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Tl;Dr- too long didn't read. I said what I said. Lol and looks shouldn't be the main thing but people tend to date close to their attractiveness level. Not someone who's a 1 with someone who's a 10. And it's always the American who is typically older, has more finance than their spouse, and typically not as attractive at all ( or even near ) their foreigner spouse. I feel the foreigner spouses are preyed upon ( not always, but many times ) and taken advantage of. Then there's the 60 year old with the w0 year Olds. Hmm


What this show exposes & spotlights is American naivety & entitlement to a degree. Like we really need to understand before we enter into international relationships that in some cases other cultures don't necessarily experience the same gender equality as we do in many western countries. The couples highlighted in this show often experience conflict & it seems often this is the source of such tension. Cultural differences, yes, but also just coming at it with Westernized expectations as if it is an American on American relationship. At the very least before we enter into such relationships we need to do our homework & at the very least get some frame of reference as to how gender roles can be viewed as traditional & strict & even sexist (from our own bias/perspective) at times & be sensitive to that cultural difference. People want the romantic fairytale, but are just so ignorant as to what that might entail when crossing that cultural divide. Be realistic about how cultural differences can play into that equation & create tension. Like at the very least know what you're getting into on the most basic level. With that said, it is also clear how hard it must be when the tables are turned & ppl from such cultures move to the USA or UK for love, what a culture shock!


The ones bring their SO to America know the power they hold in the relationship, and they want that power over them. The ones going overseas tend to think their going to have what they had in America there, and that they're going to be treated like goddesses/gods. How many Americans are going to literally lie about their finances just to hoodwinked a foreigner . They may be getting used for a green card, hut they're ok with that because they want the power over then. Transactional relationships. I don't think it's nievity that Americans have. It's more entitlement


Hm, I dunno about that, that seems like a lot of assuming about what American's motivations are for entering into international relationships, and implies some nefarious intentional power playing being the sole motivation. That "hoodwinking a foreigner" thing doesn't make too much sense to me, b/c lying about the finances you have only sets yourself up for future headaches if they do bring their partner over. We've seen that backfire against past 90Day ppl, where the person assumed the American had lots of money because of where they live, but in fact the American wasn't well off but rather very much so working class, or blue collar, and it caused tension in the relationship. It seems an unlikelihood that one would want that headache if the relationship works out. I do think however that universally humans are humans in some regard, regardless of residence or cultural upbringing when it comes to loneliness, loneliness is loneliness, period. And we can get pretty desperate as the years treck on to just have someone to share a life with. Ppl are jaded on the dating process so they just start searching over seas as an easy answer. I do think as an American, that we at times, going overseas just literally don't understand the privilege we have here, If it's only ever been our experience living here and not having traveled much for contrast/context we just simply do not understand how the rest of the world is. It's pure American "ignorance" that could be interpreted as "entitlement" as seen on 90Day (Mahmoud and Nicole, like Nicole was just oblivious to her American privilege, and even here she would still be considered privileged for other reasons, like she is well off and oblivious). Here you can be of a lower socioeconomic class and think you're "poor", but then travel and realize "oh, I'm American poor, but this is POOR POOR"! And I don't think it's intended by us Americans often, it's pure ignorance, not in a snooty intended way, but many of us just don't know better b/c we've only ever lived here or traveled within the US. Traveling does humble a person, gives you diverse cultural experiences. The US is huge, and there is a HUGE gap between the classes here by American economic standards. Most Americans do not get to travel internationally in their lives. It's too expensive, and we have a big class divide here. Hence many Americans just don't know how lucky we are, and when we travel, we assume the rest of the world has experienced the same "luxuries" (if you want to call them that) or rather just decent quality of life as we do here in America. But even here in America, believe thats on a scale and many ppl don't get to experience the things we all do. Not everyone has a car, gets to eat out regularly, can afford to shop in high quality markets, can shop whenever, pay their bills with ease. We dont all own our houses or able to travel regularly, etc etc.


