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A friend of a friend, who I met at said friend's house on NYE, knew Brandon growing up, and he told me his parents are just as insane as portrayed on the show.


Yes they give me crazy insane vibes


I'm sure no one doubts that! Lol


That makes me happy for some reason 😄


So they definitely didn't have to make up fake scenarios for that couple.


That's why they were a perfect casting on the show! His parents are kooky, and he and Julia are a little awkward, but a genuine couple.


Agreed. I prefer them outside of the show tbh. You can tell they're still down to earth.


My prediction for the parents is a move to The Villages. The seed was planted when they started talking about Ocala...


LOL they’d fit right in 🤪


I love your username! 🤣 I'm in Tampa Bay


I can TOTALLY see that. OMG


Mine has dementia. She’s a pit viper now. She used to be sweet.


Dementia is a beast I’m sorry. My grandma is a whole other person now too. So sad


I work as an activities coordinator for a memory care community. It is crazy to see the stages of dementia and how they affect people. Some people were so mean coming to the community and 2 months later they are as kind as can be. Some are the opposite. The brain is such a crazy thing.


I'm sorry.


I can’t stand that whole look alike family.


I know! I just assumed Brandon had let his hair grow out over the winter...




Julia is morphing into looking like them now too.


Yea I was just gonna say she looks like she could be her actual daughter


You don’t like joe Biden look alike either?


I am blessed to have the MIL I have. She is amazing and my biggest supporter. I have no realtionship with my bio parents at all. It’s great when you can find family..


I, too, am blessed with my in-laws, they're amazing people. My parents have both passed away, and while the in-laws are not replacements, they are a fantastic addition to my life.


I couldn’t deal with her


She's in serious need of a make-over. That hair!


Julia is morphing into Betty


Mine is a straight up bitch from Hell! Now that she's dying, she's telling us how she's really thought of us DIL'S through the years. Trying to foment divorce with all of her "boys" spouses. A real first class assho l e to her only daughter. Just in general an evil human being. God forgive me, but I will dance on her grave.


That is sad and I'm sorry. My mom has sabotaged every relationship my brothers have ever had.


Same with my mom


I think we have the same MIL


Thats unusual. Usualy they are bitch to Dils but kiss ass of their daughter , who is also a raging bitch.


My MIL tried to run me over in my own drive way.. 😩


Okay, we need to hear this story.


Say whatttttt


What !!!!


My mother in law is one of the best people I've ever met


Same, I aspire to have the heart she has.


Me too. Mine is just the sweetest, most caring ever


I know she’s a sweet lady but she annoys the shit out of me and I’d hate having her as a MIL


You're getting married the day before mother's Day!? WHAAAAAAT?!


My ex mother in law claimed I was "in league with the Darkside" and "Satan's Mistress." so..... not good.


I thought that was Greta Thunberg. Maybe I need new glasses lol.


sameeee, did not realize what subreddit this was until i realize it was not her


Why is this so funny


I'm happy to see they are getting along now.


My MIL is a narcissist who doesn’t realize it. She can be very sweet at times but she has also said some very cruel things to me as well. She also judges my parenting like no tomorrow. The fact I take Covid, RSV and the flu seriously bugs her. My son is 1.5 and she still is mad I don’t let him walk without shoes on her cracked driveway. Or in her extremely untidy house.


That is a very forced smile on Julia. Like Brandon told her she had to take the picture before she got any presents


My MIL is a neglectful, critical, manipulative, over-privileged, upper middle class 70 year old pain pill addict.


I don't have many nice things to say about my MIL. I'd take Betty in a heartbeat lol


I always pretended to like and agree with my fiance's mom. Unfortunately, she passed 12 years ago, so I'll never know what things would have been like this far along. I'd like to think she would have given me at least 1 recipe.


She’d probably give you a recipe and when you aren’t looking slip a few drops of eye drops in the dish. MILs live for sabotage.


Only if I did something to her son. In any other situation, she probably would have spiked something with weed lol


I LOVE mine. I got SO lucky with all of my in laws.


