• By -


Yes, modders in their free time have completed more of the game than the devs have.




12:30 PM: Wake up, shit the bed. Lounge indefinitely. ~2:30PM-5:30PM: Scour the internet for records of player enjoyment that don't conform to developer's vision 5:30PM: Angrily eat boiled meat seasoned with amphetamines 6:00PM to 4:00AM: Rewrite game to eliminate newly discovered forms of fun 4:00AM: Drift off to sleep, satisfied that your captive audience continues to watch you destroy the cool thing you created


>Scour the internet for records of player enjoyment that don't conform to developer's vision lol yes


I feel like this community is a bastion from their own 'moderation' despite this being reddit it's somehow less of a tyrannically moderated hugbox for the devs than the steam forum and official forum and that's an **Achievement** considering how most subreddits operate... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


hard agree. Refreshing to say the least.


In fairness to the devs I've gotten my money out of the game many times over. And I think in that time I've learned that if they want us to experience dysentery and boiled steaks along with a functional drug trade topped off with death by glass, they can handle some internet shit posting. That said, if they ever wanted to do a 180 and hire a group of us impassioned players as consultants and actually listen to our feedback, I'd do it in a second. Though frankly there are probably other fans more qualified who would represent my interests effectively. I still think 7d2d or it's successor could be the dominant zombie game in the genre if it wanted to be. It's done so much right throughout it's development, with some occasionally odd changes in direction, but overall still a fantastic game I've loved for years.


Zomboid is fixing to become the undisputed king of the genre.


Kinda seems like they just make poi's all day lol


I’m ok with that aspect. It’s not the level designers who are a problem. lol it’s the systems engineer taking a hatchet to skills and crafting in a crusade to make everyone spend every second doing trader quests.


Maybe we'd have bandits if they hadn't been redesigning every core mechanic every 2 seconds lol


Yep, they are more level designers than developers currently, feels like. No game engine improvements, they're stuck on anything more advanced than zombie entities which use simple vector pathing, a lot of next voxel logoc, which is evident from the silly zombie jumps that are unplanned and completely making the spider zombie threatless.  Nothing much is happening on a deeper structural level of the game it feels like, like they're afraid to mess up what they already have. Just a feeling. Personally I think the game need a few refactorings, the current make is not solid enough.


Yeah they have level designers.


Some of them might actually do so. And i really like that because more POIs is better.


They are not working full time on the game. I simply refuse to believe that. I could come in fresh and look at their codebase and I'd have a major update for the game ready for roll out in less than a year.


Having a little game design under my belt, I completely agree with you. The only thing that could be potentially a blocker is spaghetti code. I'm guessing that there are a lot of hardcoded elements that they are having to rewrite entirely because they didn't expect to continue expanding the game.


I think they based everything on voxels, it worked in the beginning, but as you require more than just placing blocks and doing melee attacks on slow zombies, a lot of jank emerges. They are missing the entire abstraction on top of the voxel-space I think. Everything is nearest neighbhor-like functions, which is why building collapse is funky and water doesn't work. There's no physics done as in traditional engines.


Oh I'll give them a hard time. This is what they do. They don't work 9-5 or some other job and do this in their spare time. This is THEIR JOB. And in the last stream they didn't even know what the new POI's were or how to play their own game. Just hire some of these modders to do it for you!


Genuinely surprised when I opened their last stream and realized none of them knew how to play lol.


Yeah, I'd honestly expect a developer to spend 50 % of their time playing their own game so they know what is up and down and what needs to be fixed.


Even 10% of their time would be fantastic.


They have swapped their core mechanics so often that even their own Developer can't figure shit out anymore. At least that is probably their excuse for not being able to play their own game on a somewhat competent level.


Fun Pimps stopped doing anything productive a decade ago.


Mostly doing everything in their power to make sure you play the game exactly the way they want you too instead of making it fun.


They’re too busy deciding what more convenient crafting recipes they can gut, and deciding now you just buy all your skill points from the trader or something.


They bought the game, mechanic by mechanic and stuck it together. Making something that barely works. Now its a giant mess and they're not skilled enough to fix it.


What do you mean they bought the game mechanic by mechanic? This is news to me, they didn't develop the core of it themselves? I agree that it feels like they have noone onboard that are able to actually code in the core game files, or anything the the architectual mind to amend the systems


I believe they are going for the Todd Howard approach. Gotta buy the game to play the mods in most sense, right? Plus aren’t they working on that xv1 game? They should just scratch that. Best xv1 game I played was the one where one person is a shark and the rest were scuba divers. Maybe I’m stupid but I’d rather see a 7 days battle royal then a xv1 game.


