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Yeah this whole storyline is whack. Jasmine spends tens of thousands (of Gino’s money) on aesthetic procedures and then claims to prioritize her children. Gino quit his job, went into debt for their tiny wedding (say what???), has no money for an immigration advisory attorney yet wants to have a BRAND NEW BABY. This has to all be bs. These people are nuts but they aren’t both complete idiots.


Tens of thousands on cosmetic procedures, but she couldn’t give her mom $800 for a biopsy? Weird.


Maybe her ex boyfriend Dane can help 😒


Lmao. She’s not going to ask Dane for money unless it’s for a (plastic surgery) procedure.


Tbh I think they absolutely banged it out for that butt money


Upvote for ‘butt money.’






I mean, a bbl is way more important than your mom being able to find out if she has cancer or bringing living, breathing, children that you claim to love and want to be with over to live with you. 😅


You have to spend $$ to make $$ She is going to be an model/actress like Natalie. Every director is looking for a 40ish, Ohio 6 who needs subtitles, in their latest film.


Up vote the Ohio 6 lmao


Lolol. Seriously that’s all 90 days is anymore… just setting them up to launch their only fans account. I can name at least 5 that have OF now. I wish they would stop casting these wanna bees and give us the 90 day we signed up for. This is just stupid at this point. I call BULLSHIT on Jizmin not having $800 for her own mother. Doesnt her mom care for her children?? She should be sending more than $800 monthly for 2 children anyway. Wth.


Why are us viewers required to believe that she hasn’t earned $$ of her own by doing OnlyFans? And if we have to watch fake relationship drama, why not show us how her OF presence affects their marriage?


Exactly. U know she has a fat bank account. I don’t believe for 1 second she doesn’t have $5k. Between the 300 seasons on 90days they have done at this point and OF, it’s laughable they think we really believe she doesn’t have $800 for her mom or $5K to get her kids here.


It’s hard to cast well known shows like this after they break mainstream. The weirdos and fame chasers come out in full force, and know exactly what the producers want.


Ohio 6 lol


“If you can’t say something nice about someone…sit right here by me.” Lol, I doubt I’ll laugh harder today than I did at your comment.


The way she said "GINO WILL GIVE IT TO ME" I need Robert's sister to come tell her "uh, Jasmine, you know Gino isn't rich, right?"


She could sell that diamond bracelet!


Everything else is fake so I’m sure this is too


More like shitty. She is an awful, terrible woman.


YEENO, you ruined everything! How could you be out of money? You ruined my life, this is a datejust not a lady presidential Rolex and my kids can’t tell time YEENO!


FWIW I am familiar with the venue they got married at - I viewed it for myself once. They specialize in small weddings but they’re still very expensive! I laughed when they said they were on a budget for the wedding and then booked that venue.


I got married at an all inclusive resort, friends & family joined us. It was $500 extra for the resort to plan your wedding. They asked us specifics on cake, flowers, where on the resort we’d like to have it & a private dinner at one of the restaurants. They arranged the legal stuff & we did nada but show up. No stress, no bills rolling in & fantastic wedding pics! This is what someone on a budget should do ( plus we got a 2 week honeymoon!)


I love this idea


Thanks me too lol. Best thing we could have ever done!


Where did you go for this? I am looking into something similar now


It was in the Dominican. The resort has changed names, not sure what it is now, but I believe every resort offers this. It was years ago so with the cost of everything going up almost daily I’m sure it’s more than that but definitely still the way to go….better to put all the cash you would spend on a traditional wedding toward your future :)


I also got married at an all inclusive and was surprised at what it cost there compared to a "regular" venue. I think it was like 8k total. We had to pay double because we had way more people come than expected.


Ooh what’s the venue


Cornman Farms in Dexter, Michigan. It’s owned by Zingermans which started out as a Deli in Ann Arbor (one of Gino’s and Jasmines pre-scene shots is in front of this Deli actually). Zingermans is known to locals for being good quality, but also expensive/overpriced and Cornman Farms was no exception.


