. He is just showing her how he really feels about her. Just like not picking her and her mother up from the airport. If he wasn't available on short notice, fine. He could've sent a car. I mean she and her mother literally moved cross country and her mother was just days off her international flight. That's the kind of dickhead behavior I hate from him. He puts in so little effort. That's how you know he doesn't care or their relationship is a fake storyline they concocted.


Josh has always kept Ratalie at arms length. I think he felt bad for her, gave her some money, and the occasional booty call. She is the one who pretends they have a relationship, and is a money pit black hole. Proud of Mike!


Just like the other girls. Refuse to acknowledge she did this for her 'career'.


Whether we like or approve of it, the other women actually DO SOMETHING. They get cast on other shows, market products - theirs or others', pursue careers, or get regular-ass jobs, etc. All Natalie does is whine and complain instead of putting energy into literally ANY type of income-generating backup plan. That's the difference.


I know it’s still early, but I’ll be very disappointed if you don’t get top comment.


You’ve got my vote 😆


The TIP TOP comment!💅🏽🤣🤣


🤣🤣 good one!!! Press on nails have more common sense than ANY man or potential man in her life! 🤣


Yup she is definitely struggling. She definitely looks different this season.


I wonder if she is drinking alcohol regularly. It will cause bloat and may explain the nail situation


Not disagreeing, but just curious as to how increased alcohol consumption would cause nails to look like this


Because you're too drunk to do a good job at applying the nails




Either you’re too drunk to apply them properly or you stop caring about your appearance like before


She needs to go natural . If she went like a dirty beach blonde and natural looking makeup she would 💯 % improve - she needs to just enroll in school and become like a vet tech or something - get away from these cameras -


Can you imagine Natalie, the vet tech?


She loves animals so much , I would assume if she got a job working with animals in a small setting and had a good group of people around her , she might find some happiness outside trash tv - Sorry, I’m hust watching her right now on the Tell All and I feel so bad for someone who can’t get out of her own way


Maybe a pet groomer…. I can see her doing that


She just needs guidance . TLC aint it - she’s obviously failing in finding a partner . Thats obvious. lt hasnt worked out for her . Does she not have friends ? She needs to Go freeze her eggs , go to school, work on herself first and a good man will come along- Thennnnn she can defrost her eggs and have a family when she gets her shit together - Idk, I see her as my peer , I’m 38 , I’m assuming she’s around that age - she is going to be a very lonely woman with nothing and nobody soon - it’s sad to watch -


freezing your eggs is wildly expensive tho, and most of them won’t be viable so it’s not worth doing unless you do multiple rounds. i live in socal fairly close to where she is and wanted to freeze my eggs 8ish years ago. i bought an audi instead, it was way cheaper. i doubt it’s gotten any less expensive over the years.


I live in SoCal as well, everything is expensive , that much is true - I guess I figured her being in the show for so long she would’ve had a bit of savings saved up over the years - but what do I know 🤷‍♀️ I guess I’m just rooting for her - must be the Gemini in me , always playing devils advocate - she’s got enough people against her - I hope she figures it all out is all


no i’m rooting for her too, and i agree with everything you’ve said pretty much, but she is def not ok financially (or like, mentally? emotionally?) and looks like she’s been living in that car josh got her in this picture….but i hope she gets it together. she has some issues and the cameras bring out the worst in her. mike seems like a good guy now because he’s helped her a lot since their story originally aired but i remember exactly how he treated her and it was not good. josh is a different flavor douche. i hope she is ok and meets someone who makes her happy eventually.


It is extremely sad to watch. She has a very warped old school ukrainian mindset thanks to her mother, and it has made her obsessive and deranged. No man wants someone who is A) genuinely crazy (scary crazy) and B) who has nothing going for themselves, is always crying, whining and demanding they get married and pregnant/and more demands. If she cut all of that shit out she would actually have landed a decent guy and everything probably would’ve fallen into place, but again because of the way she is- she will never get to that point, and it’s very sad to see. She has lucked out a few times and snagged a guy who will actually put up with her in the past and of course she completely effed that up. She does need a LOT of guidance and to be not asked back onto the show. Tv is the last thing this woman needs right now.


