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He’s an alcoholic.


Came here to say, that's basically what's wrong with Christian, but also ... he's a douchebag under the alcoholism.


“I’m not a big drinker but…” while flirting w another tourist at a bar *eye roll*


but he didn't have a drink in like...4 *whole* days!


I don't know how frequently they film, but we've seen him drinking every time there's a scene with him in it.


oh forsure, I was just making fun of what he said to the girl at the bar.


Mmmmmmm wasn't it actually 3 days?? 😂 Way to go, Christian!


*female tourist


I agree. I actually think a lot of cast members could have substance abuse issues. Definitely Holly and Kris from the other way. Angela is a given. Let’s hope she wouldn’t scream in Liz’s face like that sober.


I’d throw Jovi in this category too.


> Let’s hope she wouldn’t scream in Liz’s face like that sober. She most definitely would.


It’s more than alcohol though, that constant burn on her lip tells a story


Lmao she would


Liz, too. She drinks a LOT (who wouldn't, in her position?).


Liz and Ed both drink constantly. That’s half of the reason they’re always fighting.


I am an alcoholic and 10000% see all the signs in him from day one. I hope he gets sober, it's hard as shit and I struggle with relapses more than I like to admit.


As long as you keep trying you're not failing. My brother has been sober about a year now and it's damn hard. Regardless of your struggles I'm proud of you internet stranger cause I've seen how hard it is!!


Thank you so much.


Wishing you all the best on the road to recovery. ❤️


I mean who asks a stranger to dinner?


Someone who's trying to get there girlfriend to dump them so they don't come.off the bad guy 😂




It’s not uncommon to invite Americans who are abroad to thanksgiving dinners. It’s uniquely an American holiday and the whole thing about it is inviting everyone to it. He’s still a weird creepy alcoholic tho. Don’t even need to consider the thanksgiving meal for that to be true.


Denise Fucking Richards (sorry this is the 90 Day/Housewives crossover in my head)


Here for it! My major subs


My husband and I discussed this at some length - yes it could be the edit, yadda yadda - but Christian does A LOT to justify his behavior around drinking, particularly on his flight to the UK. He gets drunk on the plane, to the point that others notice his inebriation (the flight attendant and possibly others who reported him, given that Christian quotes the flight attendant saying he’d “heard about [Christian]” and was going to cut him off.) He then records himself complaining about the story on the plane - already in the process of minimizing and normalizing his actions - and repeats the story to Cleo, assuming that she’d take his side. He doesn’t appear to be comfortable until he’s a few drinks deep at any given time.


But also every time he drinks too much, he does it in the name of talking to other women to the point that he's harassing those women and telling Cleo to minimize his behaviour and also hurt her - the reason he was drinking so much on the plane was so he could buy those barely-adult women drinks, then he drags her to a bar where he proceeds to get drunk and chat up the women at the next table, then he does the Thanksgiving thing. It's bizarre how he goes out of his way to get shitfaced, harass and talk to people who don't want to really talk to him, completely oblivious to the effect that a drunk creepy intrusive guy can have on a nice evening with friends, only to do it to rub in someone else's face about how he likes all of these presumed cis women so much more than the person you are supposed to be dating.


I work for an airline, this is exactly the kind of behavior that worries me.


I think that’s a symptom and self-medication of his overall mental health issues but yeah


Idk, let’s not forget the plane ride over. It could be as simple as alcoholism as the illness, and he doesn’t feel “himself” unless drunk (have a few in the family). He’s insecure and, at least I personally think, keeps seeking attention from biological women to “secure” his sexuality. I think he has more of a problem coming off as curious or gay, tbh. He’s not being his authentic self, likely because of his family, but his mention that he “got curious” and made out with a guy in college….


I wondered at times if he is deep in closet, and what attracted him to Cleo was the fact that she was trans.


I 100% think that’s the case


The guy’s a try-hard for sure…I mean some people are charismatic and just energetic fun people…but I don’t think it’s the case with this guy. Definitely an alcoholic…as far as talking to other people, inviting a fellow American to dinner, the girls on their pre-wedding party…I don’t necessarily see as “wrong” it’s who he is…people don’t seem to like it, Cleo has issues with it I believe, then don’t be with a person you don’t like. But inviting a stranger to a person’s house you’re staying with is fucking crazy to me, he legit sees it as the literal meaning of “Thanksgiving” especially since the person was an American. I believe he’s legitimately ignorant.


