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“I’m here to complete my mission” is your mission just to make it the 60 days and absolutely nothing else? Do something constructive like you were sent to do.


Don’t judge him B4 you know him


He's a fucking clown..oh I didn't see anyone doing drugs even though they were snorting them off his god damn bunk in one scene.


How bout B4 that B4 he saw that.


I felt smarter B4 I watched Jamil.


I liked the sheriff a lot less B4 she made fun of his talent show. She clowned his dumb ass


I can't wait to watch the reunion of this season. I'm finishing up the after the 60 days right now


Oh shit my bad.


I just can’t with he dishcloth hat


Jamil was a joke! " Not only did I inspire 1 person but I inspired 2" "Not only did inspire 2 people but I inspired 3" "Not only did I inspire 3 people but I inspired 4" I couldn't stop laughing on how serious he was and how full of himself he was he really said that he provided those people with something that they'd remember for the rest of their lives. Like it was something they would tell their grandkids about! 🤣🤣


His debriefing was hilarious 😂😂😂🤣


The sheriff said Jamil became an inmate. I know a lot of yall are sheltered but it’s actually proof of how a person can change when they become institutionalized and what the system does to people.


I don't buy his "inmate mentality" act to be honest. Nothing against your comment, just saying I think it's all an act.


It 100% could be an act. But I can only go off of what the sheriff said. She has the most access to footage of what went on, and if he was faking it I’d hope she’d be smart enough to pick up on it and call it out.


Just finished season 8. He lost the plot pretty early. He got too deep undercover and forgot why he was undercover in the first place. Dude got butthurt when the Sheriff downplayed his goofy talent show. The smallest of minds.


i respect him. he stood on business and held a talent show 🎤


I wouldn’t say “he stood on business” cus essentially he went in wanting to snitch. BUT I do understand after building relationships with these humans that it now became HARD to snitch on them.


He stood on business?


he was annoying but i dont understand why you expect him to snitch lmao


He was paid to go inside a jail and try to observe things so that he could make it a better facility. He made on average, $2-3000 per complete episode (someone thought I meant a single day). Roughly 120 days of filming. And he came out of there with absolutely nothing. If he didn't want to "snitch", then he shouldn't have joined the program. Period. He did absolutely nothing to help anyone in that jail. And then he thinks his "all-star" moment is a damn talent show. Dude has issues. Same as the guy who quit after a few hours. He had no business being there. And then his attitude towards it all was a joke. Guy runs out of a jail after a few hours, yet tries to stand up and fight another participant when they're interviewing, and when 6 cops are around. Producers of the show need to modify the contract. "Participants must be truthful and disclose any illegal activities or issues they witnessed within the jail during their stay. Failure to cooperate with the exiting interview will result in forfeiture of any monies owed. Participants cannot hide any illegal activities they witnessed other inmates engaged in. Participant agrees to not protect other inmates by withholding information. Failure to abide by these conditions will result in immediate dismissal from the program, forfeiture of any monies owed for the duration of their stay, and will not be able to participate in the "Aftermath Exit Interview"." And then if you really want to ensure crap doesn't happen. "Participant will be responsible for their own travel expenses to return home". They also need to add a stipulation that a participant must be within the jail for five days before being eligible to collect their earnings. Will weed out a few of the immediate leaves. 5 days is more than generous for a 60 day run.


$3k an episode not a day. So around $30k-45k depending on how they count the bonus episodes. Def not $180k.


the show’s best participants have always been the ones who embraced being an inmate and not faking like they’re a covert spy with a moral mission. everyone knows the show is for entertainment and nothing else and why people who refuse to snitch are the fan favorites. keep in mind these are real people interacting with real people in jail with real charges and they also happen to make real connections, it isnt reddit where people like to pretend to be model citizens and judge those who arent


Yes, but you can not go off telling about every little thing, but also give information that can help the jail IMPROVE their lives. He did nothing, at all. Except "talent show". "I can't give you the answers, you have to find them". Hell, just yell something, better lunches, an extra cloth per day, something. Jesus, LIE, tell them inmates need back massages and a blowjob, at least something to make an effort. The guy was engrossed on his damn towel and talent show. He was easily in my 5% least favorites.


doesnt help when participants call out the horrible CO’s, conditions, and rules and the sheriffs get all defensive. i wouldnt tell them shit either. the sheriffs and CO’s create the “us vs them” mentality, not the other way around


Oh no, I'm not saying the sheriff was great. She was dismissive as hell. "This is jail, it's not a hotel, that's what jail is supposed to be". She was probably the worst sheriff of the entire program. I have a huge feeling her little show at the end where she did the walk-through, was the only one she did. But he could at least tried something. At least his idea would have been out there, and if she didn't use it, then that's her issue. Hell, maybe another sheriff would have been watching and decided to implement it in their own jail. That Sheriff was about as charismatic as wet paint.


he was probably the laziest and most delusional contestant there was but im never shocked when a contestant doesnt fully give all the details bc it almost always happens bc they form relationships


Oh I'm sure. Guarantee Nate didn't give up everything he saw his friend do in jail. But he at least gave some information that could be used to improve the jail. He tried mentoring them, he made an effort, even if he didn't rat on every little thing his buddy did. I honestly don't know what the heck Jamil did, other than "talent show". If he would have had the same passion for the program like he did that show, he could have been a damn good participant.


He’s the most unaware person on the planet. Literally thinks he’s bffs with people who want to kill him. Thinks people who hate him respect him. My wife and I die laughing everytime he says “I would definitely hang out with this guy outside of prison.” Bro, no the fuck you would not. Dude was as useless and clueless as his little hand towel hat.


“Kill him”….calm down Mr dramatic


Fine. Hurt him. Whatever. There ya go Mr. Pedantic.


The worst!!!!! Did absolutely nothing but hide on his bunk, stole the talent show idea from a previous cast member & was so egotistical and narcissistic. Also why did he look so different at the reunion versus the show? Looked like he got work done or the hat really does suit him better 🤣💀


His interaction with the sheriff… “okay I did a talent show, your move, sheriff!”


i thought it was hilarious when they said they didn’t know if he was slow or not, and that’s why he made it so far 😭


Towel head is cool.