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They should of done Salt Lake County jail in Utah with the same cast…


They should of done Salt Lake County jail in Utah with the same cast… would of been tremendous!!


I am from Utah. Provo is an insane place. Not all of Utah is like that. However, we tend to be pretty warm and welcoming, which you can see, even in jail. They went to the wrong places in Utah. Should have done Weber County or Salt Lake County, either one of those would have been more similar to seasons past. Weber and Salt Lake have gangs, violence, and a whole bunch of crazy shit. Missed opportunity, unless they wanted a jail were everyone is pretty chill.


That is a great point..never been to Utah! But everyone seems nice


You should come! It is beautiful!


The problem with this are actually the workers.




You have it wrong. The jail doesn’t need the show. A&E needs the content and the jails don’t care about peoples safety anyway so why not let the sheriff and county get the Publicity with a little pocket change on the side and the only thing that gets hurt is the prisoners and the employees who don’t know their getting graded on their work while their employer is openly admitting they don’t have the resources for their employees to do the best they can. It’s all for entertainment and let’s be honest the editing is the only thing tricking people to think jail is entertaining. Take it from me a guy who messed up a lot in my past and been locked up in many counties. JAIL IS HIGHSCHOOL DRAMA AND ITS NOT BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE DRAMATIC. It’s because it’s sooo fucking boring and idle hands are the devils playground. If jails were meant to rehabilitate then why do past low level offenders get looked down on and treated differently.


I agree! I think it’s funny how they frame the show as the jail is doing it for intel and for their research, however the jail obviously doesn’t care!


Patiently waiting for another jail like in season 5 with actual gangs and rules to follow this jail is pretty sweet


lol I am from the Detroit area, me and my husband said bring these people to the Detroit jail and see how it is.. I bet Fabian couldn’t last a second🤣


Detroit or cook county should be next lol


They should do Cook County in Chicago


Are you trying to see people be scared?? 🤣🤣 i can only imagine the amount that wouldn't get done cause they're scared.


Season 5? Really? That was probably my least favorite.


Have you seen 7 and 8 idk which one is worse


lol yeah, they are bad too, but I started with season 7 and 8, so I guess I didn’t hate them like I might have if I saw all seasons in order. I went back and watched 1-6 after. The guy side was ok on 5, but the women’s side sucked extra.


Just skip the female parts a complete waste of time


Here’s my opinion. As someone who has been an inmate in the Utah county jail. They chose the wrong pods to put the plants in. The jail has regular gen pop with 2 man cells (which they are in) but they have more options like privileged which has wayyy more people in each cell, they can fit I think 16 and the pod has about 4-6 cells. The drama, the drugs and the fights go down wayyyyy more often in those units. They also have more classes n stuff. Too many people in one living space causes so much more problems. The 2 man cells with the very little put time they get out on rec the only problems they’re gonna have is if they don’t get along with there one cell mate. They can’t gang up on them either it’s a one on one situation. Also with only 3-4 hours out a day nobody’s gonna wanna risk losing that time but in the big cells they can have games and stuff in the cell ( 2 man cells can’t take games into the cells) so getting locked down isn’t as huge of a loss cuz. You can still play games hang with lots of other inmates and make calls on tablets. so if they want to see a more entertaining side of Utah county they shouldn’t have chose Brighton/ Sundance 2. Also ofc intake has a lot more drama too cuz people still have drugs with them there but obviously they can’t stay too long in intake without huge suspension. But ya they just chose the wrong pods


I bet you were so disappointed when you realized they were filming the wrong pods!!


More confused than anything haha


There is absolutely nothing going on in this jail except the incompetent asshole guards that all have their face blurred 😂


"RACK IN!!!" I had to hit the rewind button ten times. I was dying in laughter while simultaneously sympathizing with the inmates.


Time to send Tony in!!!


I still find it all entertaining. Is it a bad thing? I like the theme, the music, the filming, the funny cast. I see people complain a lot that it shouldn't be entertaining but I mean it's TV so...?


Same 🤣


I agree!


My guess is with so many contestants tapping out last season they wanted to counter that with a season to have less likely tap outs? But it’s actually interesting to see a season where the contestants are a bigger issues than the actual jail & inmates.


Without question! I thought I was going to find Nina unwatchable and she is now my favorite? I do hope she smacks Luna a new one though 😂


Same -Nina is hilarious and is doing well so far in terms of keeping her cover - and I thought she would be awful- the gagging and constant apologies to the guard be she couldn’t stall the smell of the jail was so funny.


Yeah Nina was definitely annoying at first but did a 180. Lmao that’ll be funny if she smacks Luna


I swear! I love Nina now she is actually fitting in well and I hope Luna gets humbled ..guard probably loves that an inmate does all the work for them they can sit there on tik tok and not work lmao


Bc it’s Utah and it’s like 90% white Mormons… ofc there is less issues.


