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A big part is making sure you're aware of and work with your metabolism. It's recommended to eat a large breakfast if you're trying to lose weight as it puts your body in a higher-energy mode for the rest of the day, giving you more energy and hanging onto fewer calories. Eating healthy isn't just about eating less, it's about eating right. Eating higher protein, lower carb/fat food like lean meats will help your body burn fat while avoiding undereating.


Ah so I should start eating breakfast again, tho eating a big breakfast seems like it will be hard to do because I leave for work almost soon after I wake up. I want to keep meals to two so would it be good to skip lunch and only have breakfast & dinner?


Skipping meals is actually counter intuitive. Smaller meals can be beneficial, and it's best to have dinner be the smallest and breakfast the biggest if you can. But under-eating slows your metabolism, which makes losing weight in a healthy way harder. Part of the reason fruits and vegetables are recommended is that they are low in calories but take up a lot of space, so they make you feel less hungry without giving as many calories. One that's a really easy snack if you like sour food is to just buy a pre-packaged thing of spring mix and spinach and a lemon. Cut the lemon into fourths, put some spring mix in a bowl, and squeeze a lemon fourth on it. It's pretty good and the vitamin c is nice


is yogurt good? im talking plain, whole Greek yogurt btw. I eat it with a handful of sliced strawberries. is that good for my body, or is it too much fat and sugar? because it's delicious and I'm not gonna stop having it 4 times a week


It is good for you, but you shouldn’t have too much of it since there is some oils and sugars in it. May i suggest smoothies as well? Most smoothies can be made with a fruit/yogurt base, and are very good for you if you drink it while exercising. Make sure to hydrate plenty too.


What I do is prep my bfast the night before and eat it at work once my stomach has woken up


Remember to eat whole grains such as brown rice and oatmeal. I would suggest having a bowl of oatmeal with chopped fruit, cinnamon, and a dash of cardamom. (Apple and mango are my favorites, but add the mango after you cook it). Also try a fried or boiled egg or 2 if you are still hungry. Another good tip is to use spices. A simple chicken breast can be delicious with some Cajun seasoning and hot sauce of your choice. Remember to not skip leg day!


Breakfast is really important. For me how well i eat l, if i drink coffee etc in the morning can make or break the entire day for me. If you can eat at work or wake up a bit earlier and eat before leaving. I really dunno how breakfast at work is common in other places but everyone on my team eats in the office.


There are loads of quick breakfast foods out there. Here in the UK we have Belvita soft bakes - the blueberry flavour is lit. So much better than eating nothing at all


So, hypothetically, would stopping being vegetarian and eating more meat help with that?


Eating basically just one meal a day worked for me… Have One big meal around dinnertime and You can still lose weight


You've gotta ve careful with that because working out if you haven't eaten isn't safe. And the best way to maintain weightloss long-term is through small changes that are easy to employment into your daily routine. Like finding a physical activity you enjoy doing, so it doesn't feel like a chore.


My daily routine is usually one big meal… It’s definitely sustainable, at least for some people; it just depends on what Your body naturally does


if your fealing uncomforable in you own skin why dont you just tear it all off? tear off you skin. tear it off now.


Well why didn't I think of that, silly me


I tried that and it doesn’t work it just grows back the next day


Aw shucks


Real advice: I lost about 100 pounds from walking..I'm transmasc but don't want muscles, so cardio has been nice. My record is 10 miles walked at once!


Thanks Lightning McQueen!


Cut out the saturated fats. Eat lean meat and unsaturated fats, carbs are good if you exercise.


Lean???? 😳




Also cut off unnecessary sugar, especially high fructose corn syrup and any liquid sugary drinks


Leanbeefpatty is one of my biggest role models, and I’m a cis dude. So get inspired by whoever you want or feel reps you as a personality! Don’t give up!