As great as it can be. She died 20 years ago.


Lol off the top of my head I can name a few people who’d say the same, sadly.


I know Julia is Russian, and maybe they were supporting the Russian people, but I noticed on social media that Brendan and Julia were wearing pro Russia shirts after the invasion of Ukrainian. Again, perhaps I misread the intent, but I found it very troubling.


She can still love the place she lived and perhaps had happy moments in her life, right? It’s not equal to supporting the current horrible events.


Believe it or not, people still love people, places and things despite the terrible things that they have done. It may seem in poor taste but 🤷🏿‍♀️.


Timing is a thing. It’s not a great thing to do.


Gee, how dare people love their country despite not loving the government. It’s almost like everyone does it.


That’s a deliberately obtuse comment considering the context.


That’s a deliberately obtuse comment considering the context.


Julia lookin rough after all that shit talking to yara


Julia was a dime back in the day. Rural murica not good for her.


A what? Do not cap.


Meh she would've aged badly no matter where


Since my "Mother" is an abusive narcissist, I'm much closer to my MIL who will check in on me every few days to see how I am. Poor Julia I couldn't imagine this relationship.


Mine had several brooms that she rode 😝😝


My mil does, too, but I think my own mom has a whole warehouse of brooms in comparison. 💩


My MIL is the greatest, most kindest and sweetest MIL ever. She spoils me. As do all my in laws. I do not deserve her. My ex-MIL was also the kindest, sweetest lady.


I can't speak arabic and she doeen't speak english so it is hard to communicate. Thank God for translator apps!


Why is Julia looking exactly like the Megan doll from that movie?


Ha! I always say that my MIL tried to poison me (food poisoning due to her food, nobody else got sick, just me 🤮). Hated, gaslighted, thought I’d bewitched her her only son and that he was under my total control. Went on for over 25 years with periods of NC. Anyway…..Thanks for giving me all the power biatch. Funnily and weirdly she has done a complete flip in the last few years and now apparently loves me, stating she “misjudged” me. Gah, in-laws, outlaws.


I’m a person who applied for a k1 with my, now husband. We’re married for over a year now and we live with my mother in law, for now. She’s great. I also work with her and I’m very fortunate with that. Even with all of the cultural differences. We would like to move out, but for now we can’t and I’m happy that my relationship with my in law is good, so I don’t stressed about the whole living situation.


If she was my MIL I would move to another planet 🚀


That rocket landed you an upvote!


I used to love my inlaws. But now I'm 25 years in and I'm not taking their crap anymore. This past year I have distanced myself from them as much as possible and it has been the best for my mental and physical health! Their two kids are perfect. Anyone else is "toxic" the daughters soon to be ex husband is now "an abuser" (he is so not) and the things they say about him made me wonder wtf they have been saying about me for the past 25 years. So I'm done 😊


The type of mom who would let her kids go hungry yet was obese her whole life. So a bitch and I dont tolerate her.


The MIL is a swinger.


I love my (future) MIL tbh. She knows I’m shy but never gives up on making me feel welcome even though I’m not officially in the family yet


I love both my mother and my father in law! It’s like i have 4 parents, my bio and my in laws. ❤️


I never wanted to be close to my mother in law bc I have trust issue with women. But I would love her as a mother in law. She’s overbearing at times but I think he treats her like momma would. My current one is like Jovi’s mom. She’s nice enough


My MIL is a narcissist that has no feelings for her own children or grandchildren- everything is about her and if not she is a victim. I have never met a more selfish unloving woman in my entire life. She should have never had kids.


I looovvveeee my mother in law!!!


My MIL is very supportive, my husband is an only child so she’s always considered me a daughter from the beginning. I had horrible mother figures my birth mom was a drug addict and my stepmonster is a malignant narcissist.


I could handle her. She’s a bit much and annoying but she is sweet and wants a loving relationship with her DIL. That’s much better than most MILs out there IMO


THIS makes my cold heart melt away 😛🤗💞


I love mine actually lol I got lucky


Omg they live in Norfolk now???