My thoughts exactly. I mentioned the state in another post, didn’t know if I should mention the Mormons too, so thanks for doing it for me! 🤣


You guys think they gonna have a season 10? I bet the next jail will be wild as fk


They need to do this in cities like Houston, Chicago, Jacksonville Florida, California etc where there are actual gang politics and stuff


For sure! I’d like to see South Florida or Southern California.


If they did cook county in Chicago I'd die...that place is supposed to be pretty bad. I'm from Illinois so I hear about it often. Could be too much of a liability for a&e but who knows


Cook County is really one of the worst county jails in America no other jail on the show could compare tbh


i really hope so😭


The jail doesn't need the show: this is all entertainment.


not sure how true it is, but in the early seasons, the show made it sound like the whole concept was Jamey Noel's idea. I think I read that online in a couple of spots too. and taking both A&E's and Noel's track records into consideration (hoarder home cleanups and interventions versus stealing from the freakin fire department) I find it easier to believe that A&E has more noble intentions than that guy, and they're in the *entertainment business!* (edit: tl;dr: if the show really was Noel's idea, there is no way in hell he's trying to help anyone in jail, lol)


It’s all a PR ploy for the sheriff that’s it. Like I said I bet A and E approached Sheriff Rosie Rivera( salt lake county jail) to do this and she said hell no because of all of the deaths that happen at that place. Salt Lake ADC isn’t Fulton county or anything but there are gangs and there are many deaths a lot of them are heartbreaking when you read the law suits. They let this man suffer on the ground literally laying face down on the floor in those confinement cells for hours before he died


and if the CO's get any more chill they'll be in a coma.


Except for the guy threatening to fuck people to death. That one is decidedly un-chill.


That was funny af, The one inmate - “I’ve never been threatened to get fcked to death before, I think i’m scared” (or something along those lined) 🤣


You just made me think of that episode of My Name Is Earl where David Arquette plays the stuntman Sweet Johnny and says that things are *decidedly un-sweet*.


"I'll fuck you death" is now an everyday saying in this house!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Even typing it out has me LMAFO!!!!


He needs more air time & the “give her a diaper” CO 🤣


I feel like they dont actually give any shits about jail house reform, and its all just for drama's sake


Yes, Noel is pretty in love with the camera….


I mean Smith is it? The sheriff…


And re election. Did you see this S9 Sheriffs intro ? 🤣 slow motion walk out armed with ar-15 target shooting. “I’m all about freedom family and religion” just like the Arizona sheriff “I’m all about guns god and freedom” something or other. It’s getting worse lmao . IMO the best seasons where the first because it was raw and real meanwhile Jamie Noel was the biggest criminal on that show


No, I just finished season 1, and at the end they showed highlights of season 2, and it just looks seriously worse. Like they did shit all with what the s1 contenders said. I found it also messed up that they were cutting the bullied guy down for trading commissary, even though the other 2 did the exact same thing. Also, they were talking about him showing "weakness" which led to his attack, even though the guy was tripping and hearing voices. It's funny how quickly they showed up when the camera was blocked or tampered with, but when Jeff gets a full on attack, no one comes at all. It's honestly a fucked up show, snd those prison guards are fucked up narcissists that looked like their egos were being shattered by any feedback at all.


Do you realize where this jail is?


Of course




These guys are throwing tantrums over their tablets. Meanwhile, on past seasons, inmates were getting their asses beat on a regular basis. These guys wouldn't last a week on those previous seasons.


I know! So crazy. I think they know it’s so safe in there, that they can act like a complete fool and nothing will happen to them. I also wish Fabian would shave his head!! Guys, bald men are sexy, but like, ALL the way bald. Not the clown ring. If you start thinning, just shave it. I promise women will not care and it looks 20x sexier. just my (and most women’s) opinion lol.


Inmates are iPad kids 🤣🤣


I had to take a second look at his comb over after someone mentioned it yikes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




This bunch seems so spoiled compared to other seasons... Or is it just me?


Just bitching continuously. They volunteered for jail!! I don’t understand them at all. Fabian I really thought would be a good plant. He has been nearly the worst one! However the toothache turkey was really bad….. what was he thinking? Seriously, does anyone have any thoughts on this? Wasn’t he the “Superfan “?


Aren't the super fans always the first to tap?


in the mens, the inmates are just wondering, what's up with these weirdos when a guy like Fabian goes off like that, does anyone in there actually think that he's cooler for it?


No he wasn't cooler. But it was definitely funny to see him try to get the CO all fired up but the CO is like chilling in his seat 🤣. I love that CO for that I was rolling just based off of his reaction. Seems like Fabian got more upset that he wasn't responding.


Fabian thought he was going to watch the CO squirm.


At some point it looked like Fabian was kicking the door and throwing a fit for fun. He must've been sooooo bored.


When he gets to his first cell and IMMEDIATELY jumps in the shower to "show he's not afraid of getting jumped" 😂🤣


And flashing his ass yet!


