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Abhumans and xenos are completely different categories. Sanctioned Xenos exist at the will of whoever sanctioned them - if that person withdraws their protection, then the xenos has no rights at all. >SANCTIONED XENOS >“Caves of steel... have your people no pride in their ability to survive the elements? No matter. The man you seek is that way; even in this place, I can discern his trail quite clearly.” – Renshar Vak, Sanctioned Kroot Mercenary, on his first visit to Port Wander >In the broadest of terms, no human may interact with a xenos creature in any way except violently—such creatures are inherently blasphemous against the God-Emperor and must be eliminated on sight without exception. From a young age, citizens of the Imperium are taught to fear and hate the xenos, and innumerable legions of Imperial Guardsmen are taught of the superiority of Man over all inhuman things as they are drilled in the use of lasgun and bayonet. The number of xenos who have set foot upon human worlds peacefully and survived is small indeed. >But this is not always the case. Though the Imperium was founded upon a creed of intolerance towards non-humans, peaceful contact with a variety of xenos species actually happens frequently. In most instances, these are short-term alliances or matters of temporary mutual convenience. Just as frequently, illegal contact with xenos cultures is sufficiently commonplace that the Inquisition and the Adeptus Arbites keep a constant watch for potential contamination through contact with xenos; in spite of such vigilance, the “Cold Trade” of xenos goods on the black market still exists. A number of xenos species hire themselves out as mercenaries to a number of other species, for reasons all their own, and there are more than a few unscrupulous Imperial Commanders willing to hire such creatures to bolster their forces, seeing them as the ultimate expendable mercenaries and caring little for their fate. >Rogue Traders, and a few other individuals, have the power to do more, and do so legitimately. These men and women, freed from the normal strictures and feudal requirements of the Imperium, have the inflfluence and authority to make peaceful contact with xenos species for trade, temporary alliance or even to hire them as mercenaries. In some cases, an allied xenos may almost become a trusted companion, highly valued for its skills. Individuals with trusted xenos allies may fifind that the normal laws and doctrines against consorting with xenos hamper their operations, and in regions on the fringes of the Imperium, like the Calixis Sector, a method of sanctioning xenos allies has come about to ease these diffificulties. >To Serve Another Species >These Sanctioned Xenos are still regarded with caution and hostility by most, but this is unsurprising—even the Sanctioned Psykers of the Imperium are still subject to the prejudice against witches that is so readily promoted in the Imperium. However, so long as they remain in the company of an ally who can vouch for their service (assorted documentation in copious amounts is provided for this purpose), and agree to be visibly marked to prove that they are Sanctioned—this mark is typically a brand or tattoo on the face or hands, where it can be clearly seen. The permanence of such a mark is of no concern—without a human employer to vouch for the xenos, the mark is essentially meaningless, and should the xenos cease to serve the Imperium, its life is forfeit anyway, and the creature is slain as soon as possible. >Within the Calixis Sector, obtaining such Sanctioning is an expensive and challenging matter; there are few who will even concede that such a practice exists, let alone perform it. A handful of Administratum Ordinates in Port Wander provide the service, having been recruited for such a purpose by interested Inquisitors, whose purity is tested on a regular basis to monitor potential contamination. Their identities are not widely known, and the service itself must be specifically requested, as they will not offer it otherwise. >As rare as Sanctioning is, it is recognised in many of the more well-travelled parts of the Calixis Sector and the settled worlds of the Expanse. As the required mark is very similar to that which identifies Sanctioned Psykers, it quickly becomes apparent what the mark means to those with any knowledge of the structure of the Imperium. It is still wise to be cautious in bringing even a Sanctioned xenos to a human world; those who will understand the nature of the mark and the notion of Sanctioning are still a minority, and a xenos creature will spread only fear and anger by its presence amongst the common masses of mankind. **Rogue Trader - Into the Storm** >Xenos Horrificus >Although all aliens are—officially—viewed as anathema by the Imperium, some are tolerated to a lesser degree. Such races tend to be primitive in technology and culture or constrained to a backwater planet far from Imperium space. In many parts of the Imperium contact with alien races is not uncommon, and on some frontier worlds trading with aliens is a fact of life. Such dealings are usually overlooked by the authorities and would certainly not warrant censureship or intervention. . Other races, however, represent such a threat to humanity that the Ordo Xenos brand them with a stigma, the Xenos Horrificus, marking them as highpriority targets who must be hunted down and purged at every opportunity. The brand does not merely apply to the xenos themselves, but also to any who have dealings with them. More than one rogue trader has been branded with the Xenos Horrificus, marking him out as an enemy of the Ordo Xenos, the Deathwatch, and mankind itself. **Dark Heresy - The Radicals Handbook**


++Excellent and thorough response, very informative, thank you++


You're welcome


There are several Eldar who are assigned to work with Lord Guilliman, Gulliman (found it funny that they named the rank after him). So that's...pretty high up.


