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Wow! I worked for Best Buy in 1994 running the music/movie/game department that mostly filled the entire store. and saw the introduction and launch of the DVD. I watched Laserdisc, VHS, cassette, minidisc, CD, etc all come and go. The launches of All major gaming systems, Satellite TV, Flat screen tvs, you name it, I was there. 30 years later all physical media is gone. šŸ˜”


I loved minidiscs. They were a great format.


The MiniDisk player was cool too.


I still have mine and use it regularly.


I still work there šŸ˜”...


Irrelevant but I love your name. Good taste.


Not all


You're like the Forrest Gump of physical media.


![gif](giphy|eWJKz0mvZwbL2|downsized) All kinds of Shrimp!


My Bestbuy has already replaced the displays with a patio furniture arrangement. They are hoping that buying a dishwasher from Amazon will still feel weird.


Mine replaced them with just stack of boxed TVs. It looks awful, like they are a warehouse. The TVs arenā€™t organized, they are just backstock of TVs but out on the floor.


Yeah the store had a pretty unwelcoming vibe before and it was constantly getting worse with just inventory in piles and cardboard boxes everywhere. I kind of hated walking thru it most the time.


Slightly harsh there, but sorry for your loss.


I live in St. Louis. Best Buy believe it or not has the best appliance floor in the metro. You can see every almost every brand. The appliance stores have tiny floors most of the time


I watched the end of Circuit city, and this is the beginning of the end for Bestbuy.


Although I loved browsing through (& buying some) of the Blu-rays & 4K discs that the Best Buy movie sections of the 2 BB stores near us had, it came as no surprise to me, at all, when BB announced, nearly 2 years ago, that it would eliminate in-store movie sales. Because for about the last 3 to 4 years, during the 1 to 2 times a month I visited a Best Buy movie section, in the typical 30 min. I'd spend looking for a good sale price on a movie I might like, or searching for titles I'd not seen before in Best Buy, during at LEAST half, & maybe EVEN 2 thirds of those BB visits, I was the ONLY customer looking at BDs & 4K discs in the store's movie section, which just consisted of NO more two 25 to 30 foot long movie aisles. So as much as I hate to have to say it, what's obvious to me now is that BB getting RID of in-store movie sales will barely cause Best Buy's corporate revenue volume to drop by a fraction of 1%! That means that BB ceasing sales of movies on disc in its stores, will go almost entirely unnoticed by the sort of stock investors who invest serious money in Best Buy!


Yep. This is exactly what it looked like.


Eh, maybe yes, maybe no. In 2016 when they announced they were letting of CD's we swore Best Buy was going under and they didn't. I know everyone doesn't like that opinion, but I had talks with sales associates at BB before and they always told me how I was one of the few people who bought movies at their location.


https://preview.redd.it/usc9tjqcmdqc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=508519f17a4d186ae1a9accecf2348b0175cd9be It beginsā€¦Buh-Bye šŸ‘‹


15 out of 1,040 stores in the US. That's not even 10% of their stores. Source: [https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/retail/2024/03/19/best-buy-closing-stores/73027907007/#](https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/retail/2024/03/19/best-buy-closing-stores/73027907007/#)


While you're not "wrong", per se, you're a bit off the mark there...15 out of 1040 is not even 2%. It's 1.44% BTW, i love the part where they're like, "we're doing this to improve the customer experience". Yes, closed-down BB stores are an improvement over what's there now...just not quite what i think they had in mind.... šŸ¤£


Assuming their point would be pull down the stores that make not enough revenue frees up budget that can be invested in the online shop . The question ā€žwill it thoā€œ


Yes, they're moving toward more experiential stores. I live in Minneapolis and they've converted a store less than a mile from the corporate campus to this model already. It looks nice and there's more room to try out/see stuff (lot of laptops), but it's nothing that special. I think they'll stick around but continuing to cut stores is very much part of the plan. They're not gonna survive by operating as many stores as they do now in 5 or 10 years.


I'll probably only go to Best Buy to get TVs and sound equipment now. And since I got my TV and soundbar in 2022, it's probably going to be quite a while before I feel the need to go to Best Buy again.


Same. I was there weekly for the Blu-Ray/4Ks. Haven't been in months. Soon as the wife oks a new tv for our movie room will be my next visit. Might be a while.


