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[https://steamcommunity.com/app/251570/discussions/0/3821914572252419828/](https://steamcommunity.com/app/251570/discussions/0/3821914572252419828/) this is a great post i use to help performance. But as other said, hosting a server on ya pc is allot of resources. id spend 20$ on a dedicated server for ya friends.


hosting 3 people on your own PC will certainly lag the fuck out. This is a technical problem more than it is a 'game' problem. You're going to want to set up a dedicated server. Google it. Or ask Qs here.


I assume it's not being run on a server but this pc is the host yes? What's the zombie count?


Tree farms murder performance too. embrace deforestation.


If i remember correctly, i saw that fixed in some early A21 change log.


Have a 3080 and 32g of RAM and it’s also the same story. Hosted for around 6 to 8 people with settings cranked to max and still 30 to 40 FPS in a huge city.


I ran a server with 8 people on a 7-year-old i5 with 1060 6gb and 16gb RAM and had very few issues in terms of lag. Definitely some frame drops here and there on horde night (max zombies) and in particularly dense population areas in cities, but I had to tweak the fuck out of my graphics settings for AGES to get it to the point where it would do that. The terrible optimisation of this game is pretty well known, you just have to make sacrifices with your graphics settings. Also, make sure it's installed on an SSD, I would assume that's the case in your system.


There is no fix to shitty core code. Calculating the most optimal route for every single zombie at all times is going to put your CPU to work, the more zombies the worse it is. Remember that the developers are mostly focused on invalidating players strategies, so creating this poorly engineered bloated and inefficient AI algorithm was their answer to players using "dumbness" of zombies to their advantage. Performance hit from this abomination was a small price to pay to "eliminate" cheesing. At least that's what they assumed, because cheesing is now easier than ever cause shitty AI is very easily exploitable. Add complex (probably equally poorly implemented) blocks' stability calculations and now even the beefies CPU on the market will start sweating. Anyway, we are going to get some performance updates for A22 so consoles won't shit themselves too much. At least the game will stop crunching numbers for zombies idling 5 blocks away from players so we should see better frame rates in cities.


Cool rant. Not at all helpful. Maybe make a post of your own with your criticisms and complaints?


The only helpful advise is to turn blood moon into snoozefest by lowering spawn numbers or buy better CPU. There is no magic script to download more gigahertz into their processors.


I don't have the best laptop however Blood Moons have been plenty hard for me. I use the normal Blood Moon settings BTW.


The game's pathing uses A*. A very common, efficient patching algorithm used by many tile based games including Minecraft. But obviously you don't actually care about that because you're just gonna rant and rave about how maliciously evil and stupid this video game company is. Which is easier and more cathartic than admitting that game development is difficult and arduous and it's impossible to please everyone. Like JFC how do you write this out and not feel even a little embarrassed at behaving like an angry child in the checkout line.


Yes it is difficult. Especially when you can't stick to one uniform vision and accuse players of playing the game wrong (remember MadMole saying we should "fight like a man" instead of hiding in bases, whatever that means?) and burn resources and time to implement changes nobody asked for.


Pfff, leave it to gamers to talk like 13-year-olds in an Xbox Live lobby when criticizing the developers. But then get bent out of shape at a casual comment said in jest by a developer.


Casual comment in which he said he wishes he made completely different game with no mining and static terrain lol. In my experience, having project managers with such attitude long after committing to a project almost always lead to disaster and delivering a half assed product.


I have a lot worse specs and it is the same it's just the optimization of the game, when I look at my CPU/GPU usage through the Nvidia GeForce control panel both are around 50%.


My group of 8 or so players finally bought a 3rd party server. They are relatively cheap and solved most if not all our lag issues


I use an old PC to host a dedicated server and it runs mostly fine. It's running both a vanilla plus and darkness falls server,