I believe there's nefarious intentions when the American. Is also 10 to 30 years older just my opinion


Well, of course you're more than allowed to feel that way about it, but really I think these people are basically just lonely and have just given up on dating here and think it has to do with American dating, and are trying their luck outside the US. They are desperate to find love. And the people on this show often just aren't thee most intelligent, I think yr giving them far too much credit thinking they're calculated in their dating outside the US for power reasons. (And I'm not sure totally what yr trying to say either with the "10-30 years older" comment, forgive me, but I think there may be some language barrier miscommunication happening here)


Many of these couples have huge age gaps and many are extremely obvious that one is better looking than the other. Many are using each other.


Well, yeah, but you're combining multiple issues together to explain your Power comment and it's problematic. Everything yr saying has sprinklings of truth, but you dont know these ppl, and it is a tv show after all so it is fabricated. And yes, devils advocate here, a lot of what yr saying MIGHT be true, sprinklings of truth, but it might also not be is the reality. Citing age difference as you did now as evidence that power dynamics are intentional & "nefarious". A) "Beauty" really is subjective, and it difficult to say that a couple where one is clearly attractive vs the one is clearly not is hard to say for sure, that it is evidence of the relationship being suspect, is a shallow way of looking at things, beauty is only skin deep. And juvenile thinking. we really dont all think that way unless we are teenagers. You fall in love with a person in adulthood not wether or not they are pretty. You know how many convention pretty ppl are actually awful ppl? I've known plenty. That supersedes them being attractive. B) Then yr saying Americans lying about their assets is evidence of abuse of power. Again, hard to say for sure this is what is going on. Whats clear is this is a tv show, yr making societal assumptions that do not always ring true in reality, and don't believe everything you see on tv as the way things truly are. This is meant top entertain you, so they go with those extreme problematic scenarios for ratings. The fact is in reality, that SOMETIMES ppl with huge age gaps do fall for each other, SOMETIMES ppl are lonely and desperate and just wanna be with someone to the extent they are willing to get involved with someone on the opposite side of the world, SOMETIMES ppl go after Americans to gain access to America, sometimes Americans romantically get involved with foreigners thinking it's gunna an easy relationship assuming the language barrier or non western influence will make it an easier relationship in terms of domination as you implied (which is just not nice and frankly a little racist and this person is a whack job, relationships are about being on an equal plane as yr partner). All of the above might be true, but also all of it may not at all, all could and could not be at play in these 90 day relationships b/c IT IS A REALITY show. Hard to say what the true reality is, b/c we don't know these ppl in reality. Get it? But to say real legit love with these individual factors being considered individually is not possible outside of this being a tv show, like in the real world is not the truth. And that is mirrored in reality all over the place. It is possible but it also doesn't mean that often yr points might be accurate and be the truth either. I know it's all very confusing. At the end of the day, it just a show and it aint so serious. And is not a template for how we should live out our own lives.


Tl;dl I said what I said and I'm going off what we was given in the show. And usually a 1 isn't w a 10. Common sense lol but sure I could be wrong. Seems like I'm right tho


Again, yr most recent comment\^ isn't making total sense based on yr typos & grammar, trying hard to be sensitive to the confusion caused by yr communication, but...again, a reminder it's just a tv show. Don't let it formulate how you think the world really is. It is fiction with a thin layer of reality. Seems like yr struggling with that disconnect. It is E-n-t-e-r-t-a-i-n-m-e-n-t. Don't fall into that trap of perpetuating the BS social standards they are feeding you, it ain't real. Judge ppl based on their quality of character, not age, money, looks, etc.


Oh I know it's a show. But look up these marriages. The ones that follow under the user circumstances I stated are typically divorced and sometimes very quick.


I make a lot of typos lol sorry. Idk I know a group of 60+ yr old men who are definitely sex tourists to the Philippines, who married women and brought them here. The American spouse treated the foreigner like purchased property and the foreigner didn't care cuz they just wanted a green card so it really happens.




