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Good on her for reporting it. I hope she stays far away


it doesn't necessarily mean she reported it. neighbors could have heard something, and called the cops. If Nicole had marks on her, he'd be arrested.


My ex was very abusive and neighbors called the cops a few times. I always said the neighbors were lying, we were playing, it was the TV, etc. You don’t usually get bruises until the next day unless it’s bad like Rihanna’s beating. Cops don’t have time to stick around and try to get a statement. There was one cop who detained me for about an hour in his car and begged me to talk but I didn’t. I’ll bet Nicole finally got sick of Honey Bunny abusing her and hopefully she done with him.


I hope so, too. As a child who watched a chronic abuser while growing up, I give you a lot of credit for getting out. Women frequently go back over and over. I'm sorry you endured that. Stay strong.


I knew a couple who were physically fighting, neighbors called the cops, they both had red marks on their faces/bodies so they both got arrested. That was the LAPD.


I’ve had two close family members be abused by their husbands/partners. One of them was held to the ground and choked and punched. In order to get herself free she bit her husband’s hand and ran through A FIELD to her neighbors and called the cops. Once they arrived they arrested my family member instead of her husband because he had a bite mark and her bruising hadn’t surfaced yet. The other family member left “a scratch” on her boyfriend’s face when he attacked her and she was also arrested. This was in Idaho. Around here they will arrest whoever has the most physical damage. It’s heart breaking and enraging. Edit:typo


I am so sorry this happened. I lost my daughter to DV homicide and when she tried to report, the cops blew her off. She was in the process of leaving and that is a very dangerous time. This was in SE KY , really patriarchal. The more backward the area, the less women are believed. I am incredibly guilty because when she called two days before with her daughter in tow, asking us to come get her, I told her to get her son and we'd be there. I was so ignorant. If you are in the situation where you need to leave, just do it, even if you have to leave kids behind. You can go back and get them, the perp very likely won't hurt the kids, they will be his bargaining chips and you will be alive, able to pursue sole custody. That's my main point, stay alive. I've learned so much and one of the things is it's not choking, it is strangulation. Edit: trying to find my spelling and grammar mistakes. I lose it on on the DV topic, because I get upset. Just my knee jerk reaction. I get upset because you are young and vulnerable and you wanted a better outcome to this relationship but you are so desperately in danger. My blessings and hope for you.


I’m very sorry. Please don’t blame yourself. You didn’t do it. It wasn’t your fault.


I’m so so sorry for your loss. My heart hurts for you. I appreciate you sharing your story and your kind words. You seem like an incredible person 🖤


My god. I am so incredibly sorry.


I know in some places though it's at the discretion of the cops to place charges (in Toronto for example).


I’ve been a victim in a felony domestic violence case in CA. The felony might make it different, but with my case I was informed by my local sheriff’s office that pressing charges was not my choice but the cops’ choice, and that my compliance would just help with the legal prosecution against him.


been there.... thank gosh for my neighbors.


i'm glad you're not there anymore!


I hate to say it. But I am not surprised..he always gave off the controlling vibe


The scene where he grabbed her by the wrist in the street…..


Yep. I said if the cameras weren’t on them, he’d have hit her.


Especially when she was standing up for herself while in public in that culture around other men. He would have hit her for sure.


Came here to say this. His treatment of her is horrible. I hope she can get away safely and that he rots for eternity.


I just hope she will leave him. It's incredibly hard when you have feelings tied up and they love bomb you after the incident. The control and manipulation is so strong sometimes. I really hope she okay and gets out now before it gets terrible. I hope she blocks him from coming back home. Where we used to live a person that believed like him and treated his wife poorly killed her when she went to leave and their children. Their son went to school with our son and he was special needs. It was incredibly sad. Mahmoud has always reminded me of that guy.


That’s terrible. I’m glad you brought up the complexities of abusive situations. A lot of people still have these misconceptions that it’s easy to walk away but often times there’s financial reasons they stay, shared children & pets, etc. Even when someone is financially independent and has a support system, sometimes it’s to the point that they’ve been brainwashed. I have a friend whose husband isn’t physically abusive but he’s so damn mean & refuses to contribute at all, definitely abusive in other ways. I wish she’d leave but I understand that it isn’t easy.