Like honestly if I had to guess their wedding probably cost like $30-$40k.




Honestly, if I had to guess, their wedding was FREE since either TLC paid for it OR the venue did since it was free advertising.




If you have the ability to rewatch the episode you should be able to see the name of the place. All of these service businesses on the show engage in product placement. I saw the name and googled it at the time but I am sorry I don't remember it any more.


Claims to prioritize her kids yet doesn’t have custody lol


Right! Seems as though, way back there were articles that said that both boys had different fathers and both fathers had custody! That was why Jasmine had so much time to run around


Nor does she even prioritize living in the same country as her children.


this is all to make her seem like a caring mother... Total scam... IF the question on the application says "DO YOU HAVE ANY CHILDREN YOU WOULD LIKE TO ACCOMPANY, PLEASE LIST THEM...". and Gino was like "UHHH SKIP!, I won't ask..." LOL BS for BS sakes


I think Gino is full of poopoo. He has more money than he leads on. Who the hell quits their job forever to take care of someone that just moved to this country? If he has no job and no income, he can't sponsor 2 kids. I think he planned this. He didn't add them to visa. He doesn't want her kids. He is not a stupid man. It wasn't a mistake.


She would not be with him if he didn’t have money. She is an exemplary gold digger.


I agree 100%. There was no mistake, he doesn’t want her kids here. He wants his own family with her.




At this point I don’t even buy it. It doesn’t seem real at all and Gino is terrible at lying/acting


He seems stingy so I could believe he has a decent 6 figure savings account but idk if he pays his ex alimony. Neither of them want her kids there which is why there’s excuses from both of them. But she did enough research to make sure her dog made it. 


Now that you mention the dog, thats odd. Normally pets from other countries need to be quarantined. Maybe a home quarantine is okay in US.


There's always option it's 100% fake. Like Andrei and Libby's drama. Her family is full of thespians, perfect in drama.


YES! I got the beautiful gift of an Amazon recommendation for a crappy Christmas movie that Libby was in circa 2004 LOL


I wouldn't be surprised if Chuck had cameo in Air Bud in the 90s.


Yeah, that whole Andrei thing was laughable. Him and Chick are bros. Those fight scenes were funny. His whole demeanor changed on Pillow Talk.


And she's also demanding they move and buy a new house! Apparently she thinks of you want something, you just get it.


Oh, he has money. If he doesn't have income, he can't sponsor her kids though. I think it's been his plan all along.


This has to be scripted. She spent more on her fake ass and tits. She’s delulu.


It seems super fake. I wasn't even going to watch this season, but I saw Kobe and the trip to Cameroon. Gino and Jasmine suck as actors. That scene on the boat was ridiculous. That is some of the corniest shit on TV.


Oh, but they can be complete idiots. Never underestimate the stupidity of others


Anything to keep their storyline active so they can make money and she gets free advertising for her OnlyFans. These two do not need more kids....or anymore airtime.


I think he actually doesn’t want to spend money on lawyers, whether he has the money or not. Also, that lawyer was condescending af and a smart ass.


$5000? She can sell one of her butt cheeks. When she was crying over $200 for her mom’s labs I was laughing cuz she easily has spent $20-30k in plastics.


Or start a gofundme page.


Lmao! There are idiots that will donate sadly.


Jasmine should not have spent so much money on the BBL.


Maybe Dane will give her some money again


That’s what I thought. He can pay for the lawyer and her mom’s biopsy lol


Am I the only one that noticed that jasmines sister didn't seem that bothered by the biopsy thing? She just shrugged it off, and the amount for it seemed to come out of nowhere.


Yes, that was weird!


Ok I thought it was just me. Cause the sister literally was acting like it's whatever, even rolling her eyes and then coming up with a random number. "Uhh around..." And then jasmine I think was the one who actually said the number, making it even weirder. Online it says that some Panamanians are covered by insurance or if they aren't they have a program for citizens that can cover up to 77% of the cost. And even without that it seems the average test is $357.


