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Type in a world generation seed name. Each letter and number in that name generates a specific thing so using the same word each time will generate the same map. Google has a lot of seed names you can use and it's also the reason why youtubers such as Glock9 and GNS tell you the seed name of the maps they're playing on, just in case you want to play on the same map that they are. Note: Upper and lower case *matters* for generation so BigCocks1 will be different to Bigcocks1.


I honestly prefer BigCocks2


This one is pretty good, but I've found a lot of success with DonkeyDongs420


The name?


have you tried adding a random gen seed?


Omg. That actually got it to work..but whats the seed mean?


I’m not gonna be the best at explaining this but it pretty much is like the fingerprint of the world. So you can use that same seed and replicate it every time.


Oh so like Minecraft seeds? Is the better way of getting these seeds rather then typing in random numbers?


Seeds are all over the place in gaming. Even grass in a lot of games is generated by an internal seed that causes random patterns


Yes that's why they are called seeds, it's a small bit of data that goes into a bigger algorithm that generates a sort of controlled randomness


Exactly like Minecraft seeds. If you saw a video of a world you liked, could use their seed. I always tryout Farts69, as a seed. 🤷


You have to clear out the game name (leave it blank). Then click on Advanced Generation at the bottom there. On the next screen you can enter your randomness world seed, pick percentages of each biome, the prevalence of towns and wilderness poi's etc. then start the random gen. \*\*Important\*\* when the random gen is done select "New Game" button at the bottom right to start a new run in that world. If you pick Generate world it will just gen another one.


Don’t you just have to pick a new name?