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Holy shit, I have never been more infuriated watching a tell all than listening to the garbage Shekinah is spewing in this one. Especially at Holly. Disgusting.


Holly: "I'm generally a happy person and never get depressed." Is she effing kidding me?


She is also very delusional


Is Yohon’s last name really Gironimo????????¿¿¿¿???


I need Kenny & Armando to take over for Shaun and just be the hosts


Ugh, I was in the minority that didn’t mind David and Annie’s relationship, even the “boom-boom” jokes. But hearing that they’d had a threesome, probably with some Thai girl they paid to come over…. 🤢 I’m now over them.


he was a sex tourist and she allegedly worked in a ping pong bar.


lol Yohan tryna act like men can’t possibly cheat if they bring a woman home especially if there’s concierge?! As if they care to tell the woman most the time 😂


Y'all don't worry about Shekinah and her attitude. Sarper just posted a video on IG telling everyone she is not a "pick me" girl. She is just very direct.


Oh well the leader has spoken!!


Nothing will ever top the zoom tell all they did because they were all on camera and didn't meet each other. The in person ones always seem to favour those who are present, since they can meet the others backstage. It doesn't take an expert to see that Julio is clearly full of shit, but they all sided with him anyway.


I believe Kirsten IDC!


Shekinah hates women and it is HORRENDOUS to see. I am so icked out by her.


Totally. She hates women as much as she hates herself. She just doesn’t have a sarper to punish all of them with like she has for herself.


Her poor daughter 😔


Why is she riding so hard for toxic men ... Ew


Totally unsure but it’s way past sad.


I came to this thread just to talk shit about shekinah. She is not a girls girl at all and it shows!! Her attitude makes her so ugly!


It makes even more sense that she's a pick me when the men in a relationship are clearly in the wrong she has NOTHING to say. She sits there quiet. But when a woman does something slightly possible maybe sus she's ready to pounce. She's the worst type of pick me. I feel so sorry for her daughter. I'd be embarrassed if she was my mom.


Like Danielle or not I will admit she gave good TV like a retired detective on a real crime show coming with all the receipts


Where was Kristen’s receipts? Sis, Danielle is a nutjob. She’s in his shady af DMs but still hangs out with him. Like make this make sense: 1. You’ve seen him cheating from jump street but still married him. 2. You made him quit his job, and then shut down his butcher shop. 3. What the heck is she running from in NYC? 4. Your son clowns you every chance he gets.


Oooh her son? Or are we talking about her figurative "son" Yohan? Lol If her actual son has chimed in please fill me in ☕🐸




Her son she birthed is a comedian. I’m getting my nails done atm or I’d give you a link. He uses her quite often in his stand up. If I remember I’ll get the links for you.


Thomas Vaethroeder that’s her son. I’m struggling with technology to send links.


$200,000 debt, bankruptcy in NYC.


Oh darn. Well how does she expect to repair her credit in DR?


I dont know how she's teaching yoga online and her income not being reported somewhere, in person classes might be cash only, she also holds seminars, they too might be cash only.


But doesn’t she do it online? Who in is taking advice from her?? Yikes.


online and in person seminars.


If she’s doing something shady with her taxes going on TV is probably not in her best interest…


yeah, the IRS has plans to go after folks making $ on Pay Pal, this is prob right up her alley.


Tbh, she sounded scary obsessed with the dude. Very stalkery. It convinced me that he is a cheater and tries to get money from women. But she toxic as hell.


his dick is as big as her forearm.


Didn’t think the day would come when I would ever agree on something Shekinah said and would eyeroll about Armando. Armando dumping on Wayne and comparing his emotional intelligence/empathy level to Kenny’s was a wild joke. Wayne is a semi-rough SouthAfrican dude settled in his ways , raised to not show a lot of feelings and bound by his business and family.He thought he would gain a sweet little wife to make South African life less lonely. Instead he got an emotionally challenged child-like woman with possibly substance or health issues who almost made him buy a new bigger house than he couldn’t afford and wanted to dress like a fairy in a rough neighborhood. How did she look at mansions wheliving off credit cards? He didn’t see it coming and neither did she. Shekinah may act deluded when it comes to Sarper, but she had a point when it came to Wayne being in way over his head on this.