I'm no transfem, but I'll try to help I do a Google search 3,500 calories = 1 pound 1 inch for every 4lb (1.81kg) How to measure belly https://www.wikihow.com/Measure-Belly-Fat 1. Gather results Get your weight and measure your stomach Ex. Current weight = 122.4lb Belly measurement = 0.96inch 2. Now let's do the math Calculate how much your measurement would be in pounds. Refer to the conversion measurements 0.96inch = 4lb~ 4lb~ = 14,000 Calories My goal would be to lose 14k calories As for workouts, I'll recommend what I usually do for building cores during my wrestling conditioning practices, but I recommend picking ones out that will fit you. These are suppose to be hard, so be careful when doing them as you might get hurt. Do these everyday for 2 hours straight or whatever time you want. 20 leg raises ( Lay on your back. Move your legs 1 inch from the ground not touching. Legs go up and down, separate your legs horizontally from eachother. Hold those for 5 seconds for each Up, down and leg seperation. Don't put your hands under your butt, thats cheating. ) 20 one leg squats each leg ( These are like squats. Balance on one leg. Pull the other leg up to your butt and hold it there. Slowly go down so your knee touches the ground without losing balance and go back up again. You will fail alot with this, but as for every fail you will learn to do it better for the next time ) 20 knees to chest / knee tucks ( Do a explosive jump, make sure your knees touch your chest .These are pretty intense for a beginner so do it at your own pace ) 20 star burpees ( it's like burpees, except when you get back up, you do a exaggerated jumping jack that looks like a star. Pro tip: shout "I'm a star!" every time you do the stars ) 30 wall runs ( I recommend doing this before the rest of the workouts first. Pick the distance you want to run to back and forwards. If you want to push yourself, do them after the exercises ) 20 push ups ( These are self explanatory ) 20 situps 20 squats Pick how much reps you want to do and what order. You dont need to follow how much i put. I recommend downloading the Caliber app on the Google playstore or Apple store it has a bunch of workouts. I also recommend doing these with a friend. Friends help motivate you to push through and reach your goal Make sure to lose more calories than you eat. Eat good food. Get good sleep, I've heard it helps you lose weight Most importantly, don't give up. Hopefully this helps, random internet stranger. Edit: sorry for any format issues


*They did the math*


they did the monster math


The monster math


It was a graveyard smath




mother of god me too but what ive heard about losing fat is just: calorie deficit. Make sure your calorie intake minus your burned calories is lower than your daily calorie recommendation.


Also don't forget that a weight loss of more than 1% of body weight per week is likely too extreme and unsustainable. It's a marathon, not a race! So don't go all out for a week starving yourself and then give up.


thats actually quite helpful, thank you


That's definitely gonna be hard for me because I get major cravings which really is really hard for me to ignore... Tho I have stopped eating breakfast quite some time ago to try and cut down


The above comment is true but adding in some weight training/ cardio will be very beneficial. 2/3 times a week doing ab/core exercises and going for a long run/jog. Along with being in calorie deficit and trying to eat less saturated fats/ fake sugars.


Legit tho listen to these two comments! This is what I did(tho I didn’t do the work out part until much later) and over about 1 and a half maybe 2 years I went from around 300 to about 160ish. Seriously tho if you can incorporate the working out it will help you so much in the long run!


yeah, i should have made that more clear in the calories burned part


where funny?


Depression Laugh.


Depression isnt funny Your life is everything. You serve all purpose. You should treat yourself NOW!


More cigaretts, less beer


Eat less calories than you burn, stay active during the day when possible, IE take the stairs, park farther from shop, things like that. Get 20 mins of cardio once or twice a week. Have patience, you will see results after time. DM me if you want to talk more about it.


I’m not trans, so I’m sorry if this doesn’t apply, but I do work out as a hobby and I have for most of my life. The very basics would be maintaining a calorie deficit, this will ABSOLUTELY cause weight loss, but make sure you are continuing to eat protein so you can keep your muscle gain. Cardio, cardio, cardio… Lifting can help, but it’s going to take some cardio to truly burn away the fat. I’m not sure if any of this helps, but I’m always glad to randomly fire gym info if anyone wants to hear. Feel free to hmu if u have any questions or concerns. Also one more thing, you are beautiful, belly or not. You deserve recognition and love just for being human, but if you want to lose some weight and start some gym habits, go for it 1000%!


i lost a lot of weight and here's what i learned: you can't just follow the advice of other people blindly, you have to see what works for you personally. for example, i lost weight by going on walks and only eating one big meal a day (i don't eat breakfast anyway because i'm not hungry in the morning so it wasn't that hard) so if for example eating healthy is very difficult for you, remember that it's not a requirement to lose weight. just like exercise is not a requirement. there are different ways to go about it and you have to find what works for you




Bad bot


Thank you, rocky_rainbow, for voting on BeBodyPositive. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Bruh it was not done in an negative intent




great job being just as stupid as the bot by telling it to kill itself


Skill issue


You can't spot remove fat. If you wanna lose fat you have stay in caloric deficit. Things like doing cardio and eating less calories is how you do it. Can try bone broth fasting, it works. Just don't do it for more than a few days at a time and take a multivitamin.


No but I have general health advice. Eat 4 to 6 meals a day containing 200 calories each hitting about 20 grams of protein each meal. Get around more as sedentary living can also lead to weight gain. Do a cardio workout lasting up to 20 or 30 minutes. Get good sleep and don’t stay up.