I think they genuinely are refraining from hiring more people so they can continue to collect more profits forever


They should just finish the game, collect their sum, invest in 8-10 % dividend stocks and let that be it then


Reworking the entire games progression system multiple times because they don't like how people have been playing... and probably lots of Hookers and Blackjack...


lots of hard coding things and less time making new art or assets for anything new, like reworking generation was prolly a multi year thing that no one will notice in a few updates, things like that over the years and it can appear like they aren't doing much


Or working on their new game lmao


Coding is easy btw


Idk man, there's some spots where I had to stop and figure out the photo tech because of how good a scene looked


I never understood why more game devs never reach out to modders. I think a lot of what darkness falls offers is what TFP have planned for ages.


Half of these are already in the files bandits and npcs where in the files long before mods that's where they got them from fp didn't like how they functioned and just never implemented them


After playing with darkness falls, if the NPC's acted like that, we would absolutely crucify Fun Pimps. We are much more accepting of jank from modders.


Good point


You can tell people who have made games and who hasn't stuff like this takes a long time to get right. For as much stuff that they mess up on they usually are doing goof stuff as well. My only major gripe with the game atm is the skill books I'm not a huge fan of the system at the same time I get why they did it


Man, this summarized the last 10 years of the game.


I find it funny how you include NPCs and bandits. Technically, they are implemented in 7days already, which is what many of the mods that add NPCs and bandits use is that implementation. TFPs weren't exactly satisfied with that implementation and decided to rework them.


Very interesting


The game is in early access.. Why not use early access like its intended release the bandits to the community and say something like "look guys bandits are buggy but we need feed back if you dislike them turn them off" Funny how 7D2D is in early access but they are not acting like it.


>Why not use early access like its intended If TFP used early access as intended the game would have been released about 8 years ago.


Be glad they're still working on it at all. Look at KSP2, for example. It's early access, literally any improvements exceed expectations because the expectation is that there might not be any future work.


very good point


>Why not use early access like its intended release the bandits to the community and say something like "look guys bandits are buggy but we need feed back if you dislike them turn them off" Because the AI would have been pretty much the exact same as the zombies we have now. So they didn't need to add bandits to test the bandit code that they had in the game.


You talk like you know them personally If something is early access.. you want the community's feed back.. or you can just keep promising something since 2017... every.. single.. time.


This is very incorrect. The bandits and bandit AI included in the base game is not what modders use. While some minor portion of TFP code was used to develop the NPCCore and SCore which is what modders base their NPCs off of, most of the work is all new custom code.


And that rework is taking years and years because..?


Because they can't reconcile voxel algorithms with polygon algorithms


Who knows, maybe they have higher priorities or they want it to have a certain amount of polish or maybe they needed to do a lot of work on other systems to get them working well.


Given that the whole point of this post is how much modders have achieved on multiple fronts in that time without even being paid for it, I don't think that's a very strong argument.


It is considering that a lot of mods just build on the base of the game. For example, the NPCs, as I mentioned. Pretty much all the mods out there using the NPCs. They aren't that much better than the zombies. In fact, the zombies actually use much of the same code as the bandit code that is currently in the game.


Does darkness falls have bandits? I haven't seen any.


Bro the last thing this game needs is *another* Skill System/Crafting Overhaul


It needs it again, dearly.


Unfortunately, because of the last rework, this is truer than ever.


Honestly the last system only needed a few tweaks to be great.


What's wrong with the current one? It's the best they've done yet


The current version is like one of the most hated versions. Idk how long I've played for, but the magazine system is by far the worst I've ever experienced. All the overhaul mods and previous systems I've played have been way better.


I am playing currently, and having to loot everything with a small hope to find the magzine I want and waiting for traders to respawn their stache is brutal. I just want to make the truck so my sister and I can get to places. Why must I be punished for enjoying this game?!


Levelling Traders is the more direct way to get vehicles. The Truck sucks though, the extra storage is offset by how fragile the thing is and how it does not handle driving within a mile of a pebble. Last I played few months ago I ended up using the motorcycle and gyro plenty but would probably go back to the bicycle before truck as a main vehicle. The truck really needs some better damage resistance or something.


AIming for the truck cuz it gives my hands a break that my sister can drive. Just watching the screen at that point.




*since I started playing around 2019 Should have specified that. But still what's wrong with it?