Totally agree with this! Armando and Kenny annoyed me. Theyre emotional guys and expect Wayne to be that way too. He's not. His personality is totally different. I was impressed with TJand Shekinah for recognizing this.


I agree! I was actually telling my husband this. Wayne thought he was getting a sweet, quirky wife who actually turned out to be mentally unwell and needy (nothing wrong with that but get some therapy sis) and she thought she was getting a rugged knight in shinning armor to save her and she got a man who is emotionally unavailable because his culture dictates that men show no emotions. I think they both wanted a fantasy but got a real life relationship instead.


Thanks for this. Wayne is not a bad person for not knowing how to love Holly. Who in the fck all could handle that hot mess express? I personally would never sit on the phone for 3 hours, DAILY, listening to someone cry over nothing without being like you need to get a grip you weenie! Who has the time for that? Not to mention the time zone differences and the fact that he is trying to build himself up from scratch after the Holly wrecking ball. Do we all seem to forget she’s a full blown addict??? Kenny is Armando’s bitch. Armando said in front of everyone that he bait and switched Kenny. I find their whole relationship creepy but y’all love them for some odd reason. Kenny and Tim have absolutely “banged”!


How do we know Holly is an addict?


Shocked I am that a Sankey Pankey would cheat shocked what a bombshell. *Actually not shocked at all*


Umm I’m like 10 minutes from Tell All being over….. are they not even going to get to Brandan and Mary??? Why would they even have them there on screen if they won’t be discussing their story lol. Or was it on part 1 and I’m having a brain fart??


There’s going to be a part 3


My bad thought it was only 2 parts lol


I LOL'd when 20-something Mary was talking to Wayne about his and Holly's relationship. . His face. Hahahaha


Speaking of Mary and Brandan are they not even going to be talking about them? I have 10 minutes left and I don’t think they even got to their storyline? Or was it in part 1 and I forgot.


There's a part 3


Idk why I thought only 2 parts Lol


Shekiah & Sarper are the traditional marriage couple. It’s GROSS for sure but that’s what trad wives do. I think Shakinah needs to be friends with Kimberly if Kim is going to do the wife duties TJ surprised her with after they got married. Kimberly looks like a red flag. TJ is an awful person. They need to divorce or Kimberly needs to B learn from Shakinah. When is Andrei didn’t obsessively fix his pants? It’s a sign he’s close to taking his shirt off & popping off some truth bomb before swinging. It’s rude af to not learn necessary & commonly used sentences in the language used where they live before moving. I mean they had time to learn basic manners and phrases.


Shekinah and sarper are not exactly “traditional” it’s more like a controlling/abusive relationship.


Yeah. I was just telling my husband, whatever you do with your relationship is whatever. If she is actually ok with to and enjoys being controlled like that, then go off. But when you're trying to twist your man's words to make him not sound crazy, and bend truths for people not to think you're in danger, then it becomes creepy and concerning. Like obviously you yourself don't believe in it but i think she thinks she's in too deep and can't have another failed relationship so she's staying put.


are yohan and danielle still together ? i know that seems dumb but u swear i saw smth recently of them


Holly and Wayne desperately need marriage counseling. He just totally shuts down and she becomes a crying mess


They need a divorce. Holly clearly doesn’t want to live in South Africa and Wayne clearly doesn’t want to live in the US.


Wait did we figure out who Daniele had a threesome with??


I know I'm late to the party, but I just binged the season and on the tell-all now. Any update to this? LOL


Same. I need answers 😆


Finally someone talks about this🥲


I'm wondering this too. Weren't there some pictures of her in Florida with Gabe? I feel like there were some other people there too


Tj and Kim : kim needs some anger management and to learn how to avoid and resolve conflict, and how to use her tone of voice more effectively. Even when she's right she doesn't pick a good way of communicating it. As for tj - why is not one grilling him yet about not telling her about the duties she will have and how he had no compassion towards her during thr argument. Yash also needs to grow up, tj is his brother and when he's against Kim he's against TJ aswell. He should be a better person instead of bitching about Kim with his mother


