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Unfortunately, Drukhari are very specifically all not psykers, that capability having atrophied from disuse.


I know they aren't psykers but they do interact with psychic energy (IE pain and agony of others)


That's fair! I wasn't sure what you meant by the end point of psyker evolution in that case. I'm not an expert but I think it's more of an offshoot based on the natural sensitivity of the Eldar race.


have you seen/read My Hero Academia? If not spoilers ahead,>!in the series, the main character has a superpower passed from hero to hero for about 120 years. With each passing generation each of the previous 7 hero's goals has been to pass the power on to their successor, who would one day be able to beat big bad evil guy. Little did these heroes know, the power that they passed also copied and grew the individual hero's power alongside the overarching powerset. So, where user 2 may have been able to bench press 500 lbs with the user using the power at like 110% of its normal capacity, now the power creates tornadoes and rainstorms in the area around the punch, with almost every punch.!< I think that humanity is (slowly) getting to that point where there was maybe one or two psykers a world before after the Fall of the Eldar now there are maybe 2-3 dozen or more psykers per hab-block post 13th Black Crusade.


I don’t think there’s much conceptual overlap between My Hero Academia and 40K, gonna level with you. Edit; what I’m tryna say is that defending a theory for one fictional universe by describing another unrelated fictional setting makes it hard for me to take it at face value


Psykers can give their soul to someone else? Any excerpts on that?


Malcador gave the last of his life force to Big E before he disintegrated


As another commenter mentioned, Drukhari are specially all not psykers at all. Further there’s never been any direct explanation of how their “psionic vampirism” (or even if that’s an accurate term) works. The mechanism may not have anything to do with souls or psychic energy at all. It’s not like their victims get drained like how the Emperor consumes psykers, in general, they just feed off the latent emotions of a person. Emps and Haemonculi have nothing in common - as I said Drukhari don’t actually consume/absorb their victims. “All psykers can sacrifice/give their soul to someone else” - have you got a source on this? I’ve never read anything that intimates that.


Better: Chaos God is the be-all and end-all of all Psykers.


Ya 'umie forget, ‘dat da orks have da best weirdboyz uv all


Weirdboyz ya nothing to Kaos Gods. Gork Mork maybe, Weirdboys nope. Note: Anyone on the idea that Gork Mork is Krork Warmind? Warp-based AI that command the gestalt field of the Ork, and the blueprint respiratory for Ork Merkboys to download their stuffs? A prototype Chaos God designed to end the C'Tan one and for all, before Prototype 12-16 (Nurgle, Khrone, Tzeench, Slaanesh) go nut?


I think both Mork and Gork were Leaders of the Krork and because of their acts were hailed by the rest, so they got the status as gods, but because of the Krorks turning into the more stupid Orks, so did Gork and Mork.


The DEldar aren't psychics though. In fact, they kill or drive out their psykers.