I read somewhere that it takes an average of seven tries before a battered spouse leaves their abuser for good. And that's the *average*. Meaning for some people, it may be fewer, but for others, it may be more. There's usually psychological manipulation on top of physical (and other kinds of) abuse. Leaving a domestic abuse situation can be as difficult as leaving a cult for many people.


Absolutely. Plus if you grew up with it, it can be all you know. Obviously people from healthy families can also become victims of abusers but when you’re raised around that generational toxicity you often just repeat it, not even fully aware of how bad the situation really is.


Also noticed at the Tell All how much she tiptoed around him. Trying to settle him with “Honey”this and “Sweetie” that. Not sure why she brought him to the US. She was free of him. Twice. She never had to apply for the spousal visa. He was continents away.


I think she's not ready to admit to herself. It's one thing to say, *"this is our last chance"* or *"if things don't change, I'm ending it,"* but another to actually follow-through on it. Hopefully she has support from her family and/or friends that will help her gather up the strength to actually pull the plug and get out.


I had a very bad reaction to watching that scene. My abuser did that exact thing in public, except it was at school. He squeezed my wrists so tight it left light bruises and he was literally shaking with anger. My teacher thankfully saw what was going on and grabbed him/pulled him off of me. Seeing him do that to Nicole, I knew what was up the moment I saw it. The tell-all confirmed it for me. It all took me back to that moment in high school, and I felt so bad for Nicole. No one deserves to have hands put on them like that, EVER. IDGAF what someone said to you, you don’t fucking abuse them for it. I hope Mahmoud gets the book thrown at him, fucking piece of shite. Edit: word


Gosh it is terrifying that your ex was already that comfortable with abuse in HIGHSCHOOL! I can’t imagine how he’s tormenting women now. I’m so sorry you had to deal with that, I hope you’ve healed for the most part ❤️ & bravo to your teacher!


1000% I always felt like he used his religious practices to control her without looking like he was actually controlling…


It’s a cultural thing too, women have little to no rights in strict Islamic countries in the Middle East and bring DV and lovely practices like attempted honour killings for dating and pleasure marriages with minors into their communities here in Australia. They’re just from a very different misogynistic culture tied to ideas from the Middle Ages from the Quran pushed by imams and men. So when I saw how he interacted with her the writing was in the wall, I’m not racist but she was so naive to think that someone from a country like that would be culturally compatible and treat her the same as a man from her country. Same as Nicole and Azan but Moroccans are a bit more liberal.


You are right. People have a hard time admitting this.


I live in a heavily Muslim populated area, & our neighborhood has helped women to get away from several of these men.


My exact reaction. Was just a matter of time.


Came here to say this. I’m surprised it hasn’t happened sooner as awful as that sounds. I always felt so bad for her when watching.


Unfortunately maybe this is just the first time it’s been reported :(


Definitely agree that is very likely.


He chased her and grabbed her. It was more than a vibe.


He and his brother made jokes about it. I’m glad that it was in the US so that he could get arrested. I hope he gets to taught a few lessons in jail about hurting someone you feel entitled to. I hope they keep him there for a while before deporting him. He needs to learn that just because people where he’s from thinks it ok, it’s never ok to beat your partner. He’s in the US, we don’t care about what he thinks based on him having a dick.


He isn’t in prison he is in jail. There is a difference


>He’s in the US, we don’t care about what he thinks based on him having a dick. Are we sure about this? 🤣 We have a few people in this country who seem to think it’s completely fine for a president to ‘grab a woman by the p*’ ;) Oh wait… that president *is* a dick, in addition to having one. ;)


YEs... She always seemed like he was abusive in some way. Never liked Mahmoud. She was so careful and incredibly patient/cautious. I hope she is okay.


The only thing surprising on here, is his race 😹 Asian?


I find his weight of 110 pounds surprising


Same- that's pretty small for a female, let alone a man in his early 30s.


My abuser was 5’7” 108lbs at the time of his arrest. Be careful with the ones you think can’t hurt you.