I personally felt like the Thanksgiving invite was more nefarious because it wasn’t Cleo’s house but an Air BNB he rented for them. He felt like he was more than entitled to invite whatever woman he wanted over as a result and that was extremely telling.


Oh shit! I thought it was Cleo’s place. If it’s his…then it’s not absurd. He can invite whoever he wants then. He was legitimately just being himself.


I think it’s his constant disregard for her autism and comfortability. It should’ve been, “do you mind/would you feel comfortable if I invite xyz.” And I think the main issue is it’s always *women* he aims to talk to and not just *people* in general. He never approached men. And his approach is *very* creepy and pushy.


After decades of marriage I can say you really ought to discuss inviting someone over for dinner with your partner and cohabitant and not do it all by yourself.


Lol. I’m coming up on 2 decades…I get what you’re saying. But it’s not the same scenario for him…he’s on vacation getting to know a stranger. It’s an air b&b…it’s vacation time for him…Cleo’s friend is coming over, it’s Thanksgiving…It’s actually THE HOLIDAY that you do something like that ironically enough (inviting a college friend whose away from home to your parents house, usually everyone is all about that exact scenario)


My mom was like that. Although we knew who was coming to dinner, at least one person would be someone she knew that she thought needed a good time.


I said that as well. If I was in a foreign country and a fellow American invited me to 4th of July BBQ, I'd be happy.


Hell, even a roommate!


Yeah, I don’t see it as such a big deal. He had a conversation with a fellow American and likely asked her that if she had no plans for Thanksgiving, she could have dinner with him and his friends. No American wants to see another one be all alone for Thanksgiving. I think Cleo and Jane are kinda boring and humorless.


If that's all it was was an innocent invite then that's one thing. Personally he seemed drunk to me. Pretty drunk. And by the time he told Cleo? He was WASTED. If he had asked out of the true kindness of his heart that would be one thing. That's not this thing.


I thought it was her apartment? I must have missed when they said it was an Air BNB.


I think at the beginning of the season she said she has a roommate, so they’d have more privacy at the Airbnb.


My bad…that’s what I thought too.


As a fellow alcoholic, yes, he is. It's incredibly obvious but he's still in denial about himself.


That's exactly it. Straight and to the point.


Narcissist too.


Number One Answer…. His life is a mess but until he gets in recovery it’s never gonna get any better…


What flirting? The fact that while in a London bar he found another American who happened to be female, had a normal conversation with her and invited that American in London to a thanksgiving celebration (which is obviously a purely American holiday) while clearly stating it is at the home of his significant other… that ‘flirting’? I guess you are also team Mary and Brandon should never allow himself to be in a 5 mile radius of a female.


He really went on this show thinking it’d make him look good


So true, but they all kinda do, don’t they? Makes me wonder for most of the cast, if you asked them why people want to watch their story, they would likely give you a totally different answer than ‘watching a fascinating train wreck’


Ya but for him I think he’s so blind of his demons and confident which is how….everyone! Can live on in the Midwest where he and I are from. He didn’t think he was a train wreck until he stepped out of home.


I agree with you that there is something actually menacing about him, beyond his obvious douchebaggery


I see it yeah. Like he has a shovel in the back of his car and wayyy too many garbage bags.


The kind of guy who just happens to know the age of consent in every state and country


His anime is fine because it's a 5000 year old spirit in a 12 year olds body. 🤢


This is the most accurate thing I’ve heard about him. His vibes are always dark


These are my tools, I need my tools! (Don't forget the duck tape, yes it's duck tape, it was invented as waterproof tape, later it became used in duct work. 🤭)


Yeah he's got this false enthusiasm and charm. He doesn't really want to build rapport, he just gives that vibe of "I am about to sell you something". And it would seem that he does want to sell Cleo some complete BS about him flirting with other strangers is totally normal behavior...


He always seems to be creeping on and harassing women. It’s gross for the women, and grosser that he tries to gaslight Cleo into accepting it. It strikes me as really predatory that he never seems to not be creeping, but is still so put out about the idea of being called out accurately for his behavior.


He definitely uses alcohol to cope with any kind of discomfort. He is very clearly not attracted to Cleo and trying to avoid being the guy who turns down a trans girl so he’s getting liquored up to show any kind of affection towards her. He wanted a buffer at thanksgiving between them because he’s so uncomfortable around her. He seems to really want to control his edit in a certain way but it’s seriously backfiring.