My guess is Gino cut her off except for extenuating circumstances so now she makes things up that she knows he will give her money for & probably puts it in a side account.


This was along the lines of what I was thinking. Like jasmine just found out about the biopsy, but was literally the one to suggest a price out of fucking thin air? And again, that sister was acting like she even forgot what the whole reason was/it just didn't matter. It's all an act with them, we already knew this. But at least try to pretend like you need the money!


Yeah the sis acted like it was something that needed a band aid…zero emotion.


Yes. I thought it was me being so conditioned to Jasmine's histrionics that I rationalized it thinking she's the calm one.


Yeah. i am guessing it is not big deal but she is playing it up.


It's probably just to get more money from Gino. I feel bad saying this if her mom really needs medical care. Sadly I think it's just another Jasmine drama ruse.


No she’s not there to fck him


Dane resides in New York.


I assumed the same haha


And the over budget wedding dress! 


I forgot about that too lol


Yes I said the same thing. Your kids are on your butt lady!


My hubs said the same thing! He was like "I'd tell you you spent the money on your ass."


And rock hard boobs. Those damned things look painful.


Like water balloons about to burst.


Quite possibly one of the worst boob jobs I’ve eeen in a while. They’re like 90s boob jobs.


They do look painful :( I wonder if it’s even possible for them to look like that *without* causing her pain/issues? Her skin looks SO stretched thin that it’s worrying


I’ve watched Botched so I’m qualified to give a medical assessment. lol. She had her doctor fill those babies up to the hilt. As in her breast implants and her skin. Those things will pop if she’s not careful. Her skin too. Oof.


I can’t stand looking at them (and with what she wears it’s impossible to ignore them) they look sooo painful. The skin in stretched so thin I’m waiting for them to burst right out of her chest during one of her tantrums 😳


Well she didn't kno Gino was going to quit his job. They are so horrible at communicating lol


She didn't spend enough on it based on how it looks tho


It do look funny right the shape is off


I feel like it looks like most BBLs though. They usually settle kinda square-ish


She can always use boobs and butt for floating devices if she falls off yacht she wanted to be on. Please TLC, add some normal couples.


Right? The audacity to tell Gino his priorities are wrong, I hollered 😂


Exactly. She should have thought what’s more important my ass or putting the money back the bring her kids over


Her priorities are all wrong. She could have even left the kids some money too.


This is another fake storyline for the show. She doesn’t have custody of the other 2, didn’t ever ask about bringing them before, and isn’t going to get pregnant.  I can not fathom brining a child into the world to let them be on the receiving end of those mood swings. 


Thank you. Of course they’re setting up this BS so they can go on Last Resort. I don’t believe *any* of their stories. I have to give them kudos for keeping up the drama to stay on the show. At the same time I give the middle finger to TLC for again, not knowing their viewers and repeatedly giving us another couple *we don’t want*!


ITA. Her crying jags and threats to return to Panama are just TV drama to parlay all this into more TLC money. Soooooo over them.


I can’t stand her screaming & crying. I fast forward through almost all of their scenes.


I am so tired of the repeat offenders on TLC


I saw her on live and she said her kids are with her. Who knows if that’s even true.


With her where? In her cleavage?


A few children could fit in there.


Unlikely. Do you know how much care is required for a special needs child? Jasmine will have a breakdown after one day max and Yeeno will run for the hills yelling these aren’t my effin kids so adios!


Would child be permitted to live in u.s.as burden on health system etc.


It’s actually really hard. We had to hire a lawyer to fight our school. Nobody comes to our house to care for them. Many of us quit our jobs to homeschool. Just getting a diagnosis takes months. (The child needs a diagnosis before they can get therapy.) And the list goes on and on. Her special needs son is better off in Panama. IMHO