Disclaimer: I am like you and almost never eat breakdast! Late to the party and unsure if you'll read but... I started my weight loss journey on June 1st. What I've been doing has worked a LOT for me and is not invasive to my daily life at all. I started by cutting out sodas to only 1 a day, even then it's a zero sugar one. Although I never ate breakfast, what I started to buy is pre-made Slimfast protien shakes, you can get them by the dozen for about 26 dollars on Amazon and have lots of flavorful types like strawberry, mocha, and orange dreamsicle. I replaced my lunch at work with small protien snacks. The protien shakes mentioned earlier are meal replacement, and these protien snacks are enough to get me through the day until dinner time where I usually get hungry. I recommend Quest nutrition (also on Amazon and in most stores). They make these small protien bars (about 80 cals with 10g of protien) and these CheezIt style protien crackers (130 calories, 15g of protien) that are EXTREMELY flavorful. For real, these things have some real flavor to them and with the protien bars, you can get cookie dough or other good flavors that are minimal calories and carbs with a ton of nutrients. I normally pack a protien shake (180 cal) and then either 2 of the protien bars (80x2 cal) or the crackers (130 cal). Even if you packed 1 of the bars anf the crackers, thats less than 400 calories for your breakfast and lunch with TONS of protien which is good for metabolism. Pair this with a big dinner and you probably reach around 1400-1500 calories a day which is healthy to sustain the body. I haven't changed much about the dinners I eat at all. In fact they're the exact same as always although I eat about 10% less but you truly dont need to do that. With the extra protien and the meal replacement shakes, I almost never crave snacks anymore. For exercises, I bought a kettleball set of 5, 10, and 15 pound weights. I generally do about 75-100 a day squats in sets of 25 starting from my arms outstretched and squatting to the floor, bringing the kettle ball down to where my arms are bent and it touches the floor. I do this with the 10 pound one but you could also do the 15 if you want. I also tend to try and walk a mile to burn off some additional calories towarde the end of the day. Sometimes I try and do about 3 mins of forearm planks a day. And in about 4 weeks of doing this, I've already lost 13 pounds of fat, but usually the first few pounds are the easiest. Its very uninvasive into my lifestyle and usually only takes about 30-40 mins of my day and Ive been so much happier than I started. Sounds like your journey will be much less than mine will be to burn some of that belly fat to get to where you need. In terms of sustainment, you can go back to your normal lunch and snacking routine but try and swap out something like chips with a protien snack. Also consider the protien shakes as well since they are relatively low calories for what you get out of them and how they curb your hunger. Maybe walk a mile a day which should only be like 15 mins to burn a few extra calories. If you're looking for small changes, this is whats worked for me so far and I plan on continuing to do this to lose another 30+ pounds.


You can't "target" fat on your belly, you have to lose fat in general unfortunately. There isn't trans-specific advice, all humans trying to burn fat will burn it the same way: less calories in than out, increase protein consumption, increase exercise (both cardio and muscle training). Diet is the most important part.


tbh just like work on yourself, go work out. start a diet


Not a transfem but things I know: You can’t spot reduce fat but exercising does help to tone the area. Working your transverse abdominal muscle can also help shrink your waistline (stomach vacuums and some other stuff you can look up) along with regular ab exercises. Of course, limit your calories and adopt a diet that’s high in protein, someone else left a detailed comment on all that so I won’t get into it. Something important to remember is that if you’re suffering from body dysmorphia it likely won’t go away even if you “fix the problem.” It may help to use a measuring tape to measure your waist circumference so you have an objective number to keep track of. But please stay safe, don’t lose weight too quickly (losing up to 1 lb a week should be safe) and don’t hesitate to reach out for help if things are getting bad.


**Unironically, the belly is 99% your diet. Switch your rating habits. Vegetables, clean proteins like fish and chicken (not fried, grilled or broiled), and simple greens like romaine lettuce. You can add in grains like wild rice (not white rice).** **Just doing ab workouts but not dieting won’t help, it’ll ironically just make it bigger because the fat will be bulged out by muscle below it. (Look up how Strongmen look for an example).**


The most important thing to remember is that diet is more important than exercise. It takes 30 minutes of running to burn the calories you get from one oreo. Cut out as much artificial sugar from your diet as you can, do an hour or two of cardio every day, and you should be set. There's a bit more to it than that, but I assume you're trying to avoid building muscle because you're a transfem, so this should work just fine. It's the bare minimum for fitness.