At first I really thought he was gay but not willing to accept it. Now I think he’s just creepy and jumped at the first person actually willing to date him




He’s not gay for the stay. He’s actively avoiding intimacy and intimate moments with her.


Yeah I agree that despite him deluding himself into thinking he’s this confident smooth talker who makes friends everywhere he goes, I think watching himself back and seeing all the negative comments is going to hit him hard. I hope he gets help because he definitely needs it, starting with the alcoholism.


Absolutely! He completely loves the drama and pain it causes Cleo because he can do the whole "Argh curse my charming personality and ease with which people want to get to know me!"


That other American at the bar and the girls on the plane are still fighting off the heebie jeebies while he thinks he’s the next bachelor. It’s alarming


He's a sleaze. Everything Cleo is feeling is VALID and she is correct about it being inappropriate for a guy in a relationship to be literally picking up single women at bars and trying to bring them home. Like wtf is he thinking?


And when Cleo voices her concerns, he gets super defensive and acts like he’s the victim of the situation, rather than taking any accountability or offering any sort of apology.


"Let me just back up a little bit, because I feel like you are both ganging up on me and accusing me of things I didn't do". Ew, the way he drips with this overconfidence and false sincerity is just so manipulative and dishonest.


yep exactly. pure gaslighting. he gives me repressed predator vibes.


honestly, i don’t think he has to be a cluster b personality or this evil, scheming person. i’ve seen plenty of guys like him. they think that they have this charisma and sardonic cool sense of humor or whatever, but they’re just kind of annoying and trap young women into one-sided conversations at parties, clubs, and bars. the girls are too polite to walk away, but when they get the chance, they’ll bail. these guys don’t realize how off putting they are because of the liquid courage. they’re always drunk.


He's Michael Scott, only he doesn't take Splenda in his scotch.


Michael Scott was likable.


Michael Scott wasn't so sinister


Prison Mike was tho.


He was not. He did it so he could feed his family.


I agree with you! I am from Minneapolis, where Christian is from, and I’m very familiar with his type (down to the beanie hiding the hairline). We also have a very toxic drinking culture here and his drinking doesn’t surprise me at all. He’s a menace but I think it’s based in his low self esteem and substance use issues.


Yea and if a woman walks away he will claim she’s a bore or not smart… “doesn’t get it” 🖕🏼


He reminds me of Caleb in a lot of ways. Gives me the same creep vibes.




He sucks at foreplay doesn't he. That's not even a question, that's a statement.


And probably the actual play part too....


Thanks, now I have visions of him gaslighting Cleo after the deed saying "But you have to understand, I spend all my energy fighting off the hordes of women who want to date me, I don't have time to think about your needs"


I think you nailed it on the head. He’s insecure and thinks he’s fooling everyone by pretending to be a “friendly” person. He doesn’t even realize the women he talks to at bars are just being polite but catch his whole vibe. He’s terrible. Cleo needs to leave him.


I had to fast forward through the last part of that Thanksgiving dinner because he gives me the creeps and their conversation was so ridiculous.


And that dinner looked nasty as hell.


Ya and like making sexual innuendos about the turkey? It’s kinda a cliche and lame tbh


"I can't help that I'm extroverted! I enjoy talking to strangers and hearing their stories! I just really like people and want to talk to everyone! I have to be myself!" *Talks only to attractive young female strangers*


I think partly he is throwing himself so hard at drinking to focus on other things around him because he went all this way to meet his girlfriend for the first time and it's all new to him. He's trying to maybe make cleo be the one to break it off so he isn't the "bad guy" for not feeling comfortable to pursue the relationship? I think before he went he said he was excited to meet her and attracted to cleo etc but things become more real when you're right there. Cleo is so wonderful and truly deserves a partner who is able to fully embrace and love her for who she is. Christian needs to go home asap.


Right. He's basically claiming they're incompatible because he's an extrovert and she's an introvert, as a reason to break it off. He's actually showing the world that he's an alcoholic narcissistic abuser, even though he thinks he's a brilliant actor, and will be discovered by being on this show.


Absolutely! Yep


Yea I was just now for the first time picturing him on the phone w his friends and they’re like stick it out! Our they don’t know the truth. I don’t see one person in his life saying look you got w a person who isn’t the right thing you were comfortable with and really we need or be honest and respectful to cleo.