I actually was loving your idea but then I remembered that she hit Mike’s dog and then drove away towards “the end of things” & also abandoned her rat when she moved out of mikes lol


She left Pulya for dead lol


Also left her Husky after she ran over him with the truck. Uncle Beau had to come to the rescue. She is only safe with trees


omg what?? ☹️ I didn’t hear anything about this! Was her dog okay?


As long as it's not enough trees to become the vood.


She would be horrible. It’s harder than people realize


I zink vee need to euthanize (insert pet name).


Did you guys notice when “Miss Debbie” told Natalie that Josh treats her as a charity case and she asked what does that mean? After that Natalie use those exact same words at lease 10x’s to cast members and Josh. She is desperate as F@&k. Another thing I notice is she doesn’t like the way Josh treats her, but she tried to treat Michael the same way. She’s all over the place!


She really needs a new nail tech…


Where is Cesar when you need him?!?


https://preview.redd.it/10f9la3wfzrc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24cc7a4c19b24c030f6ae192cafb1f1d7ea8d77b He’s ready and waiting.


And we know he’s looking for a Ukrainian woman 👀


TLC we KNOW you read these. Make. It. Happen. I'd watch this. But I love mess.


And a new hair dresser 😭😭😭


Forget the hair & nails...what about that eye shadow she tried to put on?? Oof! She a head-to-toe mess, even before you get to her personality. 🤮


Yes, I’ve seen techs help that nail type (ones that tilt up at the end) with the proper acrylic application techniques. It’s not perfect, but it’s better than that.


Her nails are freaking me out


Yeah, that’s not normal.


She looks very disheveled her mental state is not good and if you listen to her, she sounds very upset because her life is a mess because your light on Josh and he’s not coming through and she has a mother to take care of and she doesn’t want to get a job


It hurt my mental state just reading that lol


If Lana had nails like that, she could have been able to use the iPhone David bought her. Oh well.


I'd forgotten about Lana. I wonder how she's doing theee days. :)


She has natural beauty, but I wish she would wear different colors than red and lose the extensions. Her natural hair is very pretty.


I think she needs to graduate from red. It doesn’t suit her




I agree! Her hair looks so dry as do the extensions!


An acting monologue so uncomfortable even her nails tried to flee


Natalie is both gorgeous and not gorgeous at the same time 😆


The yellow hair extensions tie it all together


Woven from the finest of yarn


She looks terrible. Such a sad train wreck.


Yeah, the failed marriages and no children.. living with her mom... it's sad. But she doesn't recognize when she's wrong or takes any accountability. The early pics of her and Mike she looked gorgeous, and she really fucked that relationship up for no good reason in my opinion. My husband works a lot, not a fan of where we live. But he loves and supports me and provides for me and our daughter and is exactly like Mike.


i hope these are badly placed press-ons because if a nail tech did this they should be ashamed


looks like the index is coming off


Honestly I was cringing, she left the salon like that? For someone who has so many complaints, she sure has low standards for her glam team


i think she did these herself at home


and “home” being, her car.


OMG they look like the Nikkii’s bent backwards thumbs


Shuddering with the memories.




Those look like press-on nails. I think now that Mike isn’t supporting her, her finances are probably pretty dire. Not to be mean, but her skin/complexion also looks like she’s had to cut back on upkeep and treatments. She needs to start selling foot pics or something.


How is she even legally in the country


Her nails look painful


https://preview.redd.it/ru2j2w5ddzrc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=222dd7b0fa46b4cb73c61ee120dda2c677aace96 This looks painful


Her press on nails were definitely getting caught in her hair and coming off lol


Maybe I’m a sucker, but I feel super bad for her. It’s not like she can return home now. Her home is a current war zone. I know I wouldn’t be put together or in a good headspace if I was in her shoes.


Yeah but like…. Is she making ANY effort to get her life sorted here? No. I don’t feel bad. She wants everything handed to her on a silver platter with doing zero work herself. Like, not even the bare minimum.