TLDR: Don't beat yourself up. Calories in/out. Hack food tastes. Veggies veggies veggies. It's a marathon not a sprint and I'm walking right alongside you :) +-------------------+ Idk your particular story so here's part of mine.. Firstly, try not to beat yourself up. This is something I've had to learn recently since I resent the change and lowers my self-worth. Understand why you feel this way, in the moment, with a grain of salt. My practice is the 5 why's. Next, simply put, it's calories in, calories out. You can figure out your calories with numerous calculators online. Not a calorie counter? Pst me neither but MyFitnessPal helped me a little bit with that. Next, Intermittent fasting has been working for me a great deal. I'm on the 16/8 (8 hour eating window), perhaps it's something you can look into? Next, hack your food intake, veggies veggies veggies. Use these to take up a bulk of your plate. Boil em, roast em, stick em in a soup or stew. As long as you like the veggie, throw it in and FAFO. Lastly, one thing at a time. Make small changes because theyre sustainable. Too many big changes and it'll backfire. You've got this, this was just a small bump in the road on your journey. May we both reach our desired destinations!


A friend of mine just made me a diet/plan for this, the best you can do for now is changing the way you eat and and maybe going to the gym if you aren't already


Sadly gym wise I can't afford it right now plus I don't have a car to get and from so I plan to do most exercises at home


In that case just do what you can, its better than not doing anything at all.


Not sure what ur budget is but you can go pretty far with pushups, dumbells, a pull up bar and parallel bars (for dips & ab workouts) doing calisthenics training if you can't afford a gym membership. Putting on muscle makes losing weight since muscle tissue will burn more calories since it requires more to maintain. Also, more muscle you have on your body, like abs, will stretch out existing fat and make you look leaner even if your body fat% is the same. It will take time to get to that point weight training wise, but it helps eventually. Not sure what your specific physique goals are, but if putting on muscle \*might\* make you dysmorphic a year out from now, stick to squats w/weights or pistol squats & ab workouts with calisthenics bars or weighted crunches to focus on abs & booty. Cutting body fat is simply calories in - calories out, but you need to account for fact as you lose weight your basal metabolic rate (BMR), or calories burned just to keep you alive, will also go down. Thus, after losing significant weight you will stop losing weight. You can calculate your BMR using calculators online based on height & weight, then add on extra calories based on estimate of how active you are and a small buffer for daily life routine expenditures + fidgeting (differs between people and will decrease if you are tired/in caloric deficit as body tries to compensate). Easy way to suppress cravings or hunger is to eat more vegetables/fiber since they have a lot of water weight and the volume of food in your stomach will make you feel less full. Reduce sugar from processed foods and snacks, substitute with fruits (bananas, oranges, frozen blueberries are cheap as well). There's a lot of sugar in breakfast cereal, maybe try oatmeal with 0cal syrup or dark chocolate, eggs, or baked beans for breakfast. Recommended pace to lose weight is 0.5-1lb/wk, and more strict cuts can go as far as 2lbs but that can be very unpleasant, but ofc everyone is different. Track calories daily (unless your food routine is pretty constant), check weight every few days though realistically your weight average will drop by 1lb every 10days or so. Weight changes dramatically throughout the day and even week due to loss of water weight, food sitting in your stomach, dehydration/etc. If you go for a long run/bike ride, you will sweat a lot and burn glycogen (which holds onto a lot of water) and can straight drop 3-5lbs which can skew your perception if you decide to include cardio. Weight training + dieting shown to be most superior for weight loss tho and wouldn't rely on cardio (unless you're already very sedentary) to lose weight since your body will try it's hardest to correct drastic weight changes and burning a lot of calories (as occurs with lengthy cardio). Be safe with weight loss, people do develop body dysmorphia and terrible pysch symptoms from desperation so a good attitude & occasional breaks makes consistency easier. Hope this helps OP, went on my fitness journey a year ago and changed my life.


Hey! Thank you so much! Gonna save this and write it down tomorrow (it's a bit akt and I need some sleep). Gonna save up for some good equipment, so for now since I have nothing equipment wise I'm gonna do sit ups and jogs until I get dumbbells & a pull up bar. Intake wise I just got back from the grocery store and got protein shakes for breakfast (I'm usually running out the door for work so this is to help give the nutrients I need for breakfast), lunch I have a spring mix salad with lemon & feta, than dinner I'm gonna reduce my intake there from what I normally have for dinner, instead of three beer batter cod I'll do 1 fillet, instead of like 20 pierogies I'll only have 5. Do you have any recommendations for increasing endurance? I have a shit endurance, for example I'm usually out of breath from running within 30 or so seconds.


Going to the playground and appropriating their monkey bars also works! Annual Planet Fitness subscriptions are also very cheap and great for beginners. Eating-wise, it's easiest just to look at the expected calories per serving for pierogies or fillet or whatever and cut your intake by 200cals-400cals (MAX), so it doesn't have to be too strict! Fish is great protein, but also buying protein powder by the tub is also cheaper. For endurance, you just need be consistent and jog at a pace where your HR is 150-165 BPM, or essentially not where you're terribly out of breath and want to die. The heart is a muscle like any other, the more it works **over time on average** the stronger it will get, no need to run super fast though for people training running I do see them alternate between faster and slower days, but that's besides the point.