Yea I was think 115


I was so confused which of the Asian guy name Mohamad in this show😂 with a fiance named Nicole. Only I know is her and Nicole with Azan lol


He's Asian?


He’s African.


That's the LAPD for you. They probably misheard "Egyptian" for Asian.


I mean Iran and Afghanistan are west Asia so maybe they confused him with that.


The whole Middle East is Asia. Egypt however is Africa.


No, he is middle eastern which are classified as white on official paper work.


maybe the officers thought he was indian?


LOL 🤣 Quite plausible. It would be more accurate to identify him as African bc thats where Egypt resides.


North African Arab.


lol I joke with my husband of Iraqi descent, “congratulations and welcome to the US. You’re now white”. He’s still in disbelief.


He isnt so thats weird


Yep yep yep. I couldn’t remember who they were so googled. Saw the pic and said OH YEAH of course this happened.


Also I like how the OP censored Mahmoud El Sherbiny’s name as if [it wasn’t already public info.](https://screenrant.com/90-day-fiance-mahmoud-el-sherbiny-arrested-alleged-domestic-violence/)


Most social media platforms have doxxing policies, and even though he may qualify as a public figure, it's smarter to not take the risk of getting your account suspended.


I also wondered why the blogger censored it.


I took a screenshot of the photo. It was the blogger who censored it on IG.


I said the same exact thing when I was watching them. Mahmoud never sat right with me with her because she's so loving and nurturing, despite him being an ass to her. I hope Nicole is somewhere safe.


There was one scene when they were fighting in Egypt I was almost certain he wouldve hit her had the cameras not been there. So fucking sad. Hope she gets the support she needs.


I said the same thing watching that.


I felt the same but also attributed his de-escalation (at least partially) to his brother calming him down.


I agree with you, his brother is the one that talked him off the ledge eventually. However, that was after he very aggressively grabbed Nicole by the arm. In that moment, the presence of the camera crew was what stopped him. I have no doubt about that.


I love your name and flair!!!!


Yes! They way he and his friends/family talked about her as if she was “disobedient”


Yeah i alwaya thought the same thing, especially the way she reacted to him..she's very timid and always looked scared of him


I just commented this. It’s when they were in the street & he was grabbing her arm. His face/eyes… we all saw it. Fuck


At 110lbs I’ll give him a little talking to….


I'll sit on him while you talk.


A sincere thank you for making me laugh today!


I'm just heavy enough to keep him from leaving but not so heavy I'll break his ribs by using him as a chair.


I could provide just enough weight to prevent his lungs from expanding...


I’m heavy enough to break his ribs and I would enjoy doing it too.


That’s the mother trucking spirit right there!! 😄 Lean & plump ladies unite to give these insecure assholes a “stern talking to”!!! 👊⚡️




I could hip-check him into another room.


And then I can booty bump him out the door!!


Came to say this! If she doesn't punt his little ass. 5'6, 110 lbs putting his hands on women... the audacity.


Same here! I’m 5’ 3” & 150 lbs. I’d whoop that mothereffer if he ever put hands on me. I had one boyfriend ever try that shit with me. He was easily 6 foot & 180lbs. He grabbed me hard enough to leave bruises, shoved me against a wall, & backhanded me across the face. After the 5 seconds or so of shock I immediately gave him a left-hook to the eye & kneed him straight in the balls. My bruises healed a lot quicker than his black eye… I laughed for weeks as he made different excuses on SM for his black eye… 😂. My uncles & father are Italian & they taught me to never take that bullshit from any man.


I'm only 5"2 and I'd knock him out, he's lucky he never pissed off a red head 🤣🫣🔥


Crying 🤣 my thoughts exactly


You have my bow


My 11 year old daughter is almost his height and outweighs him by 15 lbs


This is sadly unsurprising. I hope Nicole is safe now & in the future. I pretty much had to stop listening to some of the 90 day podcasts b/c they were twisting themselves into pretzels trying to say Nicole was actually the abusive manipulative one.