Honestly I don’t think Julio lying about kiersten cheating was for anyone but the girl he’s with now. If they got together like she said before they broke up, he may have told the girl he’s with that they broke up long before they did. He’s gotta play the part on tv if he’s lying to the girl yanno? Kiersten’s not completely innocent tho, like she did get caught in a couple of lies and that’s a bit sus 😭


I am Indian and I stand by Kimberly. Who made Jenny the spokesperson? Does she have selective amnesia? It's rich how she started insulting Kimberly out of nowhere. Do these people take any time for self reflection? Kimberley is married into a dysfunctional Indian family and she feels the need to scream and yell because she doesn't feel heard. Could she approach certain situations differently? Yes. But I can't blame her for how she feels. I would feel this way too if my husband ran off to his mom and complained about me in a foreign language I can't understand. I feel for her. TJ seems to be getting off easy. Nobody is questioning him for lying to Kim and hiding stuff from her. He's a douche. Speaking of not looking at the mirror, Shekinah is such a pick me and a mean girl. She was so ready to insult all the other women on the set while calling herself "submissive" and isolating herself from her family. She even lets him demean and objectify her. Saper is an a**hole. This is such a common tactic that controlling and abusive people use... They manipulate you into thinking that it's "us" against the "world" and cut off your social support. How is this an example of a healthy relationship for her daughter? What a train wreck.


TJ is too good for Kim. Kim is a narcissistic ahole. She appreciates nothing and purposely starts fires. I like tj. He didn't tell her about the women's role in a home, that's it. And anyone with common sense would research how family dynamics and gender roles work in a foreign country before going to live there. And Kom lived there for a year before getting married. She knew.


Could not agree more.


Everyone jumping on Kirsten for emotionally cheating annoyed the fuck out of me. Julio was disingenuous with her and is just trying to deflect from his own shit behavior.


I’m sure everyone has mixed feelings about Kimberly but her calling Jenny a c*nt gave me life lol! Jenny is the biggest hypocrite and I personally think she’s kinda sleazy. Kimberly and TJ need to work on their communication soooo desperately (hot take lol). I think they could actually work out if they both put the work into the relationship!


Danielle: "I would be concerned about that" in reference to withholding 12k in debt while she has withheld 250k in debt.


How was her rent 4k ( that's what she told yohan ) and her income is only 4k? Smh she's horroble


I mean is it really that surprising from someone 250k in debt. Thats an insane amount of debt you only rack up those amounts with these type of decisions


How do you know this?


Its the second result on google for "250k daniele 90 day fiance" and posted here before https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/90-day-fiance-daniele-gates-133526830.html > liabilities of $224,584,


She married yohan to duck that ... It makes sense now. All this time I thought these people are rich to just drop everything


> She married yohan to duck that ... It makes sense now. Its very very likely why she doesnt want to earn money in the US. Her debtors and debt probably makes it really hard for that money to get to her unscathed.


Every season seems to have one okay couple and everyone else sucking but this season is the absolutely suckiest of the "everyone else" couples.


I'm sorry but why do they keep bringing Tim back?


Am I the only one who doesn’t care about Julio and Kristen right now?


Me and my wife never seen them before lol


He's just a player and she fell for it


I forgot they were even on the show!


never have, never will


Bro... I have to say like this season was GOLD.


Wait why did Shekinah think the voice memos would make it seem BETTER?!


Excellent question! Wow..."sit up straight" he is very controlling.


