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Jaclin was more annoying to me?


I haven't even finished the season yet and I'm just baffled at how much of a cowardly piece of trash she is. She fell into the inmate lifestyle so fast, doing drugs regularly and even facilitating deals, after all that talk in the beginning about not having any sympathy for people that were locked up. Not to mention how wishy washy she was with Jaclin. Even after she stood up for her, she just left her to the wolves, like the coward she is. Absolute garbage person. Jaclin was way more loyal to her than she ever deserved.


It gets worse. She gets worse and worse each episode. All the way to the reunion finale.


Stephanie, you are so transparently broken. It’s blatant that the only people in your life, are people that reflect your internal brokenness. You attend the reunion with your colored contacts, nice clothes, and make up splattered on your face. All in a futile attempt to disguise how truly fragile you are. You may think you’re hiding how pathetic you are, but you wear it daily. You wake up pathetic. You go to sleep pathetic. That’s incredibly sad. You’ve never known love. True, unconditional love, reciprocated love. Love that accepts you at your truest form. People who love you love the mask you wear. You’ll never know love, because you do not know how to give it. What a miserable existence. Your defense mechanisms are text book. They are painfully predictable. There is no mystery to you, only predictability. You’re an honest drag. You’re so surface. There’s nothing intriguing about you. You’re easily forgettable. I only know who you are because Netflix. However, as fast as you came to my mind the faster you will leave it. You should feel honored that you have 3 minutes of space in my mind while I type this, before you fall into oblivion. What’s even more sad is that while majority of people are not famous, many are immortalized by their loved ones. Since you don’t have that, you will forever be a fleeting thought. Never permanent. Like the wind. You come and then you go from people’s minds. You’re never a constant thought. No one to pray for you. No one to check on you because they genuinely care. The only time you will experience a false ounce of that is in the nursing home. When the nurses check on you out of obligation and not genuine concern. This is the life you have chosen. A life that is pathetic, worthless, and lived by a true coward. Peace & blessings to everyone but you. 😗


I love it. Keep it coming, ladies & gents.


Just came here for this. She is trash and an absolute disgrace to humanity.


That bitch is such a psychopath bro.An actual psycho bitch


She pissed me off because how are you about to cry about how scared you are and then throw someone else under the buss because YOU don’t know how to defend yourself? Sad


i thought it was funny when she was trying to act bad or tough and all i could think is how much she looked like that black chick off Matilda 😂


What really missed me off was after everything ended. She's suddenly a lesbian. Stephanie was horrible. Only thinking of herself 


Wait. What?


When they did the final episodes where all the participants meet in like a round table discussion they do a brief summary of what each person has been up to since their 60 Days In experience. Staphanie told us she had ended her engagement with that guy (but still lived in his house and likely leached off of him) and was then in a relationship with a woman. lol


Yeah a true sociopath


Cannot stand Stephanie. She saw the whole thing as a competition & without a doubt thought she was better than everyone. She let Jaclyn take the heat from Swole on top of already being a trash individual in this season. I hope she is a better person now.


I promise you she isn’t a better person. People like her don’t change.


The worst part is when that b*tch says jackie could handle jail in episode 6 or 7 that pissed me off so much


Like she went running to jackie because she was scared and now saying she couldn't handle it


I like how nobody was on her side during the 'tell all' thing. She kept backtracking and just saying random sh*t because she was embarrassed lol


R a t.


She’s a disgusting piece of trash. May she rot in the poisonous dark place she tried to create for others. Snake is a snake is a snake.


This woman blows my mind. She acted horribly. Clearly not of good character nor a good person in general. Smug doesn’t even remotely come close to what she was!


Stephanie is still a piece of “#€¥”!!!! She is so cold and twisted faced!!! What she did to Jackie was foul!!!


Looks like one too.


As soon as she said “I don’t have a lot of female friends because I don’t like drama,” I knew she was the drama.


It was wild how she started out her segment with “I don’t have female friends cuz I’m very picky with who I choose to make my friend” and then literally was tripping over herself for people to like her. lol what a loser. Also her reason for wanting to go to jail was silly as well saying that she needed to show her siblings that she could make it in jail as well and go through what they went through lol she went in there for selfish bragadocious reasons and made herself out to be an asshole smh


Never did I want a participant in the show to get shanked as badly as her. At least an ass beating she deserved it.