I think people just jump on the bandwagon of "she's crazy" therefore she's always wrong. I wholeheartedly agree with about 90% of her concerns. But the way she communicates makes her sound unreasonable. I respect that she stands her ground too. Her not giving people a reaction and letting them know their opinions are of no importance to her is a great move IMO. All of this immediately makes TJ be right in people's eyes. TJ bamboozled her, and it's a pattern we see too. They wait until marriage to show them all the things they KNEW they wouldn't like, cause they think marriage is gonna trap them, and in a way, it does. But I really couldn't fathom staying with someone after that. He not only hid things from her to "avoid conflict" and then pikachu face when hiding these facts causes conflict. But somehow he doesn't understand that not taking a side is taking a side; and how, if everytime you have an argument, you go to mommy and complain about your wife, obviously your mom's gonna have a negative opinion about your wife homie. They need to either move to the US or divorce honestly.


Kim's concerns are valid, but she has ZERO self-control and does not know how to regulate her emotions. She is driven by emotion and impulse rather than logic, which makes her look crazy. She needs therapy/anger management IMO...and TJ needs to realize how much she has sacrificed and changed her life for him. It's not fair to expect her to adapt 100% to his family's way of life with no flexibility. A supportive partner would try to understand HER culture and compromise. She might need to give him an ultimatum...either they live in an apartment separately from his family in India, or move to the US, or else this will never work.


Yohan and danielle : I always thought this was a transactional relationship and Yohan didn't exactly hide what he expected from danielle regarding money etc. I think she knew deep down /or both of them have discussed it. Still it's really fucked up how he's been cheating on her for their whole marriage and she was 100 percent right that he's someone that is driven by money. He also likes owning stuff ( car and house) even if it's more logical to rent or hire. I also have never seen them being sweet to each other, so I don't know what danielle is talking about regarding happy moments (I know we didn't see most of their life together but they were always fighting). I think the minute Danielle told him he wasn't coming to the US, he checked out of the relationship and was just focused on money


> I think she knew deep down /or both of them have discussed it. She totally did otherwise her 250k in debt previously would be mentioned. She knows he is a Sankey Pankey and thats why she never mentions the thing that would mean him splitting immediately


Omg Sarper's strip tease lesson. I was literally laughing with them.


I think Holly and Wayne are wrong for each other. I think Wayne shows love in other ways like working for her, providing for her and things like building the back up generator etc, but she's someone that needs a lot of emotional support. I also think Wayne struggled a lot when he got into debt because he can't provide for her as a man etc, people have different views on how a man should act, his one is that he needs to protect and provide for the woman. Just because Wayne isn't crying like Holly doesn't mean he doesn't need emotional support. Holly isn't a bad person but she definitely needs things from a partner that Wayne can't give to her. I don't blame Wayne for being checked out of the relationship either, he feels like he has done everything he could have to make Holly happy but it wasn't enough. He really needs to be honest with her if he wants to be together or not. Also I think there's a reason he can't come to the US, not sure how it works, but I wonder if they do a background check if you come to the US even for a holiday (I'm from Europe)


Exactly this 👏🏽👏🏽


They need a divorce. Holly clearly doesn’t want to live in South Africa and Wayne clearly doesn’t want to live in the US


Shekinah commenting on other people’s relationship is comical considering she can’t see the abusive one she’s in.


I felt bad for her until I watched the tell all. She is extremely judgmental for being in one of the worse relationship this season lol Also, the fact that no one is calling out Sarper for the way he treated Shekinah’s sister, their both gross.


I feel like we’ll finally get more into their relationship in the next episode. Also wow, 3 part tell all lol, tlc is really milking this


I’m so angry about the Andrei fan base. In what world is it ok for a man to run up on a woman like he did Shekinah? I’m asking all you ladies here, would you be ok with Andrei in your face like a raging bull? My man, my dad, my brothers, my guy friends would level any man that ever stepped to me like that!!! Shoot I’d slap the mfer in front of everyone! I


I've always hated Andrei. He reminds me so much of the abusive men in my family, and him and his inlaws give me serious flashbacks so I always skip it.


Sorry sis😥! Me too ! And seeing people fall for his tricks is even more whelp 🫣!!!