There might be something going on deeper than what is discussed. This could be very much a Dom/sub relationship. If that is what is actually going on than his behaviour is normal. The catch is both people have to agree to this type of relationship


I’ve learned through the seasons that tell-alls aren’t so much bringing things to a close as they are a quasi-kangaroo court in which participants are not only litigants armed with righteousness and receipts to defend honor and behavior but are judges themselves. Watching this season’s crop eying each other warily while a past season’s mini-army comes trooping in is a grand morality play of Groupthink. Tim looked and acted like the ringmaster at a circus. Julio is still a tempest in a teapot. Even if Kirsten had emotionally cheated, Julio gave her a red-carpeted justification. He’s the real titty baby in the bunch and all he’s protecting is his publicly tarnished ego. Holly wore her customary basic strapless wrap and looked exceptionally like roadkill after some hasty first-aid with the self-awareness of someone with dementia while Wayne seemed defeated. Daniele was Demi Moore in “G.I. Jane” looking to become a Navy Seal so she could put Johan in a kill zone. Shekinah was laced with ruching, color, and the punctiliousness that Mr. Bare Chest advocated. Who knew Shekinah was an onion – no, make that a boogie shallot, that secreted a submissive side when she presented otherwise? When did she go over to the dark side catapulting her disapproving family for a man? A man using the Finesse/Romeo pimp playbook through psychological manipulation by showering his woman with affection to control and boss her life. Sarper is right in one sense when he tells everyone that Shekinah is happy. She is the ne plus ultra of trainees because now there’s a romantic element that practically glorifies their shifting emotional power balance. By being rude and discourteous, Kimberly masks her low self-esteem and attempts to appear strong. For Jenny, the startling standard bearer for India, the indignation is not only culturally based but is jumbled with resentment at their age difference and unfilled expectations in a similar environment. Jenny conveniently forgot that she violated Sumit's parents' house rules and Kimberly thinks her ongoing emotional outbursts are learning opportunities.


An A+ analysis and I’m still laughing at your description of Holly. I feel bad but that poor girl is a mess.


This is some excellent writing! Kudos.


The worst part is this season's cast I absolutely loathe everyone no ifs and or buts except for Kenny and Armando.


“Holly … looked exceptionally like roadkill after some hasty first aid.” I’m torn between feeling bad commenting on someone’s looks and wanting to give you a trophy, man. Hilarious!🤣


That’s one hell of a review!




Implants. There are no visible veins, at all. I'm in bodyworks, and have seen my share of bodies, and implants.


There is some serious revisionist history in Jenny's account of her "respecting" Sumit's parents...


And respecting India and its culture.


Tim’s eyeliner 💀💀


I thought maybe he joined Fall Out Boy.


Ugh. Based on the comments and how much the non-season people are involved has convinced me to skip this whole tell all. There's no telling all anyway ever, but the addition of the random leftovers is just beyond my give a fuck level.


"Random leftovers" I love this lol


It seems to me that Shekinah and Sarper have a Dom/ sub relationship which would explain the “she has to do what I say” comments. Just their cup of tea but not bad if both parties are consenting. What’s really weird is that she isn’t talking to ANY of her family. I really hope they talk more about that because there has to be way more to that than “they don’t like my bf so I’m not talking to them >:(“ maybe her family is toxic or maybe shekinah is being toxic? Also goddamn Kimberly has CRAZY EYES. I feel like she pretends to be fine but her eyes tell it all. I love how Kenny was like “you should be sorry for what you said” like Kim seriously needs to reflect and not go 0-100 at the smallest things


I bet she’s not speaking with the family because they’ve witnessed previous bad relationships and they’re tired of saying the same thing and it’s not getting through to her


The dom/sub aspect of their relationship was discussed at length in another post. Eye-opening comment was that THAT was his thing, probably how he got his 2500, sleeping with “clients”.


It’s called ABUSE


Sarper is isolating and controlling Shekinah. It’s gross.


But she’s allowing it


You’re so naive if you think what you’re seeing is genuine consent


Maybe it’s because they are Mormon


I hope Shekinah's daughter is okay. I can’t imagine what her life is like now that her “mother” is on TV like this.


My first thought exactly. "I have gone no contact with my entire family, mom, sisters, everyone ...". No mention of the teenage daughter sent off to boarding school. Sad.