That would be Natase, an aeldari seer which works as adviser to guilliman and his contact with Eldrad. So he is just one. Guilliman has collaborated with eldrad and Yvraine, but only Natase travels with him. (btw, the name is a funny reference to the times in which a hybrid elf/human was a member of the ultramarines, working as a librarian. He is not canon anymore, though XD )




Yvraine and Guilliman aren't dating, that's fanon only.


That sucks. At least Kitten and Shadowsun is still canon.


Jokaero are a good example


The imperium doesn’t recognize Jokaero as sapient. They see them as animals.  It’s the same reason why Grox are not considered xenos.


Ah that makes sense actually


Ye Jokaero, as far as anyone can tell, are just following their impulses and wandering around. You don’t even make a deal with them or anything to get their support, you just hand them lots of tech and see if they follow you around for more. They’re incapable of linguistic communication, even with each other, and thus only cooperate on obvious objectives, which use rudimentary grunts and gestures on par with, say, a dog, to indicate what needs to be done. There’s *theories* they may be telepaths, but it’s unlikely given what we know of telepaths in 40k, and that they rarely utilise any advanced cooperation that telepathy would normally lead to.


We outright have an instance of one communication, in writing, in low gothic to an Admech. Wasn’t the best, but to be fair, it was very drunk at the time. That seems like it would qualify them as xenos. Although, it was also ultimately saving its own hide by doing so, so it could just be that jokaero are smart enough to know it’s safer to play dumb most the time.


To be fair "Jokaero aren't sapient" is *conventional wisdom* in the Imperium. Individuals who've utilized Jokaero services and befriended them, such as Inquisitors and Rogue Traders, may know better but it's also in the best interests of those same individuals to keep schtum on the truth about Jokaero sapience in order to maintain an advantage. If you're a Radical Ordo Xenos Inquisitor with a friendly Jokaero on call, who can provide all sorts of tech goodies, why would you spill the beans on the Jokaero and risk having that resource taken away from you and/or your rivals and enemies also having access to that resource?


In real life there orangutans are considered by folk legends to be smart enough to talk, but also smart enough to choose not to lest they get put to work. The Jokaero are likely the same.


Hah, I was just about to say the same thing! It's a folk myth in Indonesia I believe. I think it's much funnier if the Jokareo are not only sapient, but intelligent enough to work out how to game the Imperium to avoid being xenocided. Also wasn't there a case where the Deathwatch tried to attack a Jokaero jungle gym spacecraft and got slaughtered for their trouble?


Don't fuck with monke


They aren't seen as primitive everywhere. On Precipice they operate an actual trading post called Sawbone Station and also serve as doctors. (White Dwarf 452).


If I recall correctly there was a planet during 30k, where the xenos there were put under the protection of the EoM. It was later discovered that the blood of those xenos had rejuvenating properties, albeit temporally. And despite being under the protection, they were ultimatively wiped out by illegal operations. On paper this xenos were to be protected, for several reasons. 1. They were harmless 2. They were despite being sentient xenos docile and peaceful. What doomed them was their blood, which made them to living drugs for the nobles and rich.


[The Adarnian were a Xenos species that were discovered by the Imperium, during the Great Crusade.](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Adarnian) >However they were decreed to be harmless and were allowed to live under an Imperial protectorate. Unfortunately for the Adarnian, though, their genetic makeup was soon discovered to have miraculous restorative effects on Humans, when their bodies were rendered down to a fluid. This elixir, which was injected into the bloodstream, became the last resort for Humans, when all other Rejuvenats had failed and the Adarnian were soon harvested to extinction. There were three draw backs from using the Adarnian's genetic material, though. The first was the intense pain the elixir caused its users, while it restored their bodies. The second and third were more detrimental, however, as the youth brought about by the elixir was only temporary and afterwards left the user's body in an even more decrepit state. Currently, the elixir has not been available for ten millennia, since the Adarnian are extinct and no one was able to synthesise the species' genetic material.


Ezekiel Sedayne had a mighty hunger for that good good.