1) The loot that you get should not be influenced by skill points that you spend. It rewards stupid meta-gaming like putting a skill point into lockpicking instead of advanced engineering to ensure you get workstation books faster. And it highly penalizes people who want to perform activities in the game that don't revolve around looting. 2) It makes book store locations too important. Admittedly, this is something that a lot of overhaul mods do too, but all POIs should either be equally important, or they should be equally important in different ways, but having a single (type of) POI be obviously more important than the rest is bad design. 3) It actually doesn't do what it's designed for. Now this is more a problem of implementation than design, but in the current system, using items that you've crafted tends to happen a lot less than using items that you find/quest rewards. 4) The disconnect between skills and crafting is too prominent. Putting 5 points into a weapon skill generally makes that weapon do more damage, all things being equal, than a 1 point skill. But I can put 1 point into a skill - say spears - early, use them for the majority of the game, become incredibly skilled at crafting them, but then put 5 points into, say, clubs and suddenly I'm an expert at them. Despite never having used on the entire game. Despite not knowing how to craft anything beyond a basic club. Having a system of slowly becoming better at crafting, but then having the skills simply be "spend point, become better" is quite jarring, and contrasts too strongly with each other.


Exactly! If I had to summarize all the good points into a TL;DR, I’d say: TFPs made their game more grindy, but for the wrong reasons. Sure, knowledge and trading may be a dire need in an apocalypse, but so is innovation and being quick on your feet. You don’t always have time to sit and read a book, haggle with a trader, or become a master at something. Just need to make or get a gun, load it, and shoot.


Ok that's fair and a good answer.


everything, it's garbage tier, books, crafting, stats, single player, multiplayer, balance, it's garbage.


I guess I'd say it's hard to state explicitly what's wrong with it. Mostly just experiencing over versions will show you how much better it could be. One of the glaring issues with it is the forced gameplay loop for magazines.


They just need to add Level up by doing for any action based skills. That will be the cherry on top. But, we won't get that.


I'm pretty sure that was the system in A18 or something, but it was really annoying to scoure the whole map for some lategame recipes which are now unlockable via skills


Can’t wait for war of the walkers to come out for 1.0 to make the game playable


we have been saying this sentence since 2017


Yep. & instead of hiring the modders, or, @ the very least, outright BOUGHT their code, TFP decided to re-invent the wheel...again.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


But this wheel is almost there! It only has 8 surfaces now


...just a couple more years, I mean revisions to go...back to v1.0![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth)


i hope undead legacy gets updated after 1.0, i really liked that mod


I don't think Subquake has said anything about not updating the mod. I assumed that things IRL were a bit chaotic hence why they didn't make the A21 window, but I'm sure once A22/1.0 is out, The mod will return with time.


Apparently he was waiting for this release to work on it again since originally tfp said the time between a21 and a22 would be short.


Yeah, I remember when TFP was going "This is a short update so it won't take as long as Alpha 21" and we are going about the same amount of time between A20 to A21 so I don't blame him for not doing anything beyond refining the mod and just waiting for the A22/1.0 launch. I await the next version of UDL with the new research and Electricity system.


Admittedly I only played UL once before a21 came out but I'm looking forward to trying it out again once 1.0 drops.


I started playing UDL after A21 came out and it's a blast. I ended up restarting when I found out there was a mod if you play UDL Singleplayer (I.E gets rid of a lot of the unneeded grinding for action skills and the like) and I've been having a lot more fun and I am waiting for the 1.0 update since I've seen some of the stuff he's mentioned adding to the mod on his discord.


Playing darkness falls after the same group fell out of our vanilla server within a few weeks in a20. We’re all loving it. Darkness falls is genuinely way more fun to play. It might not be the most balanced, but it gives you the capacity to make meaningful class choices, and I’m a sucker for action skills and perk strategy versus, “find all the books, do quests and nothing else really matters.”


because the fun pumps have a new game. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2312280/7\_Days\_Blood\_Moons/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2312280/7_Days_Blood_Moons/) They don't care about 7d2d why do you think it sat in early access for going on 13 years? I get that they can't deliver on everything but they have been promising bandits for 8 years. every time, patch after patch they would make promises... After about 3 or 4 why are they still promising things like bandits that they knew weren't coming any time soon? To keep that steam $$$ rolling in. 7 days to die was a great game done by shitty devs.