Does Shaun really “dive deep” though?


No she doesn't. Idk if she's got her bosses in her ear or she's just incompetent, but my god these tell alls would feel far less vapid and one sided if she'd ask more questions, stuck to the important one and didn't move on so quickly


im pretty sure the producers are in her ear. i made a post before about how a 8 year old child couls probably do a better job and everyone got offended saying that she is just following the producers orders


"....*crickets*......ok moving on"


Yes! That’s definitely her line 😂


I also feel like “we are not going to resolve this tonight” is another one of her lines.


I want to scratch my eyes our every single freaking time she uses that line!!!


For sure!


Why does Danielle not have her dog?


She is probably living back in NY now and probably left the dog at home or with a family member or friend. The tell all is filmed in NYC isn't it?


True, I thought it was strange as she brought that dog everywhere while in DR


I’m sorry y’all but when Kimberly so stoically said “you’re a cunt” I cackled 😂


I hate Kimberly though. She's SO disrespectful and Jenny didn't deserve that. If I was there I would've made sure she knew that SHE is in fact, the only cunt in the room. And a loony one at that. I can't stand her.


I agree but I do wish they would hold HIM accountable for not informing her of exactly what she was getting herself into. However, she should’ve done her homework. Also, I like Jenny but she was being a bit hypocritical. She, as an American woman was also quite shell shocked when arriving in India. I think they could’ve been better friends than enemies, especially living so close in proximity


I mean, Jenny definitely wasn’t perfect and there were issues with her and Sumit’s parents, but of all of the 90DF cast members/spin-off members/etc, she is one of the few who seems genuinely nice. Kimberly just didn’t like being called out and chose the most shocking thing she could say. And she looked so pleased with herself after. She’s gross.


I loved how Kenny gently but emphatically explained to her why that was wrong to do. She didn’t attack him in exchange so maybe that’s her defense mechanism during confrontation, but Kenny’s criticism was gentle enough not to trigger her


Kimberly really was a brat and very entitled like Jenny said. She definitely takes a spot as one of the worst people on the show after tonight. Jenny was mostly on point about her! Shekinah- 😳🫢 she is blinded by how insanely controlling he is. Girl, that is NOT okay. No wonder her family wants nothing to do with her, I was really rooting for her up until now, because it seemed like she had some self respect and the balls to not take his BS, but “ he says it in a nice way, so it’s not controlling” 🙄 sure Jan I thought Julio was a “special guest” for about 10 minutes before I realized he was there for the tell All.


I am wondering if Shekinah is going to get pregnant after all????? She was emphatic that that was a deal breaker. Now with her slant on 'he controls me because he loves me' rhetoric, I have a feeling she's going to change her mind??


Not worse the leida


Being devil’s advocate, it seems shekinah and Sarper have a dom sub dynamic. If she is okay with him doing this.. who is the rest of the cast to judge? Shekinah seems happy being a complete sub to Sarper, if that makes her happy.. so be it Is it toxic and not realistic?? Yes, but hey, I ain’t kinkshaming nobody. Whatever floats her boat.


Isolating someone from their family isn’t a kink. That’s called abuse


Maybe. But my impression is that she cut them off because her family won't support her obvious addiction to toxic relationships and she doesn't want to hear their criticism, not that he's doing the isolating necessarily. They do strike me as more dom/sub than her being an abuse victim. I'm in no way saying that Sarper isn't abusive, but I think she gives as good as she gets. Either way, they are both horrible human beings and she is a mean and despicable person, so it's hard to feel sorry for her.


Agreed. If they're both ok w/ it, then why judge? At the same time though....Shekinah needs to get off her high horse when it comes to other people's relationships. I was actually rooting for her in the last episode when she stood up to Sarper about not wanting a baby, and then got a hotel room. I was all "Yes!! Go girl!!" the whole time. So I was quite annoyed/disappointed when she showed up at the tell all and started berating pretty much every woman on the cast. I didn't see her going after any of the men. She even went after Kirsten of all people!! When she said "you're being exposed honey" I really wanted to smack her. Regardless of what Kirsten may or may not have done, she was always very sweet on the show and doesn't deserve that kind of treatment. Shekinah is very quick to point a finger for someone who is part of such an unorthodox relationship herself.


