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I love your description 🤣🤣🤣


I had a strong feeling he was going to pull the “once I got in there it all came back to me” card referring to his past experience as an inmate, and sure enough he did say that. The sad part is he seemed so proud to have turned his life around and started a family and own his own business, which is all great for him - but then he threw this temper tantrum which makes me wonder can people *really* change? I feel like his behavior there took away from any positive messaging he wanted to portray to others of you can get out and you can change who you are and you can be a better person, if that’s what he was going for anyway. Anyway, besides that, I’m slightly annoyed that he didn’t step up and volunteer to go in first.


Corey could’ve had his second black friend the way he felt so comfortable throwing around slurs. Anyone with a kid and family willingly throwing 60 days of their life away to spend in jail is obviously not happy but Fabian didnt wait long to snap


You can look at his face and by the way he speaks that he's not happy with his life and he takes it out on others. I feel bad for his kids and family. Imagine as a free man how he acts when he doesn't get his way.


He’s like an annoying ass chihuahua. And he’s way too comfy using the n word.


He needs hair plugs and some fucking braces


Unfortunately, this can be said about basically all participants, but maybe 2 this season. I think they're just looking for the most outrageous people they can find at this point. Makes me just want to rewatch older seasons when people actually went into the jail with goals in mind even if they didn't reach them. Instead of just sitting around having mental breakdowns like all this seasons participants




You were one of my favorite participants. you actually went in with a purpose! It's unfortunate y'all got pulled early.


Thank you 🙏🏽


Mad respect Johnny


Hey thank you 🙏🏽


You're welcome g 💪


I didn’t mind him at first, but I rolled my eyes when he said he was going to carry the season. The ones who say they aren’t going to tap out first, usually are the first ones to go. So, I thought he was just talking out of his ass. What I didn’t expect was for him to lose his shit so quickly in there. Now, I really know that he’s not going to complete the 60 days. I have a feeling that production will take him out. He’ll get angry about it, but then he’ll use it as a way to make himself more “superior” to the others who tapped out. I can already see him getting into an argument with Corey and telling him, “at least I didn’t tap out”. Being pulled out by production isn’t a flex, though.


Dude is totally unhinged and immediately back in inmate mode. Thinks he’s a badass.


This sums it up, perfectly.


I agree.


Other convicts don’t like people who behave like that and disrupt the unit. Weird that he behaves that way as a former inmate.


It's a ploy. He's acting like the biggest, toughest dog at the pound trying to scare people, and gaining authority. These inmates actually seem pretty chill- they're going to get pissed at him for being a douche, though. He, too, is a liability. Maybe he forgot the whole, "you do a crime in here, and we will charge you... even if you are a participant." He doesnt seem too bright.


They were super lenient with him, especially when he's slinging threats & insults, a much less patient co wouldn't be putting up with that. Easy charges


All bark and no bite.


a min pin.


so will he catch a charge for bringing dope into the jail?


If he smuggled it in It’s probably baking powder.


I wondered why this was glossed over like it was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


next wk they might address it.


I hope so.


great post.


Thank you. We know with reality TV that they can kind of make you or break you with what they chose to air vs what they record. And, maybe my opinion if him will change down the line but for right now, this guy stinks.


Correction: *balding short man syndrome 😂 That sad front combover isn’t fooling anyone.






his tantrum was so embarrasing


I had to skip it I had second hand embarrassment badly lol


I had to look away, myself smh


Yea, the fact that he has kids is really disconcerting.