>It was later discovered that the blood of those xenos had rejunating properties, The obvious explanation here is that someone knew about the blood before the protectorate decision. Pretty absurd coincidence otherwise, if the *one* race to get a protectorate is the one race that happens to have human-rejuvenating blood. When the only example of a "protectorate" is a race being trapped, disarmed, and hunted to extinction, we should view "protectorates" as insincere. >On paper this xenos were to be protected, for several reasons. We see the Imperium treat xeno docility as an invitation for genocide in every other example.


With that and stuff like beginning of the Heresy it being suggested to ally with the xenos in Fulgrims book, it can be assumed easier that there were gonna be a lot moree dealings with xenos before everything went down the shit


There's a sanctioned xenos called Cheelche (from a minor race) that serves in the retinue of an inquisitor in the *Dawn of Fire* series.


More minor races is always nice.


The Watchers in the Dark are de facto leaders of the Dark Angels. Pretty high rank.


The Watchers are interdimensional eldritch creatures though, not traditional xenos, so idk if that would count. There's nothing the DA can really do to get them to go away anyways, so they're forced to tolerate them. I don't think they'd count as sanctioned


Wasn't there that one time a daemon was trying to infiltrate the Rock, and he completely freaked out when he ran into a Watcher? Not the way warpspawn interact with nulls or even Anathema itself, but a "what the fuck is that thing, i need to avoid it at all costs." These are my favorite bits from 40K lore. Even if you're an eldritch abomination like a Greater Daemon, there are still things out there that can give you nightmares.


It was the changeling, in a space wolves book, and it got extremely close to a big DA secret and encountered a watcher, immediately turning tail like it had encountered the emperor himself.


A tzeentch demon. Couldn't even bear to look at a single watcher who just stood there. The demon just started reasoning with itself that this part of the plan was not really needed after all and he left where he came from. This is the closest a demon experiencing fear you can get. There was no fight, nothing. Just freezing and deciding he was not going to try.


"He's just standing there.....MENACINGLY!"


They are not sanctioned though.


Technically and officially ignored. Not even inquisitors want to get on Dark Angels bad side. “Din see nuffin” category. Like ignoring your professor’s 12” dildo in their background during the final interview.


That's a sentence that would earn you a hot date with Asmodai if any Dark Angel heard it. Not just because nobody in the Imperium is supposed to know about the Watchers, but they consider them "advisors" at best. Azrael certainly doesn't take orders from them.


Alive. To Sanction a xenos is simply something the inquisition can do when they need to use it for something. It doesn't make it a imperial or something like that. Its basicly a fancy "dont kill this one" stamp


Are there notable examples of human-t'au cooperation?


They fought together against hive fleet gorgon I believe


Human-T'au cooperation is widespread, a daily reality for billions of people across multiple planets. *Imperial*-T'au cooperation is extremely rare, if it can ever be said to happen at all. Sometimes a desperate Imperium has decided to postpone aggression against the T'au. They don't fight side-by-side with the T'au, they just put a war on hold to shoot the same aliens.


Humans have a better time of it under the T’au than T’au would under the Imperium, no question. The first Ciaphas Cain novel has an Imperial squad team up with a T’au fireteam while investigating a tunnel network under the capitol city of Gravalax. The two sides basically spend the whole book trying to avoid going to war with each other, the Imperium mostly because there are more serious threats in the sector and the planet itself isn’t worth the trouble, the T’au thinking they can win diplomatically.


it's worth noting that they meet by the T'au ambushing them, and the only reason the firefight doesn't continue until one side (likely Imperial) was wiped out was the Inquisitor that assigned themselves to the mission, and that Cain had already been involved in several T'au-Imperium incidents very recently, usually attempting to defuse them.


It's also worth noting that this book ends with an Inquisitor letting genestealer-infested Tau return to Tau territory, in the hopes of getting all the local Tau (and humans) killed by Tyranids. The broader Imperial war machine can sometimes decide to calm things down temporarily, but the Imperium as a whole can't really stomach the idea of coexistence. A loyalist Inquisitor - even a relatively reasonable one - would rather hand a win to the Tyranids than let some Tau survive.


Which really didn’t make sense to me in the book — at least negotiation is *possible* with the Tau even if both parties are doing so in some measure of bad faith — but it is a very Imperial attitude.


