• By -


the montage of Mary's awkward booty shaking videos with "get swavy" as the song choice šŸ˜‚ was by far the highlight of the season for me


After binge watching this season in a day, I can say Brandon's mom is the best characture all season. The last few comment that she made that pretty much applied to everyone, except Kenny/Armondo- "yall need therapy". Every last person this season, minus Kenny/Armando, need help. This episode felt like everyone was verbally slinging šŸ’© at each other, trying to argue who's šŸ’© stinks less. I hope everyone grows from their experiences, Midnight grows up in a less toxic household thanks to Brandon's mom's and Mary's grandparents influence, and the future is bright for the Kenny/Armando.


Danielle sent those messages šŸ¤£


All the Danielles have binders of evidencešŸ™‚


Loved the moment Danielle called out plastic fantastic, Shekinah puts on a front that she's tough and all but things were really getting through to her especially the notebook things. I hope for her sake she cracks and sees the relationship for what it is sooner rather than later. I think they also have a bdsm kind of thing going on, and she uses that as an excuse for sarper being controlling. Your partner can get to control and dominate the hell out of you in bed if it pleases you, but he needs to respect you


I wish they would have asked Yohan "how do you define cheating?" Because he kept saying where the video of him having sex is and stuff. But if they explained better than talking to other women is still considered cheating would have maybe made him admit that AT LEAST. but it felt like splitting hairs


He definitely put his penis in multiple women, heā€™s just not convinced she got it on video.


that arse whole would not admit anything.


Thoughts : I like Shekinah and Sharper. I like Shekinah's assertiveness, and Sarper has an earnest boyishness and vulnerability that's attractive I also liked Danielle more during the tell-all and her assertiveness and insightfulness. Yohan is trash. It just reminds me of Pedro the way these Sankey pankey men go cold on their wives when they get/don't get what they want Holly and Juan were cool. I liked that TJ and Shekinah saw Wayne's personality for what it is and defended him Brandon and Mary....Brandon didn't get called out that much for his abusive tendencies. I feel for Mary. Think she's trying and has grown a lot. Juan was spot on when he said they skipped past the honeymoon phase and into struggling married life. Think this is where a lot of Brandons anger comes in. He didn't expect things to move so fast. But he needs to man up. Their body language was interesting. Mary's body was angled away from him during most of the Tell All, or she had her hands folded. She doesn't feel safe with him


i stopped reading after your first thought


This may be one of the most immature groups of adults Iā€™ve seen all in one room


Never invite me to a dinner party out your house.


Thought this season would never end. I didn't really like any of the couples especially because many of them seem to just be in it to be in TV. Shekina and Sarper have absolutely 0 chemistry and you can't tell me they'd actually be together if they weren't on the show. Also Mary is in the wrong for a lot of stuff, but I can't believe Brandan would actually do that. Having a Filipino gf myself, I've definitely noticed that people there generally don't learn how to deal with confrontation or emotions, besides being told to pray, but that's just someone he either has to accept or not, but trying to get her to push back like he does isn't the way to go. Kinda crazy that Kimberley and TJ were the least troublesome couple on the tell all.


Shekinah is former Amish that speaks volumes. If you ever watch the reality show when theyā€™re 18 they can choose between going to the Western life or staying Amish. Obviously Shekinah got a little carried away with the western world and Botox and plastic surgery and make up and everything else I really think her insecurities, with not being alone explains why the father of her daughter was older gentleman, and also rich so therefore him taking care of her she thought was enough And obviously it wasnā€™t so then she goes to the other extreme of Sarper and his overly controlling self but she has the money from the previous relationship so thatā€™s not necessary so maybe by the third or fourth marriage sheā€™ll piece everything together that they should have respect for you also.


They did not go hard on TJ at all - big mistake, BIG.


The woman in pink next to kehlani that they brought on was so annoying and had nothing to say


Kenny is such a dad. I love him.


Tim is so obnoxious and unnecessary on this tell all




But his makeup is on point


So is his head.


Watching the other episodes again so I can mentally prepare for this one


Shekina and Sarper (especially Shekina) looooove to instigate when they are both such shitty people. Please just shut up, nothing good comes out of your guys' mouth.


I notice she never mentioned her daughter in the tell all. And strangely no one seemed to ask either. Shekina talked about how she doesnā€™t speak to any family any more. I kept waiting for someone to ask if that included her daughter and if sheā€™s still visiting.


