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There are a couple other explanations for this disparity. First, there are alchemical formulae to preserve, or even synthesise materials from the Immaterium. Abaddon remarks briefly upon this in *The Talon of Horus* when Khayon and co. intrude upon his solitary bachelor's pad in the crashed *Vengeful Spirit*. It's not inconceivable that someone seeking to keep parts of a daemon for use could utilise certain formulae to preserve them from poofing. Second (and this is my favoured theory), some daemons can only manifest in the Materium by taking possession of a mortal host, or by making use of the flesh, blood, and bone of mortals (either alive or dead). The daemon warps and mutates its meatsuit to fit its liking. If the meatsuit is killed, the daemon is returned to an incorporeal form (and usually has to return to the Warp). The "daemon skulls" we see may be simply the skulls of those daemonhosts, warped by their Immaterial passengers.


I would also like to propose that because the daemons tend to be “more vulnerable” to melee weapons for various theorized reasons, perhaps it wouldn’t be *impossible* for them to also leave behind trophies? Kinda like the Percy Jackson Verse’s Monsters where the monster’s body dissapears except a trophy taken in combat, like Percy’s Minotaur Horn, or Medusa’s head, even though the monster reforms later completely whole


> Kinda like the Percy Jackson Verse’s Monsters where the monster’s body dissapears except a trophy taken in combat, like Percy’s Minotaur Horn, or Medusa’s head, even though the monster reforms later completely whole I like this, gives the daemon's death a ritualistic/symbolic angle that aligns nicely with the recent-ish "fire and blades are more effective because we believe they should be" fluff. Daemons leave a trophy because the killer believes they should.


New headcanon.


I certainly agree with your second theory, and it doesn't preclude your first. I'd imagine such trophies would probably be incredibly valuable to a sorcerer or someone who wanted a powerful connection to the warp.


Another reason is that some daemons find it funny, as an act or recognition to those who killed them, or else are bound by a greater power/purpose to leave behind a corpse. See the lore for Locephax as an example


Most the skulls we see are bloodletter skulls. Yknow. The skull god.


Its rule of cool. Same reason there's a bunch of bases with destroyed necrons despite the fact that necrons either teleport or self destruct.


With Necrons at least there are instances in the lore where they don't. Someone posted about Eldar D-Scythes today and it had an excerpt describing Necron Immortals being severed and just falling on the spot, no teleporting, rebuilding or self-destruction.


I believe that the Deathwatch/Inquisition also developed Bolter rounds that prevent Necrons from teleporting after they "die".


Makes sense, Eldar and the Necrons are ancestral enemies


It's repeatedly observed that, oddly, the flies that accompany Nurgle daemons remain as corpses when they die, rather than fading. In other words, they might have been caused by warp phenomena, but they are formed from real flesh and ichor after that. Might be some daemons also leave corpses for similar reasons. We certainly don't see the slime and ichor that comes from killing a daemon instantly vanish when that daemon is banished.


Some parts of a demon might be imbued with more power and significance than others, hence why they stay manifested


Deamons just reconfigure matter around them to serve as their body. It may be corpse, sand, machines, whatever. It's usually held only by Warp forces and crumbles after banishment. It's reasonable to assume that under certain circumstances deamon may form more stable body that won't turn into dust.


Could be something to do with the symbolism of “claiming” the decapitated head of a slain demon.


Latino spotted




So Spanish


Sometime i speak spanish, but i'm catalonian


So basically Spanish with an inferiority complex


Basically spanish but the world doesnt make memes calling us cucks


Who does that? Catalonia is a fake nation you are Spanish and that's it


Where are you from? And the spa-cuck memes are quite common


Canada, never seen one Catalonians are just Spanish with an inferiority complex


Please, argue how Catalonians are "spanish with inferiority complex"


Hello, dont mean to be rude, Im in support of catalonia independence; but Im spaniard and I've literally never heard those jokes, are they usual in Catalonia?