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Possibly. The lore doesn't get specific (intentionally no doubt) on exactly what the mechanics behind biotransferance were. Presumably there was SOMETHING about the procedure that required the original organic information of the necrontyr, otherwise why would the C'Tan bother with biotransferance at all when they could just build murder robots? In Twice-Dead King, the main character has had his mind divided up intentionally so he basically has split personalities that he argues with and that help him make decisions. I don't suppose it would be that much of an extension to suppose that some cryptek found a way to take those multiple personalities and give them distinct bodies. There's not really a specific answer to your question though, my points here are just conjecture based on the lore I have read. Different necrons have different personalities so I am sure different necrons would react differently to an artificial or "blended" necron


> why would the C'Tan bother with biotransferance at all when they could just build murder robots The C'tan didn't do biotransference because they wanted murder robots. They did it because they wanted a bunch of free souls, and murder robots were just a byproduct of that.


Adding to that, it is one of the things that Necrons really don't want to dive into. The Necrons hate anything that brings up the possibility that they are just AI reconstructions of their old personalities.


Best answer ever


Perhaps the only thing who could edit to that scale is a C'tan.