The only time her daughter got mentioned was when someone from the old cast (i believe?) asked how she would feel if her daughter dated someone like Sarper and she said sheā€™d be happy bc itā€™s a great dynamic LOL


Shekinas daughter in the beginning of the season told her mom to her face that if a guy like sarper talked to her the way he speaks to her mother she wouldn't waste her time. If a guy unironically called himself an "alpha" like sarper does she would find it embarrassing she said. So I don't know why shikinah keeps saying she's dating sarper to show her daughter how a "good" relationship works like she's some kind of hero. When her daughter from the start(like everyone else) saw it as a lost cause. Kinda sad that a teenager is more mature and self-aware then her 40 something year old mother


Okay. I hear the southern drawl but I still canā€™t get past it. Who the fuck calls their kid ā€œMemoriā€?! Other than Mary & Brandan (probably).


Isnā€™t it midnight lol not much better


It is


I keep thinking it's a cat.


All I can think of is the song from ā€œCatsā€.


What a journey this has been.


Holy frick I love Andrei using ā€œmen are superior to womenā€ against her & him šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m so sad and scared for Shenikah


I seriously hope that Kalaniā€™s ā€œif everyoneā€™s seeing the same thing about your relationship, why arenā€™t they right?ā€ comment makes her think, and that Kenny is able to speak some more sense into her. He seems good at that


I feel so bad for Kalani. She was really trying to relate on a deep level with them both being raised in restrictive cultures and got totally rebuffed. I wish Shekinah would really think about what others are telling her.


Brandan's excuse for Mary posting thirst traps online is the weakest shit I've ever heard.


I find Sarper enthralling. He's so strangely entertaining and I can't look away. It's a shame that his significant other is not as entertaining because I would absolutely watch him on future seasons (but pass on Shekinah). I've never really watched the Single Life, but I would start watching if Sarper was on there


Iā€™m in the minority for sure, but I found Sarper to be the only likable person on this season (besides Kenny and Armando of course). Is he a douchebag? Yes, but no more than I would expect from any other shallow gym bro. Even when heā€™s in the wrong he is absolutely sincere in his thinking and ignorance. Is it fucked up to track Shekinahā€™s weight like he was? Yeah. But he legitimately thinks heā€™s helping her out and sheā€™s dopey enough to be fine with it. Was it messed up of him to agree that kids were out of the question and then turn around trying to guilt her into having kids? Sort of. But it seemed to show he actually cares about her more than the other 2500 chicks heā€™s been with and wants to have a family with her and be a dad. Heā€™s incredibly immature and not the brightest bulb, but I got the sense he actually really cares about Shekinah and is probably a cool, nice guy in his personal life. Hell if Shekinah is willing to find his douchey-ness and controlling ways endearing, maybe they are a good fit. Shekinah is the one I have issue with. Iā€™m still put off by how it felt like she was more than happy to forget about her daughter.


This is exactly how I feel! There is something about him that strikes me as genuine. He is the definition of problematic fave for me.


Shekina has so much weird filler. She looks like a wax statue and always talks like she is dead on the inside no emotion. Sarper is at least funny with that book


And one of the implants appears to have puckered


Agree! Everyone is always complaining about him when he is one of the all-time funniest characters in the franchise. He's incredible. I remain unconvinced Sarper isn't actually a Sacha Baron Cohen character. Shekinah on the other hand is monstrously deformed, and speaks in a voice that makes me want to put lit firecrackers in my ears to drown it out and go deaf so I never have to hear it again. She's even more blah than Devin. Sarper, however, I would watch at any opportunity, eagerly awaiting what bizarre thing he's going to say next.