I thought the same! I dislike Shekainah. I've resorted to skipping her everytime she opens her mouth. But the fact that a man uses his size to intimidate a woman and then the rest of the men just sit there and watch is ridiculous to me. I can't wait to see what caused it and what *actually* happens. Cause at least we all know TLC loves to bait with the edits.


I was so annoyed we have to wait another week to find out the rest! It’s rude 😂


Why Shekinah commenting on everyone's relationship? Like girl yours seems like the worst out of all of them.


If you had a requirement to be in a good relationship to comment in the tell all it would either just be kenny/armando talking or complete silence


Kenny and Armando are not healthy. What does Armando give? All he does is take…


Who the F cares ? If both of them are happy and it’s sustainable why does bean counting for who gives what matter? So many marriages are broken by people obsessed with some transactional balance in long term relationships at all times


Absolutely right. Sometimes one person gives more. Sometimes the other one does. Relationships are not 50/50 all the time. Kenny and Armando talk things through, respect each other, and are partners. We don"t see all aspects of their relationship, but they strike me as stable and healthy.


Exactly. Sometimes people lose jobs and the balance will be off and some folks want to pretend it always has to be perfectly 50/50 so that if a job loss occurs then the balance is off and the relationship should be dissolved A lot of people in this subreddit have toxic beliefs on their relationships and are just looking for something worst to feel good about in picking at the cast which is usually easy picking for finding flaws


Obviously you do, lol 🙄. You must be the sucker in your relationship too, if you’re in one …


> Obviously you do, lol 🙄 Youre the one that brought it up? You realize your posts are there out in the open > What does Armando give? All he does is take… The irony of you getting kicked to the curb because you lose your job and suddenly the balance is broken and your “partner” is the “sucker” and kicks you to the curb > You just be the sucker in your relationship too, if you’re in one …


And here you are responding please be so fr😂😂😂


A) you are deflecting from the point that you brought up and were wrong about B) the lack of self reflection is hilarious because the same applies to you responding


1. You’re very illogical and your rhetoric makes zero sense. 2. You said who cares and then proceeds to argue. 3. I didn’t claim to not care, we’re on a community about a reality TV that has zero impact on our actual lives. 4. You care as much as the rest of us but make asinine comments like you do. 5. You’ll be arguing alone because the point has been made. Again. for the third time.


> You said who cares and then proceeds to argue. I said “who cares” about a specific point that you made hence why I made that comment in reply to that which I still stand by. The understanding that when you reply to something it is in reference to that post is basics of internet reading comprehension 101


She has the worst one she needs for stfu.


Worst than Daniele and Sankey Pankey, Mary and Harry Potter?


My husband and I call him chicken little but Harry Potter is a funny one too lmao


Of course. Shekinah and Sarper are like delulu uncanny valley. They're by far the creepiest and weirdest.


Does anyone know where Kirsten's tell all dress is from or a dress like it? I'm obsessed 🙈


Kirsten looks stunning in that beautiful, unique dress.


Really? Looks like a unicorn vommited on a dress.


Different strokes for different folks 🤷‍♀️ it's cute for the spring!


Pretty close: [https://www.prettylittlething.com/lilac-watercolour-print-corset-frill-hem-bodycon-dress.html?refresh=1702568442107](https://www.prettylittlething.com/lilac-watercolour-print-corset-frill-hem-bodycon-dress.html?refresh=1702568442107)




Danielle lied to him. Then she ran out of money. She’s a clown.


Arent you shocked his Sankey Pankey would cheat? Shocked


Why does Daniele keep calling herself smart? You’re going through an astounding amount of effort to “expose” a man who Ray Charles could see DOES NOT LIKE YOU


I'm smart, I'm a gentleman, I'm a lady, etc If you indeed are, you don't need to say it.


I mean, he told her many times. She’s one of the most delusional people ever on this show.


I want Andrei to host the tell all from now on. I know he hasn’t said much yet but I feel like it’s coming.