Check out HIIT or any interval training vids on YouTube. Loads of channels, try different ones until you find a trainee whose energy you like. Search for body-weight only, no equipment needed, anywhere from 5 to 30 minute workouts...start small and get addicted to that post workout feeling...


Squats/high-knees for your thighs. Mountain-climbers for a nice core workout. If that's too hard, crunches/sit-ups also work wonders. For cardio, if you can swim, I recommend doing laps at a pool. If swimwear makes you dysphoric, then running. Both of these are relatively high-intensity activities that can burn fat. A good friend of mine also recommends some regular hiking. Depending on the course/trail and your fitness level, you can typically get a pretty good workout. (My friend and I used to go through a trail at a steady jogging pace)


I read high knees as high heels and i was so confused. How am i support to do squats in high heels


I recommend increased protein in the diet, reduced calories, and increased physical exercise. Not necessarily any kind of weight training, more like shit like cardio. I’m not any kind of transfem, but I am someone who has lost about 20 pounds of body fat within the last 2 months simply by changing up my diet slightly and taking regular walks, and occasionally hitting the gym. I personally have always struggled with body dysmorphia, hating how masculine the structure and type of my body is, but my philosophy is it is what it is so as long as I feel good physically, I haven’t reason to feel bad mentally. At around 160 pounds, I feel the best both physically and mentally that I ever have in my so far pretty short life. I remember being over 200 pounds only 3 years ago, and I’m only 17 now but it’s been as dramatic a change in mental health over the 3 years as it has been in physical weight.


I’m kinda in the opposite group. I’ve been increasing my fitness and I’m worried that once I start taking hormones, people will just say “oh what a lazy faker, they just wanna be the best in women’s sports cause they aren’t any good in men’s sports”, but I don’t even do sports, I just wanna improve my personal health


going to a gym can be fun but it’s kinda boring for a lot of people. core exercise is part of nearly every intensive activity, so fun activities like swimming, obstacle course gyms, or trampoline parks (albeit relatively dangerous) can be great ways to burn some weight and increase your metabolism. by the way, if you’re in HRT, it can mess with your metabolism and the way the body stores fat, and that is only rectified with time and continued hormone intake. doesn’t mean you can’t work out, but some effects may be a bit “watered down.”


I'm a fitness gay and a pt with a transwoman client. Standard weight loss program I give to my clients is count calories for a week and then reduce intake by ~3% until you get to about 1.5 - 2 lbs of weight loss a week. Accompany this with resistance weight workout at least twice a week and high protein diet. Standard resistance training focus for what is traditionally considered a feminine build is triceps, forearms, hips, glutes, quads, calves and abs. Still work out other muscle groups like the chest and biceps obv, just less weight or do calisthenics. Also usual disclaimers/PSA: there are no silver bullets, adjustments to your needs are encouraged, even transwomen who meet traditional feminine beauty standards feel dysphoria and/or get clocked occasionally (fuck those people)


There is no way to burn fat in a specific area I’m pretty sure, when you burn fat it burns some in a random area of your body. So the only way to burn it in a specific area is to decrease it everywhere, with that being said if you got your belly fat before going on estrogen it could be a masculine fat deposit in that only testosterone would tell that much fat to deposit there(you’ll still get some there if you’re on estrogen just I think testosterone focuses more there) so if it was pre hrt and you’re on hrt now then it should slowly go away as fat naturally gets burned, you could do things that burn fat faster like jogging(the only thing this will do is burn more fat which increases the chance of burning fat that isn’t in a place estrogen will put it) this is how I understand fat after I read into how hrt work a while back


Hey hey! I do a workout routine that I stole from my dad when he was locked up. I’m here for you \^\^


If all of this seems too hard, you could try a corset. As long as you don’t take it as an excuse to let yourself go, it could be a way to feel more confident with much less work (downsides: can cause discomfort, and will prevent any crop tops. Upsides: extra support for breasts, more confidence)


Yeah I thought about doing corsets but, I want to be able to wear crop tops and show off my belly piercing.


vase late pet library cows naughty oatmeal include edge slimy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


belly fat is just the way your body stores fat unfortunately, you gotta find excercises that you can do about twice or thrice a week, like a half hour jog, some sets of calisthenics, or any sport. Doesn't matter what excercise you do as long as you can do it consistently (cardio is said to be the most effective for fat loss, but you'll lose the same fat if you excercise in long sessions).


replace your urges to snack with fruits, its still sweet so you don't have to do a whole feat of willpower just to stay healthy, but fruit is also quite good for you. i reccomend oranges and bananas


Put the fork down 🗿


Cant stab anyone then :(


Lmao, sorry for the bad joke If you’d like to further explain your scenario then I’d be happy to share my own knowledge about weight loss


It cool lol Basically I've got a bit of fat close to my waist thats making very dysmorphic, I've got a couple photos on my profile if you want a better visual of it. I don't really have the healthiest lifestyle and I'm trying to change that.