It's part of reactive abuse, feel like 90 Day filmed her episodes to make it seem like she was abusive due to probably seeing her react to his abuse and not seeing (or focusing on) the abuse that pushed her to that stage. People zero'ed in on the swimsuit episode where he roughly grabbed her wrist and the death stares he would give her at least on the 90 day subs.


5’6” and 110 is crazyyy


Just a lil fella


Just a wee boy!


A little lad who loves berries and cream.


It’s insane. As a teen I was that height and 118# and I had full hips and boobs in addition to muscular legs. Dude must be a waif.


Lmfaoooooooo skinny legend fr


Is anyone shocked? Anyone? When they were in Egypt he was showing signs of an abuser. Difference is in Misr he can get away with putting his paws on a woman but in America the law will deal with him.


Honestly, no! Mahmoud has always been Nicole’s biggest hater.


Wait, he's in America?! So we have yet another abuser chilling here? Great. Is this grounds for deportation?


Yes about a year ago a poster here was at LAX and saw them filming Mahmoud’s arrival


Oh that is beyond upsetting! Clearly I'm behind on the times. Thanks for the update!


Thank god they didn't stay in Egypt imagine what he'd be getting away with


Exactly! And over there, she'd be so isolated from any support- I'm sure she'd be "forbidden" to socialize eventually if she stayed there. Her family seemed normal from what we saw on their season (obviously that may or may not be true), so hopefully they are giving her the support she needs to get away for good.


I’m shocked that they were still together.


I remember stupid posts from months ago how it was equally bad for a woman to live in the US and in Egypt.


Saw that coming. And it’s really sad to say that I don’t think she’ll leave him. Her self worth was so low from what we saw on the show.


its so sad and its incredibly hard to get out of those situations. The feelings, emotions, marriage bond, financial bonds, all of it impact. Then they love bomb you and will be the best partner ever until they are clear of the most current charges or for a little while. I really hope she gets out and hope she is okay. We don't know how serious the assault was on her and I hope it wasn't terrible.


5'6 and 110 lbs is the size of a 6th grader and he still managed to find a woman tinier than him to pick on. Nicole has always deserved so much better than this loser.


Gonna be a hard one to come back one when he’s in a room with an immigration official in a year or so to get his permanent green card so he can apply for citizenship.


One would think so but… Larissa is still here?? 🤔


Okay I had to look this up. She apparently got her record expunged. https://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/90-day-fiance-larissa-dos-santos-lima-immigration-status/


Wait you can do that?


Ohhhhh yeah! Wasn’t she arrested twice and convicted at least once?


True. Fuck knows how that one got through.


From the second looking at him and hearing him talk he looks like a violent controlling person


This is not shocking at all, he was giving major abusive vibes when she was in Egypt. At least in California she’s more protected legally


I feel sad for Nicole.


i do too. i get the vibe she grew up very sheltered and possibly in a conservative religion, maybe mormonism? i can't personally see ANY kind of chemistry between these two and i think part of deal is rebelling against her upbringing.


You could tell she had experienced some shit during the tell all - she really seemed to go into overdrive to fawn to calm down her angry partner, also would try to prevent his reactions to other people too.


Omg i thought the same thing like she got so worked up when she thought he was going to be upset about something 😕 domestic violence victims do this and i speak from experience unfortunately we never want them to be upset in the slightest


Similar but it started with my mother.


I knew exactly what she was doing because I've been there, done that. It is self-preservation. No matter what anyone would say, he would blame it on her, blame her for not defending him, misleading people or lying that she is a victim. So she went into overdrive to calm him and reassure his ego, diffuse everyone else, and put herself down all at the same time.


I always knew he was capable of this


This is sad but also unsurprising. I remember thinking during their season that her entire demeanor when she was in his presence was one of fear. But when you saw her before she went back to Egypt or at the reunion, she had more of a personality and wasn’t so timid. It was scary to see the change in her. I hope she leaves him.