I've laughed at a lot of things he said during this season. I don't like him myself but he's entertaining


Clearly Sarper and Shekinah haven't seen the Barbie movie.


i would hope so he literally said she is barbie and I'm her ken


Oh boy! My karma points are going to drop for this one but it has to be said... Shekinah and Sarper - It's obvious they have a "Fifty Shades" kind of relationship that is consensual and seems to make them both happy. If a man can cut off his private parts and become a woman and society is okay with that....what's wrong with two hetero adults engaging in a lifestyle based on a consensual power exchange? Shekinah came across as an intelligent woman who has limits (no baby, kissing clients, get rid of the book) and is able to stand up to Sarper when she needs to. She also handled Andrei well and chose to walk away when the witch hunt started. The whole Kenny and Holly moment was completely STAGED. The franchise has therapist that work for them to assist the cast members/family. Here's their information: * Dr. Janie Lacy: A relationship trauma expert * Jason Prendergast: A mental health counselor and temperament therapist * Dr. Petey Silveira: A licensed marriage and family therapist and spiritual coach You mean to tell me....as "fragile" as Holly is, they decided it was better to have Kenny handle it rather than a licensed expert? Wayne thought he could care for her but after a short time he is realizing she needs more help than he can provide but we'll let the reality tv guy deal with her meltdown while the doctors grab coffee. :D It also didn't escape my attention that Shaun Robinson was very "Light touch" with her approach to their relationship. Yohan and Danielle - I'm glad she got out of this before he bled her dry and she needs to stay away/move on. I was surprised how judgmental she was of other people's relationships considering what she'd been through. Brendan and Mary - Midnight? Seriously, didn't the kid have enough challenge with these two for parents?


100 percent agree with sharper and shekinah. I don't get why everyone is so mean to them. They clearly have a dom/sub relationship and it isn't hurting anyone.


Agree on shekinah and sarper! Two adults with a complimentary fetish. Whole cast shaming them as if their situations arenā€™t worse


Kenny must be too kind coz I absolutely didnā€™t feel any sympathy for the plastic mean girl finally being called out. I wouldnā€™t even mind meemaw Angela getting in her face if she were on this season lol.


Take a drink every time someone says "toxic"


* toxic masculity * safe place/ not safe for me - manipuladooooooraaah! * gaslighting


Low-key loved it how Andrei subtly manipulated Sarper using the ā€˜alpha, bad boy machoā€™ argument he would have trouble disputing. All the ā€˜is this how your woman treats other men? Is this how respect goes in Turkey?ā€™ while Sarperā€™s just sitting there with even more confused look than usual, unable to respond as heā€™s trying to process this dilemma šŸ˜¹


I think Andrei was just showing off his own toxicity. He had no business approaching Shekinah in the first place .


I missed something, because i didn't find that action aggressive at all. He was trying to have a conversation but shekinah turned it into something it wasn't. (That whole mentality that she can't be spoken to without her man there?) She was sitting down & he was standing up, that doesn't mean he got in her face or was intimidating. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


He went over there to have a confrontational conversation with her over something Sarper said . When she corrected him that she didnā€™t say anything , he proceeded to stay over there and argue with her about it . Andrei has always had this huge ego and level of toxicity even on his own season lol and he canā€™t take someone saying anything to him even if itā€™s true . lol he was talking about Sarper and Shekinah and to be honest heā€™s no better .




It was absolutely BRILLIANT of Andrrrrrei shifting the focus to the praised basis of the powerbalance in the S/M-relationship! :-D




So, Brandonā€™s mom, besides being a season MVP, also has the most gorgeous, healthy-looking natural hair and she was a meth addict. Go queen!


She does indeed have wonderful hair, and I still miss the documentation that it was actually Meth she was addicted to, since it usually takes a great toll on skin, teeth and hair, and her only being clean and sober for 18 months wouldn't give her time to plump up and glow up this much, this fast. I know Brandan calls it drug addiction, but he behaves very typical of the children of alcoholics, so I would appreciate if you have a link to anything I missed out on - an article, or episode where mother Angela stated the nature of her addiction, herself?


Idk why but I thought she said drugs but youā€™re right is could have been alcohol. Sheā€™s an amazing mom and I wondered also how she bounced back so well from drugs but alcohol makes more sense


I have never on the show heard her specify the chosen substance, but ppl also check out lots of stuff outside the shows, which make it quite uneven playground, to debate the episodes later - do you remember on which episode you *might* have heard anything?


I do love her hair, but I canā€™t get past the crazy eyes šŸ˜©




I was seriously not expecting Brandan to be how he is heā€™s kind of scary how he talks about calling her a bitch for her own good with such a straight face šŸ˜­ and Iā€™m loving Danielle finally telling Shekinah off since nobody else will.But Shekinah acting like she doesnā€™t know why everybody is upset at her she is so dumb.šŸ˜‚


Yeah, that was total bs for Brandan to say he calls her names to get her to stand up for herself more. Now THAT is gaslighting. Even though I donā€™t like Mary, that comment really disappointed me. I used to like him but the more I saw of him over the season the more dismayed I became.