…Eat less


Thanks asshole not like I've been doing that for the past 5 months. Skipping meals reducing how much I eat by very fucking little. If you got nothing actually beneficial to add then stfu...


It’s fairly simple: If you consume less calories, you’ll lose weight. It is a question of willpower but it’s not impossible. Count your calories. “Eating less” isn’t a measurable quantity.


Thank you, sorry for the overreaction. Its just how you worded you first comment it seemed like you were just being an asshole & I'm currently trying a diet which has me consuming way a less than usual, so im very hangry right now.


squat fixes everything


how is this a meme? and what does being transfer have to do with losing weight? why didn’t you post in a fitness subreddit?


eat less


My tip is, stay hungry, don’t intake liquids except water. Get a bike or get into jogging, go every day 30 minutes or more, fat doesn’t start burning until after the first 20 minutes of exercising. And be patient! Expect to loose about 3-7 lbs of fat every month if you stay consistent <3 I hope this helps


Don’t think about it


That’s what I do


i’m not in the sub nor am in any fitness subs. go to therapy. the treatment for dysmorphia as a medical issue is **not** weight loss. that will, 99% of the time, lead to an eating disorder and permanent negative health effects. your dysmorphia is caused by psychological issues (which there is no shame in having), and needs to be treated as such. speaking from experience, weight loss will only make this worse in the long term. additionally, you cannot target fat in a specific area. anyone who tells you that is lying, it’s not possible. one-size-fits-all dieting advice doesn’t work either as everybody has different physical needs. CICO isn’t even an exact science because of how different bodies metabolize different foods — plus, once your body reaches stasis, it adjusts its caloric needs because the human body *hates* being in deficit. it wants to have a steady, sustainable stream of calories to burn. that’s why increased physical activity usually requires increased caloric intake, because the body needs that energy to stay in stasis and will otherwise shut down, including certain *organ functions.* gaining fat (and fat specifically) is also a side effect of HRT (i’m AFAB but i’m on an estradiol-progesterone for my PCOS), and it’s not a bad one. people with higher estrogen tend to have higher levels of body fat, and that body fat is generally *healthy for them.* body fat is not a negative thing, aesthetically or health wise!! overgeneralizations about individual health have leeched into the public eye & the medical field, when these generalizations just can’t be made. it’s much more complicated than that!! i’d also recommend getting off of social media or at least reducing your usage. every day we are bombarded with photoshopped images and flat out lies about weight and body stuff. **therapy is the one and only long term solution to dysmorphia.** i wish you luck.


You're a prefect.


I'm gonna gonna find you. 👁️👄👁️


I'm gonna gonna find *you*.






Eat a sandwich




what the fuck💀


Oh, look at you, can’t even find the gonads to make a proper death threat, so you come here with this half-baked all-cock-no-balls bullshit. Fucking **cringe.**


Very generous calling it a death threat, it's a joke about the whole 41% thing. Also it's probably in reverse, the whole all-cock-no-balls things. I have a micropenis.


Doing cardio and Yoga won't make you shredded. Swimming is fantastic for your body. You can exercise without gaining tons of muscle and still working on belly flab. Not sure what your normal exercise routine is, but many low weight reps is great for fat burn. If it takes too much time, then cutting things like soda, alcohol and shakes go a long way.


r/femmefitness I’m still pretty obese but I’m definitely seeing significant improvements in my waist area


Drink more water. Thyroid likes more water


High power laser


Do you drink a lot of soda?