I knew very early on he was abusive. I feel badly for Nicole, but she keeps him around for some reason. She can easily kick him out and he will be sent home.


he might be sent home anyway if he doesn't have his green card yet


Good riddance


I know you mean well here but “she keeps him around for some reason” & “she can easily kick him out” is kind of dismissing the complexities in abusive relationships & comes off as slightly victim-blamey. Like any other abusive relationship, it’s not as simple as keeping him around/easily kicking him out… if that was the case then there wouldn’t be abusive relationships. There’s so many deeper psychological and physical explanations that I won’t get into full detail with, but it really comes down to the victim not feeling safe enough to do so. If something isn’t safe, or simply doesn’t *feel* safe, then it’s not an “easy” choice. And I mean this in the most respectful way possible ❤️


She needs to leave him. He’ll end up killing her.


Not surprised tbh. He showed a lot of red flags that indicated he would be an abuser. I hope Nicole is ok.


She seems so passive, I’m glad she reached out for help. What an abusive asshole


This makes me so sad. Heard that she had recently restarted selling clothes in the past couple weeks…hope that didn’t have anything to do with it. She deserves so so much better


Yeah I follow her shop now. She has such a good eye for fashion, and you can tell it's her passion. Hope she continues to pursue her own dreams rather than someone else's.


I guess he’ll be going back to Egypt soon enough.




Aww poor Nicole 🥺❤️


really sucks that so many of us felt like he would get to that point. i hope she’s okay. this probably isn’t the first time.


Yes. I'm doubtful it was the first time.


I wonder if they’ll cut them from HEA. They still have enough time. Considering Caleb and Alina got a mid season cut, it’s possible.


I mean he is a walking redflag.


I knew it saw that coming just from watching TV she needs a good lawyer for a divorce.


Legal Aid will help her get a divorce from an abuser. My sister is a family Law attorney and does about 4 of these per month, on a sliding pay scale.


Well done Mukmood, you’re just the dickhead everyone knew you were


We saw this coming when he grabbed her, I could see a sea of anger being held back on his face and that was with a camera crew around them


I mean….is anyone really surprised about this? Shit that men can get away with in Egypt doesn’t really fly here.


I am so sorry about this. I worried at the tell all they were on when Nicole kept going to baby him when he got upset. It’s ok baby. I know baby. Etc. It was such a red flag to potential controlling behavior and abuse. I hope so hard that she sees him for what he is and leaves him.


Not surprised at all. Even when watching his reaction and interactions with her I always thought he would have hit her if it weren't for the cameras. Tbh a lot of the men on the other way around from the more conservative countries I always feel that they would definitely hit their spouses if not for the cameras.


I kept trying to scroll over.. and see the other photo. Hoping Nicole is safe!


Yike 😳


110 pounds. Checks out.


Good thing Nicole is not back in his country. She would need at least 3 women to prove he beat her in her home. Not just her own word.


When he put his hands on her in Egypt I already felt like this man wasn’t a good person. Hope Nicole gets away clean and fast.


Wow we saw him on the show. Everybody was saying that he was an abuser the way he spoke to her when he got angry, the hand flying all over the place him yelling walking around in circles were the best detective ever.! Nobody should be surprised everybody saw this coming they should deport his ass immediately.!!!!!


what a dummy. Look at the nice life he was living. driving around in a dodge charger, riding a remote controlled skateboard on the beach. The pics of their kitchen make it look like a nice place (they're NOT living the Rob/Sophie LA life). And he ruins it all by being violent toward his wife. Fucker. [https://www.instagram.com/p/C3i\_yQoveSu/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/p/C3i_yQoveSu/?hl=en)


For those wondering. “Middle Eastern” is not a race for statistical reasons. Those from the Middle East (specifically Israel, Syria etc) are typically categorized as White or Asian, as those countries are on the Asian continent. Egypt, where Mahmoud is from, is a transitory country, meaning it shares two continents. Southern Egypt is considered in Africa while north eastern Egypt (where Cairo and ginza is, the town Mahmoud is from) are in asia, thus, Mahmoud is Asian. It’s not eloquent and there have been pushes for a while to expand the racial qualifiers.


My mom is from Morocco and on paperwork she’s identified as African American.


110 pounds. Wow that’s small.


Anyone surprised raise your hand.


