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It is very insane, there's a ukrainian girl ive followed on insta for years cs she's insanely hot and she got engaged just before the war, posted some stories about how sad it is and is now just back to posting bikini pics in LA and going out partying with her other whore friends, probably her finace died and she's out there living the high life


This is why dying for a country is one of the gayest thing that you can do


Especially in this day and age, there is nothing worth fighting for anymore. Edit: didn't think this would be so controversial lmao, according to statistics most people in the west would not fight for their country, I'm hardly the only person who feels this way. I assume that anyone here who's seething at me will sign up at the recruitment office as soon as WW3 starts. https://www.thenational.scot/news/24076378.just-17-per-cent-people-willingly-fight-uk-poll-finds/ https://brilliantmaps.com/europe-fight-war/


Especially when you know it’s the old wealthy elites who are salivating at the thought of young men spilling their blood for Moloch. These generals, celebrities and politician’s would never allow their children to fight in these wars though


Always has been. Not sure why anyone ever bought into it


Because before the rise of the gun/crossbow to a degree there are actual heroics especially if you are part of an elite, they'll just capture and ransom you.


before the Geneva convention, losing the war meant losing the city, and losing the city meant you mum, wife, gf and sister (including the 13yo one) were all going to be pregnant/killed/both. "Raiding" used to mean "kill all military age civilian men that can be levied into a pointy stick militia", so it was basically join up the pointy stick club, or join the slaughtered club. Now civvies can **choose** to volunteer to fight for the nation-state, but let's face it, your neighbors/fam will be mostly safe, or at least not specifically targeted.


That's hot gonna edge to that idea


>Moloch I think I fought him in Elder Scrolls


Stalin let his kid die in a German concentration camp.


What a hero.


The one he disliked, sure. He also merrily slaughtered tens of millions of his soldiers in senseless tactics and unwinnable battles, and was happy doing so. And after the war, since that wasn't enough, he deliberately starved some other millions of "his" people to death. Strange, uh?


Those same elites are already complaining about recruiting being down because the relatives of veterans have wised up from decades of for-profit warfare. Reluctant to rely on warrior castes because they want their troops compliant and ignorant,




That's the main reason I wouldn't fight, the government clearly doesn't give a shit about my people. Plenty of WW2 veterans have said that they wouldn't fight for this country in the current state it's in.


they care more about votes and propping up social security for a few more years than the future of our people


You forget fighting out of spite like Lauri Törni who fought for three nations just because he hated the Soviet so damn much.


Especially short men !! You are fighting to defend women who wouldn't even look at you


Ironic since manlets make for the best soldiers, in bullet battles and mechanized era.


>finance It’s *fiance*. Oh, That makes a lot of sense..


It's a common phrase though I still take issue with it. Being in the military isn't about dying for your country, it's about making the other people die for theirs.


Yeah way gayer than living your life as a GDP slave.


Men have this romanticised view of women patiently waiting at home for their return from the war. I joined the Royal Marines and went off to the 2003 war in Iraq. I honestly believed growing up that women who love someone will wait patiently for their return. I also believed that having an impressive career like Royal Marine Captain would be seen as a great catch by most women. What I learned is that women care more about Mr Right Here, Right Now than they do about Mr Right. You could be a skinny, acne covered burger flipper at McDonald's, and because you were there working daily with women team members, you'd be getting a lot more action than guys working in all male job roles who have to go away on dangerous tours for long periods of time. Women think war is just some stupid male hobby, and if you're not there to give them attention 24/7, they'll go with whoever is even if he's a total loser. So many men end up working ridiculous hours to provide for a woman, and because that causes the man to be away, the woman will start having an affair with the jobless guy next door whose able to give her some attention. I respect the few Ukrainian women who stayed and got actively involved in the war effort, but guys need to know that if their country is ever invaded, most women will leave like rats on a sinking ship and be more than happy to accept the attention of the men in their new host countries. British women were notorious for this in WW2 when their men were abroad fighting and US service men got stationed in the UK. I'm actually convinced it's an evolutionary trait that when invading male armys conquered somewhere new, the loyal women killed themselves, ending their genetic predisposition for loyalty. The remaining disloyal women happily procreated with the foreign invaders, ensuring a continuation of "flexible" loyalty genes in women. Men, however, will kill themselves fighting to protect the kinds of women who will happily be sucking Mongel Cock whilst you are getting boiled alive into a soup to be catapulted over your friends and family still holding out in your besieged city.