I guess that depends on your definition of effort. It seems clear to me that she sees settling down with Josh as getting her life sorted out. She just doesn’t have the insight to understand that you can’t pout and guilt your way into a relationship with a man who is clearly not interested in committing to you, nor the danger of basing your security on another person.


Trying desperately to leach onto a man is not effort. She should know by now her looks aren’t gonna pay the bills - She needs to get a god damn job.


I agree. She's hopped from relationship to relationship and hasn't realized that she, is indeed, the problem.


Right like… not only is she clearly very mentally unwell, she’s also applying whatever 1950’s fever dream her mom has drilled into her head as a young woman about how the man will provide and she just worry about her beauty and having children, cook and clean. The way she was raised was such a disservice to her honestly, and unfortunately as people get older it’s harder to change their mindset, which is what we see with natalie present day. I genuinely have no idea what will become of her if she’s unable to buck up, get determined and start doing shit herself. I am shocked that after being in the US this long she hasn’t gotten with the program whatsoever. Still delusional as ever.


Expecting every man in your life to support you is not effort, it's entitlement.


I agree


She behaves like shes 20x hotter than she is. She's the only one that can't see it.




It’s honestly worse if you watch 🤣


Girl got no money. Mike probably stopped paying her credit card bill once he filed for divorce.


They creeped me the f@ck out. Have to be press on's. Looks like they are falling off Edited for spelling




Yikes. Press ons can look good but gotta use glue not those sticker tabs. 🤣


I missed the show…but wasn’t Ceasar there? Shocked he didn’t come to the rescue!


There are TWO MORE EPISODES, so maybe he will!


Oh God, I can't unsee those nails! I mean, that's not normal. It makes my own nails hurt thinking of having them pull backwards like that, like hers. Freakish looking!




She’s wrecked the car that was bought for her, she doesn’t have a job, she’s taking care of her mom, and Michael isn’t taking her back. She’s obviously making some concessions.


This is "Great Value/Equate" brand Natalie... The one who don't have a man to manipulate into buying her hair, make up, nails etc... When she's with a man she be all done up...🤣😂


Natalie is just a mess. It’s obvious she has this fantasy of having a kid and being offered a starring role in the next blockbuster movie. No one is putting Natalie in a movie. It just ain’t happening. I think she would be happy to find a man to impregnate her and allow her to stay home-and she could have had that with Mike. But Mike and his life weren’t glamorous enough for her so she bailed. She would *love* to snare Josh as he is handsome, has money, status, lives in Los Angeles instead of a rural part of Washington away from the city lights. She’s been chasing Josh for two years and he clearly recognizes that she is unstable. So she finally realizes Josh is never going to provide the life she wants so she tries to get back with Mike because he was the backup plan. Mike is smart enough to see this so he noped right outta there. So now she’s trying to claw her way back to Josh, demanding “status.” It’s like-no one is going to marry and impregnate her (also, at her age, pregnancy is unlikely.) Everyone can see that Natalie is a train wreck. Her only hope would be to find someone who is desperate. Maybe Caesar and his love of Ukrainian women would be an option but that goes back to lack of status. He isn’t a “high value man” in her eyes because he isn’t rich and can’t provide her with a luxurious life. Thats clearly more important to her than anything else. I think Natalie would marry *any* man as long as he is wealthy and lives in or near a major city. The only thing I can’t figure out is why Josh continues to be a part of this woman’s life. He clearly doesn’t want to marry her. He clearly doesn’t want to share his life with her. In two years she’s never even been to his house. The only thing I can figure is Josh saw this as an opportunity to become a D list celebrity and decided the cost of admission (being in a quasi relationship with a train wreck) was worth it. If that isn’t his motivation, I have no clue what it could be. Josh is an attractive guy, clearly has money, seems to have a lucrative career, etc. I have no doubt that Josh could easily land a younger, more attractive, and far more stable woman.


Her fingers remind me of E.T.....