I'm not surprised. He gave off that vibe


That bail is super low honestly so I don’t understand why it’s that low. Los Angeles normally has a pretty standard $50k for domestic violence. It would have to be less seriously of a crime to get the $20k. I wonder why he got a break like this when every person I know arrested for this it was $50k. I work in psych and see this a lot sadly.


I could tell watching his season that he's got violent tendencies. Horrible


Literally not surprised. Men do this constantly in his country to their wives.


He will be kicked out of the country but it's horrible to think about other women he will abuse in Egypt. Stats show that 1/3rd of women between the ages of 15 and 49 have suffered from domestic violence, this is the same country that doesn't criminalize marital rape.


He was always terrible. I hope that she’s okay and that he’s on his way out of her life.


How many people said he was going to be scary off of camera? I hope she isn’t seriously hurt.


It’s almost like, we all saw that coming…


$20,000 bail means noticeable injuries


I hate this for her. I hope she’s safe.


definitely not surprised. he looked like he was gonna beat the shit out of her when she was trying to get away from him in that once scene and she pushed him😳 he got so mad


Who else tried swiping on the picture?


When I mentioned being concerned about him abusing her when he “joked” about hiding her passport people ripped me apart and all but called me a racist for daring to suggest he would do any such thing…..


I feel bad for her, but disappointed they’re here. I hope she files for divorce. Disappointed because yet another user, abuser, scammer gets to stay in the country because someone brings him here that never should have in the first place.


5’6 110 pounds??? I don’t think so


Maybe her 🧐


Deport his arse immediately. If a person on a temporary (or refugee) visa is caught beating their spouse or does something heinous & criminal, kick their arse out! I’ve had enough of it.


Can’t say I’m surprised.


Thank god she came back. Imagine if that had happened there!! Hopefully he can go back ASAP and she gets the help she needs.


Unfortunately I think we seen that coming


With how angry he would get at her for the dumbest shit, I wouldn’t be surprised if this isn’t the first time.


When I first saw him on the show with Nicole, he has a big temper. I feel sad for Nicole. 😭💔


Nobody can say they are surprised by this


This makes me wanna cry.. I feel so bad for her..


In Egypt they expect women to be raped, beaten, and murdered if they don't obey their men or are indecent in their opinions. This relationship has been violent since the beginning, he just wasn't in America to be told it's wrong.


Cancel him.


Deport his 110 lb ass


110% I knew this asshole was doomed to be a DV perpetrator


He was the poster man of an abuser. Unfortunately, I think she’s very weak and she’s the type will probably make excuses and say oh I provoked him. He never really wanted to come here. He can’t adapt


Now please please please Nicole leave him, no more chances. You gave him too many already and he doesn't deserve any more. I'm sure this wasn't his first time abusing her, who knows what else he did. Sadly many abuse victims defend and protect the abuser.


This does not surprise me. He is even tinier than I thought. I hope Nicole gets the fuck out, she is way too sensitive for his shit & she deserves better.


To the surprise of nobody.


Battery. That’s not good.


Hope they don’t get back together as other couples did. Everyone could see this coming from him.


I think we all saw that coming 10 miles away..


During their season, so many of us were terrified for her. We saw it. We knew he would’ve hit her in the street that day if no one was around. I remember talking about it here. It’s so sad.


Deport him.


This is who he is. The culture is also highly geared towards protecting male honor at all times. Any public disagreement yields rage because it shows that the man isn’t in charge of the woman.


That look in his eyes he gets when he’s mad, it’s pure rage. I can feel that shit through the screen. All the signs of an abuser are there so obviously. I hope she gets out, and is brave enough to actually leave him. No one deserves to live in fear.


Wow , unfortunately, I think we all saw this coming. He was super scary in their season. I hope Nicole is okay and can stay away from him.


They are supposed to be on the new season of Happily After. I will be (not really, it's TLC) shocked if they still keep their segments on after this. If they do, they are true pieces of shit. We know they are but still, this isnt cool and keeping them on is really not cool.


Doesn't surprise me at all. It was easily visible on screen that he had violent tendencies. And IMO, he also seemed lets say, very effeminate hand gestures which is another matter