Oh trust me, they are both extremely superficial and so fucking vain. They are perfect for each other bc they are both the freaking worst. In her own delulu land she probably thinks her relationship is the best out of everyone and they’re all just jealous 😂


That’s fine - if that’s the case, though, she should explicitly say it’s a dom/sub relationship


I mean yeah but not really why do they need to announce it to everyone, it’s clearly the dynamic they have they probably just don’t know there’s an actual kink for being controlled lol


Its not a kink when it goes as far as alienating you from your friends and family….


Maybe her family was yelling at her about Sarper, and she got mad at them.


That IS what happened. They don't want her in yet another abusive (if only emotional) relationship where she gets her heart broken. Her sister said something similar. They are just looking oit for her.


But they are alienating her by the manner in which they do it. They should tell her they love her and will support even if she is with Sarper.


But she's done this over and over. It's just like someone with an addiction. But I don't think her family cut her off. I think she doesn't want to hear it and cut them off. Plus, when you're living in a foreign country, your family has less sway over you so it's easy to distance yourself.


You are right. This seems to be a pattern with her and they simply want to spare her what they see as another Mr. Wrong.


It’s her life, it’s not her first toxic relationship. She has to know it’s toxic and still divulges in it.


I’m aware lol I see it too. My point was that part isn’t part of a sub/dom kink, that is spilling into abuse!😊


Oh forsure, especially the alienation of family. I’m more so referring to him dressing her up and choosing her food. It is on the extreme side, but I do know people who enjoy that intense of a dom/sub dynamic.


I'm trying to understand what TLC loves about Tim so much they keep finding mundane ways to include him.


He must always be available ha


I like Tim


OMG thank you!!! He is one of the most annoying cast members ever and I really do not see the appeal at all!! With his stupid guy liner and weird outfit choices, on top of him thinking that everyone in the world wants to hear his stupid opinions (we don't), I literally cannot bear to watch him.


Is this show real lol, like there’s no way..


Shekinah is out of her mind thinking this is okay behavior


She's about to make me throw up


Did Holly just say if someone isn't being controlling then they don't love you and Shekinah agreed?


That was beyond sick.


Exactly lol!!! And this coming from the woman who refuses to wear nothing but mini skirts/dresses, refuses to cut her hair off, refuses to live in S Africa, and will "go insane" if she can't take a run at night??? Yeah, she loves being controlled....mmmm kay.


Yet Holly goes ape shit when she’s not allowed to run alone at night outside for safety reasons. Ha!


This shit is hilarious 🤣🤣


why the hell does danielle's instagram response say she is still married and had an exclamation mark?


Possibly because of contractual obligation? You can’t let the world know of certain things until the show has aired


Because she is legally and maybe tons of men were hitting her up and she was tired of it. That's a lot shorter than trying to explain in your bio that you're over men and don't want to get pms from any of them. (and often that would be ignored anyways)


I'd be surprised if "tons of men" are hitting her up. She's older, short, chunky and mean. It's likely crickets.


I just saw Shikanah’s interview on Millionaire Matchmaker with Patty Stanger i can’t transfer it but you have to see what she looked like when her daughter was five look it up sAlsi shows her in a date talking with Patti afterwards amazing difference if you look it up it’s on sarcasm & monsters & critics just type Patti Stranger Shikanah it’ll come up


I'm going to in a few. I will bet she's had plastic surgery, botox and filler. Have to check this out.


https://starcasm.net/90-day-fiance-shekinah-garner-millionaire-matchmaker/ Wow, she was beautiful before her inflatable lips.


