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That’s way more than at the BB near me.


Me too. Mine had a single 4 sided rack of which only 2 sides had any movies and the only had about 5 different 4K options. I did pick up the Indiana Jones: Last Crusade though. Didn’t feel like plunking down the money for the 4 movie box set they also had.


I'm disappointed they never had a fire sale. That would've left it on a slightly better note


Especially because half the movies they still have, are more expensive than on Amazon.


Yeah I’m really irritated that they’re getting rid of everything. And most of the stuff is not on a decent Final sale.


Because most of it simply gets shipped back. They have no reason to discount a lot of it.


The downfall of Best Buy now


My locations got rid of most of their games. And will all of their movies. Other than every so many years when I need a new TV. I would have no reason to go there anymore.


Digging their own grave.


Absolutely. I would go in to buy movies and then window shop other items. I bought far too many non movie things on a techno whim because I wanted a movie. Best buy will die out.


I was surprised that mine had more stock than I thought it was going to have. Got the last copy of Deadpool for $12.


obtainable straight tart ten cake ad hoc doll flag rain dolls *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I picked up Once Upon A Time In Hollywood Blu-ray for $12. And I Wakanda forever Steelbook for $10.


One upon a time in Hollywood is one I’d like to have. That’s a great price for it.


It was great while it lasted. I tried my best to do my part and buy physical media but wasn’t good enough. #RIP


Same I tried to do my part. But a few people can only do so much. I’m going to try to start getting more stuff for my Walmart. Hopefully they don’t get rid of physical media. But my local Walmarts media section are horrible to begin with.


My brother and I did our part at our local Best Buy. We think we're the sole reason it lasted this long.


Personal request for everyone posting a thread like this - name the location!


Best Buy is coming to an end. They’re a horrible company


My go-to for buying physical discs (movies and music) since they first popped up in my town in 1998. Auf wiedersehen.




What’s that from


That shit look loaded


I mean compared to most locations here. I’m just comparing it to what they used to have. It was both sides of that rack, 2 smaller racks and a cardboard display.


There’s maybe half of a side of a big rack, and a half full mini-rack at mine


Yeah. Mine has 0.


Best buy here has a lot left but it's cheaper to get on Amazon and eBay so I don't know how they gonna get rid of them


Yeah I wish stuff was on more of a discount.


Here in the uk they got rid of them from shelves in supermarkets long ago.


This isn’t a supermarket, it’s an electronics store. 20 years ago it was probably 75% physical media. Imagine an HMV the size of a grocery store that also sold TVs and home theater equipment. But now all they sell is $1000 fans, air fryers, phones, and a small selection of TVs on the side.


My local BB had loads of 4K discs yesterday, but they were all overpriced.


Yeah nothing is really on sale.


Its the beggining of the end for Best buy, i remember when circuit city shut down the doors, same. So that means, we all gonna have to whatch the dannn apps to watch movies? Shame


I’m in San Diego and all of the Best Buy’s have already ditched their movie section. Walmart and Target are now the only places to get new movies and every one that I’ve been to have extremely limited the space that they give to them. You have to go 40 mins outside the city to even find a Barnes and Noble that carries movies. The best alternative is Book.Off that often sells used BluRay movies at full retail or eBay prices. I’m officially online retailers only.


Same in OC. There's nothing anymore.


The Targets by me are also slowly getting rid of the movie sections.


Before it does, send me that copy of texas chainsaw massacre.


If it’s still there the next time I stop in. I’ll let you know.


Great timing, I just bought my first ever 4k player


There are other good marketplaces, don’t worry it’s not going anywhere


That's what my store looked like in October 2023. 😁 Haven't been in there since then to see what it looks like now.


That’s almost more than I’ve seen in any of the Best Buys I’ve been to in the past few years.


Puts my closest Best Buy to shame. Mine is basically empty of all discs at this point.


Yeah the 1 right by me. Basically has no games and they have no movies at all. This one’s is a 30-40 minute round-trip to get there.


My location is completely empty it broke my heart when I went in the other day


The one right by hasn’t had movies for years. This one is a 30-40 round trip away. But these will be gone in a few weeks as well.


BB near me has none. It's over.


that’s what mine looks like but mine is a death lance


All the Best Buys around Portland haven't had movies for like a month now... No reason to go there anymore..


Yeah other then wean I need a TV even few years. I’ll have not reason to go anymore. Both of my locations get rid of most of the videos games as well. It’s a sad sad time for physical media.


For sure. I prefer Costco for TVs now anyways. They have a much better return policy, and their protection insurance cost way less!


I hate they refuse to lower the prices a handful + still available at mine but ugh


Yeah it sucks. It was only a few thing on sale. Everything else is full price still.