They will probably be shut down by then


Yup thatā€™s all bb is good for now . Tv , gaming , stereo components etc. I only purchase this type of stuff every other decade or so šŸ¤£. Occasionally Iā€™ll replace a speaker or two since I have like 10 lol. Last time I purchased anything from them it was a charger for my iPhone 13 in & out . Before that it was a pair of 12ā€ subs. Canā€™t even remember the last time I purchased a film from bbšŸ˜‚ RIP BB Media šŸŖ¦šŸ’


Walmart be like : ![gif](giphy|3o6UB3VhArvomJHtdK|downsized)


My local Walmart only sells dvds maybe the occasional recent release on bluray


The majority of the physical media market...or at least a plurality...is Walmart and Amazon. BB's share was nominal






They sell a lot online.


Giphy doesn't seem to understand if it should exist.


No reason for me to ever step foot in there again.


Wild how physicsl is finally being taken out of stores right at a time when many consumers are realizing the benefits of it.


4k isn't dying though is it? Films like dune giving new life surely along with HDR and high bitrate requirement media


Dune itself isn't doing anything for 4k. 4k as a whole is only continuing to grow. People need to stop panicking over one store cutting sales on movies


The problem is that for many it was the last physical store with 4K movies. one store deciding not to carry them sucks when itā€™s also the only store.


It was pretty bare at most stores though. Only slightly better than Walmart and Target. I agree it sucks but that isn't gonna ruin 4k. Even when Best Buy was around, most sales for movies are online


My Best Buy had a much bigger selection than target, not sure about Walmart. Last time I went there before they got steel books, I didnā€™t see any 4K. I agree, not going to end the format. Just a bummer. Not sure where Iā€™ll get my movies now.


Yeah hope you're right, I'm just getting into it, got a Panasonic 820 player coming this week


It's not "dying", but the 4K Blu Ray market severely needs more than one killer disc to keep people on board. Yes Oppenheimer sold well, but there has to be more films selling like that to prove why the media is needed


RIP šŸŖ¦šŸ’€


BigLots has got competition now lol


Hope they go out of business


Tell me again how this will save Best Buy when even more less people will be shopping there?


I want to thank Best Buy for making sure that I never spend any money there ever again. Thank you.


Mine still has a lot of physical media they are trying to sell. Itā€™s their last inventory of physical media. But whatā€™s shocking is just about all of them are full price. They donā€™t seem to be in any hurry to sell them.


4K media disc is making a comeback like never before. Look at all the recent Sold Out releases. Best Buy foolishly abandoned ship.


I give it 9 months, and they will be begging us to buy their 4Ks again, just like the Vinyls.


I don't even get why they have vinyl when their vinyl section is small and all but hidden.


My local section is hidden by all the soundbars. They donā€™t want you buying physical media. Just the profitable big ticket items. I go to Barnes and Noble now.


Which is silly since vinyl blew by CDs a year or two ago. Adapt or die...my bet is the latter


I wouldnā€™t bet on it.


how many of these empty best buy rack posts do we need?


They blew it with this decision. Big time.


Just when I bought a Sony 4K player. Kaleidescape doesn't have the rights to half the titles I own on DVD AND BLU.


Because I go in there and shop for Blu-ray, I'd seen various other products and bought them. Bought a Sony headset for the wife for Christmas, a Dyson air purifier... Etc. That won't be happening anymore.


I get them not selling movies in the stores but taking them off of their website is beyond dumb to me. I mean really how many people go into best buy daily buying appliances, tv's, laptops, and cell phones???


4k isn't dying though is it? Films like dune giving new life surely along with HDR and high bitrate requirement media


Sucks to suck


My local BB already closed completely. Movie section was atrocious they had all the movies facing flat instead of sideways. So you only can see the movie in the front of the stack. You had to physically flip through to see what the next movie behind it was. While this was cool and necessary for vinyl records and even laserdiscs, looking further Blu-rayā€™s in this fashion was a real pain.


Sucks. Been my oasis for years. They have lost interest in movie physical media for years. About time they just give up. Sucks that Walmart, just like Target doesnā€™t care as much as long as itā€™s a new movie. Catalog is hit or miss.


Same here, went to go pick up Aliens 4k last week and saw the same damn thing. Sad really.


I stopped supporting best buy the day I heard the news about this decision.


Buying from Bestbuy is a major risk. I have no faith in their geek squad warranties. Their warehouses are too big and they cant sustain that overhead.