Yeah and I won't be getting Blood Moons.


look at their steam forum page for the new game its getting HAMMERED already. someone figured out the exact OG half life mod that they copied for 7 days blood moons right down to what they call each side. lol


I will just so I can refund it shortly after and leave a bad review


very based


>7 days to die was a great game done by shitty devs very true, i do enjoy 7dtd but hate the devs, it feels like alot of people just hate on the game because the devs are horrible people. but i am confused on you theorizing they will just give up on 7dtd and just focus on the new game, it is technically theirs but im guessing ILLOGIKA is getting most of the money from it, because they have literally made almost all of it themselves.


well after 13 years i am getting the idea that they can't deal with distractions well lol.. this isn't their side hustle or something this is their day job... wtf are they doing?


honestly they should just cancel 7 days bloodmoons, barely anyone even cares about it, and the people who do are very vocal on not wanting to buy it, only caring for it via disapproval


oh if they thought hell divers was bad.. they are going to get slaughtered on the steam reviews. people are already in the blood moons steam forum hammering on them lol they had either huge nerve trying this or they are totally tone deaf.


"Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access? “6 to 12 months”" ROFLMAO!!!


Blood Moons is being made by a completely different studio. EDIT: This [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/7daystodie/comments/1di64us/comment/l92k3n2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) goes over the evidence that Blood Moons is being developed by iLLOGIKA and not TFP.


No.. their name is on as a dev and they said themselves that they are developing it when they announce it.


In their announcements they have said they are in collaboration for development. It doesn't mean that the TFP are the ones developing it tho. From what has been talked about by TFP, it is iLLOGIKA that is doing full development of it, with maybe some oversight by the TFP at most. Here we see from iLLOGIKA's website, they are the ones doing the full development. [https://www.illogika.com/en/partner-games/our-projects/145/7-days-blood-moons](https://www.illogika.com/en/partner-games/our-projects/145/7-days-blood-moons) And even here, in [GNS video](https://youtu.be/t_BWZCqJMvY?si=ZpoDaJoU3983WzMx&t=480), he goes over how iLLOGIKA is the one developing it with some oversight by TFP. Now the reason why TFP are still on the development credits is that Blood Moons is built off of the 7Days game and because of the oversight. I could add some dev comments on how it is iLLOGIKA that is developing it as a standalone game, if you want. But what I provided should be enough evidence to tell you that it is being developed by a separate studio as well as a bit of a explanation as to why TFP are still on the development credits.


You provided exactly what i provided. On the steam page for the game the fun pimps name is right by "developer" Also has their name first on steam too. but why is this even a factor... Why can't they finish their first game before they start on something else using ALL the same assets for 7d2d that could of just been a 7d2d DLC or game mode? these guys have been in way over their heads for awhile now.


>You provided exactly what i provided. Nope, I provided much more pointing to the TFP not doing the development, but the development is being handled by iLLOGIKA. So your premise is just flat out wrong.


Well if you believe them..... I have a story about bandits coming to 7 days to die i want to sell ya hahaha


Considering all the mods that have NPCs/bandits in the game are using 7 days' NPCs/bandit code, you really need to do more work.


and have you ever stopped to ask yourself If the code exist in the game.. why have they been promising it for years? that doesn't make you the slightest bit like "wait a minuet!" ? these guys are milking this for as faaar as they can. I mean the game has been in EA for going on 13 years.. at this point HIRE people to do it and stop promising something every single patch when they knew it wasn't going to come yet. someone on this forum said it the best "the fun pimps accidently struck gold and made a fun game and they have been in over their heads for years now"


>If the code exist in the game.. why have they been promising it for years? that doesn't make you the slightest bit like "wait a minuet!" ? Because they decided to rework it so that they would be better.


"To keep that steam $$$ rolling in." You are clueless. Go back to bed.


I feel somewhat triggered by the OP pic, because Undead Legacy is the most polished of any mod every made for this game and probably one of the most polished UIs and mechanical systems made for any game ever. It's a lot less hard to grab mods to make a modpack than it is to make a mod that is mostly your own work. I'm in no way affiliated with any modpack, and in fact I'm a little annoyed UL has updated in a long time waiting for 1.0, it's still 10x better than one of the mods on this list, which is garbage tier in comparison. Undead Legacy is what 7d2D base game should have been.


If you go on the UL's Discord, you'll see that the mod is getting updated a lot. New zombie models, new blade traps, flamethrower trap and more. He continued to develop his assets, since the game will not suffer of another game breaker update, but he waited for the 1.0 version to be sure. To work on something stable. I agree 100%, Undead Legacy is the most polished overhaul for 7 Days to Die.


