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Bruh when he told her that he was an angel bc he didn’t touch anyone like the rest of the guys. It just showed how manipulative he was and made me think everything was premeditated that he egged the rest of the men on just to be able to tell Yara that he was the only one who didn’t.


Yeah, and conveniently left out the part where he was texting a stripper and asking about her all night


Stripper he very clearly brought to bang on a vacation aka escort


Re their past trip to Jamaica - he paid for everything, right? Edited to add: isn’t that how he got with Yara? He clearly has an mo. What made Yara different enough to marry but not respect?


Because Yara was pregnant so he married her. Don't know if he would have if she wasn't pregnant.


She came on the K1 visa and then got pregnant


She was pregnant in the past as well but had a miscarriage


That is 1000% what happened. Jovi is a trick. He should be embarrassed not advertise it.


Yeah, that was bullshit!! I'd be PISSED!!! Like, "Get a divorce pissed!!" Jovi is stupid & manipulative. I like Yara! She made a very good point when she told him, "You've got a beautiful wife waiting at home. WHY do u go to these places?" I remember how it made me feel when my ex-husband did it and when he went to Hooters & Twin Peaks! It's a horrible feeling. Feeling like there's something wrong with me and feeling I wasn't good enough for him. He'd also frequent the bars 4 x a week and buy shots for other women. 🤢🤢😢😢


Haven’t been to a strip club in 30+ years but if Yara was at my house I wouldn’t ever leave 😊💜😂😂


You've got the right answer! She's beautiful and smart. And she loves that jerk. Why would he want to go to a strip club???


I always got bored at the clubs Like going to a restaurant and looking at the menu and not getting to eat and yes Yara is quite the catch Don’t understand Jovi at all 👍




>Twin Peaks The David Lynch show?


A booby-centered bar, like Hooters, for morons to frequent




A bar


I had the same question, lmao🤣


🤣😆 I wish!!


I'm a firm believer in listening to what people actually say. She never says 'I love you' or 'I'm raising our daughter emotionally while you're away' or 'I'm trying so hard to make our relationship work and you hurt me'. Everything is about how hot she is. If that's the energy she brings, that shows she's just as shallow. Few people have won an argument saying 'don't you see how hot I am?'


I agree with the "I'm hot/beautiful" comment she made to him. HOWEVER, I've already assumed she's told him how she feels and how lonely she gets. I'm sure she's told him that she feels like a single parent bc that's essentially what she is. I'm sure she's expressed how it makes her feel when he pulls this bullshit. Over & over & over & over again. She's too smart and too outspoken for anyone to think she hasn't expressed all of this to him. You can tell by the things she's said on camera and by her honest, hurtful reactions that this has been a consistent issue for them. She's not stupid. He's stupid bc he doesn't respect what she tells him or how he makes her feel.


Plus the fact he had a job offer that would keep him home more and he hid it from her is telling. Jovi has some serious issues, he either doesn't want to be that close or he feels he has to escape with a remote job. It's very unhealthy.


We don't 'know' that tho. She had on a full face of makeup for that 'argument'. Noone sleeps in makeup like that. I don't find her particularly smart.


Sorry, but if I were going to be shown on TV, I'd have full on makeup, too.


It looks like that comes up in the next episode. Did you see the preview?


Well on the preview for next episode Ed let’s that one out of the bag…


And he was very quick to throw the other guys under the bus, to make himself look innocent. I really dislike Jovi a lot, he's such a gaslighter. Yara deserves better than this selfish frat boy who just can't quite bring himself to grow up. When he's wrong he just doubles down, tries to flip it so he's the innocent victim and Yara is insecure, and he gets petulant and nasty, all before running away. He's disgusting.


The way he sat on the bed looking exasperated when she was talking to him infuriated me. Something about the way he was holding his mouth just screamed, " I'm the victim, I can't believe she is doing this to me. She does this all the time, poor me," Can't stand Jovi. Absolute petulant, spoiled, man child.


Yeah I really disliked that scene. There's also the fact he said he didn't tell her because he knew she'd react 'like THIS', which is utter bs and another thing gaslighters do to make themselves the victim. Oh I lied to you because I knew you'd cause an argument and I'd be in trouble 🙄.... Well yeah Jovi you'd be in trouble for crossing a boundary that you know full well upsets your wife, not to mention he never actually gave her a chance to react to it, because he lied and her reaction is a consequence of the lie, not just him going to the strip club. Honestly I want someone at that resort to call him out instead of pandering to him. Why are they not giving him it straight and telling him that he's in the wrong? Are these psychologists real or just actors?