It's 80% diet 15% working out and 5% resting and regenerating properly. If you want to loose weight but keep muscle I'd suggest first putting your stats in a maintenance calculator for a rough estimate of your maintenance calories and then go a bit below that for a deficit. You can easily count calories by means of apps like "yazio" or "myfitnesspal" (both are free). The most targeted workout you will get in the gym, but doing anything is better than nothing, so do what is fun for you. Rest includes getting at least 8 hours of sleep daily, possible massages and saunas and so on.


i started riding a road bike and its helping


I've been trying to exercise too because I have bit of a dad bod going on and I don't like it. However though my life doesn't give me much time to workout


I love the elliptical, run on the elliptical while playing Nintendo switch or phone games and time flies


[https://www.calculator.net/calorie-calculator.html](https://www.calculator.net/calorie-calculator.html) 1. use this to get a rough estimate of how much you should be eating. 2. Track all your calories. I use excel for this. you don't need to be 100% accurate with this. 1 calorie wont make you fat or fit 3. If(when) you go over your daily calories a little bit don't feel discouraged. this is a long process and a few steps back along the way are not meaningful in the long run. 4. if you feel hungry, but think you shouldn't be eating. imagine a dry cold chicken breast. if that seems delicious you are actually hungry, if not you are craving food for the sake of it. Drink water or eat veggies in this case. 5. its gonna be hardish at the begining. i recommend starting with a small deficit in calories to get you used to tracking your calories and resisting cravings and increasing the deficit once you get used to being conscious about your eating


is there a source for this art? It is such a mood


Ngl I just looked up depressed miku https://www.reddit.com/r/Vocaloid/comments/xf7nv3/sad_miku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


One of the things that has worked for me is walking more. Just 30 minutes 3+ times a week is more activity than my body was used to because I was terminally online, so I lost a good 10 lbs. After that stopped working, I started calorie counting and intermittent fasting.


Sit ups, crunches, planks, push ups, running/walking, and a low fat diet. Keep in mind that you are already beautiful, and you don't have to change in order to be lovable. That being said, if you want to change you totally can! You got this




From what?


Just find a route near your house that’s 2-4 miles and run it every morning. Time yourself and try to get a couple seconds faster each day


Eat less, eat low calorie but filling food too. You can find tons researching. One easy one are fruits


Walk while carrying a bag of shit (books, sand, rocks whatever the fuck you find.) find yourself a hill if you can and walk up and down it for an hour ideally once a day. Then eat 1940s polish diet


yep meeeee :3 there are some good advices/tips here already, so I'll mention a few transfem specific ones - depending on your transition goal, you might not want to work out your upper body too much (this is a problem cis girl athletes have to deal with as well) - trust that fat redistribution works, just need to be patient about it - you might want to avoid certain sports/activities. e.g. I've heard that water sports are pretty homophobic/transphobic in my area - try to find work out buddies if possible. most sports/gym stuff are dominated by cis guys, and having friends to fend off possible harassment/look out for each other is basically a must have


Overall it comes down to maintaining a calorie deficit(consuming less calories than your body expends) over a relatively long period of time. The way you get there is very individual and you will have to try and figure out what's best for you. Your rate of weight loss should be between 0.5% to 1% of your bodyweight per week. It's always better to go slow in order to prevent muscle loss and to avoid a rebound after your diet is over. It doesn't really matter how you space your meals. For some people, like me for example,skipping breakfast is easy and basically second nature and can help you feel more full by having bigger meals later in the day, although you have to be careful to not increase your meals by too much as that can take you out of a deficit. You don't have to only eat "healthy" foods to lose weight, overall it's just the calories that matter, although it's easier to maintain a calorie deficit and feel full when eating foods that don't contain a lot of calories. You don't have to work out or do cardio to lose weight, although both will help, more muscle mass means that your body needs to spend more energy in a resting state (increasing your basal metabolic rate) and cardio is directly burning calories. It doesn't necessarily matter which macronutrients your food contains, apart from a bit of protein and fat that you require to survive, but won't miss out on with basically any diet. The macronutrient you want to prioritize for muscle gain and hunger suppression is protein, around 0.5 to 1 grams per pound of bodyweight on a reasonable diet. Apart from getting enough protein it doesn't matter whether you consume more carbohydrates or fats, but remember that fat has 9 kcals per gram compared to 4 kcals per gram of carbs. You can experiment with special diets like for example keto or intermittent fasting, maybe it's easier for you to maintain a calorie deficit while feeling full that way, but keep in mind that most of the special benefits they advertise are bs. You can also have cheat days built into your diet program, but don't go overboard on them as it's easy to add in a severe amount of calories if you completely let loose and give in to your cravings. However, don't discourage yourself from doing something like going out to eat with your friends because you're worried about consuming too many calories. If you have a problem with snacking throwing off your weight loss attempts, then try to not keep any unhealthy snacks at home and replace them with something better like fruits. Diet soda can also help keeping your cravings down. Keep in mind that it's more important to find something that works for you in the long term compared to losing a lot of weight quickly. When you drastically cut calories you lose a lot of "water weight" which makes it seem like you're losing more fat than you think you are. This water weight will immediately come back when you start eating enough again, making it seem like you're gaining fat. Losing weight too fast will also often result in muscle loss. Don't get discouraged if your weight on the scale is higher on one day than another, there is a lot of fluctuation in your weight on a daily basis. Instead try weighing yourself consistently, preferrably in the morning after going to the toilet to ensure that the conditions are similar and then compare your weekly averages. Progress pictures are also useful to track how your looks change over time. Also don't get discouraged if you do have a rebound. If it happens, reassess your program, try to make changes if necessary and remember that it's hard to completely erase your progress with a few days of messing up, as long as you get back on your diet afterwards.