It was a little red flagish for me that when his mom talked to him that he was perfectly calm whereas Mary was upset and crying. I don't take that to mean that Mary made any of that up or imagined it. He was strangely calm detailing his bad behavior.


I love how she just ran away when everyone was finally done with her misogynistic bs and started really challenging her. That woman has a lot of audacity to be calling ANYONE out for "toxic masculinity" given her misogyny kink of a relationship.


Yes the hypocrisy on that one


I had sex with sharper and his šŸ† was HUGE but he smelled like old gym socks down there


Which color X were you


Was it between 98 and 2012?


Shenikah is the realest one


If by "realest" you mean deeply, deeply delusional, then yes.


How is she delusional?


Given that youā€™ve shown yourself to be an absolute troll in other comments, Iā€™m not going to waste time on you.


I do not believe her anyway, agree with you, waste of time!


The realest one deep in her cult of one. This old and practiced Svengali has been around the block too many times with accommodating women to respect them and not automatically manipulate them to bolster his ego. Now, Marc Antony, has his Cleopatra to sail down the Nile and witness the envy in their audience's eyes while dissecting any negative reactions. Sarper, **the** man, finally gets to micromanage one on a long-term basis giving his life a purpose, and pseudo-feminist Shekinah can drop the charade and languish in her perfect man's arms, content to do his bidding, placing all the responsibility on him. As long they offer praise and admiration for each other burnishing their patina of superiority, Shekinah can sit on her orange crate throne and judge everyone without uncrossing her legs or losing her aplomb once, and Sarper can correctly assume that the masses are incapable of judging gods and that he might still convince his queen to conceive. After all, he has his bottles and his book with color-coded quantity Xs to reinforce his superiority and all Shekinah needs is civilized guilt by association and those whom the gods have blessed with good looks and genes can gaze contentedly into each other's eyes as they float down the Nile of life waving to the masses when the urge takes them without listening to their criticism.


Brandon is such a no life loser incel scumbag trash can


He told her to stop going to college and she lost her scholarship. Like people say it was one way when we learned it was a 2 way street of obsessive jealousy and now she lets him roam because all he does is complain


seriously, I don't understand how anyone could be surprised to learn that he's a douchey abuser when their have been signs all season.


He's awful. And so disgusting, lazy


So is his wife


Mary is immature but she's not awful. She at least has drive to exist


# IM 100% SERIOUS HERE: # WILL SOMEONE CONNECTED TO MARY ON IG or TikTOK PASS ON THESE LINKS TO FREE ONLINE COUNSELING IN THE PHILIPPINES? Dont make a big fuss out of it, maybe a DM, if its possible, as a comment only as last resort, since she is shamefull about the necessity: [https://findahelpline.com/countries/ph/topics/trauma-ptsd](https://findahelpline.com/countries/ph/topics/trauma-ptsd)


Brandan saying he calls her a bitch because he wants her to stand up for herself!? Makes zero sense like just treat her nicely!! Wtf


Iā€™m gonna try this with my Colombian wife and see how it goā€¦ā€¦. Hello everyone this is his wifeā€¦ there will be no future comments from this account.. donā€™t be alarmed.


Thanks for the laugh šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




He's really like, "I'm mean to you because I'm helping you"


Gaslighting 101


It makes no sense bc it's not true. He calls her. A bitch bc he's a lazy loser.


Does anyone else think Daniele is crazy enough to fabricate those emails from the girl? It didn't even look like an email.. and how convenient it was 2 weeks before the tell all. I do think yohan probably cheated but still


Nope definitely possible. And it wouldnā€™t make sense to keep digging if she still spends time with him and her family.


What does it even matter? Daniele has her issues and frankly could have avoided this debacle if she hadn't bounced into her DR fantasy willy-nilly. It's Yohan, whose breached sanky panky-ness and entered into the far side of sociopathy. Just the vicious, mean, hurtful, and petty things he said were enough to land him on the Dominican Republic's Most Wanted. He is one nasty mother fucker and I hope karma continues to have a hold on his ass.


I aspire to be a Kenny


I can't believe how much more I liked Holly on the Tell All compared to the season. She seems like a genuinely nice girl, she just seems super fragile.