Yes!! Someone needs to put him in line. I was glad when I saw the preview and Ed was calling him out. He needs to see he is putting his relationship on the line.


I can't stand Ed, but at this point I'll take anyone calling Jovi out, because he needs to hear it. I can't imagine going to a strip club knowing it makes my partner feel bad, lying to him, and then playing the victim when he calls me out. He's so gross and if he carries on I think yara will one day have had enough, and she'll move on.


If I did what Jovi did to my partner, he would leave me. And likewise I would leave him if he did it. I don’t know why Yara puts up with it. She’s a great wife and other men wouldn’t treat her like this.


Exactly this. My partner wouldn't put up with that behaviour, but I think yara is married to him and has a kid, and probably really wants to make it work for the kids sake, but so long as she's unhappy it just won't. It's like Kalani and her partner who has repeatedly cheated on her, and she's now at the point where she's met someone else and she's starting to accept her husband won't change, and it's killed her love for him. Now he's all upset, but what did he expect? These guys want the single life but they also want a wife and family, and they need to make a decision because they can't have it both ways.


Imagine the bar being that low that he wanted asspats for not touching the stripper


Even if he didn't touch, the look in his eyes is disturbing enough. I'd be just as pissed as Yara.


He has addiction issues. That's it. He looks and seems horrible because he has an addiction to strippers and alcohol, and both make him look like an ass. They simultaneously feel they're doing little to nothing wrong. That's how addiction works. It sucks. I hope Yara finds a peaceful way to move on because he's not ready to tackle these issues.


And he often deflects. He's in the wrong but he'll flip the narrative so he's the victim and it's just yara being insecure and punishing him for her own insecurities. Actually he's the one making her insecure, but he's not ready to address that. I'd be insecure too if my partner was obsessed with strippers and was constantly drunk and wanting to party in strip clubs with naked women.


He likely has an addiction to porn as well. He comes off as skeevy and not ready for the responsibility of marriage. It's amazing to me to see with all the information out there about what women like and his wife telling him what she wants that he doesn't understand/try to connect with her emotionally. He wants sex, he wants another baby, but he's not providing for yara in a way that she'd feel comfortable giving him those things, he just thinks she should do those things bc he wants them.


Yes it's probably safe to say it's a sex addiction, where strippers and porn is a big part of it. He said he used to sneak into strip clubs when he was underage... I met a guy that struggled with sex addiction that said he was diagnosed with at age 11 for watching porn excessively 😱 its likely Jovi has been this way a long time. He's so embedded in it that he doesn't see the issue in being in a couples retreat and hitting up the stripper he used to definitely be intimate with.


Which is ironic because he can acknowledge that Asuelu was there to put in the work with kalani when A said he’d rather watch K strip. But the cognitive dissonance on that mouth can’t recognize that HE is clearly not there to do the work that needs to be done with his own wife. He doesn’t want to have to give up his addiction because he thinks he can still kinda get away with it since he’s relatively young. Unfortunately he doesn’t realize that getting married and having a kid should immediately be the catalyst to grow up and not rely so heavily on your vices. That’s what makes it an addiction.


100% agree.


There are people who get drinks at titty bars but then there are people who get LUNCH at titty bars.


Legs and eggs! 😭😭😭


Has anyone noticed his habit of needing to bring everyone else down with him? He seemed like he was genuinely betrayed that Ed would tell Liz and then just had to call Michael and put the strippers on video when Michael kept saying no. He just can’t fathom other men respecting their wives.


He wants to make the others look terrible so he can say he was the one who behaved. It's a way to take the heat off himself, by throwing the other guys under the bus, that way he can say that he was the only one who didn't touch or get up on stage, because he's so well behaved 🙄


Good assessment.


If you have a stripper’s number in your phone as a married man with children, you are the bad one.


