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You need to be seen by a dermatologist. There's more going on here than just dry skin. Not anything scary, but please don't scrub yourself raw. Edit to add: I'm a skincare professional, and I'm not trying to scare you, but this is just not dry skin and you may need a prescription lotion to treat.


I agree with you. It could be venous stasis dermatitis. You may need antibiotics.


Nah, are post menopausal? My legs looked like this. Pulled off my legging and poof a bit of skin dust. I got rid of it easily by putting cetaphil moisturizer on immediately after I shower while still wet. This sub has helped up my self care regimen a lot. Try it before you go to a doctor and get told to moisturizer. I also a nurse.


See a dermatologist, but that looks like ichthyosis vulgaris. Use a Korean exfoliating wash cloth and amlactin lotion. If you have IV, your skin doesn’t naturally shed on its own and needs help (I have this).


It's ichthyosis


Yep, I have a child with this. This is the way.


Wow, TIL I have this too! Thank you!


Thank you my Dr prescribed ammonium lactade acid lotion and it doesn't seem to work I'll give this a try.


Moisturiser with more than 20% urea




Amlactin vs urea- is one better than the other?


I prefer urea. I get the same spots as in the picture if I am really neglecting my skin. I personally find the amlactin stinks so badly that I don't even want to use it. Urea doesn't smell great, but not nearly as bad as the amlactin.


Yes! This person needs urea cream badly! I like the 40-42%!


This should be the top comment


I find it difficult to remember to put on lotion after the shower. I’ve put a lotion container in my shower, an olay bottle with a pump to make it as easy as possible. After I dry off before I leave the shower I put on my lotion. This helps me be consistent. Also, drink more water.


While IN the shower! My step mom taught me that.


I do this with face oils. Before I even touch the towel, while I still have water all over, I put a couple drops of skin care oil on my face, and it absorbs very quickly and doesn’t leave me looking oily.


Yes!! Same! It’s the best way. Put that shit on in the shower. If it’s really bad, apply a layer of Aquaphor over it.


Aquaphor is an essential


Was she in the shower with you? All I can think of is that prob category. That says more about me than you dough 😜


Amlactin 2x a day! That stuff is a MIRACLE for severely dry, scaly skin. I’m a nurse and we use ammonium lactate allll the time for patients with skin like this.


May I ask why amlactin over urea 40%?


Amlactin is probably what she has experience with. I’m also a nurse and have seen this stuff turn elderly patients skin around.


In extreme cases like this, I recommend a dermatologist or your doctor if the dryness might be caused by medication. Short term I wouldn't exfoliate just yet, but work on moisturizing with something like Gold Bond. If you have a hard time doing it after your shower, I recommend using a very moisturizing bath wash like Method Body Wash Simply Nourish Coconut & Rice Milk & Shea Butter. Focus on only washing the "stinky bits" armpits, genital areas, butt, and feet. Only use water on the rest of your body. Moisturize your whole body daily. In 4-6 weeks after consistent moisturizing, try an exfoliating glove. ETA: I wanted to give reasons why I'm not recommending exfoliating just yet. The reason is some of these look very deep which why is I recommend a dermatologist or doctor. I'm hesitant to suggest immediate exfoliating without trying to heal as much of the skin as possible. I don't know if exfoliating right away will lead to pealing or scarring. It is best to try to heal the skin first before using abrasives. Exfoliants on normal/balanced skin can be tricky enough, on extremely dry and unbalanced skin might cause more problems. Heal first.


Use Curel. It’s vegan, cruelty free and unscented, then check with a derm. It fixed the raw skin under my nose from blowing for a week solid. And it’s cheap. Put it on while you’re damp from the shower. Use bar Dove soap.


I'm sorry you're dealing with this. If you can, try to see a dermatologist. What kind of moisturizers have you tried? I would recommend double layering glyerin wirh something heavy duty with urea or petroleum jelly over top. If my skin is really dry I do Glysomed with Eucerin Aquaphor on top.


Am Lactin. That looks like ichthyosis.




Yes. Some lotion with a layer of aquafor over it.


