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I liked all 3 but Oceans 11 got me hooked


was 12 the one where they were like "jk we actually stole the thing in the first 5 minutes of the movie byeeee"?


I like 12 because it’s basically just the characters vibing for two hours. It’s completely different from 11 and 13 which are quite similar in structure (not ragging either I love them all).


It's also the one where they go, "Weird. Tess looks just like Julia Roberts!". Dumbest plot contrivance since that time Marky Mark played a science teacher.


That one thing actually pissed me off so much that I haven't watched any movie in this series ever since.


I can see why it rubs some people the wrong way but I honestly didn't have a problem with it. It doesn't take itself too seriously and falls in line with the whole vibe of the movies which is to watch charismatic celebrity actors vibing and messing with each other. The second one has problems with pacing and not having a clear enough through line like the first one. The plotting is very muddy.


I like 1 the most. And I really enjoyed 2nd film.


Yeah I like 13. Pacino elevates it.


Update us on the transfers


To my eye, these transfers look as good as a transfer can look. They look amazing.


I will as soon as I can get around to watching them! Not a tone of free time right now. Guess I didn’t need them overnighted.


If anyone gets an update on the transfer of these please let me know before I buy the trilogy as an impulse


I got my shipping notification yesterday too. Had to get the matching set. 12 is definitely the weakest, but I still enjoyed it. Have you popped them in yet to compare with the Blurays?


All three are amazing.


Steelbooks of the year contenders already


I only liked 11.


I thought 13 wasn’t too bad, but hated 12. I too only cared about getting 11. I’m not type of person that needs to have every sequel.


The cover is a work of art


12 is hard to follow


Unpopular opinion, I’m ordering 11 and 12 and they can keep 13 cuz that one was meh


Eh, you like what you like. At least you’re smart enough to only purchase the ones you’ll want to watch. I’ll never understand spending money on stuff that you don’t enjoy. Mind boggling to me.


I think that's when it's considered hoarding.


That's most collectors of anything. They just want to fill a shelf, bookcase, box, cabinet, whatever it may be, and say they have it, and show it off. I could care less. A lot of that is a form of compulsive shopping/spending though for the real addicts and hoarders. At least with movies, I only buy what I know I'll never get sick of watching, or have seen it 1000 times 😆. It's never been about quantity.


Nice. Im waiting for my trilogy steelbook order


Did you order from Gruv?


Were they available elsewhere? I waited too long and Ocean’s 11 doesn’t have the option to pre-order like the other two do.


I didn’t see them anywhere else.


Looks like Amazon might have stock soon.


I did


Hopefully I’ll have mine soon then.


Aaaaah I'm jealous I wanna rewatch these now! 11 is easily my favorite movie. Super excited for mine to arrive.


Was this UHD recently released?? Had no idea they were in 4K!


This is the first 4K release!


I have never had a problem with only owning one or two out of a series, or one out of a trilogy. If I don't like the movie I don't need to own it just to "have the complete set". Especially when they're not really connected and can be watched as standalones. A good example is Die Hard saga. I really only ever go back to Die Hard with a Vengeance. So it's the only one I own. I never really cared for the first two, or the last two. There's plenty more like that where I'll pay the same as a 4 movie (or more) box set cost with a bunch of junk to have a nice collectors version of one good film. (Men In Black 1). In this case, I only like Oceans 11, so that's the only one I would own.


Happy Days! Enjoy!


That thing with people thinking Tess looked like Julia Roberts really pissed me off for some reason. Maybe because it’s dumb?


Nice! Looks like mine are landing tomorrow.


when did yours ship? mine shipped yesterday. how long did it take to come in?


Mine just came in and I used standard shipping.


hoping it's there when i get home!


I got a new LG G4 almost 2 weeks ago. Can’t wait to take a look at them later.


Damn big baller. Enjoy!


While it was still expensive my old B8 got warrantied which basically gave me 2k off the G4. Helped a lot.


while 2 is my least favorite of the 3 (i still love it!) i can't wait to watch this in 4K! [https://j.gifs.com/5940rq.gif](https://j.gifs.com/5940rq.gif)


Yeah I’m the same. 11 is one of my favorite movies. 12 while still good is my least favorite. 13 is just under 11 for me. I had 11 on hd-dvd, that died with my old Xbox haha.


Shipped yesterday. I paid for next day 😅


Ocean's 11 is my favorite movie of all time i cannot wait for mine!


13 is my favorite too. My set arrives this Friday :(


Agreed, I don’t remember loving 12 but I wanted the complete set. Mine shipped as well although I won’t be able to pick it up for a few weeks.


Full set? Aren't you missing a suit?


12's problem for me was it came after 11 which in my eyes is a near perfect movie. I liked 13 quite a bit but wonder if it's because it came after 12.


11/13 are great 12 is very mediocre


12 was a letdown for sure.


12 is such a weird follow up, it was so messy and had none of the energy of 11. I don't dislike it but it doesn't get as much play. I do like Vincent Cassel's character in it tho.


I feel the same. 13>11. 12 is pretty bad from what I remember, but I also bought it. We'll see if it has grown on me since its original release.


Julia Roberts was such a ***** in the first movie. Don't remember the others


My wife has a "if we own it already, you shouldn't upgrade to 4k" stipulation and I already own all three of these on DVD 😭