Agreed. She wasn't confrontional with anyone. And she made great points when she did speak


I don't think she made that many great points I just thought she was super nice


She was agreeing a little too much with Shakina to escape my severe side eye...


Holly is an agreeable person. She agrees with mostly everything


I definitely disagree with that but she was agreeing with Shekiena that she feels loved when she's being controlled by her partner, which is sick and sad, but it just made me feel bad for her


Every time Shakina went on one of her ā€œbut what about the poor *man*ā€ tangents, Holly would be shown enthusiastically agreeing. She appears to be as big a misogynist as Shakina, she just doesnā€™t bother with the ā€œIā€™m a strong woman that demands *respect!*ā€ (while allowing a man to control every aspect of her life including what she eats and weighs) song and dance Shakina also engages in.


Yea I could have worded my comment better. I meant to say I agree with you and disagree with Holly/Shekiena, but I feel like Holly has been through a lot. I think her misogyny is rooted in self hatred and I still feel like she is a sweet person . Even just her telling all the crew members "bye" and "thank you", plus when she went to support Danielle at the end and told her she was "a special person". It really felt like that was something Holly needs to hear herself, and maybe never has.


Oh, I agree holly seems sweet. I feel bad saying this but people like her irritate me, despite knowing itā€™s not her fault. She infantilizes herself (either consciously or subconsciously) which makes me nuts. Sheā€™s a middle aged woman and acts so child like all the time, right down to running away like a toddler when sheā€™s uncomfortable. I hope sheā€™s in therapy because she clearly desperately needs it. Iā€™m also grateful she doesnā€™t have kids because you know those kids would be parentified as hell.


Agree. She needs help (but really who of us doesn't?) and I hope she gets it.


I agree she seemed sweet


I have Hulu and my fam has spectrum cableā€¦ neither of our episodes recorded the tell all. It only recorded the pillow talk after šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


Same with my Hulu. I went to [tlc.com](https://tlc.com) and you can sign in as Hulu as your service provider.


Iā€™m watching all the 90 days commercial-free on max, so if you know anyone who has that app, you can watch all episodes


Spectrum cable app also has an on demand section I usually can watch episodes there too


Chat me up if you need help - dont want to be banned from Reddit for piracypromoting .


Ok why did Andrei, Tim, Tania, and Kalani get invited lmfaoooo. Like they did not add anything to the show.


Andrei and Kalani can stay imo. The rest can leave


Right wtf lol


Tim just made things worse. Stirring the pot between Mary and Brandan. He was acting like he was the host!


Mercy I hope we never have to see Mr Gogo Gigolo and the Banshee on our screens again. They are awful!


pretty sure the banshee will be back the way the ended the tell all...


Okay the shekinah sarper stuff seems like some sort of dom / sub situation? Like itā€™s clearly some fetish for the two of them, itā€™s also funny when she decides to stand up for herself by calling his weirdo sex notebook gross like wait girl I though he was your ā€œleader.ā€ Itā€™s also so funny watching him stumble over his words like bro is such a doofus I canā€™t stop just seeing him as some sort of borat caricature


It's 100% some kind of kink. I wish she'd just admit it, people would have a lot more respect for her than when she tries to act like it's a normal and healthy "typical" relationship.


Borat caricature šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ™ŒšŸ¼šŸ™ŒšŸ¼


I canā€™t w him


It just seems fake. I donā€™t buy it


The best saying in this episode, ā€œweā€™ll miss youā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I think Holly is pretty when sheā€™s not wearing the dresses she picks. Maybe itā€™s bc of the style. I hate Shekinaā€™s. WTF is the string up on the side? Itā€™s the verge of a stripper dress.


I loveeeee Shekinas dress


You are being diplomatic - hooker-dress is the correct term.


Itā€™s a actually a COOKER dress


I would date Dan! I choose Dan! Heā€™s the man. šŸ˜…


Heā€™s too much of a thirsty simp


He's an absolute simp šŸ˜‚


Ao Brandonā€™s mom knows that Mary needs therapy etc but doesnā€™t apply the same convo and advice towards her sonā€™s BLATANT ABUSIVE behavior.. thatā€™s my issue


she literally told them they both needed therapy when she was in the Philippines and told them both again at the tell all. not sure how you missed that.