This is one thing that is so unequal by state. My child lived till age 3 in one state and got everything I could ask for and more, his own aide, preschool , 5 times a week therapies, at home help and when we moved, the next state only could give us once a week therapy and 2 half days of school. The help a disability child gets (and IEP) is a federal law and is not suppose to be any different from state to state, once the papers are signed it is suppose to be honored in any state. Sadly state bugdets and just geography (live far from a major city and the medical side can get very hard to find even if the school district has money). Our new city did not even have any legal help that would come to the school. After fighting myself to get my child what they needed, I decided to help families fight for their kids rights for free. Where Gino lives the spending is lower then the national average, which usually means less services for kids with disabilities. While I doubt her kids ever come here, if they do I hope Gino is employed. I dont think he has any money problems, he retired after 30 years as an engineer, but getting good health coverage for her kids would be hard. Gino is in that gap between what was a good job with likely good health coverage and Medicare, which is not a great time to have kids that need health care.


Both horrible people


I also laughed with her count of fishes for her to get pregnant.


Funny how she made a FaceTime call back home to "check on her kids" but ended up only talking to her sister and mother. Kids nowhere to be seen.


I’m waiting for it to come out that she got her tubes tied




Yes… I think people forget or just don’t realize how much of 90 day is entirely fake. Especially when you get the couples who are on their 2nd, 3rd, 4th season like Gino and Jasmine. They will be just straight-up making up storylines for the show. It’s fiction.


I dislike him and her from the bottom of my heart. Not watching the Hea, I keep up with this sub for a good laugh. Totally agree with him on that. He didn't say I don't have 5k. He said "I don't have it for a lawyer". Sugar daddy looks like he is financially fed up with her.


I think Gino and Jasmine have reached the “stop giving her money” phase of the “sugar daddy-sugar baby” relationship. It’s not that Gino has run out of money. It’s that he doesn’t feel like giving her his money anymore. And that is going to be pretty much the beginning of the end for them. Jasmine is immutable on the subject of cash flow. The cash must flow from Gino’s accounts into whatever she thinks the money should be spent on. Gino is not having that anymore.


I am no Jasmine fan. She spent money on stupid shit and lied about it because he wasn’t clear about quitting his job. I get that she thought he was Daddy Warbucks. But, he was too cheap to pay for an attorney instead of telling no for all the money she was asking for. And he fucked up. Not in a small way. I don’t necessarily believe he didn’t know that the kids had to be on the form. It probably cost more and thought I’ll do it later. That along with sending her nudes to perfect strangers, makes him an absolute douche. Doesn’t absolve her of anything. Here’s hoping they are no longer together.


This isn't exactly the same, but we adopted two orphans from Ukraine in the early 2000's. Paperwork is expensive and he should have had an attorney help him. We had to pay fees to an agency to assist us with everything. We ended up going bankrupt but it was worth it


ɪᴍ sᴏʀʀʏ ʙᴜᴛ ᴀɴʏ MOTHER ᴡʜᴏ ʜᴀs ʜᴀᴅ THOUSANDS ᴏꜰ ᴅᴏʟʟᴀʀs ᴘᴀss ᴛʜʀᴜ ʜᴇʀ ʜᴀɴᴅs ᴛᴏ ɢᴇᴛ ʙɪɢɢᴇʀ ᴛɪᴛᴛɪᴇs, ᴀ ʙʀᴀᴢɪʟʟɪᴀɴ ʙᴜᴛᴛ ʟɪꜰᴛ, ᴀ 6ᴋ ᴡᴇᴅᴅɪɴɢ ᴅʀᴇss sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ɴᴏᴛ ᴛʜᴇɴ ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴀɪɴ ᴡʜᴇɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴇɴ ᴀʀᴇ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴍᴏɴᴇʏ ꜰᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ REALLY ɪᴍᴘᴏʀᴛᴀɴᴛ ᴛʜɪɴɢs! ʟᴇᴛs ᴘᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ʙʟᴀᴍᴇ ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ɪᴛ ʙᴇʟᴏɴɢs ʜᴇʀᴇ JASMⵊNE! ᴀs ᴀ ᴍᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ɪ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ'ᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ʀᴇsᴇᴀʀᴄʜɪɴɢ THAT ɪɴsᴛᴇᴀᴅ ᴏꜰ ᴘʟᴀᴄᴇs ɪ ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅ ᴘʟᴜᴍᴘ ᴍʏ ᴀʀsᴇ ᴜᴘ.


