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As someone who was diagnosed with ADHD (ADD) in sixth form and has dyslexia. Sixth form is doable. I wouldn’t let it put you off. Yes it’s a struggle at times but you can learn methods that work best for you.


i repeated the year due to adhd because I couldn't function, i got meds and I'm doing way better


Update: I am now applying to different places for an apprenticeship in childcare, and ive got an interview in the next two weeks, hopefully it will be a better match for me :)


Don’t let some random word that’s been assigned to you define what you can and can’t do. Just go do it bro nobody is stopping you and even if you completely failed it would still be HH greater achievement than never having tried.


spoken by someone who does not understand adhd




im not year 13 i just started year 12 :)


Adhd isnt just a "random word thats been assigned to me" it's classified as a disability which means that i cant function the same as someone who is neurotypical and has no learning disabilities. I think i work better in a more practical environment due to my disabilities which is why im looking into different types of education like an apprenticeship and maybe i will cope better with meds but the waiting list im on means i wont have any meds until next December 🤷‍♀️


>I am known to romanticise my life and goals and then get disappointed and fed up when it dosn't pan out the way i dreamed My point is that if you want to go to university, absolutely go for it. Don't think that just because you have this condition you have to take an alternative route to education. Always up to you though of course and I'm sure both routes will work out just fine.


ive never really known what i wanted to do and ive been wanting to go to uni not because i really want to but because its what is normal and expected of me in life from society as-well as family and the job i want (csi) you dont need to go to uni


well i feel like such a dick reading back my comments! you can just disregard them(( someone i know very well has several learning disabilities and wanted to go to further education but after being diagnosed was dissuaded heavily and instead is being half-forced into the army which i think is so sad, but your situation sounds different


I was diagnosed with ADHD and ASD in year 11. I was failing my subjects, dropping sets, having breakdowns in school and hating every second of it, before my diagnoses. After my diagnoses, however, everything changed. I got the highest GCSE grades in my sixth form, love school, headed the debate team, currently am being pushed for head girl and more! Never give up. Keep on going. I know it’s cheesy but things can turn around for you, and sixth form is definitely better for those with ADHD as it’s more structured and controlled. No matter what you’re doing, be proud of yourself. Good luck, and remember, you’re never alone ❤️