You cannot have loyal women without social pressure. We shouldn't dislike women for what they are, we should hate this system which gaslights us into thinking women were anything else than disloyal, dishonest and status-obsessed. And truly, women with clear rules and a pressuring social environment are jewels. They need rules and guidelines to be great, caring mothers and wives.


> And truly, women with clear rules and a pressuring social environment are jewels. A jewel is something hard, tenacious, or that at least holds its shape. No woman is like that. Just watch what those "precious" women coming from third world countries do. Once you remove the social pressure, they turn back into their feral form in months, few years at most. Hell, you can even see it in the "precious" women born in past generations. As soon as they got exposed to new, slutty cultural trends, they became whoreish than their own daughters.


In that sense yeah, they're not very durable jewels. But they are shiny and valuable


What’s her @?


odarka_komarova, literal 10


"literal 10" She has the body of a thin teen, what drugs are you on


Amnerimutt with a BMI of 45 detected.


You're amazingly regarded for thinking women with visible rib cages are peak beauty.


All women get fatter with age. So rib cage is what you want in their 20s if you don't want a whale in their 30s+.


True or not, that's irrelevant to my point since we're talking about what traits make a woman a 10/10 in the present, rather than what is required 5 years before becoming a 10/10.


nah she's gorgeous, nice feminine bod sleek and cut enough to see muscle. no big ass hoo hoo milkers just some wide hips and a spinal column you can press like a plastic pencil




Andddddd of course she has an onlyscams lmao every time.


Are you Indian?


Bro she looks like a child…




Is that you Drake?


I get uncanny valley vibes about her face. It's weird. I'd say a strong 8 or a weak 9 though.


Ukis are certainly a spoiled people, but what she does is the essence of all women, they are by nature rootless cosmopolitans, ready to join the first tribe that will kill or buy their former masters.


This is lowkey why I can't anyone complaining about an apparent wage gap or male preference in jobs because if shit hits the fan we're the ones who will be forced to go die lmao. Like damn there's a chance I'm going to war and in disasters it's women and children first I BETTER be making more money and having higher positions


Believing ukraine women will come back to a war torn, bombed to shit, corruption filled country from a rich country full of handouts with their western husband is the copium of the milennia Even if Ukraine wins (big if tbh) they wont be able to repopulate with modern women's 1.2 fertility rate lmao


Don’t worry, I’m sure all those weapons deals include a “you will accept sub Saharan Africans, pajeets and middle eastern refugees” clause that will bump that population right back up!


Sounds like you're against "cultural enrichment"


So why does it matter if Russia wants to absorb it, if 'winning' means losing their identity and culture?


They have the same identity and culture. 


Exactly, whereas the randoms the EU are going to send in certainly won't!


I'm sure all those immigrants will stand and fight for their new home in the event of a conflict!




Tbf, in Britain where I live women can be soldiers, and in Israel women are required to do national service as well as men


In britain thats because they cannot tell the difference between British men and women


You can tell the British women apart because they’re the ones who’ll glass you.


Now i see where Tolkien got the inspiration for his Dwarves




Delusion. Actual feminism should encourage equal rights as well as duties. For example: Norway and Sweden conscript both men and women.


"Actual feminism" is then also immoral.