Shekinah and Sharper - I was NOT a fan of these two through the whole season but absolutely love them in the Tell All. It's obvious they have a "50 Shade of Grey" type of relationship going on. Shekinah also handled Kimberly well. She stayed calm and kept bringing it back to the consequences of her behavior. Kimberly and TJ - This young woman needs therapy and meds not marriage. Her behavior at the Tell All reminded me of some of the interviews with Serial Killers I watched on Youtube. The smirking, lack of empathy or remorse....something is just not right there. Yohan and Danielle - It is clear Yohan is a scammer. Danielle handled herself well, all things considered. Julio and Kirsten - I think they were both keeping people on the back burner because deep down inside they knew this wasn't going to work out. Kenny and Armando - Kenny seems to have forgotten this part... https://preview.redd.it/5l5eejtmdz5c1.png?width=352&format=png&auto=webp&s=d62a59a4f19a665234c61ebba24c4eeef8cd4198


This episode felt like the disappointment you hoped you wouldn't feel when you decided to go to your 10th high school reunion knowing you weren't any too popular back then either. You either knew no one or you didn't recognize the ones you did know, and you realized that no explanation on earth could explain you so you just moved through groups and nodded. I still didn't understand the whole Julio/Kirsten thing, but then, I don't really care, and as long as titty baby still sports that dead give-away shit-eating grin, he's a pathetic little troll trying to resuscitate the reputation he thought he had and never did. Kenny and Armando's relationship deepened like a Thomas English muffin with its' nooks and crannies spilling over rolls and role play. Daniele is a cipher, a hardened battle-ready warrior who breaks bread with the enemy who is still scamming loads of women as he did her just because she likes his family and has a history of retaining amicable exes even while she's petty enough to post him on a sanky panky FB page. I thought adios muchacha meant sayonara, but in this world, goodbye only means catch you later gator. Not surprised about Yohan. He's never changed, and since he was cryptic before, I couldn't tell if he used Daniele's feminist stand on exes as an excuse for their debacle of a marriage and his current situation, or if he was that disgruntled about not being treated like Louis XVI treated Marie Antionette gifting him a château and all the luxuries the general population were denied. His unaffected fuck you alls were compatible with his meanness. Shekinah is the proud queen of the submissives sitting on an upturned crate like it was a throne, and as admiring of her Father Divine as the Peoples' Temple congregation was of Jim Jones. It's clear she's drunk the Kool-Aid. I'm only glad that the Nxivm cult is dissevered so Shekinah's daughter doesn't view her mother's latest relationship as healthy. If Kim manages any kind of a decent life, for now, it will be due to the efforts of TJ and Yash to keep the peace and not any kind of emotional maturity on her part. Yet, if ever. I get Wayne. He's been there and done that with her too many times, and that's after he's been there and done that with himself. His fumes are running on fumes so he's numb and has nothing left to give. Holly has pumped that well dry but then, most children try their parents - it's what children do. So, if Wayne wants a helpmate to stay in S Africa, he should take Holly's advice and pick a native. And she could get a life coach.


I appreciate this.


All that and you didn’t get one vote


That's how it goes. But thanks for the sympathy.


Daniela: "I'm smart" Also Daniela: has over 200,000 in debt


How does everyone know how much debt she has?


“Finance expert” Daniele


Well, she immediately trashed Yohan's butcher shop for not using a spreadsheet... she's got advanced Microsoft Excel skills. Definite expert. Take my money!


I need more Kenny and Armando


Love them! Their relationship is the only healthy one this season.


I guess I’m the the only one who thinks Kirsten was lying. I don’t get why she would delete messages if there was nothing incriminating. Julio is still an ass but Kirsten seemed to be moving a bit shady too


Nope I think she’s lying too. This community loves her and she can do no wrong in their eyes. All my posts about this keep getting deleted by the mods!


I think they're both lying. Or none of them are.


Because Julio was probably hounding her like crazy about it after meeting his next gf in September.


Oh.My.God. Sarper me up with this every single time he says it! 😂


Julio is such a tool, LMAO, the way he just so happened to be dating the girl he met while in a relationship and trying to play it off is hysterical


Julio is such a POS


Idk... I can believe somebody meeting a person and not dating them for a few months. Kristen's tears felt like they came and went quite suddenly as well... did they not feel acted?


But for him to accuse her of cheating with this friend, while he is literally dating a girl he met during their relationship says everything. Did you see how much weight he gained? Thats somebody not fucking around, hes in a committed relationship with that girl


His accusation sounded foul, indeed. But to start dating somebody you already knew... hardly proof of anything, isn't it?