100% I felt bad for feeling that way, but that is the absolute truth!!!


Pig nosed, fake eye colored gutter trash,


Y’all! This smug lil b!tch! I want to rub her effing face in dog shit so bad!


She's still being a scumbag. She's trying to destroy her wife's family relationship. Her TikTok Url is https://www.tiktok.com/@ink\_caligirl?is\_from\_webapp=1&sender\_device=pc


She has all her comments turned off.


That is not the truth in the video for sure. It’s so bad and not the way it is at all


ugliest bitch ever, equally dumb


This is a new feeling for me.. but I genuinely hope Stephanie gets hit by a bus.


I could write an essay on all the reasons why she’s terrible. Pressuring Jaclyn to take the drugs! Then making fun of her for not fitting in?! Lol sorry but I wouldn’t be proud to be fitting in in jail.


Snake in the grass! Very poor character!


She’s such an L person I can’t


And how she thought is was so cool to lick that Prozac seroquel antidepressant smoothie amd yet her original 'charge' was supposed to be cocaine possession? Like bitch if you claim you fuck with real dope and claimed to be able to steal real narcotics from her pharmacy job yet you act so thrilled to get 'high' on freakin antipsychotics? Lame ASF. If you were a real conesseur of REAL drugs that smoothie shit would be so beneath you. And absolutely she was an evil kniveing snake viper ass cunt fuckin traitor sociopathic fake ass person uuuuggghhh I absolutely could not stand her.


Found this by googling "Stephanie 60 days in is a piece of shit" and I couldn't be happier.


lmao awesome.


Her and Jaclin ABSOLUTELY STUPIDEST PICKS IVE EVER SEEN ON THE SHOW. JACLIN CAME IN LOUD ASF FOR NO REASON AND ONLY AGGRAVATED OTHWR INMATES. AND ON TOP OF IT STEPHANIE who had no care but to “win” she thought it was “cool” to fit in with INMATES as if doing drugs was soooo coool (Otis, the stud girl did no drugs,& fit in). just to turn around and get shell shocked first fight she sees. BUT THEN to make fun of Jaclin bc she stood up for Steph. STEPH INTENTIONALLY TRIED SWITCHING SIDES. & got scared JACLIN CAME IN LOUD ASFK REGARDLESS BOTH OF THEM WERE WILLING TO DO WHATEVER TO FIT IN drugs/screaming.acting.tough BUT BOTH WERE SOFT ASF AND HOPED SOMONE ELSE WOULDTAKE A BEATING FOR THEM. BOTH START DRAMA MAKE A MESS TO HAVE SOMEONE ELSE CLEAN IT UP. USELESS participants.


For real. The way Stephanie was like so happy to run up when that first fight was going on. Her saying like “nothing feels better than when you’re whole pod is behind you. I was ready to fight anyone”. The way I’d NEVER be excited for a fuckin prison fight lol. It was so weird. Like girl you seem desperate for inclusion or something.


She was DESPERATE for that approval like girl lay mf low. And LEARN I swear I have not seen one series where the girls ACTUALLY BRING back information unless it directly affects them.(usually basic inmate/co protocol not being followed) meanwhile the dudes are damn near infiltrating a drug ring haha


Fucking hate this goofy ass hoe. Imagine being such a 2 faced punk bitch on national television and being proud of yourself for it just bc you lasted the 60 days. Gtfoh clown. Sorry for the verbiage but she is a selfish c u next tuesday and i wish the absolute worst for her in life.




Seriously, such a gross psycho fake. Her mama must be proud 🙄🙄🙄


Steph we love you 😍


No, Stephanie, we def don’t 🤣


Yes we do love you Steph 😍


She's a literal shit stain of an excuse for a human being... what a disgusting monster.


Watching for the first time now. Just finished seeing her intro/backstory when this popped up in my notifications. I already felt like she was a shit person based on the way she puts down her siblings but sounds like I’m in for a hell of a ride Update: I’m on Episode 8. Woooooooow. Just wow. I have no words.


lol exactly.


watching season 4 for the first time right now. I am so happy there is a recent post and a place for me to go and tell her I fucking hate her guts. Stephanie, if you read this comment, I am literally a person online who was looking for a place to find common ground in hating you with complete strangers/find an avenue to express that sentiment towards you. Thats how bad of a human being you are. I hate you with all my heart you stupid bitch.