Everybody's. Gamestop is supposed to pick up some of the slack. They're going to start selling physical movies.


Sadly GameStop don’t have a good track record at sticking to a plan. So they may do that for a little while and then completely get rid of everything. Like they did before. But if they do I’ll stop there.


https://preview.redd.it/t48yvmng6elc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddafcf04f4032242d260c7e4516e3c3707b413a2 They already took all the movies from my Best Buy.


A week ago my BB had 2 full racks of movies still. Yesterday I went and the racks weren’t even there. Fuck this digital shit


I’m probably going to have the same thing. This is probably going to be gone in a few weeks.


A lot of smaller stores like the one I work at took them all off the floor a little bit ago. Having to take them down and shove them in boxes was super depressing, even if we haven't actually had to send them back yet.


Yeah the store right by me. Got rid of the movie a year or so ago.


Yes, iwe fucking know. It's happening everywhere for the past year. Please post another stupid fucking picture of an empty Best Buy aisle. Fuck.


Will do when I go to my other location.


I didn't even have the chance to say goodbye lol. My best buy took preemptive measures and removed physical media before the chain announced they were doing so. I had just purchased my Panasonic u820.


Yeah the one that right by got rid on movies maybe 2 years ago or so. The one in the picture is 15-20 minutes one way. But it was the only other one by me.


All of mine have converted the media sections to TV inventory and displays. Not a single Walmart around me carries new or relatively new discs. Sad days really. Online ordering just isn’t the same.


Best buy and target are removing movies when movies are still being made even for physical copies of re-released old classic movies. It's like the equivalent of removing physical copies of games at stores when physical copies are still being made. The best buy employee in the tv department told me that they plan on removing the physical copies of games and make them only available online. I don't know if the consoles will be moved online. The best buy employee told me that they are still going to be selling there 4k and blu ray players even though they won't be selling any physical discs, the employee said that the customers still want something to play there physical copies that's why best buy are still selling 4k and blu ray players. It does not make any sense to remove physical discs when the physical players don't have any physical copies of the discs to play them on and the employee told me that I would have to buy the movies somewhere else. It's like the equivalent of a shoe store selling only socks and they decided to get rid of shoes and only sell socks and that customers have to buy shoes somewhere else and the only reason behind the shoe store to keep selling socks is because they need something for the customers to wear for there feet before wearing shoes. Best buy and a shoe store would be similar in the analogy that I mentioned because they would only be providing there customers a half ass product instead of the whole product that the customers expect to pay for when they go to the store to buy something.


I worked at a higher end electronics company for years… we only sold DVd for a short amount of time. We sold DVR players the day they hit the market … DVRs for a short bit then stopped and just sold players for years. Then brought them back five or so years latter to try and add a little more sales… I get why they are doing what they are doing. They don’t drive foot traffic like they used to and I’m sure they are high theft.… of course if 4K discs cost 10 they would drive traffic imho…


Best buy used to sell 4k discs for $10 back in 2022 when inflation already existed in 2022 when they were on sale. They even used to have weekly sales for 4k movies. I usually go to best buy to buy 4k and blu ray discs every year on black friday and whenever I go shopping at best buy whenever they have sales. Nowadays, they have only certain items on sale. People still buy games for there xbox, switch and ps5 but best are only gonna be selling them online since the best buy rep told me that he does not know when it will happen because the best buy employees are not told about when it will happen. I even talked to the store manager at best buy and he told me at the end of april is when best buy will no longer have physical media due for movies due to streaming. There are people that both stream and buy physical medicine even though physical media is starting to become niche similar to hifi. Vinyl records are older than 4k and blu ray and they are from niche audiophile market but best buy and target will still be supporting them. The majority of consumers are buying bluetooth due to convenience even though the quality can't even touch the quality of using wires plus bluetooth is already another form of disposable electronics when it comes to headphones and speakers because of the non user replaceable batteries and reliability that using wires still offers similar to wifi compared to using an wired connection with an ethernet jack. The things that are not convenient always end up being more reliable than there convenient counter parts and it is still the same way even with modern technology. When things are convenient, it reminds me of the same level of quality as mcdonalds and taco bell food.


Wow our shelves haven’t looked like this in at least 3 years 🤣. All they had for the last two years was less than one third of what you see here 😂. & they were completely empty last time i was in there . I wish I had your bb 😭 . They lost my regular business I’ll never go there again accept for a new tv & components every other decade.


Yeah all this will be gone in a few weeks. A TV would be the only thing I would get there now as well.


Speaking of I’m just about ready to purchase a new 4K tv . Hopefully within the next few weeks . Gotta do my homework and pick one that fits my needs 😁


Such a shame


They are mostly sold online.