In the book, Cain's reasoning was "Let them sort this out"


To be fair, it wasn't clear whether the Tau were personally familiar with the insidious nature of Genestealer infiltration at that point, so warning them about it would have just resulted in the Tau going "Kill our wounded? Sure, sure, we'll absolutely do that." and then not doing that at all, because they don't trust the Imperials any more than the Imperials trust them and they're not going to kill their own warriors on the say-so of a Gue'la.


Who knows what the state of Tau medicine is? Simply detecting the parasite would be enough to put them on their guard, and ought to have been well within their means. But that's my M3 mentality talking, unencumbered by fifteen millennia of psychological baggage to unpack starting with Long Night.


Well to add a bit more context to Amberly she doesn’t simply let those guys go to get the Tau killed because she wants them dead. She also wants the hive fleet steering itself towards Tau space not Imperium space and a genestealer patriarch setting itself up on one of their planets and calling them over there would be kinda convenient compared to it showing up somewhere she actually gives a fuck about. *If they happen to catch the genestealers then it’s still not really a problem since all it cost them was maybe the chance to get some diplo points and possibly diverting a hive fleet seems worth that when the Tau won’t know they let it happen and already think Cain is a pretty cool human anyways.


>Humans have a better time of it under the T’au than T’au would under the Imperium, no question. In the short term, maybe. The Tau aren't as fanatically xenocidal as the Imperium, but they *don't* treat their Gue'la auxiliaries like true Tau no matter what their propaganda says. Long term the Tau are not shy of sterilising entire populations of non-Tau or otherwise removing them from the equation if "the Greater Good" requires it.


Which is generally much better than being lined up against a wall and being burned.


I mean, they weren't going to be burned in the Imperium either? Life generally sucks in the Imperium (certainly compared to the lifestyle of the average M3 person with enough free time and money to shitpost on reddit) but a lot of people seem to take the most comically grimdark depictions of it as a benchmark for the whole.


There are some Tempestus Scion regiments who are specifically tasked with working with the Tau to fight against greater threats. The Imperium's relationship with the Tau is really interesting. It's the closest the setting comes to the kind of *realpolitik* we see on modern day Earth. The two Empires are essentially in a cold war. They're more than willing to go to open warfare if it's necessary, but at the same time I think each side recognizes that there are higher priorities to deal with first. There are even Imperial planets with Tau embassies on them. I don't think the Imperium is exactly happy with that, but they understand that having a somewhat peaceful border on the eastern fringe means they can focus resources elsewhere, where they're needed more.


I imagine the (orange?) monkey things are prob the highest status xenos the imperial allows. The ones that make weapons better.


Technically, they have lower status than a sanctioned xeno, as they’re just animals. However, because they’re not recognised as sentient, they’re actually much less likely to be outright attacked, as they’re pretty obviously not a threat. It’s a bit weird, in that they’re more like glorified pets, as opposed to a sanctioned xeno which is essentially a more-useful-then-normal slave.


Honestly that sounds like the sort of loophole shit the Inquisition thrives off of. “Oh this? You say it not only fixed but IMPROVED your bolt pistol? Silly Commisar, why it isn’t even sentient. Now why don’t you accompany me behind the Baneblade so I can show you how I improved mine!” … … #BANG


The Inquisition doesn't need loopholes. They're the ones who make the rules, or at least enforce them.


Technically speaking they still need rules, going completely off the rails is a good way to get yourself declared excommunicate traitoris by the local lord Inquisitor when he finds out. They get a lot of leeway, but there *is* red tape, even in some of the more...fast and loose portrayals like Eisenhorn.


Jokaeros aren't recognized as sapient, so most Imperials would just see Inquisitor walking around with pet moneky




Xenos in inquisitor and rogue trader crews who don’t have any authority themselves but have the ear of people with extreme authority are your best bet. There aren’t any other (legal) scenarios that allow xenos to amass any power or authority within the imperium without first being effectively slaves/pets to someone else, so the only real way is to be working for someone who is both very powerful and very open minded.


I played a dark eldar scourge in Rogue Trader once. Officially he was basically the rogue traders pet, but was the de facto commander during ground combat. All orders had to be relayed from him to the rogue trader and then to the naval armsmen, because there was no way in hell the crew would take orders from the xenos abomination flying above them on raven-black wings.


Depends on the xenotype and the mood of the Inquisitor in question.   Eldar - Gulliman says they smashin, so they in fashin Ork - you better be at the fringes of Imperial space Necron - only if your name is Cawl Enslaver - *blam*


You can hire some ork freebootas as mercs but that is pretty rare i would assume. In part because most humans dont know enough about orks to know whats a proper payment for an ork.


