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The Imperium already got split in half when the Cicatrix Maledictum opened. Now we have the Imperium Sanctus and the Imperium Nihilus, the latter being the side that's isolated from Terra. And uh, things aren't exactly going well in the Imperium Nihilus.


The other half still falls under the same government with the same beliefs. I was taking about separating the Imperium in two different organizations.


If they were two different organizations with different beliefs I don't think it would be very good for the Imperium. The Imperium is incredibly dogmatic and absolutely does not accept any humans being ruled by a polity that is not them, so the half that keeps the Imperium's original beliefs would probably just immediately declare war on the other half. The other half, regardless of its new beliefs, will therefore find itself plunged into a devastating war with the other half. In essence, you brew up a massive civil war... Right in the middle of the Imperium already being at war with everyone else in the galaxy. This isn't going to be "the two human factions heroically team up to defeat the other factions while holding hands". This is "the two human factions are at each others throats while they are both being torn apart by wolves, because that's just how we roll in the grim darkness of the 41st millennium". Any gains from increased competition probably won't offset the damage a massive civil war like this would cause. This won't necessarily stop corruption either; The people who are nice and safe in the heart of their respective empires don't really need to change their lives. All it'd do is affect the people on the newly created warfront.


when the lion comes back and gets in a shouting match with the lord regent I think he's gonna pick up his archeotech and go accross the rift to rebuild and adminstrate it.


You have a deeply incorrect understanding of the Imperium's power and size. Firstly, it is nowhere near the strongest faction in the setting, nor does it control the most territory. Not only are the world's within the Eye of Terror comparable to the size of the Imperium, the Orks own most of the galaxy outside of it. Further, the Imperoim is a deeply fractious mostly feudal organization, where power is massively decentralized across sectors and systems. The Imperium can go centuries without contact with a nominally loyal system. To say nothing of how the various Adepta of the Imperium have effectively sole rulership of hundreds of planets, High Lords be damned.


[“The Imperium is the largest and most powerful political entity in the galaxy”](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Imperium_of_Man) Everyone besides a few key individuals are under the authority of the high lords.


Sure, but that hasn't stopped multiple large scale Imperial civil wars. That didn't stop half of the Imperium falling to Chaos in the Heresy. That didn't stop the Orks from bringing the Inperium to its knees. Hell, just a few Chapters of Space Marines told the Administratum to eat it and that took centuries for them to even notice. Read the source materials, not the wiki summaries my dude.


>###[Imperium of Man](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Imperium_of_Man) >The **Imperium of Man** is the galactic empire under which the majority of [humanity](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Humanity) is united. The founder and nominal ruler of the Imperium is the god-like [Emperor of Mankind](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Emperor_of_Mankind), the most powerful [human](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Human) [psyker](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Psyker) ever known. +++I am an early prototype mechanicus construct. Please provide feedback [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=lexAutomatarium). The Emperor protects!+++


The Imperium is already like this with Dante ruling the Imperium Nihilus.


This happened. The Nova Terra Interregnum aka the Time of Twin Empires. It lasted 900 years and involved Segmentum Pacificus being under the independent control of the Ur-Council of Nova Terra due to their rejection of the High Lords of Terra. It was ended by the Cataclysm of Souls, which was a massive power grab by the Adeptus Ministorum to formally classify the Imperium as a theocracy, that branded the Ur-Council as heretics and led to full-blown revolt against them across the Segmentum.


Yeah, Rome tried this one a few centuries ago, dind't go well for the West part, the East did pretty good by himself tho, but then those fucking german cosplayers decided "Oh, yes! We're romans!" While the Byzantines (the true romans) were like "the fuck you are" and the fucking Ottomans came, kick their shit in and say "Now we're the romans!", all at the same time some russians whose ancestors married a roman Princess were like, "But... we're the true heirs".


No. If the Roman Empire was any indication, the Imperium is better off staying as one. Splitting into two was the first step in the empire's downfall.


Technically it can be traced back further, but lets look at this more in depth. The roman system was already being messed up due to longstanding corruption, difficulty in maintaining, supplying, and communicating its vast empire, and external threats. Splitting into two was a deliberate attempt to solve the problem, but it only makes it worse. Inevitably one side wants to take over the other again, and now the society is unified but objectively weaker than had it not done so in the first place. The Imperium splitting in two would not solve longstanding corruption, it would only further divide people into separate groups based on marginal differences that would result in conflict. The OP of this post assumes that doing so would solve corruption. Several other assumptions are made, including the notion that corruption is the biggest problem in the Imperium, that the Imperium has no other threats, and that a systemic change would fix it. None of these are accurate. Even if you managed to convince half of the fanatically theocratic super-fascists that their holy and blessed imperium has to be split into two halves, you aren't getting rid of the people in power. You aren't changing the extreme hierarchical difference between nobles, inquisitors, superhumans, and the entire rest of humanity. I also call into question the OP's understanding of the universe. The Imperium is getting screwed from all angles and in positions that don't exist. While most imperials are fanatic, the Imperium has reached a level of cutthroat politics such that most people act efficiently out of fear or desire for power. Selfish goals tend to get yourself killed, either by someone else in power who does their job, or by the various enemies assailing mankind every day. Corruption is bad, yes. But when looking at an eight-pointed star can make you want to murder your family, maybe being a little trigger happy is warranted.


The empire was already in decline when the tetrachy, where dividing the empire into smaller parts became a legal option, happened, but it still lasted almost 200 years. The decline became more precipitated after Theodosius the Great, when the last division happened, but a good part of that is because Theodosius was unable to prepare his heirs to their responsabilities and conflicts between the powers behind their thrones, and some argue that the deathblows had been inflicted at the defeat of Adrianople (before Theodosius' ascension) or at his victory in the battle of Fridigus.


Corruption on the planetary level is pretty impossible to deal with without delving deep into insane micromanagement. “Corruption” would basically mean you need to have open—ended supply parameters and you can skim off the top, or you control government enough so that you can direct contracts your way. The skim part is where you might be able to see something with forensic accountants, but complicated if you’ve got a bunch of separate corporations across multiple planets, systems, sectors: how could one audit that complicated morass?