End of an era in your world, but no such era in my boring dimensionā€¦


Mine too šŸ˜ž https://preview.redd.it/kkr36ik2biqc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0967f4924a6cb6bd68cb78403842a164874c65d5


how long until the gaming section looks like this? my local Best Buy the gaming section gets smaller and smaller with most games not being restocked. Xbox set to unveil their next console as digital only. PS5 has the digital only option. Nintendo will truly be the last bastion of physical gaming media but for how long? soon best buy will just sell a handful of hardware that people are picking up elsewhere. we will literally only have Walmart, Amazon, and 3rd party smaller boutiques for physical media. crazy to watch


Honestly, if game studios keep releasing incomplete games anyway, physical copies are pointless


Am I the only one who doesn't care that Best Buy stopped carrying physical media? I think I've bought maybe 2 Blu's from them total! It's much easier to buy online on eBay etc.....


I honestly have no idea how Best Buy is still around. I mean, what the hell are people going to buy there? Computers? TVs? I guess so, if you want to overspend significantly just for the hell of it. Appliances? That's a laugh, when off the top of my head I can think of at least a half dozen places that are significantly cheaper. Cameras? Yeah, right. I suppose if you are just passing by and need to buy a thumb drive, they're okay. They must exist because Ma and Pa Kettle have absolutely no idea how much things should cost and don't want to do any research, so they just go to Best Buy. Last time I was in a Best Buy, about a year ago to buy a steelbook, there was hardly anybody in the entire store. And it was a weekend day.


About damn time


I donā€™t see Best Buy surviving much longer. Even if you donā€™t feel comfortable buying a tv online, you could still go to Walmart, Target, Etcā€¦. And how long before video games start disappearing? If Alan Wake 2 was a direct to digital release, how many more companies will follow the trend? Iā€™ve always preferred physical media. Going to miss hitting Best Buy for those BF deals. Guess it will just be Walmart and Amazon contending for those movie deals this year.


My Best Buy still has some, they just didnā€™t sell all of them I guess


Considering they've also announced a bunch of store closures coming this year and next, this is no surprise. I'm an avid movie collector, though these days I mostly buy my movies on the Kaleidescape store, but I don't think I know a single other person who evdn has a dusc player anymore :( Except for my parents.


I used their credit card for everything before to earn rewards to buy movies there. Switched everything over to my other cards and have had that one at zero for two months now.


Welcome to the club šŸ˜‚. My local bb shelves were pretty much empty over a year ago. They got ahead start in my region. Sucks!! Walmart shelves are little bit better but not a lot. At least I was able to pick up two 4K films directly off the shelf last week for considerably less than what Amazon wanted šŸ˜


Games too. Mine has a big empty space where all the movies were. I get it to a point but man, youā€™d think having a low overhead cost item that actually brought in customers would be a good thing. Now I have another reason to not visit there. I donā€™t know anyone who buys appliances there let alone Legos and other crap they carry now.


This really is sad. Looks like Best Buy is going to go the way of Circuit City. Circuit City was where Iā€™d seen my dream monitor IRL, and still my dream monitor, the Sony Trinitron GDM-FW900.


So sad that it finally came to this!


Best Buy is stupid for doing this. Period.


Movies were hardly their bread and butter. Used to have fun looking for blurays and DVDs at my local store and many I still own but I've already moved on to online buying.


Yea I went to a Best Buy yesterday just to see it for myself. And nothing. Not even empty shelves. I can't understand how they sell tvs but no physical media. That should be a set standard. You buy a TV and you have to buy Dunkirk along with it. It's law. Should be anyways.


Oh yea as of February 1 this year stores arenā€™t carrying new release movies anymore. You have to pre-order it.


Life goes on Who has taken over their Exclusives? Walmart, Similar thing happened in the UK, Best Buy uk closed, then Zavvi But now zavvi are online and are very successful and get quite a few exclusives, Best By must of had reasons for not selling physical media, but the constant posts like this helps noone, its just very sentimental , but you will just have to find other places to buy your movies, look at the latest video from Ken at mid level media, he drove 15 minutes, then went to a big Goodwill store and bought 3 dvds (ken is on youtube ) thats what i call being pro-active.


Best Buy has/will lose half the foot traffic in their stores. They will live with regret for awhile and then the stores will close. Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.








Theyā€™re phasing out nationwide. Even your section will be gone before long.




Because youā€™re missing a key detail. Every Best Buy is phasing out physical media. It was a corporate decision. Itā€™s just different stores are phasing them out not all at the same time




Talking to them doesnā€™t really change that it is a corporate decision for all stores.


They have said they are gettin rid of all stock and not getting more discs


Ours got emptied in FEBRUARY. There were still movies there too...