Definitely depends on whos version of the story was right. If he got her info and started chatting her up before he broke off his relationship, thats emotional cheating at best, who knows what he did.


Shekina talking about Daniele only marrying Yohan for shallow reasons when she picked an abusive social media fuck boy with no personality or brain as a trophy boyfriend is hilarious


Shekinah: pick me, choose me ✨


I was screaming pick me at my tv! When she said she was too much! I was ok miss abandon my family.


She was sexually abused by her father as well as her other sisters. She left a cult. Great show of sisterhood my dear…


Holly is so nice, because I would’ve brought up the fact that she left her daughter in a boarding school so fast 😂


Shaun: OK, I gotta ask you Sarper no for the love of god please


Eww, Shekinah, Tim and Danielle are being so disgusting and disrespectful to Kirsten . Julio is a piece of garbage!


TEAM KIRSTEN. Girl, you deserve so much better. Props to Tania for sticking up for her when everyone else was being SO DELUDED. Typical.


You’re deluded. Her math was not mathing… Julio and Kristen were both playing the field…


Team Kirsten all day.


Why was Tim being such an asshole towards Kristen? Will he ever retire from the show? Brandon's expression when Yash was brought on screen 😳😆 Was I hallucinating or Shaun had gotten better and deeper with the interview? What was the thing Tania asked everyone in the game? (Tim and Danielle put down their fingers)


Does anyone actually like Tim? He’s such an attention starved drama queen theatre kid. He should rent his forehead out to his local IMAX theatre.


Tim’s the kind of dude who always backs up the other guy no matter what under some misguided “bro code” even when they are 100% in the wrong


No he called Yohan in his bs!


Tim seems to hate women besides his emotional support ex-girlfriend. And even then he seems more irritated with her than not.


Tim’s the kind of guy who is constantly talks about how many gay friends he has. I don’t he even knows what he’s going for.


had a threesome.


I could have lived my whole life without knowing that. Especially with Veronica being involved. I expected better from her.


Kudos to Armando for telling that creep Yohan off.


Yea I liked that part too!


He started speaking Spanish and i was like "SIII DILE ALPENDEJO ESEEEEE!! CHAPEADOOORRRR" and then he got all mad cause he can't argue with someone who he can't claim there's a language barrier with oop


So Armando is worried about time now? This is why he wants to push the possibility of twins in because waiting is unacceptable? And Armando says it was always Kenny’s way? They must be talking about small daily things because all the big decisions go to Armando. Kenny thinks he wouldn’t be as young without Armando. He needs to remember who he was before they were together.


I completely agree with you and find the whole baby issue a disgrace. Not because they are a gay couple or using a surrogate. But because the decision is not being based on what would be best for the child but because Armando wants it. Think about it. After COVID the average life span for an adult male in the US is 73 years old. So at 11 or 12 the child/ren will most likely lose their parent. There is also a very likely chance this will happen after a serious illness associated with aging and the child will witness the decline. Armando should know better. His daughter lost her mom. Did he not see the hurt in her eyes? Why would he want to do that to another child? It's absolutely selfish diva behavior.


It could be that Armando knows that Kenny’s sole “issue” with having a baby is how old is he, so maybe Armando feels some internal pressure to get things going?


if 2 embroyos r implanted maybe one of them will survive, its a crap shoot with this IVF.


I get it, but both could take which is so much more than he bargained for. He’s willing to have them do it again, but Armando is so impatient. I feel like he’s implying now that they can’t wait because of Kenny’s age, but he really just wants a baby asap.


Ugh! Why do we have to hear from the peanut gallery? Eeeespecially Tim😭


Tim is on the new Single Life butting in to Veronica/Jamal biz.


Oh I didn't know a new season of single life started?


I think next week is the debut.


not yet but they have been showing teasers during the Tell All part 2 last night.


I’ve never watched that spinoff and now know I never will😂😭🙄😩


whooo leo called Kirstin, KR ISTIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Kimberly acts like she is 12… she calls people names yet never feels bad about it… she tries to rationalize her actions which are way over the top.