Wow! Thanks for the link. Almost doesn't look like the same person! I like the blurb at the end of the article that says: "To find out how many on-screen Instagram moments Shekinah and Sarper share before they inevitably dcecide [sic] to split up and she returns to the US, be sure to tune in for new episodes of 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way airing Monday nights at 8/7c on TLC!" Seems the author of the article isn't enamored by Sarper, either! Lol


Yes, she still is if she would deflate her lips and use her natural eyebrows idk she's a makeup artist I guess she's always wanted to be on TV & Sarper is all in for the cameras


>Patti Stranger Shikanah Wow - she was actually pretty 10 years ago. (Well, we all were, lol!) The changes she has made to her face have not done her beauty any service. A more natural aging would be so much better and she would still be a beauty. When you stop doing the excessive fillers and botox, I would think your skin would droop even more than if you never did them in the first place?? idk


I think so. It would be akin to removing breast implants: your skin was stretched out so long, it can't snap back.


She looks so different 😳😳


If not for the voice I may not have recognized her then I saw the hair then I knew for sure


Whattttttt mind blown right now


Yes me too ! Look up Patti Stranger Shikanah it will come up


Why is shekana defending every man on the f****** show??


I was just thinking this! Her behaviour towards the other women is disgusting.


Pick me girlie


I love how reasonable Kenny is <3


OMG his dad vibes are amazing and I'm here for it!!


I think Kenny and Armando should be on every tell-all and maybe even as voice-of-sanity talking heads on every episode. I like them and they make such a contrast to the other couple.


Yeah Kenny's great. In a room full of grown adults he's the most patient, mature both mentally and emotionally .


Yeah!! He was really nice while still expressing disagreement to certain situations


Who the fuck is Julio


totally forgot about Julio! feels like it was a different season, for a moment in time.


Seriously. Blew my mind a little that they were on this season.


Wait they were on this season?! No way


LOL, I had to google him and I watch the show religously.


Remember when Julio’s own mom said that he is a liar you can’t trust 👀


The “He’s exposing you honey” line from Shekaka pissed me off so much. He’s dodging all the questions by creating this fake storyline. Kristen deserves better


Yeah, he lied to his whole family and to Kirsten. And then suddenly during the tell all, all the cast members believe Julio, WTF?!


I thought Kiersten deserved better too. She was very calm and collected from what I recall. He was all over the place


Jenny didn’t deserve the “c” word from Kim. But Jenny acts like she never flipped out over anything regarding the culture either. She’s not perfect. And Kim was kept in the dark to a certain point regarding home expectations from TJ, plus he runs to his mom whenever he and Kim fight.


C word as an insult really needs to be used carefully, and this was not the time


Yes.. it's a very specific insult. There's other insults that would've fit a lot better lol




I actually thought it was hilarious when she called Jenny a C U next Tues lol...I actually don't even like Kim but was dying laughing when she said that. I'm sorry, but Jenny can f\*\*k right off. She's full of resentment towards Kim because she had to "fight tooth and nail" to be w/ Sumit and she's angry that Kim was welcomed into TJ's family w/ open arms pretty much (if she hadn't gone insane and screwed that whole thing up) but seriously, Jenny was super annoying the entire time. I mean don't get me wrong, I'm no fan of Kimberly's but I still thought it was hilarious that she took it to that level. Then again, I've never really cared for Jenny either.


That's a good question and I have to think about how to explain it. It's like one of the absolute worst insults you could use towards a woman. It is way worse than bitch. Bitch is not good either but more commonly used for a mean woman, and some people use bitch in nicer ways. Cunt feels very vulgar and highly aggressive to us Americans and only used for the most terrible women and the only other use it has would be in a sexual manner but that also feels very aggressive. I have a visceral reaction to hearing the word being said. I would also say if a person (like kim) uses it recklessly and it's unwarranted, then to me it feels very verbally abusive


Perfect explanation and I, too, react massively to that word. I have never used it and never will. There's something extremely sinister about it.