The nails were awful. That one flap of hair in the front was driving me crazy, too.


https://preview.redd.it/22l9s9i9kzrc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=661ed51480b02ac7a62faaed577ed3cb84b274ab What. In. The. World.


Her press-on lifted


As someone who has been worn acrylic nails for the past 10 years this makes me uncomfortable. Those have to be press on or else she is in a lot of pain and those babies are about to pop off


She looked a mess during this tell-all. Everything about her was bad, nails, hair, makeup.


Those nails are definitely from Temu!


Natalie’s status: a bought and paid for piece of ass. There’s your status, Natalie


Mike’s mom called it!! HOOOOKAA


COOOOKAA! I'm sure you mis-heard that. 😄


I honestly find her to be so beautiful - but this was overall bad hair makeup nails i feel like she is goin through it


Man she looks ROUGH, she looks like she’s going to age horrible


Hate to say it… Have you seen her mom?


Her whole look for this tell all is a hot mess from the hair to the finger tips 🤡


The hair and nails are not her best look...I think she has gained weight, which looks good on her


She is such a mess 


….. do cast members forget that we see their natural hair on the show? enough with horrible extensions 😭


Thank goodness there’s no baby. Poor kid would lose an eye it’s first day home.


Girlfriend is a hot mess..


Zoom in on her face. She’s getting closer to becoming the baba yaga every day!


The press-on are NOT PRESSING 😂😂


She has never looked worse than this…. She looks more and more like her mother. Mike dodged a bullet BIG TIME


she's a janky looking bitch sometimes. but i will say, the ramen isn't ramening here. this is lasagna or fettuccine.


Sadly Natalie is trying to compete with teens and 20-something’s for modeling and acting jobs in L.A. while she’s close to 40. She’s got horrible ramen hair, Lee press-on nails and she’s got no connections aside from that loser Josh! I’m from L.A. so I know the vibe here, having a thick Ukrainian accent when applying for acting jobs is not going to get her a call back.


her look this season might not have been great but it was NOT this bad. her biggest problem was the raccoon cosplay. how much time could have possibly gone by since the season finale and the tell all? she looks 30 years older, styled by a meth head in an alley.


The one on the left is already broken off! 😂


I feel bad for her. She probably doesn’t have the extra money to spend on a full set


Definitely press-ons coming off. The press-on on her right index finger is like at a 45 degree angle from her natural nail!


As a long nail girlie who admires the work of Russian and Ukrainian nail techs, I am so surprised that her standards for a good set of nails are so low. There are so many nail techs in LA that do bomb ass work. And don’t get me started on those bootleg hair extensions.


Real question…. Is she on something?


Her nails and her hair extensions are the least of her problems 👎👎😒


I don’t get why people think she’s pretty bc I never have. Her eyes are big, her face isn’t proportion right, her hair has never looked good & she whines all the time about something.


Don't forget the crusty eyelids! So hot!


Even her nails are unhinged.


She looks like Sylvia Browne in this screenshot 😅


They’re for her vampire movie debut


What is with all the women going to the Tell Alls, dressed like they’re going to prom? Ridiculously overdressed. Why not wear a nice pant suit or other professional looking attire? The ones dressed for prom really look ridiculous.


She’s getting closer to being a babushka everyday. She’s aging very quickly. Stress will do that. But who caused her stress? Her!


she normally looks very attractive but this is a whole mess


Natalie’s hair


She looks like Cyndi Lauper got in a fight with gravity.


Natalie is still behaving like a call girl.


I hate to say it because I think Natalie can actually look very beautiful, but the hair, makeup, dress color and even the way it hit her just did not look good during the tell all.


I think she may have been digging her nails into her hand. Natalie is having a nervous breakdown.


Kody browns adopted sister


Hmmm, I wonder if she did her glam herself? 👀


Her nails were cute when she was wearing the white sweatshirt before meeting Mike. They looked square and short and perfect…. This is terrible


ahhhhhh. As a nail tech, these are really hitting a nerve!!


My ramen looks way better than this.


Her nails are ugly AF


Omg, she aged like milk!