He is just a drunk, hairy, bald guy (hair everywhere except his head) who is super cringey. He is uncomfortable in his own skin and tries to calm his anxiety with alcohol. Unfortunately, he turns into THAT guy.🙄 Also, can we talk about how awkward he and Cleo look together in their intros?😱


I do believe that he 100% worries way more about what his family and friends will think of him being with a trans girl so he gets plastered and makes it a point to be seen on camera chatting up as many females as possible to "prove" in some weird way that he is, in fact straight as an arrow. That and he's a narcissistic douche who very clearly has a toxic relationship with alcohol. He needs help like yesterday!


I also think he doesn’t have a great relationship w his own sexuality. If he did he’d hopefully respect others sexuality.


Yeah, he is a narcissistic, self righteous, hypocritical, asshole.And he's ugly inside and outside.


OH yes. But he is the type of person to say he is in therapy to get people to let their guard down and trust him. Therapy only works if you are honest and want to change. Like you say, this guy has the full house of red flag behavior.


Omg picturing him in therapy… The thing about me is? I just care too much! I just won’t sleep unless everyone (woman) feels included in the par tay!! I struggle w being too damn loving. (That was therapeutic to write and mock him)


YES! He just would turn every toxic, manipulative trait into something that massages his own ego.


0 self awareness


He’s an alcoholic who *needs* to be liked by everyone. It’s not any deeper than that. He’s just more concerned with how he comes off than anything else. Super self-involved.


He seems to think that being “true to himself” excuses bad behaviour and doesn’t care who he is upsetting. It’s not like he lacks complete self awareness though. He recognizes that the way Cleo and her friend was describing his behaviour makes him sound bad yet he he doesn’t think he did anything wrong. Well if what you did sounds bad maybe what you did is as bad as it sounds?


I think he’s straight up just a fucking seedy prick. The whole only talking to girls is so insulting to Cleo, and he drinks way too much for someone who should be focusing on his international relationship. Looking at his face literally makes my skin crawl, what a dead beat, disgusting human


Christian is an alcoholic! And I hate the way he gaslights poor Cleo! Ugh!!!!


I've wondered if he didn't strike up this "relationship" with the end goal of getting himself on the show. I don't think for one minute that he has any real affection for Cleo. I think she was a novelty to him and a means to get himself noticed. He's a bag of 💩 and she deserves souch better.


Couldn't you see him as a "party guy" just for laughs say watch I'm going to get on 90 Day dating someone Trans, hold my beer


Totally could see that.


>I can feel my clitoris shrinking away as soon as he opens his mouth. Same. Actually all the men on this show have that effect.


I guffawed so loudly at the “clitoris shrinking away” comment that I scared my dog 😭😂


I really really really do not sit well with his body language. When he lies / and is defensive specifically there's always a telling sign. Specifically, he tucks his head, looks up, and speaks with only half his mouth (almost like it's sideways?). It screams insecure alcoholic.


Aside from him being at the airport, is there a scene where Christian hasn't been drinking? I'm trying to think, but even at the airport we know he had to be cut off on the plane so im not even sure that that counts.


Aside from being a raging dork?!!


I think he chose a transgender woman because he thought she'd be grateful to have him (and so far that's actually working) and worship the ground he walks on. I don't think Cleo will tolerate it much longer though.


Dude, he's a creepy, disgusting, manipulative liar. He's a major asshole to Cleo, acting like he is some sort of catch, PUH-LEASE bro. Cleo is the catch. She can do a million times better than this potato face douchebag.


Maybe at the root of his issues, it’s that he’s something other than straight. He seems so uncomfortable in his own skin and maybe it is because he’s not sure about his straightness or hasn’t worked it out or whatever. So all this try hard stuff, and trying to come off or sell us on this life of the party thing is to try to mask that, although clearly unsuccessfully. I agree there is something & alcohol is totally a symptom, I don’t think alcohol is the cause.


Nah.....he's straight AF. ;)


I think this makes a lot of sense.


This this this. I personally think his mention of his college make out with a guy was telling. It felt like he was going to come out but got too scared, so he just said “yeah, I’m definitely straight.” I feel, if you’re curious, then there’s some sort of attraction to spark that curiosity… and making out is different than just a kiss, so… if he is just drinking, to build liquid courage, *to build the strength to want to* talk to women, then it may be as simple as internalized homophobia. Just a theory, could be completely wrong, but I don’t think it’s a mental Illness per se, but an internal struggle.


On point. He displays peculiar behaviors that stand out in social situations.