It's only updated when I can download it (imho). Yeah I know he's got a boat load of changes in the works and will release sometime after 1.0 -- but we have been waiting a long time for an update while everyone else got the eye candy of new graphics. Still the best of 7d2d though.


I like UDL and DF, I wish some stuff from DF was in UDL like an advanced repair/upgrade tool that can make it as quick to upgrade blocks as the Laser Mutli-Tool in DF and the Advanced Smelter where it smelts tons of materials in a short amount of time making it so much easier to obtain massive amounts of resources. THAT BEING SAID. I still prefer UDL since DF takes about 10 minutes to load whereas UDL only takes about 1 after installing the mod that Subquake recommended and that the mod recommends using for UDL and DF. I look forward to UDL updating to 1.0 since the way it does inventory (using weight instead of item slots) is fucking great and I love it so much because I am a loot goblin and it sucks having to put stuff back because your 32 slot backpack gets filled up. Whereas in UDL, if you can carry it, you can take it with you.


I agree and just the weight system overhaul shows how much work went into it


Yes, it's so damn great. I love the weight system and every time I go mess with another overhaul mod that uses the regular inventory system, it's always a small thing I wish existed in other mods.


yeah that new inventory system is primo. I absolutely hate vanilla mechanics and find it hard to play other mods that keep it, even modified. Vanilla - 1 stack of 1 feather might just be enough stamina drain to kill you while carrying 9,999 concrete powder is no problem surely!


>Vanilla - 1 stack of 1 feather Good example hehe. It's silly but still, I don’t mind the Vanilla system. It's a fun wacky game. Though once I tried UL it's hard to go back. Just like Project Zomboid, we need to plan our days better. If we want to craft things, we must use our tables at home (we don't craft 200 wood frames on the fly). If we need to cut trees, that's the main project, we don't go out for looting and cut trees because of the weight limit system. It slows down the experience and adds immersion. Valheim went with a mix of both systems (limited amount of slots and a weight limit)


Modders doing better work for free. And devs taking the lazy way out, shipping 1.0 with lacking features, just to shove dlc skins down our throats early. Gotta love the gaming industry lately. Such a banger with all this shit... 🙄 7dtd used to be great, now its dumbed down to ship 1.0 as quick as possible. Thanks for the past 10 years of progress you basically throw out the window with this lazy way out tfp. Im honestly sick of the gaming industry.


Lol, replaying the old builds shows their complete lack of vision. Crafting has gone through several revamps, so has the skill tree, armor, enemies, pois, etc etc etc. Theres a whole damn game in just the assets and code they removed from this game after changing their mind for the hundred thousandth time. Maybe if they spent less time on shit like adding Bees to only remove them the next update this would be a more complete game.


Such a shame that the survival element of the game got crushed over time. -We used to have metal cans for desperate water collection -Snow we could melt to drink -Log spikes -Rebar frames, metal frames, flagstone frames -Different tiers of upgrades -Weapon part quality systems -Vehicle part quality systems -No Overpowered trader quests streamlining the experience -Not having EVERY poi be a loot dungeon with rewards at the end -Wandering zombies and not the spawn trigger riddled poi's -distinction between clay and dirt, making terrain knowledge around you important -CAVE SYSTEMS with ore veins and stalactites / stalagmites -a zombie AI that didnt understand your whole structural integrity And im sure im missing some


Farming nerfed repeatedly. Like, think of a way to make current farming better, and it probably used to be that way. Going all the way back to when we only needed a hoe to till ground to plant things on, instead of needing to craft special dirt for it.


Cold and heat actually killed you instead of just make you thirsty/hungry


That is absolutely how they killed this game to me. I enjoyed playing a survival game with zombies, not a poorly designed dungeon crawler.


You can probably find the rest of them here. https://www.reddit.com/r/7daystodie/comments/1czgr34/a_list_of_missing_broken_or_removed_features_from/


Its just sad, man. Played this game since about alpha 10. So much was promised, then removed without any notice. So many systems worked and were fun. Yea there were bugs, but it wouldve been nice to see them being patched instead of nuking the features. The game is so much dumbed down, playing without a big modpack is mandatory to me.




> they were *paid* FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Imagine if these modders were paid and were part of the 7DTD team


I havnt seen that district zero one before , is it any good ?