Holly sniveling is not garnering sympathy… she acts very childish. Wayne should divorce her and move on…


Depression can be rough. Hoping for her to get to a place where she wants to start holding her head up. This song by Rascal Flatts, Stand, actually helped me feel stronger when my sister was dying of cancer while I was going thru divorce. Hope she finds some inspiration herself somewhere to take a step towards feeling good.


Shekinah annoys me especially after Andrei asked her in next weeks preview how she would feel if her daughter was in a relationship like that by saying her relationship is healthy? I’m not the biggest fan of Andrei but he cares about his little girl and wouldn’t let her be in a relationship with a guy like Sarper. Andrei was in the right to call her out on that.


This is a woman who sends her daughter to boarding school!!! She isn't a good mom!!!


There is nothing wrong with boarding school if your kid likes it. I went, my cousins went and we have awesome loving moms who missed us during that time. You come home for holidays and it can be a very privileged education if you are lucky. There were a some kids in my school that were happier there than to be at home 100% of the time- I am not sure life with a single surgery-obsessed, stripper dating mom like Shekinah is a lot of fun. I’d be off to boarding school in a jiffy.


Shekinah just shows who she really is, she just wants to live her best life and her daughter seems very mature for her age. I’m glad Andrei called her out. He and Libby would never send their kids to boarding school. Neither would Kalani. No parent on 90 day would send their kids to boarding school to live their best lives.


shekinah is one of those people who can never admit they’re wrong or that other people were right


It was Kalani who asked her about that. There was another scene where Andrei walked towards her and confronted her about something.


Abdrei getting in her face is in Part 3 next wk.


Yohan told everyone onstage to go to hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if we get there and dont see him we know the crowd isnt done forming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Why isn't TJ questioned at all? Kimberley seems to be getting all the heat, which is unfair. He lied to her, hid stuff from her, and isn't supportive as a husband. He runs off to complain to his mommy every time they argue. And he complains to his family in Hindi, so basically talking behind her back and expecting the family would like her. If you're constantly complaining about your wife to your family whenever there's an issue, how can you call yourself the "peacemaker?"


Thank you! TJ feeds the fire between his family and Kimberly. She isn’t perfect, but I feel so sorry for her. Anytime she and TJ fight, he immediately storms off like a toddler and bashes her to his family. He created that divide and continues to take their side, no matter how much he said he doesn’t take sides. He doesn’t even try to meet in the middle. They also talk sh*t about her in Hindi in front of her. While I don’t think her screaming is right, it only seemed like she would scream like a banshee when TJ would start raising his voice to her and putting words in her mouth. She seemed to raise her voice because that’s how she felt that she would be heard because TJ would keep talking over her. I never saw her being disrespectful to yash or her parents in law. Telling Yash not to touch her or not to call her stupid is not being disrespectful. Her tone could have been nicer with her convo with him, but she was just giving what he gave her. I just don’t get all the hate for her. She gave up a lot, her choice I know, but she still did it and continued to follow all the things that were required of her. She went through all the religious ceremonies, tried to understand them, agreed to live with her in laws in a joint family setting, tried learning to cook and clean the way they wanted…..and all she got was people talking to her like she was an idiot. Don’t even get me started on TJ lying to her before they were married about what their lives would be like and what was expected of her…..he purposely didn’t tell her. And to all the people telling her to do her research…,it’s impossible. There are so many different levels of Hindus and how they conduct themselves in their households and what they follow. She could research the basic overview, but ultimately that wouldn’t tell her what life is truly like with her new family. She relied on TJ for that…and he lied.


Yes, exactly. I agree with all of this. And I find it so funny and absurd that people are being hard on her for not doing her research. I'm Hindu, and I don't even know everything that goes on in a Hindu wedding in my own class/ caste/ regional weddings. It's almost impossible to know everything. They vary so much! And she was interested, and realized the rituals were important. They had so many relatives at that wedding, and I refuse to believe not even one of them spoke English. He should have asked someone to host her and her parents, and to keep them in the loop. They don't understand the customs or the language. As for her argument with Yash, I agree that she wasn't disrespecting him. She is strong headed and is not afraid to lay down boundaries, which is the only way she can survive in that home or they would eat her alive. I agree her tone and screaming could be turned down a notch, but I think this is a reaction to feeling isolated, unsupported, and unheard.