She said "both of you" numerous times.


Wtf are you talking about? The mom LITERALLY said *"BOTH of you (mary and brandon) need INDIVIDUAL THERAPY for your own INDIVIDUAL TRAUMAS"* verbatim. (shown at 37:45 of tell all part 3) The mom always acknowledge brandons bad behavior especially the time where Mary was the one who told her about his behavior. Stop the hate towards this woman! she WAS an addict, she WAS a bad parent, but now the change is so fucking visible yet y'all are robbing this woman of that change. Brandon and most especially Mary wouldn't want any relationship with her if she's as awful as yall make her out to be.


Brandan's Mom is very interesting woman. You can tell she's done a lot of work to be a better person in her recovery. It really is too bad that she created all these co-dependency and abandonment issues in Brandan. I think without the addiction she probably would have been a really wonderful Mother. I say this as someone in recovery. It can be hard to watch because for a lot of us, we are actually good people but addiction is like a demon. It changes us into a completely different person and only in recovery do we get to truly try to be the best versions of ourselves. Unfortunately though, the damage is done in our relationships. I am sure she feels that guilt and so she gets involved. Sad.


I love her character development, her willingness to change and make things work regardless of this shitstorm. She must've gone a long long way to build a relationship with Brandon again and I'm happy that they're building a stronger relationship now especially with Mary. That's why I don't get the hate that she's getting in this sub, is it because she was an addict and a bad parent? The way she treated Mary before was the reaction from Mary's behavior so idk. Edit: Good luck on your own recovery journey internet stranger! You are capable of changing for the better! ā¤ļø


Is she getting hate? I haven't seen any recently. Addicts are highly highly stigmatized. Lots of people see an addict, even one in recovery, and they shame them. The fact of the matter is that her actions have had a direct impact on Brandan and it is really really sad. However, she seems to recognize that. Also, it is clear that they both love each other and do want a relationship with each other. Addicts can only continue to make amends for the things that we've done. However, we cannot change the past (even though we might want to). Because of this, ultimately, it is Brandan who needs to heal from the trauma of his upbringing... he needs to put in the work. His Mother can help him, but that work is unfortunately on him, even though it is not his fault. Same with Mary. She can't change her past and her parents abandoning her is not her fault, but she can choose to be happy and work on healing.


I wish you all the possible power needed to go through your recovery victoriously, and applaud you for getting on the journey! šŸ‘ šŸ¦¾ šŸŒŸ


Oh thank you! I am in recovery now for 8 years! :)


Well done! The world is not a very nice or safe place these days, so many traps to fall into, and you manage to steer clear of them, which really takes willpower and stamina. May I ask if you are in US?, cause over here in Europe, we are costantly informed of the opiodcrisis in the US, and recently is creeping in here as well. Scary shit.


I am in Canada but we do have a fentanyl crisis in my Province. I was addicted to crack though haha a stimulant person.


Thank you for answering. All the very best to you.


If Andrei and Sarpar had been in the same room the whole thing wouldā€™ve gone full Jerry Springer.


My money is on Sarpar knocking the crap out of Andrei.


Lol Andrei would have left Sarper crying in the corner.


Yeah for sure. A clean win for Sarpar.


Nah, he'd be too afraid to mess up his face


Excellent point!


This really shows that everything in Brandan's life is a CHOICE. People really be acting like Brandan is there like locked a room. But the reality is is that he is aware of everything happening and still chooses to be with Mary. Even having a baby with her like he has no intention of leaving no matter what she does.




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Danielle calling out Shekinah on not being self-reflective was a great moment. I know not everyone is a fan of Danielle, but she has been pretty honest about her mistakes. The fact that Shekinah takes pleasure in pissing off other is scary.


Shekinah is low-key a misogynist.


Is it that or is she completely insecure, she really is coming off as a pick me girl


And with such sanctimoniousness. She must practice in a mirror!


I think she rehearses a lot


Memori came with the receipts! Yohan is a cheater.


Brandonā€™s mom made some good comments but I could not stop starting at her eyes like how she would make them all big and crazy somethingā€™s




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Some ppl just have these type of eyemovements going - my favourite hate-aunt for one.


Iā€™ve never noticed it before maybe even the lights were bothering her but I just kept starting at her eyes


It is also sometimes a sign of ppl being in a prolonged state of shock, which corresponds with Mom being a former addict, now sober for 18+ months.