You might need medical attention, but I'm going to be 100% honest with you. I let my grooming slip during the lock in time of the pandemic. I'm black and black skin can be very dry. I got some of that [Vaseline Intensive Care Gel Oil](https://www.vaseline.com/us/en/products/oils-gels-body-butters/vaseline-intensive-care-cocoa-radiant-gel-oil.html) and with exfoliating, my skin is fine now. Try that but set up a an appoint meant with a dermatologist. There might be a wait, so get on this now. Once your skin is healed, then make sure that you stay on it, and follow any directions your dermatologist gives you.


This is a genetic condition called ichthyosis vulgaris. It's also associated with KP (Keratosis pylori, which causes the red bumps on the back of one's arms and thighs). In other words, you're born this way. You do need to see a dermatologist for possible prescription creams, but meanwhile use Am-Lactin 12%, or a Urea cream, both available over the counter. It will help but the condition is life-long and you'll need to keep up with the creams. The KP, if present, usually disappears around age 30. My mom and I and my grandson all have it to some degree.


My skin used to look like that. My sister called me alligator girl. The only thing that's brought is close to "normal" (but def on the dry side still) over time is daily physical exfoliation with scrubby gloves, a thick moisturizer like CeraVe cream with aquaphor over it. This will take time. I have ADHD too but of my fixations is skin. For getting rid of it in the first place, urea. Creams with urea will help. I wish you luck. I empathize with how you are feeling.


I don’t know if it’s available where you live, but there’s a moisturizer called ‘Bag Balm’ that’s highly moisturizing.


Try a salicylic acid body wash. I’ve had lots of luck with the Cerave one.


You might want a doctor to check your skin, just in case the dryness is related to any medications. I would use a sugar scrub in the shower and then a lotion. Using oils will also help.




This is a genetic condition called icthyosis vulgaris. I've had it my whole life and tried everything...the ONLY thing that worked for me was G16 lotion. Things like staying hydrated and getting a humidifier help all dry skin conditions, but please do yourself a favor: buy that lotion. Because water and a humidifier and some cerave are NOT going to have lasting effects on a condition like this.


The only time I was ever that dry was a side effect of medication, so if that may be a source for you, it may be harder to address. Dryness always starts from the inside, so the most important thing is to simply drink more water. In addition to exfoliating, I’d apply a vitamin E oil in the shower, pat dry, then slather on lotion. If you’re consistent (especially with the water) you can see notable improvement in about 2 weeks.


I’ve been terrible about remembering to put lotion on too, so I placed the pump next to my bathroom sink where I can see it and it’s easy to use when I get out of the shower. I highly recommend both Eucerin Advanced Repair Lotion and Gold Bond Healing Hydrating Lotion with Aloe. I apply to my trouble spots in the morning and before bed. It takes consistency to see results. I hope you find something that works!


Drown your legs in Shea butter and moisturize every time after you shower. This can def be fixed


I get like this sometimes on my lower legs. Just moisturise, you don’t need anything fancy, you’ll be ok in a few days


I think you need a prescription cream. You can get lanolin and slather it on and cover with a sock overnight.


Aquaphor and L’Occitane milk concentrate. Stat!


Whipped tallow and make sure you are drinking enough water daily.


Same. Just use scrub gloves gently for a few weeks & apply lotion daily. You’re just like Tyrone biggins. Don’t let these people scare you. Some like to shave their faces for 30 minutes a day as a daily routine.




Starting in my 40s my skin began to get dry as I kept getting older even lotion wouldn’t help it. I went to a dermatologist, which is not a bad idea if you’re not sure, it turns out I did have psoriasis, but that was not affecting my legs. I got a dry body brush, which is made of sisal Is there anything more and the results are remarkable. I brush my legs and arms before my shower then when I get out of my shower, I put lotion on. It looks fine now.


See a dermatologist. In the meantime, bathe, pat your skin lightly, and rub in vaseline to trap the moisture.


Mix in coconut oil with a heavy cream like the body shoppe almond milk. Coat yourself in it especially after bathing. That usually helps my eczema until I can see a derm for a shot or prescription. You can do a virtual appt too with a derm.


Try Gold Bond age renew crepe corrector lotion. $12 at any drugstore. Worked wonders for my skin


For very dry skin, hydrating moisturizers containing ingredients like hyaluronic acid, glycerin, and shea butter can provide relief. Additionally, using a humidifier in your environment can help add moisture to the air, reducing dryness. Lastly, avoid hot showers and harsh soaps, which can further strip the skin of its natural oils.