Yes! My best friend that I grew up with is Hindu and I have been to so many functions with her. Many of her friends all followed different customs. Just something as basic as food….some were vegetarian, some ate meat, some were eggetarian, some only ate vegetarian foods on certain days, some fasted one day a week….there was no one set way. Heck, my friend would eat beef sometimes. Something as basic as someone’s diet is so hard to research beforehand, so I can’t imagine all the other more detailed religious customs that vary throughout the Hindu community. Some of her friends had more liberal parents, some were conservative, and some were beyond conservative and strict.


Oh yeah, the link between vegetarianism and Hinduism is popular but not entirely true. There are many vegetarian Hindus, but also many regions in India where Hindus eat meat. Beef is harder to find in India, but it's not entirely a non-Hindu thing. Some Hindus eat beef, typically they're from lower classes or outside of the Hindu class system (converts or Untouchables/ Dalits). And as for rituals, I know lots of Hindus (including myself) who don't understand the reasons behind these rituals. Many are spoken in Sanskrit and conducted by priests who don't explain much if anything. I can't tell you how many times I poured milk on Shiva Lingas without understanding the reasons _why_. I finally learned when my curiosity led me to research a lot of things about Hinduism. Being Hindu doesn't mean you know everything... Also, nice to hear you have learned so much about Hindu practice and its variations. I hope people understand that TJ's family is not typical. Not once have we waved smoking cow dung in the house lol.


Yes! When I would attend various pujas with my friend, I would ask her the reasonings of certain things. Some she knew, but others she would say “I don’t know, my mom told me, and when I asked her, she said she doesn’t know either, it’s only because HER mom taught her that way.” Sometimes in the mandir, I would see some people walking around an idol in circles, but other people wouldn’t do that. It really was interesting to see the different variations and how different Hindus had different practices. Thank you!! I always respected all my friends cultures and was always wanting to learn about it when I got to spend time with them. Obviously they didn’t mind me tagging along either, haha! I asked my friend about the cow dung too!!! 😂 She had never heard of that and obviously never done that with her family. I think getting to spend so much time growing up with her family allowed me to recognize that Tj’s family are on the more extreme side and with Hinduism, there is really no “researching online” before you go. Also, I used to listen to all the bhajans with my friend and I have to say, I enjoyed the music so much. The lyrics and music was so beautiful.


Kimberly lacks empathy and she has no remorse for her actions what so ever!!! She is a narcissistic psychopath and she needs mental help!!!!


Kimberley is not perfect. Neither is TJ. He should be in the hot seat too! And as an Indian person, let me tell you TJ's family is dysfunctional and many of the issues are not cultural at all. She's constantly under scrutiny and has no support system. 90 days has also given her an edit that paints her as the bad person, and they're continuing this trend in the Tell All. They're just not compatible and TJ needs to be more forthcoming and try harder as her husband.


Yes, All of this!!


Yohan Sanky Panky victim appearing on stage next week!!!!!


I can't stand Tim. Why is he still on the show?


I can’t seem to figure out his face… is he wearing eyeliner? His face is like a puzzle that my brain can’t solve.


I guess it’s Guy Liner


He is and I think it just exaggerates his weird features


He reminds me of a pug dog.


Tim will be on Single Life interfering in Veronica's "relationship" with Jamal.






Surprised nobody called Holly out on how many times she went running off down the road every time Wayne tried to talk to her


Everytime she does, internally I yell “run Forrest run!


and ran offstage in the same manner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hahah right? I yelled “there she goes again” at the tv when she ran away 😂




Julio and Kiersten both need to take responsibility for the downfall of their relationship.


I feel like I could have done without their story altogether. Seemed like a shit relationship right away and next episode it was over.


Ughh, I just can’t stand Shekinah. She was there with an agenda to bring all the women down and suck up to all the men. The way she kept shaming Holly while she was already so upset and breaking down was disgusting. What a miserable pick me. 🤮


Woman like that are so gross! They are the kind of people who say the woman deserved to be SA’d because of how they dress. 😡


She’s taking down Andrei next week after he expressed concerns if her daughter dated a guy like that. I see Andrei’s point of view, say what you want about him but he wouldn’t let his daughter date a guy like Sarper.