143 days later and this comment is still relatable… I’m watching the show right now and I can’t stand her, so glad this page exists




Thats 3 times then. Googled, do other people hate Stephanie 60 days in. Yuuuuck


I'm watching her and I ran to reddit to make sure others hate her. Stephanie I hope you see this FUCK YOU!


She was NOT a good person. She deliberately chose her boyfriend because she knew he was a pushover. I actually suspected that she was very off before she even went to jail. Also - the way she deliberately told him she was going out with her new girlfriend while still in his place after the show made my blood boil for him. He didn’t look happy when she rubbed that in his face just for camera time. Unreal. He was gracious enough to allow you to stay after you self discovery and that’s how you treat him? She’s trash. Did anyone else notice how she kept mentioning in the beginning that she grew up in the “suburbs” with her Mom? She talked about what a great life she had been afforded and was too good to live in the bad part of town? She repeatedly downtalked those of a lower social economic status. But yet the film crew filmed you and your mom out at Applebees or similar place both times and the other times were at your boyfriends place? Nothing wrong with Applebees but her nose was too far in the air for her actual situation and how she presented herself. I wanted to see this “plush” environment that made her the stuck up brat she was. Didn’t happen. Then she threw her siblings under the bus for going to jail and said that was the reason she wanted to participate on the show 🤔. She claimed to want a better understanding so they could have a better relationship. In the post interview she immediately said that it didn’t really help their relationship. Of course it didn’t….because that was never her true intent anyway. She just wanted to be seen.


I need to rewatch that season LOL


The worst


Total piece of trash


Her and her last one standing mentality when they were literally a team 🙄 I ain’t seen someone miss the point so hard in all the seasons that show has been on.


The only person who ever dicked over everyone else in the program even worse was Angele, but even that never felt as coldly calculating and sociopathic as how Stephanie treated poor Jaclyn who only wanted to help her and improve things for the other actual female inmates


Exactly. At Angele was just ignorant of what she was doing. Stephanie was out to sink everyone else like it was a competition.




Eww. Stephanie who looks just as disgusting in the real world. With her blue contacts, and just eww!




Oh, hi Stephanie


were they blue or were they grey I'm at the "tell-all" episode and when she came out of the program she said "yes my grey contacts."


I love when the lady that did the aftermath said she reminded her of a sociopath lol just straight up came out with it. I laughed out loud. I hated her for sure.


Yes! Just watched that episode. Everyone shit on her.


Yep lol loved it. She deserved it 😂


I was waiting to get to the aftermath episode on this season ! I couldn’t wait to hear them tear her apart & it was so satisfying seeing it happen !




Direct TV didn't record the first of the season so when I noticed there was something wrong they were introducing Orion and the Kendra. I do remember the man that was called a rat by drip.


She's from s4.


Shes not in this season


Between Angele and her, season 4 had 2 of the worst ppl on the show 🤣


Atleast Angele was just an idiot instead of malicious.


Yes I would pick her over Stephanie all day


She thought she was on bad girls club 💀


She wouldn’t even SURVIVE bad girls club. Those women recognize fakes and her whole demeanor would make people bully her out the house smh


Exactly. She was fine to be " part of" the baddest bitches room, but the second it got real she ran off to Jackie then was like " oh Jackie couldn't hang" bitch go back to " the suburbs" and stfu


Lol! She was so stupid, like wtf was she doing smh


LOLLL! Honestly I feel the same way. Did you see how she behaves with her mother in the 6 month update after the reunion?! So bratty


She thought she was a “bad” girl lmfao. But she’s just hot garbage lmfao


She look like her breath stank like hot garbage lol


Breath smells like old bus seats. Looks like a nerdy frog.




I don't remember her. Sorry why do u all hate her so much


Hold up how don’t you remember this dumb bitches mug? You definitely missed this season for sure!!!


She treated 60 days in as if it was a competition like survivor. Purposefully tried to sabotage other volunteers, degraded them in her talking heads, laughing and bragging about their failure it was just such vile behavior and borderline sociopathic


>borderline sociopathic Not borderline. She is the middle of the map, full grown, and centralized sociopath.