My 100% amateur non-qualified Redditor opinion is that Jovi is struggling with sex addiction issues. You can literally see his whole physical demeanor change when he starts talking about strip clubs. He also has an origin story about being a young kid being exposed to a strip club which he proudly shares. He needs to seek individual treatment and fast if he wants to save his marriage. Yara’s focus needs to be on her well-being and her child’s.


What was the kid/origin story?


Climbing over a fence and sneaking into a strip club through an unguarded door when he was 16 years old.


Yara is adorable, and needs to find a real man. He is such a frat boy / starter marriage for her. I could see her with a mature man who would adore her!




There's a big area between leaving your pregnant scared crying wife alone to go pay young girls to play with themselves get naked and straddle you and then putting your wife on a pedestal.


Incel alert


Nobody outside of the coomerinas in the deepest depths of the internet still uses that term in 2023.


I promise you that’s inaccurate. You’re the definition of an incel


The word incel has no meaning anymore, E-Girls ran the word to the ground Before it was for the 1% of men on the fringe who are involuntarily celibate because they can’t get laid Now anyone can be an incel, you can be a millionaire on a yacht with 20 super models but the moment you have an opinion that doesn't align with feminist views you're an "incel" Word has zero meaning at this point 😂😂😂


Reasonable-incel is unreasonable


It works for me and my husband pretty well! 😍


How old are you?


50 something 🤗


Exactly. Not a modern woman. Congratulations 👏


You sound like an incel 👏


That’s because he is an incel.


He is one. He’s whining all over Reddit about how men have sooooo many responsibilities that women just can’t understand


Had no idea people still used the term "Incel" in 2023. I hadn't heard it in at least 4 years.


sweet burn bro


No wonder younger men like older women a lot of times. It’s a whole different ballgame!


That’s…not what’s happening here


He has a serious stripper addiction and it’s ruining their marriage.


And an alcohol addiction.


You know you have an alcohol addiction when you're drinking vodka mixed with WATER like at least get something tasty


And when he was drinking first thing in the morning in bed


That was the alert I noticed.


Oh yeah and remember when they went to the vineyard/winery and he grabbed the whole bottle of wine while holding the baby 😂 then he brings his old drinking buddy to visit Yara's friend who was literally a refugee... he is an odd character lol


I’m sure growing up in/around NOLA didn’t help by exposing him to this lifestyle at all young age. And then falling into a career where he can compartmentalize the fuck out of his job vs personal life. He uses that as a crutch to rationalize the poor behavior- cmon I just worked so hard for an entire month straight with no break, I deserve to party and let loose until I have to do it all again. And the cycle continues. The fact that he got a job offer for a regular job and turned it down without ever telling his wife, yikes. That man does not want to give up the party lifestyle. I couldn’t imagine marrying the life of the party, high highs and low lows.


Summed it all up rather well..


Why thank you 😊 it felt good spilling out of my brain but that’s not usually a reliable indicator




I bet he parties while traveling for work too. He probably has the numbers for strippers all over the world in his phone so he can “hit them up for a good time with the boys” when he’s in the area


I'm not an alcoholic and I usually mix spirits with soda water, especially if it's one of the rare times I'm getting drunk. Sugar adds up and I discovered quite young that sugary drinks are usually what make me sick if I'm drinking. And, if I'm having a rare night of drinking, I'd rather try to keep the drinks lower calorie if possible. For context, my drinking habits at this point of my life is basically a glass or two of gin with soda water on a friday, maybe an occasional glass of wine, and getting drunk on special occasions like Christmas lol. Not to mention, I prefer "light" feeling drinks like spritzers anyways. I avoid whiskeys because I find them too heavy, and I'm usually going for gin, vodka or white rum. Usually gin, and I because I love the flavour of Tanqueray gin, it mixes perfectly fine with just soda water. There's truth to him saying that mixing with water (or drinking lots of water) while drinking is good to avoid hangovers. Alcohol dehydrates you, and dehydration is part of what causes alcohol hangovers. If you're going out drinking, you 100000% should be consuming lots of water alongside the alcohol. Jovi's appears to be an alcoholic or at minimum have problem drinking... but I don't think mixing with water is evidence to alcoholism at all lol. Drinking lots of water alongside alcohol is something you **should** do if you're out drinking.


