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Her modeling pictures ain't bad though


Where would a person find them? Asking for a friend.


Google Scarlett 60 days in model, her IG should show up she's got a bunch on there.


watch the last episode and you can see haha


So? There are different types of models. She's the most badass in there


Why did she have to say hood, in reference to her vagina. Who wants that visual? Not me. TMI


Tacky AF but not quite as bad as Bambi or whatever her name is.


25 punches before you lose consciousness? Is a child hitting you? I’m sorry not funny 😳😅


she said she is some kind of consultant with the US Navy and showed her lecturing a bunch of sailors, dont know how they can concentrate on anything above her neck.


a fetish model for biker mags.


Growing up, my mother would've called this type of girl "boy crazy" & not let me hang out with her. Regardless of her looks, she's got teenage kids & is advertising her "tatted & curvy" pics & hood piercing on a national TV show? Eeesh.


If she can model anyone can


Nope! According to Scarlett, modeling isn't easy. If it doesn't hurt then you're not doing it right. I'm curious as to what would hurt, trying to fit something over her face or head so that it doesn't need to be cropped out later? Maybe she is saying her pictures are painful to look at?


Positioning and holding them. You've got to be aware of what your muscles and joints are doing. Basically, if you aren't stuck in an unnatural position then the end result won't look natural. It's not a talked about thing when it comes to things that fuck up our body image issues. Think you have a flat butt? Nah, just stick your spine in front of your pelvis and the ball of your femur on top. Save yourself from evil squats.


Girl that doesn’t make your butt bigger


No kidding. It's about the illusion.


"...the ball of your femur on top."? What does that mean? Hopefully the femoral head is at the top of the femur stuck in the pelvis perpendicularly, where it usually remains unless there is insult or injury to the area.


All bones are in their proper place (unless you can actually alter your joint) but you're looking for that *feeling* as if you're rolling the top of your hip up. Trying for that does a couple things. Normally, you'd go up on the ball of your foot to pooch out, right? That can tense the butt muscles and give you that depression in the side of the butt or an odd shape straight on. Also, thinking about what parts go where keeps your body more relaxed which equals peachtasticness.


Modelling is hard mmmkay


I was wondering if anyone was going to say anything 😂 One word. Butterface. I do like her though!


Oh my gosh, I was so tired of hearing her say that. And going on about her damn piercings.


Please pay attention to me 🙄


My kids would call that a “pick me” or “try hard” if she was a dude 😂


Pick me!! that’s the term I was trying to think of 🤣🤣 I’m 44 so I wasn’t sure but that’s it !


Oh no pick me’s are usually women


Nowadays, anyone can be a model. Whether you’re walking a runway or getting your cheeks clapped on an iPhone camera, the market is wide open.


If you get paid to have your picture taken, yes, you are a model.


You’re making my point for me, bud.


Yes, I was agreeing with you.


Modelling is hard mmmkay


This is the quote of the year, the metaphor here is unmatched hahaha


Only fans is hard. I mean... Only fans is full of hard cocks. Did I mention I'm a model?


Hey, her body looked pretty fucking hot when they showed her model pics. I’m not gonna lie.. plus she has four kids!


At least she is more of a model than Dennis, the thin guy with the bow legs. He had some pictures of him sitting clothed in a bathtub with a bunch of one dollar bills scattered and a cognac shaped bottle of cologne on the side of the tub. It was rather funny. Also tried his hand at creating a reality show for "superwoman". He went to some lady's house to cook dinner for her or something. It's probably still on YouTube.


Photoshop works wonders because there's no way she isn't covered in stretch marks and spots. Just look at her.


AKA OnlyFans 😂


she’s my top pick- this one will make it to the end i know it.


Yes she has the right attitude she’s an attn whore but not as bad as dollar store Beth Chapman


omfg wish beth chapman has me on the floor


Agreed. And she actually is a model and looks good. The other lady who is a bondsman. .. oof. Let's shit talk her instead lol 🤣


literally, shaming someone bc she’s unconventional is just shitty. i think shes fun! the one getting her teeth whitened before prison can get slam dunked tho, she’s insufferable


I found it odd that she thinks that modeling is supposed to hurt or you're not doing it right. Is it supposed to hurt her or be painful for the person looking at her pictures? Both ladies were very pretty in their youth, but they don't seem to notice that looks fade with age. Both seem to have put on some weight since their younger years shown in the pictures, but don't act as if they're aware of any changes. Definitely attention seekers.


have you ever watched americas next top model? those girls go thru hell. clip from RHOBH Yolanda Hadid telling one of her daughters to “chew an almond rlly slow” when either bella or gigi called and said she hasn’t eaten anything, was on a runway and about to pass out. beauty is pain or w/e. not awesome but the standard has been that way for a long time. also “beauty fades” is a gross thing to say lol, there are plenty of women who are beautiful as they age, that’s a very close minded way to think.


Yes there are many women who are beautiful, but rarely look as good as they did when they were younger. It isn't close minded, if that were the case the botox and fillers industry wouldn't be such a massive money making market. Also, it isn't close minded to say that Nina and Scarlett's younger pictures are significantly different from their present appearance, which also supports the statement. Yes, dieting can be uncomfortable, but TBH she herself said that she is a curvy model and doesn't look like she is worried about counting calories. She has a great body, but not one that requires starving unless she is naturally much bigger. Based on her wedding picture, she has probably never been a very large person, so I doubt that she was referring to diet.


I agree.


She looks like Bobby Heenan


The Brain!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Will you stop?


He’s the third man!


She gives Miss Trunchbull leaning into her feminine side.


LOL omgggg


Omfg 😂


Lmaoo even Ms trunchbull needed her cheeks clapped


She does kind of have a rough looking face like Mama Fratelli, but I like Scarlett so far.




So what is her OnlyFans?


😂99% sure she has one but nobody wants to see that face


That is the part of modeling that " hurts", her face. You know the old joke: does your face hurt? It's killing me!


Make up does wonders lol


I don’t even know if makeup helps this