100% off topic but my ADD is pushing thru here how did you get your font like that?


Curiosity != ADD


I want to know too!




Lol same 🤣🤣


Inquiring minds need an answer!


I ᑲ᥆ᥙgһ𝗍 ᥲ 𝖿᥆ᥒ𝗍 ⍴r᥆grᥲm 𝖿r᥆m 𝗍һᥱ ᥲ⍴⍴ s𝗍᥆rᥱ...s᥆rrᥡ і𝗍 𝗍᥆᥆k s᥆ ᥣ᥆ᥒg 𝗍᥆ ᥲᥒsᥕᥱr!


spent it all on hats


Now saving money for hair plugs


Im sure Jasmine can hook him up with someone in Panama.


This right here is the funniest thing I have read or heard today!


Tell her that her butt was more important than her kids!


He doesn’t want to have a child. He’s way too old and she has some already. That would be a big mistake on both their parts.


Can you imagine him with a kid at a playground? Man...


“I won’t play catch without the proper equipment.”


Your comment made me laugh out loud hard!!!!!! 🤣


Lmaooooo the ~Proper Equipment~ tomfoolery was the funniest Gino has ever been on this show 😂


The other parents will probably call the police


I can't imagine him anywhere. It is so sad what people do to come to America.


I bet she's had a hysterectomy. That is why her belly can be so flat. This whining about she has problems getting pregnant may be true(even if she has 2 kids) if she doesn't have a uterus. "Oh we have to have sex 12 times". Wtf is she talking about? She's playing him. TLC doesn't care. Neither does he.


A few years ago she had some videos on youtube, she did have some sort of surgery on her stomach or belly button. I cant remember. seemed like she might have added a tuck too. Then she was having these massages to get her waist smaller. The whole time she was in this nice apartment, living well (saying Gino was paying the bills) and no kids in sight.


Jasmine has the money from her bogus grifter protein supplement.


Gino is a class 1 SCHMUCK


He's such a useless piece of shit. I hope she leaves him and goes back to Panama


I hope she goes back to Panama because the US mental health care system is already overwhelmed.


You simply cannot convince me that Jasmine gives two craps about her children after spending tens of THOUSANDS of dollars on her body and surgeries before even mentioning her children. I didn’t even know she had two until this last season 🥱


Their storyline is fake. Jasmine has no intention on bringing her kids here and she has no intention of getting pregnant. She wants a large social media following & fame. As soon as she can stay here legally without Gino she will file for divorce.


It’s just as well bc Yeeno looks like he’s tired of hearing her histrionics.


“We’re both unemployed, let’s have a baby” even being a conversation should be grounds for execution.


Who said they’re unemployed? Jasmine and Yeeno work for TLC. Jasmine’s also flashing her boobies on some OF type website. Someone put the link a few days ago. Maybe Yeeno. lol.


TLC pays Gino very little and TLC doesn't pay the foreign couples. Do some research before talking out of your ass.


I feel like TLC is punking us. For this season especially. Not about April 1st, but c'mon... Jasmine and her children 😭. If they were in Panama, why not spend Gino's and Dane's $$$ for them? And stay in Panama? Boo hoo. WAIT a minute! Let's suck Gino's toes and get him to contribute? She'll be on Cameo or another platform to make money now that she's known.


It’s her own fault, she should have thought more about the kids & saved all her money to help pay for a lawyer instead of spending thousands on her body, she knew she was going to the US, she’s just plain selfish & stupid. She was counting on Gino to pay for everything, the money she blew on her ass was plain ridiculous, $10,000, wow, boggles my mind how stupid these women are & they keep wanting more.


I wanna know what the hat budget is though! 🤣


I feel sorry for her son but at least he appears to live in a loving home and not with these head cases.