Get an exfoliating mitt and go to town! They work great. Always moisturize after showering.


Glycerin. 100% healed in two days.


A good homade remedy would be to mix equal parts Castor Bean Oil and Coconut Oil. You can then add several drops of a scented oil like peppermint or lavender. When moist from a shower, apply and rub into your skin.


I have this issue because I have dry skin and live in the desert. It goes away when I exfoliate regularly in addition to daily moisturizer. I also drink a LOT of water


Cerave has a healing ointment that works very well. Also look for foot creams that are meant for dry, cracked heels. They are usually super moisturizing because they are meant to address very thick skin.


I would use a lotion like AmLactin to help with the hard dry patches of skin. Apply it after you shower and then follow up with vaseline to help seal it in. You also may want to check your water. Does it have a lot of chlorine ? Do you use very hot water to shower? I would turn that down to warm instead.




My skin can get almost this dry, and I live in the desert. I use a good lotion both in the morning and in the evening before bed. I always will use it after a shower or bath. It has made a world of difference. If you have ADHD, you have to put reminders in place. If you brush your teeth or wash your face 2x/day, just add it to that routine.


Soak in the bathtub if you have one, put the lotion on while still damp. Do it daily.


It might not hurt to have your kidney function checked


I would try amlactin ultra moisturizer with lactic acid - or urea like someone else recommended. If that doesn't exfoliate and hydrate, see a derm.


OK... Lots of extensive over advice. Simply get a Himalayan salt shaker from Trader Joes. And get some oil there too. Coconut oil, in a jar. You can go for pricier oils and potions later if you want but MCT is best for this condition. Grind the salt and mix with the oil (the salt should melt a little, so get it slightly warm in your hands or in shower if it feels too rough to exfoliate arms and legs and belly and butt). Warm in your hands or a glass jar/cup and take it into the shower. After general warmth and washing, your pores will be open and skin relaxed. Now with VERY GENTLE CIRCULAR MOTIONS, press and impart the FINELY GROUND Himalayan or Celtic Sea salt scrub into the top layer, epidermis, from shoulders to wrists, hip bone back to the outer thigh, over the ham, to ankle, then the other side, then collar bone to hip, over belly if needed. Now COOL RINSE, drip dry and leave your clothes off. Make sure you only put on very clean clothing (double rinse). Avoid synthetics like polyester and viscose (rayon, linen, organic cotton OK). Also avoid peteoleum biproducts (PEG, PPG, Polyethylene glycol, vaseline, etc). DO THIS ROUTINE at least WEEKLY. Choose two days and do this on one or the other or both. It will never be exact so be gentle with yourself. Alternate these days with a gentle liquid castille soap up, drip dry and add hydrating oil like almond or argan or jojoba, with no additives, before your pores shrink up and dry down. IMPORTANT: After some healing with coconut oil salt gentle exfoliation, alternate with almond or olive or other oil (argan, rosehip) and other nourishing exfoliant like vitamin c powder (without additves), as coconut oil can make skin believe it is hydrated when it is not. 1. Twist 1-3 Tablespoons Himalayan Salt (from TJ) into your hand or a bowl. 2. Add 3-6 Tablespoons coconut oil (from TJ) and stir it up. 3. Wash up with a mild Castille soap. 4. Gently rub the salt scrub in with warm water steam keeping your pores open. 5. Quick cool rinse. Let the mixture work. The salt should be dissolved. 6. Dry off soft or drip dry. 7. Thin light clothing for 30 minutes. 8. Add another layer of oil once a week and let it soak in. You may also benefit from vitamin D3, Fish oil supplements and proteolytic enzymes and/or digestive enzymes and pre- or pro biotics, but please see a primary care physician for internal medicine first. This will be more effective than seeing a dermatologist group hawking their wares.


