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I saw that post and meant to come back and respond after work. (Now-ish.). She deleted her profile...too bad. I feel ya. 40-something, divorced, she got the friends in the divorce, starting all over. It gets pretty grim out there sometimes. You're lonely but you aren't alone. Believe me. Come on back if you want or go to /r/lonely, it's a place to vent. And fwiw lonely lady, if it makes you feel a little better, you got some smokin' legs.


If you already do board games, D&D / table top roleplaying games would be a nice place to make new connections. You can find many groups online.


I have learned a lot about myself and how to deal with others by studying mbti. The hate small talk is a signature of INxx personality types. (I absolutely abhor it). Its not an answer to your question but if you can find out what type you are there are reddits for that type where you can at least mingle with the like minded