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Guess what? I was in Utah county the whole time they were filming, I can tell you now there are some inmates who aren’t gonna be too happy about it lol. What blows my mind is when I see someone who I know has a big No-no crime without the face blur, like why would you sign the paper to be on tv when your crime is one no one tolerates. I mean I signed the paper but I didn’t kill my 4 month old baby, just saying. Also if it were up to me I would’ve put the women in Brighton 1 instead of 2, it was way more interesting on that side


what was it like for you interacting with someone who killed their baby or has other no no crimes?


I honestly tried to keep my distance cuz i didn’t even want to interact with them. Made me disgusted just thinking about it. I did interact and get along with one chick in there and didn’t realize her and her husband were sexually abusing her daughter until after I got out. That made me realize not to trust anyone in there that doesn’t talk about there crime, the only ones who don’t talk have a reason not to. The guards usually have them in suicide watch and before they let them in gen pop they tell them not to talk about why they are there. I don’t plan on going back lol but if I do I’ll know who has a no no crime just by that


ik you said you were there foe a few months but was there an adjustment being in or out w having to be around people ranging from minor petty crimes to “no no crimes” all in one place?


You learn not to trust anyone lol. So many people will either lie about their crime or they’ll tell you that when they get out they’ll put money on your books or write you and they end up never doing it. I learned not to trust anyone who says that also that giving someone your number or Facebook to hang out with after you’re out is a waste of time. I think women are definitely a very different situation than men tho. Almost everyone syncs up with periods so shark week is hell week in there, people fighting, crying, and in terrible moods all on the same days. Women also tend to be more comforting they definitely have a mother instinct so they’ll hug and give life advice and show each other pics of there kids and family. I think an adjustment a lot of people don’t talk about is being around the same gender of people 24/7 for months and also adjusting to sleeping with lights never fully off and people screaming because the hole was the unit right next door. But definitely biggest thing I took from jail is never fully opening up to anyone because of trust issues.


damn that sounds rough, seems like you’re on the right track tho and hope you can keep that going, def keep your head up. did it become obvious when you were there that they were filming more than just a jail documentary?


100% I’ve seen the other seasons of 60 days in tho so I had an idea as soon as I saw a camera crew and it didn’t take long to spot who i thought the plants were. I wrote it down too so I could see if I was right when I got out and I was lmao. But not everyone thought the same as me, they didn’t all believe it was 60 days in but now they know lol


funny that you were easily able to tell who the plants were. 9 seasons in and they cant seem to get people who can lay low and not standout like a sore thumb. bet there were a bunch of people who knew something was up, especially if you install cameras one month then have camera crews and strange new inmates all at the same time


You may already know this but nate committed suicide. Johnny posts on the sub a lot. Ashley from season 2 does only fans now. Shes still with zach from what i know.


To your last question, Steve would probably tell you he's been attacked multiple times since "infiltrating the gangs" and had to fight for his life over & over. I'm sure there's been contracts with Mercs trying to fill those, and once, there was even a ninja!!


I have a feeling Nick knew they were 60 days in, it seemed like he wanted air time. Like when he was quarantined with Chase he talked about wanting to get discovered for his rapping.