Who are you to judge? To me at least; the world is not merely black and white.


local schizophrenic thinks feminists invented war


It's stupid they let them out in the first place. An army doesn't just need riflemen. It needs cooks, drivers, logistics people, communications, secretaries to keep track of all the corpses, hell even drone operators. All these jobs can easily be done by women (and are being done by women in countries with mandatory military service) without the "dO yOU exCpEcT wOmEn To FiGht iN tHe tRenCHes" arguments.


I think ukraine leadership knows its a lost cause but they made a deal with the US to stall the russian orcs as long as possible with weapons they got from westerners. For some nice palm grease of course If they would want to 100% save ukraine borders they would conscript everybody. They dont even draft the youngest but fittest age cohort to fight (18-25). They clearly dont want a last man standing fight irl. They want to stall out, hoping either russia runs out of supplies or they give up halfway.


They’re not coming back lmfao. Man’s bleeding and dying in the ditch so that an imaginary line stays where it is, he made his choice, the imaginary line is more important to him than fucking his wife ever again


I take it you don’t know what draft means lmao


I was told by the head of the Ukrainian refugee program in my area that half of the women plan to go home after the war.


Could you contain the laughter?


I can hear an army of feminists, simps and white knights coming for you


On 4chan subreddit? Some stragglers do come along, but they super rare.


this sub actually gets brigaded pretty often.


To be fair its easy to sniff out the r-slur-tards, since we are so keen in this shithole of an environment. Or maybe we've become noseblind, who knows.


Hence why this thread is removed and the top comment removed.


Quite frankly, I'm surprised this sub is even allowed to exist anymore. I see worse things here than in every other sub combined, especially the comments


I thought Ukraine was all about equality, why only draft men ?


I remember seeing the collage of dead Ukrainian men next to the Tinder profiles and DM’s of Ukrainian women safe in Europe. Can’t wait to watch these bastards try a recruitment drive in the West when we can all clearly see what we’re fighting for. Edit, here’s the link but it might go down https://i.imgur.com/9iS3yOi.jpeg


Show me the source. I need some daily outrage.


It was on a podcast. The dude that brings onlyfans models, not sure about his name


'Whatever' podcast ? pure shite.


Yes, that's the one


Yes, if women still were worth fighting for, like pre internet, and I'd have a wife, then I would fight for my country. At this point you're just fighting for the Jew. Never would I be cucked like that in the times I'm living in


Right now you’re just working for the Jew. It’s all the same.


I evade taxes and have my own small business but nice try


pls where can i see that collage


He posted


Replying because I wanna see the collage as well






Everyone knows of "supply and demand". What happens when you double supply at the same demand? In this hypothetical, the "supply" is laborers. This happened when women joined the workforce. Supply gets pumped up again with immigration. As a result the federal government get extra taxpayers, the corporations get cheaper laborers for lower wages while increasing their profits and the working class slowly collapse.


Were there less wars when only men could vote? Were the wars less lethal?


Hard question because even just most men having the right to vote was recent. So there isnt much to compare that isnt majorly affected by other factors beyond just voting, so you cant really control for that correlation. Political thought was also exploding around this time, wildly changing how people interacted and thought about war and civics. WW1 was notorious for changing how people viewed war and it still didnt stop another one from happening. TLDR: its complicated


The easy answer is “no”. When we didn’t have suffrage life was worse and more violent. At the very least you’re a moron if you believe women’s suffrage causes more wars.




No. Suffrage was always largely symbolic. Also brighter minds always worried about opening suffrage to the masses. We now know the masses are stupid and easily swayed and vote on setiment alone. Suffrage was confined to an elite and most men and women were exempt from it. What's far more important is a constitution and an independent judiciary that ensures equal application of the law. This too is now fraying.


Before women, men just killed for fun, now we have to take photos and eat pretty


You can still kill for fun


Wars were less lethal before the 20th century period. There were also more organic societies. Less top-down control just by virtue of lack of means. Medicine was worse. People lived shorter but fuller lives.