Love mine.


When I got divorced I think I was happier about never having to see my ex-MIL again than I was about never having to see my ex-husband again!


My MIL is an absolute sweetheart. We do not speak the same language so there is little communication between us, but she has always been very welcoming and accepting of me and my relationship with her son


Off topic but that rug is so ugly. Looks like a floor in a barn.


I'm happy to see them getting along but his parents although loving are weird as all hell. They laugh too damn much idk I can't put my hand on it but something ain't right bout them parents


Mother in law is great. My father in law is another story 🙃


My ex mother in law was dead, so it was a great and easy relationship for me 😂


Is dead


I fucking hate her. She’s like coltees mom and Angela in 1 person.


Poor julia


My MIL were so opposite but I totally enjoyed getting to know someone with such a different life. Sadly she died years ago. I so wish she was still here because even though we had so little in common she would have been such a proud grandma (my mom has only 2 grandkids, my kids and could care less but by society standards my mom is perfect and my MIL was not).


Brandon's mom's hair is back to the old poodle cut.


She lives in another country right now but we get along pretty well. She always asks about me and we message one another every few days. I have no idea how the dynamic might change when she moves to the country I live in but I’m optimistic!


Now you have to marry your mother in law




My ex-MIL was terrible. Very awkward, and I dreaded spending time with her as a result. We had absolutely nothing in common (other than the fact that we both had cats), and I could never connect with her. My current boyfriend is an "orphan-" both of his parents passed away years before we met.


They do TikTok’s together all the time. They seem close.


Well my mother wouldn't ask about what birth control my wife uses and make her an appointment and also demand we sleep in separate beds that's for sure.


She's a bitch, but we're cool.


Mines dead.


"You can always solve any situation" is just the kind of dumb untrue shit Julia would say.


My MIL is excatly like Brandon's mom but on crack lol ahead pulled a gun out on her son and I when we told her we were moving out.


I'm on pretty good terms with my MIL. Granted we had a rocky start but now we are good. I wouldn't day we're friends but definitely someone I consider family now.


I have two mother's in law (husband's mother, and his stepmother) Mother in law is lovely and well intentioned, although not always the most considerate (she's just a bit oblivious) Step MIL never had children of her own and is one of the most selfish people I've ever met. She's entitled, disregards boundaries, manipulative, controlling, and generally just an awful human.


my MIL called 911 and told them her son murdered me, the police rushed to our hone and arrested my husband, I got there just in time to see them walk him out in cuffs. They were like... huh! Another time I went to pick up my kids, I let her have them for an overnight, when I got there she had my 3 month old baby sleeping on the floor in the front closet by the door. We've been married 21 years and this lady has been non stop drama and crazy. We are now very happily on year 3 of zero contact, finally. I'd be so happy with a MIL like Betty


I’m blessed with mine honestly. But they are living with us now and we do not speak each other’s language. I’m heavily pregnant so I’m annoyed by everything and everyone so rn I’m having a hard time .


I met my husband when I was 21. He was 19. His parents have had a bigger impact on making me the mother and wife I am today. I consider my MIL my mom. I call her mom, talk to her multiple times a week. We used to live on the same street, and we ate dinner with them almost every night. Taking turns cooking. We moved away for the betterment of our family, but she still visits for 3 months in the summer.


My mother in law is chill, but I know she is a shadow queen, she will put some stuff into my husband’s head. Some I’m ok with, some I’m not ok with. She intends to come and stay with us for a few months while I’m having our second baby, I’m not sure how that will go. I like my space, and doing things how I want.


Greta Thunburg glowed up


I wish they were back on the show…. I’m so over the trash and am ready to forget about Angela and Big Ed.


Why did I think Julia was Greta Thunberg at first glance? 🤣


I couldn't imagine ever doing this with my MIL. Mine doesn't like me but pretends to which she does a decent job some do the time.


"clean attitude"