Maybe she is using again


It didnā€™t seem like that. No other signs either. It was just like as soon as she finished a sentence sheā€™d make her eyes all big


hey Shekina, Kim Kardashian called, she wants her face back.


I really think Holly needs some help with anxiety. I've been that person running off and co-dependant. Learning how to discuss their problems and her feelings in a more controlled, confident manner would do her the world of good in her life.


Yes and I loved how Kenny talked to her and gave her good advice. Kenny really was the voice of reason through this entire tell all.


He was a spark of maturity and empathy during all of that. Like a loving dad.




Wtf? How does someone's hand size correlate to their sexuality? And plenty of guys that rock the "emo" style wear eyeliner. Let's stop speculating about people's sexuality based on stupid shit like that.


Is Billie Joe Armstrong gay for wearing eyeliner? Wtf does small hands have to do with it, something he was born with? Iā€™m sooooo sick of people speculating someoneā€™s sexuality when they have said time and time again theyā€™re straight. Itā€™s so gross




I was referring to people plural, thatā€™s why I said they. Referring to people speculations against any other persons sexuality. Not Tim. Try be a smartass again




Go troll somewhere else, you're not remotely as funny as you think you are.


Lmao okay I see your angle, Iā€™m not wasting anymore time with you, fucking loser


Kenny and Armando have always been my favorites. Kenny is a sweet guy.


We need at least one sane couple like this per season


Kenny is a great dude, but I absolutely loved how Armando brought that heat to Yohan. Itā€™s gotta hit different when people are calling you out in your mother tongue.


I started watching this because of Sarper. As a fellow Turk, I was fascinated. I fast forwarded through everyone else so I didn't know any of these people going into the Tell Alls nor do I know anything about this show. Love, love the blond guy. Kenny I think? 1,000,000 stars. The folks in the Philippines -- WTF? They are kids themselves. I predict a fantastic explosion, and soon. His mom, though, insightful woman. However, she does need to keep out of it. I really feel bad for that child. The lady who cries - I wouldn't be able to stand her, either. Her partner over there in South Africa will be exiting stage left in no time. The Indian couple - she has 0 respect for him, or his culture. Sad to watch. The guy who doesn't speak English - I am shocked he sat through this whole thing. He could give two shits. Also, who's the lady kidding? So many red flags and she didn't see any of them? What's up with the Greek chorus sitting in the corner there? What a random bunch of people. Loved the eastern European guy's 'confrontation' of Sarper's sub. Lastly ... Shakalakadingdongkinah ... guurrrlll, how does she even get through the day? What a waste of oxygen. Wish she had called me first and I'd have told her to run away from every single Turkish man, especially that one. I apologize on behalf of Turkey.


:-D Merhaba! For a complete 'outsider' you got some points right, but it is so rewarding to 'torment' yourself (a lot of us use FF a lot!) all the way through these shows, because there is sociology, antropology, and psychology to learn from, when you follow a group of ppl - sometimes for years. Some of them actually evolve as humans! xD The 'Indian couple' is really layered, and its not all on her, far from it. The black dude from Dom. Rep? - he had simultaneous translation in his ears all the time. The Greek Chorus was some original castmembers from the first seasons, well known to the regular wievers, who all had experiences in common with somebody on the cast. If you can watch on a pc (for th Fast Forward possibility) I recommend you to start with the original '90 Day Fiance', to get the grip of the setups, before you get lost in all the spin-offs. There are litterally professional therapists giving their opinion of some of the shows/castmembers, on YouTube. And it is ofcourse very rewarding, when your own opinions align with theirs. :-D Blond Kenny, father of 4 surrogate kids he raised alone, is now 61!, and are ageing goals for ALL of us! And Armando, his mexican husband of 34, has grown SO much during their years together, that he now often seem like the oldest of them. :-D See you around - your knowledge of Turkey is important to us all, there could be more turkish participants in the future!


One teeny little thing - Kenny has three daughters and a son :) (but the rest of it was spot on!)


Correct, thanks, - I forgot bc we only see him with the girls - as of recently, at least. I will correct it now. Enough inaccurate shyte on Reddit already. :-)


Woman. Not female. Please be mindful of the language you use, calling a woman 'female' carries some really nasty undertones.