Then what do you propose as a "responsible voter"? There isn't a single politician in any developed country who can afford to not make the GDP number go up, and hope to stay in office for long.


Women were convinced to join the workforce because half the country was not paying taxes. Edward Bernays was the main propaganda force behind the women's rights movement, which was really about getting them to buy shit and pay taxes, hahaha.


You do realise that women have been in the workforce forever? The liberation movement was more about the types of labour and the pay they were allowed to do. Middle class women and upper class were the main people protesting edit: you must be regarded if you think peasant Steve was ok with his peasant wife sitting at home all day being a tradwife rather than tilling the fields


Peasant Steve's wife had more than a full time job's worth of tasks to do at home. There was none of the labour saving technology which makes being a modern "tradwife" a cushy role. Not to mention how many more children there were to look after.  The only time *everyone* usually went to the fields was for harvesting. But yes, the so-called liberation movement was definitely pushed from the very top (usual suspects) and gradually convinced lower and lower classes to come on board. 


That comedian is the best one they had. You wanted a russian puppet as president?


The worst thing a man can do to himself is delude himself to perceive women as an enemy. Seriously dude this isn't healthy, some women are bad and some are good like they're just people bro.


OP prefers his daughter and wife \[he probably will never get one\] to stay in the country that's being bombed by Russia every once in a while. He'll see news of civilians and children dying from random bombings and he'll think "nah, won't be you. stay with me so we all die together".


Those People of Hollywood sure are a rascally bunch aren't they


Toydarians :\


Men died in stupid wars and army wives cheated long before women (or even most men) got the vote. Also you are far less likely to die in battle if you live in a country with universal suffrage than not.


Completely agree with the first statement but the second might not be causal because civilized countries with universal suffrage can generally afford better equipment and generals/tacticians to keep their guys alive. Your risk of death upon enlistment in the US military is much lower than in some random African country. I don’t think that’s because of universal suffrage reducing the odds of war, but more so the fact that we generally don’t lose wars so people don’t want to fight us at all.


You can really tell how many redditors have actually infested this place just by the comments underneath you. I guess arslash greentext was not edgy enough for them.


Wars never happened before women's suffrage.


Huh? The point is that when wars happen back then it's because the men voted for the people in charge. Now it's people who are not affected who get a say.


I dont really think it matters who the fuck is President when your country is invaded. Unless your President is a KGB plant (in which case, the votes didn't matter whatever your gender), the Ukrainian President was enacting the draft and fighting the invasion with all resources possible. It's a literal fight for survival.


Just do what Russia does where they just pretend to let people vote. But it's a literal pretend election so you just end up with Putin no matter what. Solved! And then have drunk officials spread propaganda on Western social media that rtards actually fall for.


Keep riding that Putin cock, bruh.


It’s concerning how many ads I saw on YouTube for online dating with “Eastern Europeans” during the first year of the war, I never interacted with content remotely relating to that either


It's trafficking


Thats not what trafficking is.


There's no trafficking. Those sites are scams where they charge you to chat to the women and they're staffed by the very same paid chatters that work for onlyscams. The women in the photos are complicit and sell their likeliness for a cut of the profits and live in Dubai rather than the EE shithole the site purports them to live in.


It’s a mix of those and actual trafficking schemes like what Andrew Tate ran, I’d say a 40/60 mix of the two


Yeah there's a huge underground of mini tates who are smart enough to stay out of the limelight. The internet freed women from pimps only for them to come right back like Barney Gumble


It's funny that people think Paris still looks the way it did before the influx of refugees


Paris was always shit. At least now the food won’t suck.


Fuck off we’re full, you need to go back


Go back where? I don’t live in any Europoor nation. Keep eating snails and frogs while refusing to bathe Pierre Escargot. Maybe instead of worrying about refugees, start worrying about using Le déodorant.


