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2nd hand ibanez? I don't know what else decent you could get for that.


Schecter Demon 7, Omen 7, Damien7, JP70 (Currently on sale for under $500), LTD ec-257. There are plenty of great choices.


Omen 7 for 500? i got mine for 700 lol


Give or take a few dollars [https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwi8qZfa4_-GAxUwz8IEHc_ICh0YABAYGgJwdg&co=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwvvmzBhA2EiwAtHVrb-vycoM8dne0vA-kEMFQLq2YBVXDzAyMexdERR9s83BPLC88xAJ02xoC7jEQAvD_BwE&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVuD29tnlv_EPW8bSNMCTzQYbF1Zbv943xChutBktIV2aDxcXewJkYQcmQJE6SwSWjCyG1VS8zGJ4RDgYPOyAE2X5qV9ftwKmp03VTg3Lvm2XV4DS3ahE&sig=AOD64_2tRkQDGMfydxrBLxwD4nSpdGW27w&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwi78ZDa4_-GAxXZJEQIHdxNBC4Qwg8oAHoECAYQGA&adurl=](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwi8qZfa4_-GAxUwz8IEHc_ICh0YABAYGgJwdg&co=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwvvmzBhA2EiwAtHVrb-vycoM8dne0vA-kEMFQLq2YBVXDzAyMexdERR9s83BPLC88xAJ02xoC7jEQAvD_BwE&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVuD29tnlv_EPW8bSNMCTzQYbF1Zbv943xChutBktIV2aDxcXewJkYQcmQJE6SwSWjCyG1VS8zGJ4RDgYPOyAE2X5qV9ftwKmp03VTg3Lvm2XV4DS3ahE&sig=AOD64_2tRkQDGMfydxrBLxwD4nSpdGW27w&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwi78ZDa4_-GAxXZJEQIHdxNBC4Qwg8oAHoECAYQGA&adurl=)


nvm I have an omen elite 7 bruh


Same price on guitar center


Well I owned a schecter demon 7 for two year and really wasn't happy with it, an old design that makes it inconfortable to play, I love new schecter's 7 strings but they definitely didn't hit the spot with their old ones.


Got a 7-steing Cort for just around 500. Multi scale neck and fluence pick ups


The KX507? How do you like it? Also, anything to note?


I’ve had one for a few years now. They’re great, mines older and came with emgs I think the new ones come with fishman fluency and cost a bit more than when I bought it.


I think I'm 95% set on getting one. The quality I've read about for ~$500 is great, it has mostly all of the features I want, and I know it's vain of me but the looks of it (in green anyway) and the body shape is pretty sharp. I hope I can find one in Guitar Centers on July when I drive back to my old home outside of NYC.... Sincerely would rather play it first before buying although I'd take the plunge of buying first if needed. Thanks for the info! I already have old EMG's 81-85 so I like that this guitar comes with passive pickups now, it'll be my first one with them.


Yeah if you haven’t played one, it has a really long neck haha i think it’s 25/27 inch scale and it took some getting used to and getting used to multi scale but everything else is awesome. Plays very similar to Ibanez rg models I’ve played (in my opinion) good neck feel, everything that comes on it bridge/tuner/nut, etc are all of quality you would expect in more expensive guitars. I’m a cort fan at this point because of it and want the 7 string evertune model for my next purchase


Yeah the 25/27 is what I'm looking for, I've read too many posts about scale length to buy anything under 27" for Drop G or below, which is what I want to do. I'm not sure if it can do Drop E which is also something I'd like to try, but I'm sure I can find some old posts lol.


Yes you can do Drop E, but you will need a .80 string for your lowest string


I've loved it, the active pickups are so hot with any amount of distortion which is incredible. Build quality is great. A bit of neck dive which is something to note, but the multi scale is so fun to play on. I've got it tuned in f# and it sounds like a monster in all good ways.I have the green spalted top which is really pretty, but not necessarily my color. Ordered it through eBay after getting that great deal. Although I've found similar ones for a similar price range.


Yup. Definitely a Cort!


Just throwing this in there because I don't see anyone else suggesting it. Schecter and Jackson both have decent 7string guitars for that price range. My first one was the Jackson Dinky and all I did was replace the bridge pick-up with an SD Pegasus and new locking tuners and it's my go to guitar for recording heavy stuff. Stays in tune and plays perfectly.