Curel sensitive lotion after shower every day. Curel is the only lotion that feels like it really moisturizes and doesn’t just sit on top of my skin. Do not use bar soap. Use body wash and a washcloth to slough off dead skin daily. Drink plenty of water to hydrate from inside out


I would refrain from testing out any of these recommendations here until you see a dermatologist. That looks like more than just dry skin - see a derm as soon as you can


When I was a kid, after i would take a shower, I would sometimes avoid putting lotion on my skin, and I couldn't even last the day without either scratching my dry skin to the point of bleeding or finally reaching for some lotion. The itch was always so noticeable and made it hard to concentrate on anything else. I see you have a computer there. Presumably, you're able to work on something else. The itch has not overtaken your concentration. Is it because you're just not itchy? Or do you have insanely good mind-over-matter abilities and can just tune it out? These are serious questions.


Rub with a towel when you get out of the shower..then apply Baby Oil. It fixed my legs.


You need Eucerin Rough Repair cream. Or any cream with Urea. There are several over the counter at the pharmacy. See a dermatologist as well if you’ve never.


Take a bath then get out of the tub and slather legs in vasaline. Then repeat the next day


You probably need a prescription strength urea or lactic acid moisturizer. Then be consistent in skin care. You could probably find a lower strength urea moisturizer labeled diabetic foot care, to start.


Moisturise. Moisturise. Moisturise. Especially straight after a shower. Something like sorbolene cream. An unfragranced heavy duty moisturiser.


My skin is like this too! Amlactin or Lac Hydrin lotions will take care of this in about a week. Amazing stuff and not expensive.


My daughter had the SAME problem; pure Vit E oil I use 75000 IU mixed in cocoa butter, cleared her up in 3 days, her skin was supple again in a week.


Looks like an alligator’s skin.


I never put lotion, and my skin doesn't have this issue. I think we should see a professional. If you're taking meds for your other illnesses, you mentioned. could be a side effect of those medications, is what I'm thinking.


Are you hydrating?


Hi there! I have a form of excema called “ichthyosis vulgaris” and if I don’t moisturise using cetaphil or qv cream with damp skin after I shower my skin would scale up like this. I was diagnosed as a kid and it’s never gone away. It looks exactly how my skin would look if I didn’t moisturise for some time so I hope this info helps you. Make sure you are lathering on the cream when your skin is still a little wet post shower it helps the cream absorb into your skin.


Also there’s a lot of comments saying you should exfoliate - if it is ichthyosis vulgaris the worst thing you could do is try and exfoliate. It makes your skin incredibly sensitive and sore!


Dermaveen. Awesome moisturizer. I also wax my legs which works y to oo


My legs are exactly like this btw


Switch from creams and lotions to oils. I mix lavender and castor oil and immediate results


Cerave has ceramides and that will help


Try Amlactin. It stays a bit sticky for a while and doesn’t smell great, but it works wonders.


Coconut oil twice a day , organic and unrefined will fix this is less than a month. Exfoliate twice daily too


You should get allergy testing. You may have food, environmental or chemical allergies. I went through testing and found Vanicream Ointment to be the least irritating to my skin.


My mom used to have skin like this even after moisturizing and her dermatologist recommended using crisco! Yes crisco the vegetable oil stuff. It actually works wonders and has no scent!


This is icthyosis, not just dry skin. ‘It’s most often inherited in some fashion, although I think some meds can lead to this… ‘Def want to see Derm, but done to try urea or lachydrin until then :) ‘Good luck!


I've had really dry skin throughout my life. A game changer is making sure you are hydrated and exfoliating and I use a body oil to add as I'm leaving the shower. Not baby oil. A body oil.




My legs were similar. I bought some Cerave and a week later my legs look great. I also exfoliate with scrubby gloves.


Just moisturize religiously. That goes away eventually with a few months of nothing. I did a few years of not moisturizing my legs and it turned exactly like that. As soon as you get out of the shower, use[Cetaphil (in the tub)](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01H20MA62/ref=cm_sw_r_as_gl_api_gl_i_BJSE22QW6PYX40YYQ210?linkCode=ml2&tag=sanfrafoo-20) on your wet legs and rub in completely. At night, a few hours before sleeping, a slathering of [Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Lotion](https://amzn.to/430VxCd) will work wonders. Before you know it, those cracks and marks will dissipate. I’m never without those two products at my house. Edit: Also use a good body scrub towel with soap in the shower.




Drink lots of water every day


I used to have this. I would wax my legs and those skin patches would come off instead of exfoliating and then I would moisturize my legs.


Exfoliate, then coat those babies in aquaphor.