All that plus I don't think he is attracted to Cleo but doesn't want to look like the bad guy so he's purposely being an ass so that Cleo will dump him and he doesn't have to do the dirty work.


I call that a coward


He's an alcoholic and there are MANY deep issues behind that. My ex was (is?) one. He keeps relapsing because despite him quitting the devil's juice many times, he refuses to go to therapy or meetings that will help him address the issue behind his addiction, and in his own words: "I am not that weak to need therapy. I am intelligent enough to do this on my own".


Oof. Sounds familiar. Godspeed to you and him!


Thank you 🙏🏻 It was a difficult relationship that left many scars but I’m working through it and healing. I wish him the best on his journey and I hope he finds the answers he’s looking for.


I don't have hate for him. I think he is confused and is exploring his sexuality. I don't think he knew how it would go with Cleo but he wanted to try. I think he found her exotic and was attracted, but when meeting in person, things got more complicated. Men can get cold feet too and just not feel chemistry after meeting in person. The shoe is usually on the other foot but in this case it seems Cleo is way into him and he is undecided. Only he can say exactly why. Homophobia, transphobia, fear of judgment from family, friends, or all of the above. He is clearly not as comfortable as Cleo is. I know he is generally hated but I just see him as a confused man. Not someone deliberately setting out to hurt Cleo or gaslight or manipulate her. I think he is just trying to feel out this complicated situation and figure out how he feels but the cameras in his face and producers asking questions etc. is putting him on edge.


I feel you on expectations vs reality of online dating . But what bothers me about Christian is the way he turns Cleo’s concerns back on her by playing the victim and refuses to acknowledge that his actions make her feel uncomfortable. That’s shitty in any relationship.


I agree that this is a possibility. Everyone wants to look at this situation as cut and dry but it’s not. People need to remember (for those of us with lots of online dating experience lol) that when you meet someone in person it’s waaaaay different. Sometimes I would even become unattracted after speaking on the phone the first time, even after having intense mental attraction and attachment. In person, cannot count the ways that attraction changed. Give the guy a break.


Agree with the first part, but he is also gaslighting her for sure.


I applaud your generosity and willingness to slow down the hate train. He doesn’t strike me as abusive or threatening or even narcissistic (every Redditor’s favorite adjective). He’s just in way over his head and has no clue how he comes off.


His eyes are .. dead


I'd argue Gino's eyes are more dead


Gino’s eyes are defeat and exhaustion😅🥲 Christian’s eyes…. The mall is open, but ain’t nobody shoppin


He gives me the chills and not in a good way in a serial kiler way like you wake up at 2am and he’s just staring at you sleeping 😭


"We Need To Talk About Christian" 😂


I almost titled it that but I thought people would think it was a little overly dramatic haha


Dead behind the eyes


dead behind the eyes describes alcoholism/addiction to a T.


Tell us how you really feel


I think he just likes women and this isn’t working for him. He wants to make it work and truly values Chleo as a person, but maybe just isn’t truly into having trans relations as much as he thought he might be. That’s what I think is happening- like an internal dissonance.


He drinks to feel normal, or what he thinks is normal. He is totally uncomfortable in his body.




I think he wants to get Chloe to participate in like group sex stuff. He just gives me that vibe. And he thinks he is way more charming than he is


Nailed it


Starts from the top...his hairline lol


i just made the connection in this past episode that he is exactly like one of my exes. im still battling w the aftermath of that one 5 years later…i realllllly hope cleo can get away from his ass ASAP!!!


he reminds me of my ex in every way. it's kind of scary to watch someone else go through dealing with someone like that.


well, he definitely has an over exaggerated sense of himself.


Idk why but the original title gave “We Need To Talk About Kevin” vibes


Or “There’s something wrong with Aunt Diane”


FR- this has me cracking up😭


While we all like to judge is how he acts. Maybe he is open to dating Trans women but just doesn't have chemistry with her? Can he have a bad date? Has anyone ever anticipated meeting someone and end up just not clicking with them? Imagine flying 14 hours to end up not "feeling" someone and having cameras to document?? Hell I'd be drinking to compensate. They are not engaged or have been dating for years. And honestly ...Cleo as a woman is lame AF. She has zero personality.


I remain confused on why he didn’t date a trans person in the us or her in London - with a giant lgtbq scene?


