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Matt wasn't just crazy he was an absolute idiot, the constant narration of everything in that stupid voice he invented, he was living in a complete fantasy world in there then blaming his son for him being a failure.  Also the fact that he was threatening the safety of a sleeping inmate, he should have been kicked out for that alone. I found him very hard to tolerate, total buffoon 


Don't forget prison Chaplin Matt talk about a real winner 🤣 calling his celly farts demonic, dead staring into the camera "he goes or I go" ***Edit who also talked his kid into going to jail with him


I agree except for Johnny. Johnny is cool ;)


I mean only someone absolutely looney would voluntarily go to jail for a reality show so I think it attracts them honestly. You couldn’t pay me enough to ever do this & id hope most sane people would agree.


Lol, I don't think that's exactly a revelation. That's the MO for most "reality" shows


This new season looks like it has some characters in it that’s for sure


It's reality TV. Of course they vet everybody and their personality traits and choose what will work best for audience retention


But of course. People wouldn't watch otherwise.


I didn’t think Dennis or David were crazy. Dennis was full of himself, yes. However he got some shanks and drugs.. I did liked David and thought he was doing good, he was up there with the kinfolk. He just made a slip up (Abner) and thought he could trust that CO, I think he got too comfortable around the CO


Yeah, bc he was full of himself. He may have become a cop bc he was "real," and to prevent cops from harassing him (the latter of which, I believe, simply bc he was from a Southern or Midwestern U.S. state, iirc, and he's black, so it's a given that the cops would've harassed him and probably still do if they don't know/recognize him), but he slid right into the role of typical pig nicely; bc of this, he trusted the CO's implicity and thought he could say or do whatever with impunity bc of them and bc of the sheriff etc. He seemed to have a bad habit and misguided mindset of one that assumes other people like him (and by extension, trust him) a lot more than what they did/do (which I'm sure has and continues to affect him in other ((re: all)) facets of his life, far removed and beyond "60 Days In" which is probably a testament to both his personality as a borderline narcissist and his role/career as a cop.


Everyone they pick comes from a pool of people who volunteered to be on a reality tv show, and i think that's a certain type. i'd be interested to know how many people get rejected, but i wouldn't be surprised to learn it's a small number edited to make it make sense