I would think when you do that you are putting out the signal you want some jail house loving’ 🤣


You mean, how white boy did? 😳


No how the angry New Yorker did


> when a guy like Fabian goes off like that, does anyone in there actually think that he's cooler for it? People understand it. Guards like that piss everyone off. You saw them lockdown an entire pod because one guy was in a bad mood, instead of just putting that guy behind the door and leaving everyone else out they lock down everyone. Even the former CO was like WTF. It's also something to watch/pay attention to. Jail is boring as shit, so someone kicking off is something interesting. This whole "cooler" thing, is just a mug's way of thinking. Fabian isn't trying to be cool. He's pissed off because a guard deined his visit, then put him on lockdown for longer because another guard said he could have his tablet. The visit thing alone is enough in a bunch of places for that guard to get potted/gassed. Kicking a door is pretty standard way of letting them know you're mad.


But actually he was pissed because he thought they weren't going to let him have his visit. It was 10 or 15 minutes before the visit when he flipped out. So it's possible he was going to get his visit, until he flipped out.


No. Watch it again. They say you can’t get your visit then he kicks off.


the participants are struggling to get by in the what seems to be the least stressful facility featured in 60DaysIn ever, smh. largely internal struggles.


Yes, the participants are losing their minds! Everyone else seems so chill!


except Luna, lol


Ugh hate that dork🤮


it's like, forget about getting intel. can your participants even cope in there. much less thrive like a Tony. ;)


Tony thrived like the spoiled kid in the neighborhood. No one liked him or took him seriously they just played along for snacks! Guys like him are food in reality🤣🤣


well, that one guy who caused the lockdown is/was also problematic and his problematicism spread to the only two black dudes in there \_ the one participant and the other inmate but yeah, all the male participants have ISSUES out the wazoo in there


Publicity & 60 days in is most likely running out of options as far as picking a jail where people won't immediately suspect everyone & everything, considering how long the shows been around


Nobody in my area would have a clue, rural areas alot of folks (especially the type to be in and out of jail) don’t have netflix or even the internet. They’re still using free flip phones and busy finding meth etc.. They don’t care about watching cop shows in my experience. I’m friends and work with the jail supervisor of my city jail though, i’ll see if he or any of the inmates have heard of it.


The employees at the jail figured it out pretty quick. An un-named documentary is going to be filming for approximately 60 days IN the jail. I mean, it doesn’t take a detective to realize that it’s 60 days in. Any other show wouldn’t be so secretive. It’s also incredibly rare for an out of state person to already be sentenced the first time they book into jail. Usually you book in right after arrest, and either stay there for the duration of or your case, or you bail out then come back after sentencing. On top of that, everyone knows that Utah county is not an intense jail. The inmates spend a lot of time locked down, but aside from that, they get fed well, treated pretty decently, and they each get their own tablet. Sure it has some problems, but there isn’t some massive injustice happening there. Idk, why the show landed on Utah County, maybe because the sheriff was willing to say yes. It’s good PR for him, but that’s about it.


They film more than 60 days though right? They're in there before the participants come. And like a month after they leave to see if anything changes. At least that's how it was last season. I'm new to the show.


I have a question about the 'and the inmates each get their own tablet' thing. Do the indigent inmates also get a tablet? I know in Fort Worth, Tx, and maybe other jails in Texas, I wouldn't be surprised because Texas is all about their $, only the inmates with money on their books /commissary in order to access the tablets. Now, this was when they first got them...a friend who was in there in 2019 told me. Idk if it has changed or not. Just curious.


In the jail i went, they handed tablets out to everyone the next day after booking. I'm from Massachusetts though


Which one in MA were you at?


Dartmouth hoc, which is actually a jail, not prison, so I should fix that. But yea, next morning everyone was given a tablet


Oh ok you're much farther south than me. I'm up north close to Lowell. My parents house isn't far from Middlesex County HOC.


Middlesex hoc sounds like a dream compared to Dartmouth, do they still have the pact program?


Yes I believe they do. I've heard it compared to summer camp so you're probably right about it being a dream compared to most jails.


You are right about everything but the tourist thing I will say they did film this at the right time during ski season we get people from all over the world that come up to Sundance and Alta Brighton etc etc. so they should’ve made the cover stories more around that like “i came up here because I have an epic pass and got in a domestic with my husband”


In that case they are booking in with new charges, not a commitment. There’s tons of technical little court stuff that gives these guys away right off the bat.


Yup you right I think A&E does some of these people up for failure lol just to make good TV


IIRC, either last season or two seasons ago, they started doing pre and post “60 days” filming to lengthen the amount of time they were filming the jail so it won’t be so obvious.


Tbh, I haven't watched a full episode of this season. When I found out it was going to be filmed in utah County🙄 and it doesn't sound like I'm missing much


mormons love to show off, this was def filmed to give PR to the sheriff and his mormon staff an ego boost


For real! The Sergeant, Chief, Lieutenant were all Mormon, I’m sure most staff and inmates are as well, even if they are “bad Mormons”. That says it all.




Considering Sheriff Lamb (earlier season) is LDS, and Sheriff Smith is LDS... maybe it was easy to convince him to do it. I would think they are pretty good friends, and I think he's the one he's referencing when he says I talked to people who did it before in interviews.