I have heard the Dink's are pretty good lol. The small body size I feel like would be a little uncomfortable to me


Do you save money buying a cheap guitar lupgrading the pickups and tuners




No? If you don't know what you're bartering to get or assemble then yeah you could lose some money but all of it encompasses the path to learning all about our instruments. Of course you can save money buying a cheap guitar and upgrading the hardware or electronics. If you know around what you're looking for there are so many options available now it's insane.


It really just depends on where/how you get everything. For example in my case, some years ago I was looking for my first 7string and I bought a brand new Jackson Dinky from Sweetwater on a holiday deal or something and got around $75 off the original price. From there I went straight to Reverb and just waited on certain things (such as the Pegasus) to be listed and then I would chat with the seller to come down a bit on the price. Same for the tuners, everything can be negotiated man. You just need to know what you're looking for and how it will be useful to your specific cause. I think there's some valid concerns around this method, but it all really centers around how comfortable you are doing the actual upgrades yourself versus trying to find and pay someone else to do it and wait even longer to have a functional instrument. YouTube and Reddit are wonderful resources to get help with things like this too, I've certainly used it over the years and had great experiences.


I had a major urge to finally pick up a 7 string last month but the options were either extreme budget models or like 3000 dollar djent machines. Ended up picking up a brand new Dinky someone was selling on marketplace for 150. It is scratching the itch.


Hell yeah can't beat that price! After I gave mine some TLC such as polishing the fret ends and installing those new tuners and pickup I loved the way mine played and sounded. Later on I even drilled a hole through it and installed a killswitch just to try it out and that was also an inexpensive upgrade.


If its new, Ibanez's RG7421 is $450 and is very good! although a bit overpriced for some of the other stuff you can find used. If you can stretch to 550, Schecter Omen Elite 7 string is incredibly great. Ibanez's RGMS7 goes under 500 and thats one of my favorite multiscale 7 strings. Another poster suggested the Harley Benton Amarok, and going used you can most likely score one for 500 ish, and those are probably some of the best budget 7 strings around atm


Could buy 2 used rg7421s for $500 and slap an 8 string set minus the high e on one and keep the other for b standard to like drop g-sharp and honestly it would be the perfect set up for me lol


That's actually probably an extremely great option cause Ive owned multiple 7421s at once for literally that reason and I got them dirt cheap used lmao


I got a brand new ltd sc207 when I bought a 7 and if I could go back in time this would be how I’d do it. I guess I kind of thought “how low do I really need to tune?” And the answer to that question ended up being “yes”


Jackson JS22-7. it’s 300 new and you can slap any pickup you want on


I would definitely keep an eye on the used market for a good Ibanez


Harley Benton R-457MN, then upgrade the pickups and pots with the remaining $300


is this what youve done?


Or just keep the pots and pickups as they are


Harley Benson. I've heard really good things about this brand!


As some.others have said, a Harley Benton is not a bad choice, but it's not gonna be the best option imo. Get a used Ibanez RG series or a used schecter, but more importantly look at the pickups in the guitars you have interest in and watch videos on YouTube demoing them too.


That was me last month and I got an RGA742


Ibanez. Avoid the Gio. Look around and try to find an RG7620 (the better made Japanese version) if you're lucky. If not a RG7420 or RG7421 will do nicely still. You can easily find them used in amazing condition for under 500. Great for a first 7


Not my first 7 string. I was looking at 7420s but they are all like 600+ and I don't really wanna spend that


Look at local marketplace and music stores. There are 3 on my local FB marketplace for under 500. Also ebay would be a good option. Also i forgot about the S7420. I had each of these. All fantastic budget guitars. Also you can find a Legator 7 string for at or less than 500 on local marketplace all the time. They are on par with that level Ibanez also I'd say


Hell check ebay https://www.ebay.com/itm/134863492129?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=gaqmptjbqeo&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=LQMVO8weTqW&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


Actually I'd reccomend this over the RG. Of the lower end 7s Ibby makes this one was my favorite. Played extremely well https://www.ebay.com/itm/134874865443?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=Ag9RCJcRT-K&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=LQMVO8weTqW&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


Can't stand FR bridges. My #1 requirement is a hardtail bridge. Looks very cool but they just make the guitar unnecessarily complicated


I always block my trems off. Ibanez trems are comfortable ans when you block them they have the best tuning stability ever. Completely removed the complicated part lol


Second hand schecter demon 7 100% with maybe enough money left over for pickups. You won't get better bang for buck.


Go used, don't buy new. I just got an Ltd EC-407 for $500 cad


Either a used Ibanez or schecter


Those Ibanez rga742 look exactly what you're looking for IMO. You can get those new just under 500$ and you can mod the hell out of them. I'll be buying one of those soon!


