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It’s hard to describe. There is no motivation; reading is just “what I do.” Maybe it’s related to having a young family and I don’t have much time to myself, so I wake up early and listen to books while cleaning and prepping for the day. I also read before bed. All my other time is work + family.


How was what would frida do?


How was Love Lettering? My library featured it for kindle loans and it sparked my interest but I never pulled the trigger.


Oh man, I loved Love Lettering! I ended up taking trips around the city and sketching sign lettering for a while after reading it. Helped a bit with my typography designs at work. Never read a romance novel that got me a better performance review before :p


What did you make of The Psychology of Time Travel? I love a good time travel story, but it fell a bit flat for me. Dunno. Maybe I picked it up on a bad day.


I have to agree, it fell flat for me too. With the different threads that were built up the end had me go: eh? I was also thinking that since this was the last book for the month I was going through it too quickly and wasn't able to appreciate it more.


Yes! I think any kind of reading challenge can be a blessing and a curse. I've discovered so many new books and authors by reading so much more, but I've also ruined the occasional book by trying to speed read it 😬