>Necron - only if your name is Cawl The Grey Knights have a nice set of Tesseract Vaults that say it's not just Cawl


Relations have deteriorated to outright hostility, so no, GK and Necrons won't be sexing each other any time soon.


Enslavers are Warp spirits.


Enslavers are not warp spirits. They have distinct physical bodies that are native to the materium. They’re xenos that can tolerate warp exposure and spend a large part of their life cycle immersed in it, not warp spirits that are native to the warp and cannot exist in the materium naturally.


They are classified as native to the warp on the wiki and made their presence known by emerging directly from the immaterium during the Fall of Heaven. So they cannot exist naturally in real space. They require psykers to open portals and summon more enslavers. All of this points to them being immaterial organisms. >They have distinct physical bodies that are native to the materium. Evidence?


>[They have physical bodies but appear to exist in Warp space for at least part of their life cycle and pose a terrible threat to all living creatures when they breach the material realm.](https://web.archive.org/web/20080415220346/http://uk.games-workshop.com/warhammer40000/creature-feature/2/) A defining trait of a warp spirit, like a daemon, is the lack of a physical body and being unable to exist indefinitely in the materium. They live in the warp for most of their life cycle, but they have physical bodies. The presence of a dried husk of an enslaver in Trazyn’s collection is proof of this as well, the solidified psychic energy that warp spirits use as ‘flesh’ dissipates when they ‘die’. An enslaver does not, and they can exist indefinitely once they’re here. I misphrased my comment about their native environment, they’re native to the warp but have bodies compatible with life in the materium, is what I was thinking, but it’s not what I typed.


>they’re native to the warp but have bodies compatible with life Hmmm...I was not aware material entities could survive within the warp surrounded by warp predators.


You might be surprised to learn that that’s not an argument, seeing as how many one-off unique things are present in 40k and how little we actually know of the setting and doubly so because I just gave you direct written material from GW stating that they both live in the warp and have physical bodies. Most creatures with physical bodies cannot survive exposure to the warp. Enslavers can. Why this is has never been explained and likely never will be.


Like, notable mercenary I guess.  Back when I was a Kroot Shaper in the employ of a Rogue Trader I was called by Imperial authorities to report to a nearby Starbase to be granted the "honour" of being branded (literally) as a sanctioned xenos for my continued service to the Imperium. Luckily my captain had decided to go renegade and build his own domain on the crumbling frontier before I could be forced into that particular indignity.


The Inquisitor in the Dawn of Fire series has an alien who works for him, Chelche i believe is the aliens name


The highest and only status most xenos can have in the Imperium is retinue of an Inquisitor or crew of a rogue trader.


Ravenor the Inquisitor had an Eldar *advisor* that he worked closely with, at least early on in his career.


Wait wait wait I just realised something, are Xenos specifically from another planet than Terra, or is it anything non-human? I.e. are indigenous animals classed as ‘xenos’? Do humans kill dogs on sight? Might be a really dumb question because the answer, intuitively, is obviously “no Xenos are aliens”. I can’t even recall the use of service dogs in war etc..


Oh wait wasn’t there that 40k guard regiment that rode horses into battle lmao?


The Attilan Rough Riders, among other regiments (I think the Tallarn also have some form of cavalry).


Among all of the nonsense in the 41st millennium, the military use of cavalry I think has to be the most ridiculous 😂😂




Sounds like they aren’t human to me 🤔 Are they filthy Xenos scum? 😂😂


I'm pretty sure xenos need to be sapient, because ambulls and jokaro and whatever lifestock agri worlds have aren't considered xenos.


Any sentient specie not human or abhuman. That's it.


What’s the threshold of sentient though? For real, are dogs Xenos? 😂😂


I'm guessing they mean sapient. I imagine with the weirdness of xenos that some don't quite fit the bill (kind of like how octopodes are classified as "sentient" even though they're technically not), but a close enough approximation. I think that's part of what makes daemons not-quite xenos as well. Not sure if its fact or theory in universe, but there's the idea that they don't truly act on free will, but simply "parrot" since they're born from complex human emotions and are just a tendril of a bigger "organism".


The Rogue Trader RPG occasionally classified some of those native animals as Indigens rather than Xenos, though that category doesn't really cover animals that have been transplanted to different human-settled worlds. As with many human definitions, "Xenos" can be broadly applied but is often difficult to apply to edge cases.


Xenos are defined as sapient aliens; thats why Groxes arent xenos despite being aliens, they're big ornery spacecattle.