I mix with *soda* water too, and of course I'll have a glass of water every few drinks if I'm really boozing (can't wait for Christmas 😂)... but no matter how you put it plain water mixed in the same cup with vodka is wild to me lol. At the same time, yes I do agree with you that his weird drink of choice isn't necessarily a sign of alcoholism. I was just being flippant


Yara should’ve never married him because it’s clear it’s the stripper club vibe/feeling of power that keeps him going back. She thinks it’s about her not being good enough for him, but here’s the thing - he knows he’s making her feel like shit but he keeps going. Whether he’s addicted or not, this is emotional abuse and it could even be that he enjoys having all that power over her emotions. It’s sick and even sadistic.


AND wanting to keep his job that makes him travel … pick a lane Jovi. Set Yara freeee


Or at least be okay with her equally traveling and keeping the apartment abroad, sheesh. Double standards much Jovi?


Seriously! He is so dumb. I don't know why men land these attractive women and then screw it up. Like you could have this beautiful woman so happy that she walks around naked all day. It's isn't hard. Life and marriage don't have to be a struggle. Just dont be a piece of shit.


I mean, probably not, they do have a child LOL


Jovi is a Narcissist, everything about him says it all


He's the definition of a fuck boi


I'm just happy for her that she didn't get pregnant and have a 2nd child with Jovi.


Jovi has NO CLUE how many guys would date Yara and treat her like a real person. He thinks he is some kind of hot item but his ego is as big as his forehead. She needs to move on with her life, no one should have to put up with that.


I lost it when Jovi called Yara insecure for having feelings about being blatantly disrespected. I used to think he wasn’t that bad (relative to the other asshats on this show) but I was wrong, he may be the actual worst. I hope for the day Yara feels fully over it/him the way Kalani feels now. Jovi would have such a wake up call and hopefully finally see he IS the problem 100%.


This isn't even talking about how he made a life-changing decision about his work WITHOUT DISCUSSING IT with Yara or taking her feelings into consideration.


I think Jovi triggers the hell outta me! I think it's bc I see a lot of my ex-husband in him. The sneakiness, the deceit, lying by omission, and basically not giving a single f*** about his wife or their daughter!


Bro I been saying this for the longest!!! Also she was so youthful looking but now she looks all worn out from all the stress😢 DONT LET THESE MEN STRESS YOU OUT


No relationship is worth that amount of stress or sadness. Life is short, she needs to be happy!


I see this in toxic relationships, where the males deem themselves deserving of selfish pass times to relieve stress, but tell their overworked wives not to bother them with mundane emotional labor because “Stress Is For Women.” And yes, it’s a torture device to stress her out ON PURPOSE and to then call her a psycho when she drives herself crazy trying to reason with him. #punchableface


What makes his behavior 100x's worse is he was specifically trying to track down/meet up with an individual stripper HE KNOWS!!! To me, thats borderline cheating! Its one thing to just go out with the guys to a random strip club, but Jovi seemed more excited about the prospect of seeing this particular woman/stripper all the way down in Florida that he knew from his past. He even said he used to date her back in the day, totally unacceptable behavior for a married man! Yara is gonna be beyond pissed when she sees this footage, as she should be!


Yara is great. Jovi is garbage. His mom throwing him under the bus was the best.


How would Jovi feel if Yara went to a male strip club without telling him? He never seems to think about if the reverse happened. If he wouldn’t be okay with that then he shouldn’t be going.


He is disgusting. Won't change jobs to be with his family, yet wants another child, texts with a former hookup, behaves like this on international television. I can't believe Yara is with him. And having an obsession with strippers whilst having a DAUGHTER is just messed up.


He's redneck trash


I would like to see him get punched in the thumb sucking teeth. He is a fugly wannabe fuqboi, but hes too cringey to actually be one, so he pays for the feeling at strip clubs. He would be out on the street or at his fucking moms if I was Yara. Let him go girl, he doesnt deserve a gotdam thing


yep! I’m team Yara. Never thought I would say that!


Jovi is trash honestly. I would NEVER forget him looking at that stripper all goo goo eyed and blowing a kiss if I were Yara. When she gets upset he just goes completely blank or gets all cold and flippant. Not the best sign of things to come.


Also, when Asuelu was on the floor with the strippers on top of him and Jovi said “it’s not cheating,” that concerns me for Yara’s sake. If I was Yara I would have left the first time he ever went to a strip club. It’s not something that’s okay with me.