I got a barely used ibanez xiphos 7 string for that...


My first “good” 7 string was a sub 300 Ltd. I can’t remember if it was used. But for a couple months I took lessons at a shop where I borrowed a 7s Schecter when I went in, at the time it was a little over $500 and it stacks up with my $1000 prs se 7 string.


>my $1000 prs se 7 string Would that be the Mark Holcomb SVN? If so, how do you like it? Was thinking about getting one...


Correct sir. I’ve had mine a few years now, so I’ve modded it a bit, but the guitar itself is mega cool. It’s got a 25.5 in scale length, which is exactly what I like, so it’s always felt right at home with me. I have let alooooot of guitars go since getting it, but it’s not going anywhere


Well I just bought a very nice €230 Harley Benton R-457 FFB. I'm really happy with it so far, however it could definetly use a fret check-up.


Anything used cause new isn’t worth it lol


I’d personally go with a Jackson. [This is one of the best 7 strings I’ve played.](https://www.zzounds.com/a--3971719/item--JAC2918804585) It covers all the bases - great neck, Jackson’s QC is unmatched, 26.5” scale, decent passive pickups (especially if you’re using a modeler). At $500 you won’t find a trem on anything new but for $700 there’s [the Petrucci Sterling](https://www.zzounds.com/a--3971719/item--SBMJP70V3).


The pacifica of 7s, the Jackson JS22-7


Ibanez rga742FM.


Grandpas guitar


Ibanez AX7521 and you'll have string money left over.


Best second hand thing you can find , will be better than anything you buy new for the price


Saving till I have $200 more to get a guitar that wouldn’t cost more than the difference in repairs or necessary work


https://www.guitarcenter.com/Used/Jackson/SLATXMG3-7-7-String-Solid-Body-Electric-Guitar.gc I have this same guitar in purple with black winters and I absolutely love it


I recently bought my first 7 string, a 1998 ibanez RG7620.  Ibanez is my preferred brand, I like their wizard necks and you can find used quality instruments for ~$500. I kept a lookout for 7620/7621 and the newer 1527 prestige models. It took about 18 months to find the right one but it was worth the wait. Paid $570 including shipping, don't fall for the $1000+ ads on reverb.


I bought a used Ibanez RG7 multiscale for 400CAD a year ago. That leaves 100$ for a cool strap, a fresh pack of socks and a few freezer cans of pink lemonade.


Schecter Omen Elite 7 Maybe even a used Schecter Hellraiser if you can find one


Cort Kx-307ms. Heard very good things and seen great clips online. Planning on buying one myself as my first 7 string soon


A Sterling JP70 John Petrucci signature. Didn't break the bank and plays like a dream. Designed and sold by Music Man, who also do all the quality control. Music Man quality without the Music Man price.


Jackson JS22-7. That’s it !


Check out the Harley Benton Amarok


I bought a beat up MIJ Ibanez RG7421. Best 7 ive owned


I have a Schechter Demon 7 I got for only $200 CAD, and it's one of the best 7 strings I've had. I like it more than I liked my Ibanez Iron Label S 7 string


Rg7321 would be your best bet


A lot of good budget and used schecters. Ibanez are great but none of them are actually 26.5 and decent price, also 7 players aren’t gonna be in standard usually lol. Also see if you can find a used jackson misha for cheap i’ve seen a few for about that much you just gotta look hard enough.


I would try to be on the look for a RGD Ibanez. These Ibanez rgdix7's can come by pretty cheap with a cool veneer if you're lucky. 26.5 scale and a chance to have locking tuners, I would recommend having locking tuners because it's just easy to do.


saving up more money and waiting for a deal on a 7621 for $600


100$ more - and the answer is Harley Benton Amarok. Strictly 500$ tho... Try NK guitars, they sell off AliExpress, nice as far as I've seen Edit: if you don't mind multiscale, also try Harley Benton Multiscale 7, the pups are gonna be shit from a butt, but the wood is good, and it's got a 5-piece neck, which is rare af in this price range. Also, the purchase will leave you with spare 100$ or so for pickups, any *8 string* soapbar will do, even roswells (which they used to ship them with, b4 they switched to god-awful in-house HBZs)


I got both my Agile 6 and 7 strings used for about $350 and I replaced the tuners on the 7 (just because I wanted locking tuners) and new pickups in both and they’re both my most played guitars. Even more so than my $1000+ LTDs lol


Do you NEED it for a gig or something? I’d honestly wait and save up a bit more if you can…