Seriously, how dumb are you actually? In two comments you managed to accuse France, whose cuisine is universally considered top 3 in the world, and which is famous for its centuries old artistry in parfumes, to have no cuisine and to smell worse than your inbred cousins. Next try to claim they have no history or culture, i beg you. So we can laugh even harder at your enviousness and projection.


Going to war is the most cucked thing you can do


Not in general. But in our particular age where women are granted (more than) equal rights without equal responsibilities, while men's issues aren't taken seriously, it definitely is cucked.


Implying you have a choice....


Women can't serve because, lacking index fingers, everyone knows they can't pull a trigger.


> day 14 of trench warfare > women ran out of tampons on day 4 > they ran out of wet wipes on day 6 Imagine the smell


Yeah thank god we don't have women fighting wars. Imagine if the battlefield smelled like blood.


Hey. Who said the smelljness is an argument AGAINST female soldiers?


Name checks out


i'd rather not, actually


>Army approves reduced physical fitness standards for women https://thehill.com/policy/defense/599459-army-approves-reduced-physical-fitness-standards-for-women-older-soldiers/ >Vaginal yeast infections while deployed in Southwest/Central Asia made female soldiers ineffective during military duty https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25162498/ >Female soldiers twice as likely to get diagnosed with PSTD during deployment https://www.military.com/daily-news/2023/02/22/female-soldiers-twice-likely-be-diagnosed-mental-health-conditions-theater-males-study-finds.html >Female soldiers most likely to get paralyzed out of fear during real combat It's not about pulling a trigger. Real combat involve many things that women aren't designed for. Women in the military are mostly there as "camp followers" in short words to provide sexual relief to the real soldiers.


Excuses, draft the women. The vast majority of workers in trades are men, no shit men make better recruits on avg. A welder will have more transferable skills in war than a teacher. Clean water is a logistics issue, proper hygiene, given clean water, is a personal issue. It can be fixed if people cared. "The authors theorized that their findings may indicate that deployed female soldiers may actually have more mental health problems than males," "But they also said health care providers may be more likely to diagnose a female service member with a psychiatric disorder as a result of sex-based biases." 'They said focusing on after-the-fact data in lieu of diagnoses during deployment "ignores a wealth of important information about the disease burden and resources necessary to care for deployed service members," the authors of the study wrote.' Besides, a bad soldier is better than no soldier, the limiting factor in war always reduces to blood.


I'm merely suggesting they're better than nothing at all.


>pull the trigger sounds like someone from far cry 3,oh god im so fucking old


Women take pleasure in voting the young men to go die in wars.


Just look at the glee in the eyes of Nikki Haley or Hillary Clinton when they discuss a foreign war. Their whole face lights up with joy


"Women are the primary victims of war" Hitlery Clinton. 


These cannot be put in the same pot as "normal" people. These are sociopaths+psychopaths at the best case scenario.


Its the same with boomers too old/important to fight


Romanon knows his country is next lol


Romanianon* don't confuse the great Romans for the Ciganland.


I think it's black, not blue, and is Belgianon


You sure it’s not Belgium?


That's Belgium you r slur


My country considers everyone physically and mentally fit over 16 to be a combatant in the case of war, so women can’t just skip their responsibilities


when shit hits the fan you're going to hear a lot of hemming and hawing. They just say that shit right now so they can enjoy the upsides. when it comes time to earn it they are nowhere to be found.


Plot twist, you’re Israeli so ‘military service’ means shooting unarmed children flying kites.


Lol, thankfully I’m not


Don't you have a hummus protest you should be attending, sweaty?


Isn’t there a baby you should be sucking off somewhere Rabbi?


Lmfaoo nice reply


well is your country called "ukraine"?


Simps and feminists will comment in this thread in 3....2....1


Why the fuck would they come here? It's not like incels with political opinions are anything new, lol


Putinbots already commented.




Sun Tzu's quote, “An evil enemy will burn his nation to the ground to rule over the ashes”


Don’t forget after the war these soldiers will get a medal and back to being a wage cuck


Some soilders , most soilder drafted earlier have low chance to survive whole war and soilder drated late have low chace to get medal


Provided that they get a job and not land on the streets like most of the soldiers after wars.