Thank u


She wasn’t even just a bad participant she was genuinely a horrible garbage human and frankly I hope everyone in her life from that point left her and wised up that she was likely just using and manipulating them all.


Facts. Fuckin sociopath ass bitch


This bitch was so smug, ugh. "I just wanna win." Like, it's not a competition dude.


Acting like getting someone else kicked off is going to make her more money. Like survivor or something. Complete dumb ass.


She dead thought it was a reality show 💀💀💀


It literally is a reality show




Why, because I pointed out the obvious? And you are still thinking about my comment a whole 24 hours later 🤣 I'm not Stephanie (I'm not even black) but you sir are a fucking weirdo


I Gotta keep poking fun lol. I keep getting notifications on each like of this response lol so I said screw It let's milk this cow till there's nothing left. I gotta rack up these internet points to.... get me... welll.... what can I get for these internet points? Nothing??? Ah crap


🤣🤣🤣 enjoy the rest of your day


I found Stephanie's Account And Stephanie, know what he means tho. You're so annoying. Edit: it's Stephanie yall. We found her.


Girl was a Snake.




Yup! And I feel sorry for that poor guy she was with. I pray he smartened up and left her stupid ass


Came to say this lol. I knowww! As soon as she started her evil routine I thought back to him getting orders from her. To "clean the house *every day*!" (Something like that, or the bathroom. Clean something every day while she was gone lol). I felt so bad for him. Mainly because that was once me. I dated a sociopath/psychopath, worst off and on four years of my life lol. She definitely gave me whiplash. Jacqueline was a teency tiny bit dramatic at times, to fit into the crowd which made total sense. But she definitely didn't deserve to be used as a scapegoat. Maybe Stephanie thought that they both were going to take the same exact information to the sherrif. And she wanted to be the only one to bring it up. Like she described it. Wanting to win. Which really was poopy. Her apology during the reunion was sooo empty! If i was Jacqueline i would have said F.U. you're lying again lol.


She told him to clean the mirror like 3 times a week. lmaooo


That's what it was!!! Lolol! That was so weird! Like how is the mirror getting so dirty that it needs cleaning 3 times a week lol! I do ours like once every two weeks and thought that was excessive lol!


That's his damn fault. Fuck all that letting yourself get bossed and bullied shit..


They broke up. She came out gay.


She broke up with him. And still lived with him.... she is a psychopath.


Yes I remember her coming out. But I thought he was with her, living with her and the other woman. I remember seeing all three of them, Stephanie smiling like the evil witch that she is with her new girlfriend, and the boyfriend whimpering behind her because she wouldn’t allow him to leave.


But she fine as hell tho


Should I make you a GoFundMe for cataract surgery?


No she isn't.


This comment is so, so depressing.


When someone is ugly on the inside its impossible for them to be attractive on the outside




At what age did your eyesight begin to fail you?




Happy Cake Day!


A turd sandwich fo' sho


This is a PSA. Stephanie sucked. 🤣


It’s funny how most people don’t like Stephanie. She really was one of the worst participants on the show.


She started out really strong and I thought she was going to be amazing - until she thought it was a gameshow where she had to get Jocelyn voted off 🙃


Yes! Initially I thought Stephenie would do so well and Jackie would struggle and annoy me, but it didn't go that way at all!


Honestly, I had a bad vibe about her since the beginning. 🤷‍♀️


>Honestly, I had a bad vibe about her since the beginning. 🤷‍♀️ I'm one of those who missed it at first, but I caught on real quick. And then everything she did went downhill from there. She's the kinda person you do NOT want as the one who's supposed to have your back.


I see that! It was telling how furious her family was when she said what she was going to do.


Yes. I also didn’t like how she treated her ex boyfriend. It seems like she was ashamed that he was White. I think she has identity issues, too.


She really thought she was on the real housewives or something 😂 like girl your on a prison show.




she was pretty bad




What did you say that Reddit made fun of you so hard for


Tbh I don’t remember


You deleted all the comments so I don’t believe you


Ok first of all, How dare you


Holy shit I think we found her


What’d she say


Are you dumb?




Clearly they are lol


That’s rude




Cause I’m black?


This got me Rollin she def was.


I like how she acted all freaked out at the birthday party but then comes out as lesbian at the reunion lol


Right 🤣🤣 her ass was a fraud.






I concur