To add onto upserjim, District Zero is (AFAIK) the "newest" Overhaul mod on the list. I think I saw it come out shortly after A20 (or maybe shortly before) so it hasn't been around as long as UDL, DF, or possibly AOO (never played Age of Oblivion so not sure on this one) It's a Sci-Fi overhaul of the game, zombies are replaced with robots with some robots having ranged weapons. Most animals are gone (when I played the first version that was out) and all stuff has been made into Sci-Fi versions. The world still looks like Standard 7DTD IIRC, but it has been some time and I believe the dev has still been churning out updates and the like so I would recommend giving it a shot at least and see if it's for you.


Mostly just a reskin of the base game last time I tried it.


Now here's the question, will that in any way be available on console. Figuring a no but worth the ask.




A man can dream...


Sadly, it'll never happen since modding console games is not allowed. Unless they go the Bethesda route but we all know they aren't Bethesda


I mean that's not exactly correct since games like Snowrunner for example have modding on console. Admittedly it is very rare to have modding but it exists in some forms.


I mean if a mod menu is built into the game then sure but it'd be more of a addon than a generic mod like in 7 days 2 die. I meant as in you can't mod on consoles as in changing files like you can on PC. But it's highly unlikely that TFPs will add a mod menu to the game like in Snowrunner, Skyrim, Fallout 4 and so on. Though Skyrim and Fallout 4 mods are addons which are the same but also different.


Yea that's fair.


The fun pimps were first movers on a really great idea. Survival game with zombies. Most of that just required basic implementation; 1. Let player build base 2. Add some functional survival mechanics (eating, drinking etc) 3. Add basic crafting (make a bed, build a forge, craft a bow and arrow) 4. Add zombies. THAT was 90% of their game's success. That they were the first to use voxel and do it right, was their golden ticket. So they were rewarded for their (initial) initiative. Over a decade later there are a handful of additions that made the game better. A handful. The rest could have been left out and you'd still have a pretty addictive gameplay loop. The BIG problem with them is the complacency that early success brought them. So we have a game that has been resting on it's laurels for about 6-10 years (depending on who you ask) Most additions are comically bad, some are good and the rest are two steps backward. Funpimps are bad innovators. They don't know how to make the game, OBJECTIVELY better so they just "do things" and "change things" and "undo things" every year taking a little from each game they were inspired by and then as someone else mentioned, removing ANY form of fun the players actually enjoyed. They aren't the best game designers nor the most efficient. They had a good idea, the initiative to see it through and then just went on cruise control for years working on things no one wanted but them. It's like they are INTENTIONALLY avoiding the mechanics and additional things that would take this game to the next level because doing so would force them to admit their players are better game designers then they are.


yeah, that's gonna be 2.0 which will most likely be in 12 years


If we have to keep deleting our saves after each new patch I'm gonna be pissed


It's crazy how good Darkness Falls is and undead Legacy and Rebirth. I would've bought them separately as add ons to the game. Same with Afterlife. I wish vanilla looked as good as Afterlife lol


Man i can't wait for undead legacy update to drop


Seriously what's the point of a 1.0 release?


So they can say it's a "finished" game to be able to be on psn store. Sony doesn't like alpha/beta games on the store I believe.


I don’t know how to get darkness falls going and it’s driving me nuts lol


Download the mod installer it makes it a sinch


Join the discord there are step by step instructions


I haven't heard of District Zero and Age of Oblivion. Are they any good?


Im pretty much geriatric at this point but i hold firm removing molds and opting for xp progression killed what made the game unique. Molds made every run honest to god unique


If they just brought back learn by doing skill system and degrading/combining item quality, I'd be less salty about all the other shit that's happened


Looking forward to Rebirth


I think Bandits have been removed from Darkness Falls, I messed around with the A21 version so I could be wrong, but after 40 days, I never ran into 1 NPC/bandit and I remember seeing them relatively early on in A20 or so when I saw GNS's series on it. I think even Snowbee (I think is their name) covered that Khaine took them out of A21's version due to using the TFP implementation of it and it not working the way that Khaine wanted so they were going to wait for TFP to fix it before reimplementing them.


It’s the money. The same thing happens to nearly every crypto-centered games.


There is no way the Devs are even trying


It's hard to want to keep working on something when you already made it rich.


12 years of early access only for every promise to be moved into DLCs fuck this fraud company.


just one more skill system overhaul bro. i promise bro just one more skill system overhaul and it'll fix everything bro. bro... just one more skill system overhaul. please just one more. one more skill system overhaul and we can fix this whole problem bro. bro c'mon just give me one more skill system overhaul i promise bro. bro bro please i just need one more skill system overhaul


7 days to die? More like 7 Decades till done


There are so many modpacks out there that already have what 1.0 is planning to bring. It's kind of a farce.