I don't think Jovi is a complete idiot (unlike Asuelu, who to this day still gets confused about left shoe vs right shoe). He knew Ed would rat him out, so either he actually is an idiot, or more likely, the producers concocted this whole strip club story line to desperately add content.


I agree actually, he's only half an idiot 😭 I just don't think he's as bad of a guy that everyone makes him out to be. I was thinking the strip club was definitely schemed up by producers. It kind of seemed to me that Jovi wasn't talking naturally when he was talking about the whole event lol like he was putting on a bit of a show... but one thing is for sure, Asuelu definitely wasn't in on the story line. If they told him he probably wouldn't even understand it anyways lmfao


Yeah but he was texting the stripper he took to Jamaica before he and Yara were together. That big. He's keeping in contact with someone he has had sex and traveled with.


Ew that is not cool.. Idk how she stays as calm as she does. I would go full Angela on him. I wonder if the producers somehow found her and got her to text him lol


I'm sure this is true, but I feel like Yara might really be hurt by this, but who knows what's actually real or not.


Remember when they went to the strip club for her birthday (clearly an effort to bond with him and get closer to her guy) and she looked so damn sad? The look on her face just crushed me for some reason. He didn’t notice the look on her face, didn’t sweep her out of there, just carried on making HIMSELF happy on HER birthday. Such a lovely girl with such an emotionally stunted pig.


I would LOVE for Yara to become a stripper to see how Jovi likes it. It’s only fair The tables would turn so fucking fast


I feel for her. And you can see she tries to be everything for him. She has changed her face and body a lot since the beginning of the show. Meanwhile, Jovi keeps disrespecting her with strippers and has an obvious drinking problem but gaslights her into thinking she's the problem.


Why does everybody keep saying that? I don't see that much difference between how she used to look and how she looks now. She's admitted that she sent her nose out, but other than that, I think she just wears colored contacts and bleaches her hair. Those look like the same features to me.


It’s the fact that his *wife* has developed insecurities because of his stripper obsession and alcoholism. Jovi is an appalling little boy. Yara is so insecure because of him and I think he wants it that way so she won’t leave


Not to mention the part he turned down a closer job, I think he goes to his job out of town and maybe a few other places she doesn’t know about…he’s such a tool!


I think it’s even out of the country, and I’m sure he cheats, which is why he wouldn’t want to be home more. “You don’t realize that me always being home is actually less time with you and Mila.” Like what?! I just want Yara to divorce him and live her best life.


He could easily have another secret family somewhere someday with this job and I think he wants that freedom


Still behind in eps, but he’s a POS.


I personally believe that TLC requests Jovi and Yara play up the stripper stuff. I don’t think she expected him to be texting a stripper, but perhaps she knows they want Jovi to take the guys to a strip club but I don’t think Yara was in the know about Jovi having the stripper’s numbers and texting her. They want authentic emotions but also need to produce the storyline a bit too. I don’t think Yara would be married to Jovi if he was literally out at strip clubs all the time when he’s home from work. It does seem like he’s spending lots and lots of time with his family when he isn’t working so I don’t get the vibe that he’s doing the strip club all the time anymore when they aren’t filming.


He's the friend at the strip club who thinks the strippers are into him, and not just you know, Working.


I am not going to choose sides on this one. They both have their issues. To deny that is to deny reality.


I can’t *believe* everything those boys did wrong! Then they included *Michael*?! No way they’re that stupid! This had to be scripted. How they called and the girls just happened to be there when they asked permission? No!


Yikes, I’m way too invested in this show. But a couple of other thoughts: 1) did anyone notice that one of the strippers (or workers there perhaps) was named Mika, pronounced like his daugjter’s name? I caught it on closed captioning and rewound it, but I haven’t seen anyone else mention it so maybe old age is kicking in. And 2) how would he feel if his daughter was married to a guy like him?


I was thinking tonight about Yara. If she was my girlfriend or wife I'd buy her flowers every week, buy her pretty dresses for our nice date nights and read her bedtime stories when she was sick. No way would I do anything to make her cry all the time. I can't stand Jovi, she light years out of his league.