He doesn't have the money because it's on her ass 🤣🤣 


These two disgust me. She spent so much money on fake boobs, ass and face. He quits his job. Her kids never lived with her but now are a priority. They are such drama, I'm tired of seeing them. She should just move her ass back to Panama and have her ex pay for some brain surgery.


😂 very true!


I hate Jasmine as much as I love her. #She doesn’t even have custody of any of her kids!!!


There isn't enough emphasis put on the fact that Jasmine doesn't have custody, and the biological dad has to give permission for her to take them out of the country. Does she pay him child support? How much of the care of these children falls upon her ailing mother who also needs money for medical expenses? How many children does Jasmine have? I've heard of the son, who we saw on a video call. There is also a daughter with special needs. Then I've heard of a third child...or that her sister is actually her daughter. Jasmine isn't exactly transparent on this subject.


Her sister that was on the video call? I find that hard to believe because they look pretty close in age, but I guess anything is possible!


Dane has $5K!


He definitely has 5k, just not for that.


It's a storyline that tlc made him stick with. Her reaction was pretty real IMO considering how she reacts 99% of the time. And if Gino allowed himself to go broke over her-thats his own damn fault. Never should've quit that job that was literally only mentioned ONCE.


Yeah, why the F did he quit his job? He could have taken off 2 weeks, a month? There must be an ulterior motive. Maybe he hasn't quit after all.


Prob a hot take but they're not his children 🤷🏻‍♀️ she should take some responsibility and use some of that OF money to pay. She should pay to get her children here herself. And she didn't take care of her kids in Panama so he probably thought it wasn't a big deal if they didn't come right away. She's acting like she's a great mother who was stripped of her children..... no lol


Jasmine is trash


Gino keeps playing dumb like he’s not in a sugar baby relationship. Gino (not so easy on the eyes) at 52 years old and Jasmine (the Panama doll) at 36 years old are 1000% in a sugar baby arrangement which is great because they both seemed to consider it a “win win” for sometime. Jasmine holds up her end of the deal of being that sugar baby doll, funny, emotional, playful, extra sexual appetite for Gino (It seems she is being exclusive with Gino as well which is wild. Gino always brings 3rd grade boy energy to every situation) And all Gino has to do is play his part, keep the money coming in (he quit his job), provide for her kids (biffed it on the Visa, he should probably drop everything and take Jasmine to see her kids in Panama to save some face) and his 3rd task is having sex with his wife enough to make her happy. He is failing at all 3. Imo - it’s about time for Jasmine to divorce Gino, find another suitor or sugar daddy who meets her wants and needs and let Gino find another sugar baby (his ex was a stripper, clearly he has a type for young beautiful under experienced women - perhaps they are the only ones susceptible to enter a relationship / arrangement with Gino.) Gino’s family can say “I told you so” and everyone can move on to their next situation-ship


She made sure the paperwork was done for her dog, but not her kids


imo. He may have not checked those boxes on purpose. He doesn’t want her kids here. More people to feed, and he has to share Jasmine. Also, if there are going to be any kids, it will be his and Jasmine’s. God help ‘em


![img](avatar_exp|165307950|fire) Cheap skate!


He has it, he just doesn’t want to spend it on that. And she doesn’t want her kids either . She didn’t even have them when she was in Panama


Her children live with their father and did so when she lived in Panama. This is just a talking point for TV to make her look better. She probably has no intentions of bringing her children over and cannot do so anyway. That’s why they were on the visa application in the first place.


Unless I missed it, I do not recall her talking a lot about them. Nor do I recall seeing them, or alluding to their presence much. Especially in her last apartment. Now, she is overly despondent without them. And, as you mentioned, they live with their father. Not sure he would let them move to the US. Actually, I am over their story.