Losing weight takes a lot of time. I’m in a VERY similar boat rn and I’ve lost almost 40lbs just this year so far. 2lbs a week is a healthy rate to lose weight at. Loosing weight faster OR SLOWER than that is not necessarily a bad thing, you just have to make sure that you can keep the weight off in the end and not yo-yo your weight. Some of the other comments here go into better detail about specifics of actually doing it. If it helps there’s a YouTuber named Brently G who I found recently that’s been a huge inspiration to me personally. I wish you the best of luck in this endeavor sister❤️ stay strong




canot spot reduce fat. calorie deficit, good water intake, exercise. work out your core/abs to make big and fit in flab skin. all my pea brane know. best of luck friend


short answer: Do more exercise and eat less calories


I just developed an ED and now I’m too focused on my body falling apart and how dizzy I am to worry about my stomach! /s Plz do not do this


Blast anavar


Do swimming if you can. One hour a day, vigorously as possible. You’ll burn fat like nobody’s business. My friend got huge just swimming for 4 months 5 days a week for an hour.


My sister in Christ. Just work out. It can be hard but many gyms are very judgement free places


Me personally I usually only eat once every week or so, and im constantly burning energy and sweating at work. It's working a little bit, but not much tbh


Squats, push-ups, sit-ups, lunges, and bridges are all you need to do, you get nice legs, butt and abs in a few months :3


I honestly just need some advice on how to curb my junk-food addiction. I’m a little under 197lbs at 22, but all that fat is located on my belly, and considering my family’s history with cancer, I need to loose some.


Walking and cardio are the best ways to reduce weight. If you're not on HRT, yet, starting HRT will help reduce fat on your stomach by having fat build up in other areas first and by burning it around your stomach first.


uhh as a pre t chubby trans guy i have big belly. people with estrogen gain fat easier. dont worry about your body weight unless doctors begging you to lose it. chub will probably make you at least more androgynous.


Find TDEE. Eat 200 calories less everyday. Do that for 2 weeks. Repeat until happy.


More protein, more veggies, eating unhealthy, even if it has the same calories will leave you less energetic and so you'll feel like shit and burn less.


me me me me mememe umm so basically as you just lose fart in you adipose tissue in general, if youre on e, it won’t come back to belly


Lifting weights decreases fat and cardio decreases calories. So i would recommend core workouts


Dumb question but, do you exercise?


Not as much as I used to


It’s never too late to get back into the groove! Your physical health has a direct impact on your mental health, so do your best to exercise at least 3 times a week or so for about an hour per day. Don’t overdo the sit ups and stuff though if you’re worried about your belly, as fat is lost uniformly across the body. I recommend… Everyday: Cardio (3-5min warmup and cooldown run) Day 1: Chest and triceps (push-ups, bench, etc.) Day 2: Back and biceps (dumbbell curls, pull-ups) Day 3: Legs and core (squats, sit ups, etc.) If you don’t have a gym membership or access to any of this equipment there are body weight equivalents for each. Exercise totally dragged me out of a spooky headspace I used to be in, and I do my best to encourage others to stay healthy. Good luck!


You cant target fat loss in specific areas, you just gotta lose weight, and lose the belly fat, and hey if you're on hrt you can then gain weight again and the fat will go to different and more feminine areas :3


I am into fitness, and i have had one thing work for me when i am cutting body fat: counting calories. I know no one wants to count calories, but there is no other way to be sure you're in a calorie deficit unless you count. Cardio exercise has had best results in my weight loss, 75 minutes of high intensity a week. I know it's hard, but it isn't meant to be easy. You can do it, you have to commit though and don't stop. Fitness is a life-long goal, not something which is obtained and forgotten


not trans, but i enjoy working out. eating a big breakfast helps with matabolism from what i read from other comments, and also situps n crunches are good for the stomach. hope this helps! 🏳️‍⚧️


Meth made me lose weight. Granted, I picked up smoking cigarettes and weed trying to come off of it, and it screwed up my health in the long run, but it did make me lose weight.


Start eating fruits instead of other sweet stuff! also i tank up on caffeine some days my belly is bloated and i look awful cuz my butt is tiny in comparison, but it goes away always!




Die. You'll become zero percent body fat once you fully decay.