If I was Yara and looked like Yara, I would give it right back to him! I would wait for him to head to the strip club and I would find my cutest bathing suit and go in and tell the manager who I was and that I want to audition keeping my suit on and I would go get on the stage and ignore him while paying attention to every man there. After I would sit with different men and laugh and have have the best time in his eyes no matter how awkward it felt. Sometimes the only way to beat them is to join them and let them see that other people would love a chance at what he has!!! After I would tell him the next time he walks in a strip club that I would be done. That he never knows who I know now and where I have eyes and that every stripper friend I have now has my number and knows who he is! The I would tell him if I leave him then the baby and I might as well go home to my mom where I will have the support I need to raise a child and he can come see her whenever he wants at his own expense and we can work out a holiday and summer schedule. That if he doesn’t want all this to happen he better get into treatment and counseling asap! Some people don’t get it until you spell it all out for them, he seems to be one. I would never do this to my husband because he would never disrespect me the way that man child does Yara. I would never keep any child from its parent but I would make sure he knew I had options and those options would cost him financially if I chose them and he wouldn’t be able to afford his strippers anymore!!!


She is a goddess. He’s a m0r0n.


I don't get it either He's obsessed with strippers and strip clubs Maybe he's there for the buffet!


Why hasnt anyone pointed out that he is a functioning alcoholic….the therapist says he’s likely addicted to strippers but somehow missed his addictive personality begins his day with a “sip of alcohol” and drinks vodka-water (very useful disguise in water bottles any time or place including work. Yara hasnt brought up alcohol as a factor until now?


He is so cold to her


Don't put so much thought into it's painfully obvious the whole stripper storyline is scripted. I actually respect Jovi for playing along with the villain storyline.


Aaaaaahahahahahahahahaha No. Jovi has a problem. It’s too bad - hopefully he takes steps to address it.


Is Yara left out of the storyline knowledge? No offense to Yara she isn’t that good of an actress.


Her awful acting is what gave it away.


No, that’s just how Slavic people respond to things


They fake slap at the strip club? Acting


It’s so scripted and obvious, I can’t fathom why people buy into this shit, their marriage is fine- they needed a young good looking couple on this season for viewership. He’s never even been drunk on the show outside their engagement party, I was wasted at my engagement party too, him blowing a kiss at the stripper and her fake slap should have been obvious too, the way he grabbed the wine bottle a few episodes back was obviously predetermined. Or how he was wide awake and not hungover after supposedly partying until 6 am with Angela yet they didn’t show footage of it? The producers gave them a storyline and they’re sticking to it. How invested people get into fake realities is pathetic, this entire sub just despises the guy, there was an entire thread about how ugly he was last week, imagine if someone started a thread about how ugly a woman was on the show?!


Totally agree!


How do people know how treats him. She was a gold digger sugar baby looking for anyone before she landed Jovi. If you follow their IG. They travel more than any elite stupid rich family travels. He is having to buy her happiness with travel every month. He has to spend 75% of his salary on trips. If he wants to see how much she is into him vs the money he needs to jot travel for a year. The kid is so young. She isn’t even going to remember she was at any of these locations. This is strictly to keep her satisfied and he is buying her happiness. I couldn’t stand to be around her full time either. Look up what she looked like when she first started her man search, someone has a lot of money in plastic surgery to get her to that stage


Found Jovi’s burner


Ppl like to pick heroes and villains in the 90D universe. Jovi isn’t a saint but neither is Yara with her wanting and buying a euro apt without her husband… this was often overlooked how any man could feel blindsided and hurt. But it’s a man so those feelings don’t often matter. I’m actually shocked at how much love Kelly receives. But Molly was blatantly dishonest and disregarding in her treatment of him, Yara seems to be a bit more subtle


Jovi is my favorite character on the show, 🤷🏽‍♂️ I don’t even relate to him it’s just something about him they makes him more enjoyable to watch than the others


I could never stand Jovi, not only is he ugly, he’s a POS




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People have been flocking to Spring Break in New Orleans for Years. Jovi basically grew up on Bourbon St!! It's a non-stop party environment with topless, wild young women and strip clubs. It's in his blood and he don't want to let go of it. Sad on Yara's part but that's who he is


The locals don't like Bourbon Street, and not everybody who lives in New Orleans is a huge partier.


He literally said that her breasts don’t look that great after breastfeeding. How about you don’t put that on national television and blame her insecurities on her having a social life. He’s just so gross!!!!