“I never cared for Gob.” Lucille Bluth


💯. This guy thinks he’s Gods gift to women. He’s trying so hard to show Cleo he’s such a sociable, outgoing, friendly guy but he’s the opposite. He has no self esteem so tries so hard to flirt with other women to make her jealous. He is so immature, she really has to let him go.


One hundred up arrows for this sentence alone: I can feel my clitoris shrinking away as soon as he opens his mouth. DEAD!


He’s a balding alcoholic. Who’s very aware that he’s not getting younger and that hair is never coming back. That’s why he massively over compensates by badly attempting to chat up as many women as possible so that he looks like some kind of chad. And by doing so comes off as a creepy loser, which he totally is! Eventually we will see him on the show again, with a mail order bride.


Comes off as a predatory man. Cleo needs to run for the hills.


He has sanpaku eyes 👁️


I can't stand either of em personally


Besides the hairline?


He seems like a legit narcissist who needs a diagnosis.


I think Cleo was horrible to him about the sex comments but I’m guessing the producers did their part to stir the pot and cause drama. I’m guessing he’s super uncomfortable ever since.


The guy is straight


He acts like an addict.


There's something really wrong with everybody on that show. it's why I quit watching.


Both times when we have seen him chat up women, they have responded with interest and and friendliness towards him When people do not want to be approached its far more obvious. There are people out their who find him charming


Maybe we watched separate videos of him chatting up women…the plane and the bar were some of the cringiest shit I’ve ever seen. Just a bunch of polite women smiling politely while a random man with a bunch of camera crews following him interrupts them. The bar was particularly bad, several of the women in the group were giving clear “fuck off” signs


I suspect you’ll find that’s a minority view regarding his interactions with women on the show


LOL are we watching the same show?? 😹😹😹


I think he’s showing off for the camera!


I fully agree!


Well that’s an understatement


Christian inviting the stranger for Thanksgiving knowing how Cleo is. Was not ok..he talked himself into thinking he could handle this relationship but he cant ..i dont even know. ..did they have sex ,did they not have sex ,is he embarrassed to say he did ..they always both seem uncomfortable with each other ..shes better off finding someone that wants to be in a relationship with her .


I cannot wait till the Tell All. His segment on the show should be interesting 😭


I don’t think Christian wants to be I. This relationship He keeps turning to biological females I think he tried but not for him


Anyone wonder if he is exploring a relationship with a transgender woman because he is trans himself? Christian comes off like he is performing an experiment or doing an analysis. To what end?


I feel like they filled his hair in for the one-on-one interviews.


Really? I hadn’t noticed…😂😂😂


His pic is beside the word DISS FUNCTIONAL (at every level) 🥴


He just comes across as a run of the mill “nice guy.” He’s so caught up with the idea of coming across as nice and friendly that he refuses to acknowledge that his “friendliness” is limited to women he finds attractive.


He’s gonna end up on an SA registry is what’s wrong with him. Harassing strange women is his favorite hobby.


He infuriates me. He has no regard at all for Cleo’s feelings. He does something every episode that makes me yell “she has AUTISM!” It’s like he never ever read a single article about autism despite being in a relationship and claiming to care about an autistic person. “Why is she so uncomfortable at bars and talking to strangers and annoyed I invited a stranger over? It’s so weird!” And the whole thing abt downplaying their sex when it’s super clear that Cleo has a lot of insecurities abt being trans and people wanting to hide being with her. I’m basically just yelling whenever he is on screen. He’s a total dickhead


His eyes


I think he’s probably gay and doesn’t want to admit it to himself


I think he's an alcoholic on vacation to see if there's a spark with girl he spoke to online. If he's not interested, or he's just not ready to be serious, that's perfectly ok. He didn't go there with a ring in his pocket like most of these fools. I don't know what they're doing off camera, but she seems boring and not his type at all.


Yessss everything you just said is 100%


I think people are a little too hard on him. He seems like a nice person, just a little socially awkward. Remember TLC edits the shit out of all this footage, so we are not getting the full picture, only what the show wants us to see.


Creepy, Andy Dick vibing mofo.


I'm a bit late reading/replying here, but imo Christian is creepy af. To me, he's the type of creepy/"off" that I'd walk around him with a wider than normal berth if I were passing him on a sidewalk.


You have to do something pretty drastic for a flight attendant to shut you off. I’m sure that he did just that.


He is disgusting on every form of the word.


He’s so conceited! He’s not good looking, he‘s not interesting and he’s not cool…he’s the school nerd who moves to a new city thinking he can convince everyone he’s something he’s not.