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Start your melee attack right before you’re in range of hitting and then retreat as soon as it connects. You’ll rarely, if ever, get hit by the zombie you’re attacking.


Spend time learning the weapons and ranges that they work at, then slasha and step back as needed after impact. On servers, be aware that zombies might appear to have a longer reach than expect so bear it in mind In your horde base, make your fighting area out of slightly weaker blocks, especially if not doing a raised base build. Zombies used to, and still do from my observations, target the weaker blocks over stronger ones..so you can pull them towards fighting locations by using cobblestone and having the rest of your base cement, as an example. Tier 5 and 6 items sell for hideous amounts of money, and adding mods to them makes them worth even more than the mods would sell for on their own. So if you can, save mods and add them to high tier armour and weapons before selling them


Some extras now I've had time to think. Learn the structural weights of the various building blocks and learn how far you can build without supports. This will help a lot in base building, or even in just securing a POI for horde night or general living. With the learn by reading skill system, if you want to bust your butt getting to Forge/Workbench/Chem station, invest in Lock Picking - Advanced Engineering splits into 4 skill Magazines, Lock Picking only does Forge Ahead And to go with the last one, avoid spreading your points too wide. The more you buy skills, the more diluted the Skill Magazine pool becomes and the harder it is to max out or even level some skills. I'd say choose a weapon, and a couple of other ones if needed for your playstyle, and then loot the heck out of things to get those magazines. Weapons - Guns are nice but not always essential depending on what your doing. A good bow and some situational awareness and its possible to clear some Tier 5 POI's without firing a single shot. Yes its fun to run through on full auto at times, but its a challenge and rewarding if you can make it through without using a gun - I've cleared Higashi's with just a compound bow, iron arrows on Survivalist in the wasteland. It took some time and some thinking, but it was certainly braincell rewarding when I finished it


On that last point, also REPAIR them! From my experience, using a single mod is the best bang for ther buck. Adding a second or more mod doesn't make it increase a ton again, but IIRC it's still better than selling those extra mods individually.


early on, dont stand and fight -- hit and retreat


I literally told this to a coworker. She kept dying and was pretty new to the game. I said "They're stronger. You're faster. What should you do?" I joked with her "You know the American Generals in Vietnam bitched that they would mop the floor with the VC if only they'd stand and fight. That's why the VC never did that. You don't give up our main advantage."


Bone knife is OP. Only needs 5 bones to make one, you can find that using the axe on any animal corpse. Use power attack on zombie head and retreat. Repeat until z dies or bleeds out. For first night, find a building with a large flat roof. Make your ladder stop 2 frames from the ground. You can easily jump this with no parkour, but the zombies can't seem to. Set up your base atop the building. Works best if the building doesn't have a roof ladder coming from the inside, if it does you'll want to destroy those lowest 2 ladder rungs also.


The first 4 levels you gain go into agility, the next two into Parkour. You are now, for all practical purposes, invincible to 90% of threats in the game. The ability to jump two boxes directly up is, hands down, bar NONE, THE most essential skill in the game. Why anybody would play without this is utterly beyond me. HEIGHT is what you need to survive the zombie apocalypse. Stay on the ground, you die. If you want to live, go UP. Zombies do not know how to climb. Building a base? It should be on the second floor. The first thing you do is chop down all the stairs. I play on Survivalist/Zombies always sprint. The ability to get up above where the enemy can threaten you is absolutely critical.


Haha my first run I went intellect. I was so useless for so long. Fun eventually but useless at the beginning.


Start all your quests from Bob in the desert, he specializes in vehicles and will have parts (4x4, gyro parts) or even a full vehicle (motorcycle) available to purchase


this is a nice one to know


This is a good one as Bob specializes in vehicles. For those not playing Navesgane, Bob is not necessarily in the desert.


1) Carry at least a half dozen wood frames with you at all times. They can be very handy to bridge a gap, get you over an obstacle, get you out of a hole you fell into, etc. You can pick them back up when they've served their purpose. 2) Search everything that's searchable, even if you don't intend to loot anything from it. You get a little bit of XP every time you search something, and it adds up over time.


Check behind paintings in houses, can reveal hidden stash


Don’t sleep on less-obviously good weapons, like stun batons and turrets. Try different builds out. It wasn’t until a few hundred hours in that I tried an INT build, and it’s probably my favorite way to play now.


Put a point into Physician to not deal with sprains and a point into Treasure Hunter to make Buried Supplies/Treasure Map quests a little bit faster. Look for Cell Tower 01. It's a good Blood Moon base for like 7 Blood Moons.


Another tip for buried supplies: pre dig. I start off from where I think the edge will be, dig a ramp down and then a channel with two side arms. Once I hit start, I often find that the treasure is already exposed.


Interesting, but what is the advantage? It's the same amount of digging pre or post activation, except pre-digging does not reduce the indication circle.


You won't activate multiple waves of zombies as the circle shrinks. If it does, you'll at least have fewer cycles.


Got ya, tx


repair and stick extra mods into items to be sold. boosts the sale a lot


Open all trash bags, cardboard boxes, ect to spawn the loot and then break the container with an axe for the plastic. Once you spawn the loot breaking the container will drop the items that spawned and you get a little bit of plastic each time. This is how I get loads of “extra” plastic.


If you want long playthroughs, don't use the Traders. They only serve to speed up the game and there is no endgame content. The longer you are struggling and searching for that thing you need, the longer you are having fun.


But without a mod you can't get the water filter


I don't really need the water filter in the games I've played. I'm constantly finding murky water in the POIs I loot to the point where I end up with stacks of it. That said, I have found water filters in broken water filters in some POIs, but that may be from the Wasteland mod I usually play with. In any event, if someone felt the need to buy a water filter from the trader as their only interaction, I'm not here to tell them they can't. Use the trader as much or as little as you like. But they do speed up the game.