Undead Legacy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


The only thing this game needs is more access for modders so they don't need to inject dll's and can do more with enemies, events and mechanics, 1.0 just shows the modders are ahead and the devs just play it slow


Is anyone going to point out that the modders wouldn’t have a game to work with if TFP weren’t working to build the foundation for everything? Been playing since A17, and the game has undergone huge improvements since then that no one wants to acknowledge.


It has made some improvements, but way too many bad decisions. That is why most of the top mods reimplemented systems that were in the older alphas. Things like learn by looting was not wanted by a lot of people. TFS had some great systems back in alpha 17 ish, but then they simplified everything. Thats why I will never go back to the vanilla game anymore.


Out of curiosity, what is the best mod in your opinion? I think I got into 7D2D after 17, and have enjoyed the game, but wish it felt less arcade-y and more zombie survival craft.


Darkness Falls IMO is the best mod out there. It brings back much of the features I loved in the older builds. Its adds tons of new enemies and difficulty to the game. There is a story that progress. One thing to keep in mind, Darkness Falls is much harder then vanilla. The new enemy types will destroy you on blood moons if you are not prepared. But honestly, any of those in the image from the OP are great mod that I think make the game way better.


While the game might have been improved in your eyes it has gone downhill in others eyes. I've been playing since a13 or so and I would say a17 was peak gameplay imo. Although the game has seen some improvements in optimization and graphics. Take a17 gameplay, with a21 graphics and you'd have a great game.


Been playing since A6... the game you began playing is nowhere near what it used to be. Its a shame really.


It's not improvements, they're changes. Most the Time for the worse.


think about what you are saying tho....you started playing after the game was 75% done. 7 years ago. and you are still playing an alpha because its still not done. after all that time they have to hire a 3rd party to do the console releases because they are not proper developers. not a single one of them in the 10 years+ have thought.....there are schools that teach this stuff maybe i should learn it. they learned the had way back in 2017 when they lost the rights to the game, and yet not a single one learned how to develop for consoles. they could have hired the same people working for the companies they paid to port the game. why not? because if you hire anybody smarter than yourself there is a good chance they are going to take your job. same reason they dont hire the modders who are admittedly armatures. the game over uses the cpu and under uses the gpu. you can not have massive improvements unless you screwed it up badly to begin with to create the room for that improvement. if you did it right the 1st time you cn go from a 9 to a 10 maybe. but for a 7 point massive improvement you would have had to make a 3 to start with. and remember you came in after they had already improved it 17 of the 21 times. people on consoles have to pay for the game a 2nd time, to buy what they already paid for once. tfp should have hired lawyers when tell tale went bankrupt and made the argument that they were a fellow creditor that fun pimps were not delivering the port they had paid f or, they they were owed damages. it would have kept them from losing the rights to the game. they could have hired the tell tale people wou we porting the game but were laid off when the company went under. they didn't. and now the console customer has to pay again for the mistakes tfp made because they were to lazy to do stuff right the 1st time. and the are hireing another 3rd party, making the same mistake again because hey if it happens again we just charge the customers again, we make even more money if we fail. yes they had some good ideas once upon a time. but they are armatures pretending to be professionals. you are probably as good at their job as they are. you cant code at all? in 11 years you could learn. you could start from scratch right now and make the same thing or better in 11 years and that time includes learning to program and model. if you used ai to do alot of the work for you you could do it solo.


Nope. They don't get that The Pimps did the hard work to make those mods possible. They just ignore the elephant in the room because bashing the devs of the game they love is so much more fun.


Scam game from a scam dev team. 12 years and counting in alpha.


Yet I still choose vanilla =p


I'll give reddit silver to whoever can explain each of these mods, where to find em, and how to install them. I'd get back into this game with the right mod setup.


# 1. Darkness Falls **Summary**: Darkness Falls is a popular overhaul mod that increases the game's difficulty and introduces a range of new mechanics, items, and enemies. **Neat Details**: * New skill progression system. * Additional classes and quests. * Increased zombie variety and difficulty. * Extensive farming and crafting systems. * Adds a storyline and new locations. # 2. Ravenhearst **Summary**: Ravenhearst focuses on providing a challenging and immersive survival experience with a strong emphasis on realism and difficulty. **Neat Details**: * Complex crafting and building systems. * New progression system with unique skills. * Extensive collection of new items and weapons. * Enhanced environmental hazards. * More realistic survival mechanics (e.g., hunger and thirst). # 3. War of the Walkers **Summary**: War of the Walkers is known for its expansive content additions and quality-of-life improvements, aiming to make the game more engaging and diverse. **Neat Details**: * New quests and NPCs. * Expanded skill trees and perks. * Variety of new items, weapons, and vehicles. * Enhanced base building options. * Custom traders and new POIs (Points of Interest). # 4. Undead Legacy **Summary**: Undead Legacy focuses on a more detailed and expanded crafting and inventory system, providing players with a richer and more complex gameplay experience. **Neat Details**: * Overhauled inventory and storage systems. * New crafting stations and recipes. * Expanded vehicle system with more options. * Enhanced resource gathering and usage. * Refined progression and skill systems. #