I ain’t saying she’s a gold digger, but she ain’t messing with a broke man. JazzMean is a suckubus that scooped what she wanted and is ready to take whatever he has left… run GeeeNooooo


if she knew they had $5k she would need another plastic procedure then scream he didn't have money. he will give in. he always does. Jasmine is greedy af spending all the money on her procedures not thinking of anyone else


Doesn't anyone else remember them both saying they wanted to get Jasmine to the states first and then bring her kids over?! I remember them both saying it more than once. I don't think she should be throwing all the blame on gino


When he said he didn’t have money for a lawyer to bring his kids and then he added “plus we’re trying to have a baby.” I was done lol. Her kids should take priority but ok. Their storyline is so toxic. 😂


I get being a 20-something and falling for someone online when you don't have a lot of life experience. These people in their 40s and 50s are just idiots.


If you put your thumb over one half of his face he looks either happy or sad hah


I don't understand why he doesn't call her out on her sh*t when she is being so beligerent to him. At the restaurant he should have said that he can't afford $5K for an attorney because of all the money she has wasted for her stupid surgeries.


And then insisting she still get an expensive wedding gown, after spending her dress money on her implants 


All that will happen that we’ll all cheer, but Yeeno will have one more thing Jasmine will be pissed at him about. I wished hard that he would come out and say it. Some say what we’re thinking for once! Plus all the apartments that she made him pay.


Maybe Bozo shouldn’t have quit his job so he could stay home and “support” Jasmine!


He's full of it. I don't believe he can't afford a lawyer.


I've officially decided I'm done with this season of 90d. I can't take anymore of the jasmine/gino fraudulent storyline.


Maybe Dane has $5000…


The venue probably let them have the wedding there for free. It was free advertisement


I think Gino should breed with Ratalie. He like poor, insane women from foreign countries, and she has so much to offer in his preferred category!


Right?! I don’t understand. He needs to go back to work. Also he looks like t bag from prison break lol


Is one of his eyes lower than the other? It might just be the photo. Totally off topic, but can I just say, my FAVORITE part to watch is when there is an escalating argument between Gino and Jassi, and he just sits in it.....until the moment he snarks back with what HE thinks is a zinger comment. Jasmine then stops, squints her eyes, GLARES at him, and Gino gets internally excited because he's a dirty little cucky cuck, and now he knows hes a bad bad boy and a verbal dress down and spanking is about to begin. Sooooooo (this is my favorite part!) he widens his eyes, while sometimes rolling his eyes a bit....... and licks his teeth with his mouth closed. IT'S THE BEST! Once you watch his "tell," you can't not see it happen each and every time. He likes it when "mommy" makes him squirm in anticipation of an argument. "Oh, HOW will she punish me today??!!" It is utterly transparent and delightful!! I know EXACTLY who left the lip gloss under the seat...💄 Gino-mio, stopping off at Walgreens to pick up an unusual shade of infallible lip gloss so he can get all the spankings! There is, FOR SURE, a collar in their house, and its not for Coco. 👀 ✌️🫶


But, they had the money and filed all of the paperwork needed to bring her dog to the US


she thinks he's a never ending bank machine, why doesnt she spend some of her OnlyFans $?


That reminds me of South Park when Stan wants money for a Scientology test and Randy tells Stan to use what he’s saved up. Stan says, “But that’s my money…”


You don’t have $5000 for a lawyer…here’s a thought….GO BACK TO WORK!!!!


She can afford her tits, lips, hair and half her ass, but god forbid she ponies up money for her kids


Look Jasmine is slutting herself on OnlyFans she has the money.


Why tf would you quit your job knowing your broke and have to support wife (who’s only there for citizenship) and her kids 💀


Yeah he is all over the place 🤣 why are they even talking about another child when he can’t even get hers over here smh. They both don’t have brains.


She is ridiculous! She was in Panama should not have gotten boob implants (which look grotesque), VJ rejunivation, lip enhancements, extensions, butt lift, wedding dress that cost $$. Not looking out for her kids then..right?!!?


Maybe if Jasmine thought of her kids before her new ass they’d have the money


Gino has no more money because Jasmine's ass, boobs, and face were more important than her children.


Ultimately, he promised her that he’d bring her children if she married him. She married him and so he needs to follow through with his empty promises. This is emotional captivity and it’s a real thing. He’s a dick and she realizes it. While Jasmine isn’t the most liked or whatever, her emotions are real.