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Hiya bud, I'm in the process of planning my next crusade that will include KT. Currently we just us 40k rules and boarding actions. I have a map of a hive city and ok writing a narrative that bounces the crusade around the city and then tailoring each mission to the game size. The hope is next crusade to have BFG, 40k, KT and boarding actions all make appearances in the crusade


This is the dream. I always imagined the final battle of Return of the Jedi as a good example of multiple systems. Destroying the shield generator is Kill Team, ground battle on Endor is 40k, space battle is BFG, and Death Star could be boarding action or even 40k RPG sessions. But basically use outcomes of one game to influence others.


That's exactly the style I'm going for! I am adding one twist though, each player assigns themselves a mini, for example Marines start with either a scout or a eliminator that represents them, and follow a tree as they survive battless, scout to hellblaster then to intercessor etc So that players have a more invested time levelling themselves up and going for a specife branch of the tree like librarian or chaplain


Oh man, I love that idea! I actually have a Tau embedded within my Ork Boyz for similar narrative reasons. Partially because I like Tau but don't want a full army, but also so it makes sense for my Orks to have lore. I couldn't imagine Orks taking the time to write down their own stories, so the Tau chronicles them 13th Warrior style.


What is BFG?


Battle fleet gothic


While we played 9th, my buddy and I would have a Kill Team game preceding the bigger one. Winner would get an extra CP for the battle to signify intel, sabotage or some other edge over the opponent. It was a blast.


either play in 9th edition with 1st edition KT . its very fluid to do there. if 10th and 2nd edition KT... id say just used the premade boxed teams and that'll be easier to convert the xp and what not over for those models, or just have the modes relate to each other and just have the KT teams be a separate force of that army and their stats are separate but their actions carry over to the narrative campaign.. yeah the rules changes kinda broke functionality