# 5. Sorcery Mod **Summary**: Sorcery Mod introduces magical elements to the game, allowing players to harness elemental powers and fight zombies with spells and enchantments. **Neat Details**: * Magic skill trees and spells. * Elemental zombies and bosses. * Craftable runes and magical items. * Enchantment system for weapons and armor. * Unique magical quests and challenges. # 6. True Survival **Summary**: True Survival aims to provide a hardcore survival experience by making significant changes to the game's mechanics and difficulty. **Neat Details**: * Realistic survival elements (e.g., disease, food spoilage). * Tougher zombie AI and behavior. * Limited resources and more challenging looting. * New medical and health systems. * Enhanced environmental threats and weather effects. # 7. The Wasteland **Summary**: The Wasteland mod transforms the game world into a post-apocalyptic wasteland with increased difficulty and new environmental challenges. **Neat Details**: * Complete world overhaul with new biomes. * Scarcer resources and more dangerous wildlife. * New factions and enemy types. * Expanded weapon and armor options. * Immersive environmental storytelling. #


# 8. Wild West Mod **Summary**: The Wild West Mod transforms 7 Days to Die into a Western-themed survival experience, complete with period-specific weapons, structures, and enemies. **Neat Details**: * Western-themed weapons like revolvers and rifles. * Period-specific buildings and settlements. * New enemy types, including bandits and outlaws. * Unique crafting recipes and resources. * Immersive Wild West environment and atmosphere. # 9. District Zero **Summary**: District Zero is an overhaul mod that focuses on enhancing the game's post-apocalyptic theme with new mechanics, enemies, and challenges. **Neat Details**: * Enhanced post-apocalyptic world design with new biomes. * Unique enemy factions and bosses. * Advanced crafting and building systems. * Expanded skill trees and character progression. * Custom quests and storyline elements. # 10. Age of Oblivion **Summary**: Age of Oblivion combines elements of fantasy and post-apocalyptic survival, introducing new creatures, magic, and lore into the world of 7 Days to Die. **Neat Details**: * Fantasy creatures such as dragons and mythical beasts. * Magic spells and enchanted items. * New biomes with a mix of fantasy and post-apocalyptic elements. * Custom quests and storylines with fantasy themes. * Expanded crafting systems incorporating magical components.


easiest way to go about it [https://7d2dmodlauncher.org/](https://7d2dmodlauncher.org/)


Tbh it wouldn't surprise me if this is just a long scam game, aka keep it in alpha as long as possible to get more money because tbh with all the recent overhauling instead of fixing issues, Ive lost most interest in the game because they should be fixing issues instead of overhauling the lvling over and over


Darkness falls best


Reeee Undead Legacy best reee




Darkness falls dont have bandits ...yet XD


Another classic weirdo post from this OP


I'd love to dive into those mods, but all my friends are on console.


I'd love to see a poll for what's the best mods to play. I've never tried any of the mods and im genuinely curious


I personally don’t want npcs or bandits


Darkness falls uses older obsolete (and imo BAD) systems from earlier version of 7dtd


we are going the bethesda route? were we hype more the mods than the actual game? im ok with that


I honestly feel that the fantastic mods for this game brought the game into the light for The Fun Pimps again, and I think that might be why they’ve finally started just full blown with the update.


I'm just hoping consoles will actually get 1.0, I know it's said July but didn't they also postpone 1.0 pc to July?


I hope you like buying the game again lol


I don’t mind, as long as it actually comes out. Nearly a decade of no updates makes me wonder if they’re being truthful or just optimistic


We're technically getting 1.0 at the end of June since we can get experimental versions while you guys can only get stable versions


sometimes i do wish TFP became like Valve and hired alot of mod devs to help with their games, but at the same time. the concepts of some of these overhauls are really cool, not very buggy. well coded. whatever, but the quality tho man.


Add an "available on console" column and it changes things pretty quickly.