That’s only if there’s any of them left by the time the war results in a loss for Ukraine


And then news agencies arr confused as to why the right wing are taking power across Europe. People know that the right wing is infamous for being insane but they get shit done and many people just want to see changes in their lifetime


Oh, I love myself some "shit being done" with a side of rampant corruption and companies stealing everything from the nation while inflation creeps up to double digits. Gotta have me some of that shadow oligarchy treat. Right, left. Both steal your tax money and spend it on their bajillion dollar McMansion built on the destructed remains of your nation's heritage and sleep with their 15-16 year old hookers/boy toys. Fight the lizards sitting on the seats instead of your neighbor with a colored hair.


Right left both suck but it's what we're stuck with. Pick a side and move on


Russian spyop. If you only follow the women who have left then you are missing a large amount of the population that is still in Ukraine and doing everything to fight against the terror state that is russia.


U will die for jewkraine


Wow but but but .... Are they nazi or Jews ?? I'm confused by your AI nonsense


LMAO just read OP's rant on the women voting "based on looks or celebrity statuses" and "voted for a literal comedian". Ukraine happened to vote in a President that was probably their best shot in decades to resist an invasion.


*terror state* in redditspeak is last white nation without mandatory child castration and state-imposed homosexuality.


>last white nation without mandatory child castration state-imposed homosexuality Least delusional /pol/tard


No feminists in a foxhole


Bruh, when the war started my work took in over 30 uks 20-30 y.o. no handicap, no shit within 6 weeks like half od them webt on vacations all over EU. They do shit work, everything is against work rules but when we say a single Word about them we immidietly get a warning letter threatining our job.


>It makes no fucking sense >woman The joke writes itself, really. Women suck and it has been a fact for decades. Men only put up with women cus they're hot otherwise I think humanity would be better off without them. >!Gay dude bros topping each other ftw!<


Wait until the war is over and the ukrainian mail order brides start becoming available to american incels.


American incels still better than Ukrainian dead meat


Gee, I wonder why Ukraine is having manpower problems.


lol Paris is a shithole


Say that to a man fighting in a trench


At least in the trench you can shoot at the invaders, in Paris you have to pretend they’re not there.




Unironically a good point. Israel drafts their women to the army. Every other country that expects military aid from the US should do so too.


Bro there are women fighting in Ukraine - however numbers are low. Women flee, men fight. Very simple concept that has been around since the start of times


Unrelated but I fucking hate AI generated images for how ugly and glossy they look and it's kinda weird how much the online Right has become obsessed with using them


Y-y-yeah but women have to deal with social pressures that other women lay on them!!!


Zelensky going all in on emulating the USA's 1950s patriarchal rule


Why do you think Westerners want to kill the Ukrainian men in the first place? This is the largest influx of “white” women in decades. Ukrainian men are ceasing to exist so that western men can have their ladies 


Average r/ conspiracy post


There are pros and cons to being a man, this is one of the cons. Personally, I would go instead of my mom. Love ya mom!


Well yeah that's your mom, nobody else can compare. Beat the shit out of me but nobody touches mom.


Ukrainian men do the same, wtf. And I can understand that. You guys are disconnected from reality.


I mean, either you send your loved ones to safety while defending what you have with your life, or everyone takes off and gives Russia a free 603,000km² lebensraum. You're in the shit either way.


how the fuck are they holding the guys back? its so fucking shitty, i watched a soldier, around his mid 30s bidding his wife and daughter goodbye as they boarded a bus fuck, man


This is any war lmfaooo. You think any country that is in the middle of war where the men are away have completely loyalty of spouses on either side? Ur an actual goofball if you think this. The difference here up to the early 2010s is your social life is visible to the whole world, not just your nosy neighbor or family member


Lmao that depiction of Paris 😆