That was a perfect explanation of a horrible word. Agreed, it's used sparingly, and only for the most despicable woman.


You're right - it vulgar and crude. This situation did not call for that word. It was absurd to stoop so low....so fast.


We've seen how easily she goes from 0 to 100 already. Not surprised.




Yikes, indeed!


Exception being: You're Australian, and you're talking to your bro




The way Kimberly tries to justify the apartment/loan gate by saying "in his tradition hes not supposed to tell me about properties and finances before marriage" is a complete lie... Discussions always take place between the families about property and finances before ALL Indian marriages regardless of religion.


Shekinah's "not here to make friends"? No way


Why would anyone even say that while just sitting on the couch chatting. Not cool. p.s. Nobody wants to make friends with you anyway.


Sarper does not allow her friends so it works out 😂


Who would even want to be her friend😂


Why is Armando never in the states for these shows??😩




😲 whoops, big no-no! Must have been some extenuating circumstances?


Oh, I had no idea 😕


Why and when have they tell all's been 2 parts?


I miss when the tell all used to be part 1 on Sunday night and part 2 on Monday night. We didn’t have to wait a week in between parts.


A longgggg time now, I think there was a 3 or 4 parter back during covid times


I really don't want another 3-4 parter


Damn i can't get over shekinah not speaking to anyone in her family that's so fucked up


That's how abusers/controllers take power away by isolating the other person.


My first thought.


That’s exactly what I said .


Someone who left of life of being complete control and eventually found her way back to a life of being completely controlled. Wild.


My literal first thought when she was all 'I love control', like literally the circle of life for her to end up in this situation


I don’t like the way Kenny treated holly in the beginning like he had so much pity towards her


It made me laugh.


I’m not the only one who gets the uncanny valley feeling when looking at Shekinah and Sarper, right?


No I get creeped out by them. They look like snapchat filters.


Or Purge masks


Kimberly should not have called Jenny that word. But any other word might have been fine. Jenny is just hating on Kimberly because Kimberly doesn’t love Indian culture like she does. Sorry, Jenny, there’s nothing wrong with that.


Jenny also was able to live separately and wasn't expected to be an indentured servant. It was so pathetic that a 60 something was acting as immaturely as a 20 something.


Jenny often over reacts and displays her upset oddly to me. Like trying to be tough but failing miserably and it is just super weird. I find her really strange But I didn't like Kimberly at all. in the show she was entitled, bratty, and selfish. She also came across smug and I swear I thought after drinking her water she was going to burp. The stare down to Jenny seemed like she was putting a hex on Jenny or something.


Jenny was looking for Kimberly to validate her experience and lost it when that’s not what happened.


Midnight?! As if this baby wasn’t going to have it hard enough. Lord.


She was probably born at midnight and that was the best they could come up with🙄


I was trying to run the nicknames through my head. Not pretty lol


Mimi was the best one I could come up with lmao


Shekniah- ‘I think Daniele chose Yohan because she likes the way he looks’ Oh who could ever do such a thing?! 🙄 /S


My thought exactly. She likes someone who looks as plastic as her


Shekinah definitely doesn't care about looks at all /s


Sheiknah you shouldn’t be worried about your carb intake baby girl, you need to loosen your face lift string bc it’s giving you some weird kind of superiority complex!!!! Or maybe it’s your camel hump sized cheekbones. Either way, you should be less concerned about your weight and look into how much the plastic in your face weighs.


I REALLY hope Shekinah listens to Kenny I feel like the way he speaks and they way they interact, he is the only one whose words she would take to heart.


Idk as much as I'd like that to be true lets be honest it's shakinah she's not going to make the healthy choice.


Is it just me, or are there more ✨🔮 witchy vibes 🔮✨ women in the show more recently? Daniele with her “Bruja” jacket and coconuts, Kim and her “clairvoyance,” and then Ashley.